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#502 : Excalibur

Regina prendra des risques et fera preuve de courage pour protéger Emma.

Le Roi Arthur et la reine Guenièvre lance un bal Royal pour accueillir les héros à Camelot, mais quand la célébration prend une tournure mortelle, David et Robin doivent prendre ou perdre un atout crucial, dans la lutte pour sauver Emma. 

A Storybrooke, Hook déploie une technique afin d'amener Emma dans la lumière, tandis que le reste du groupe découvre que des invités inattendus de Camelot, les ont suivis dans la petit ville du Maine.


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Plus de détails

Scénario : Andrew Chambliss, Dana Horgan

Réalisation : Romeo Tirone

Guests :

Raphael Alejandro Roland

Centré sur : Regina

Résumé :

Emma est devenue la Ténébreuse et est épiée par Rumple. Emma confie la dague à Regina car elle pense qu’elle est la seule qui pourra agir contre elle et la contrôler si le besoin s’en faisait sentir. Nos amis rencontrent Arthur et élisent domicile à Camelot. Ils apprennent également que Merlin avait prédit leur arrivée.

A Storybrooke nos héros, revenus amnésiques de Camelot, découvrent qu’ils sont partis 6 semaines.

Scène 1 : Limites de Storybrooke

Les 7 nains cherchent à savoir quels sont les effets secondaires dont les habitants de la ville risquent d’être victimes s’ils souhaitent quitter la ville et fuit Emma qui est devenue la Ténbéreuse. Snow, David et Regina arrivent sur ces entrefaites et essaient de les convaincre de renoncer à leur plan. Simplet franchit la limite et se transforme en arbre : les habitants ne peuvent donc pas fuir sans rsiques.


Scène 2 : 6 semaines plus tôt. Camelot

Nos héros pénètrent à Camelot et rencontrent Guenièvre. Arthur et Guenièvre proposent d’organiser un bal en leur honneur. Zelena menace Regina de révéler à Arthur que la Ténébreuse est parmi eux. Ils apprennent également que Merlin est transformé en arbre et qu’il ne peut donc rien pour Emma. Afin de protéger cette dernière est l’empêcher de révéler qu’elle n’est pas la Sauveuse, Regina prend sa place.

Scène 3 : Retour au présent. Storybrooke. Boutique de Gold

Killian est convaincu de pouvoir ramener Emma dans la Lumière et reçoit les conseils de Belle.

Scène 4 : Port

Henry convoque sa mère et discute avec elle pour savoir pourquoi elle s’est transformée en Ténébreuse. Regina et Emma s’affrontent sur le fait que tous, Emma excepté, ait perdu la mémoire. Regina lui dit qu’ils arriveront à la vaincre et qu’elle protégera la ville. Emma la met en garde et lui dit que les problèmes ne font que commencer.

Scène 5 : Grand rue

Grincheux et Joyeux voient débarquer Arthur et ses soldats.

Scène 6 : Mairie. Bureau de Regina

David et Snow avouent à Arthur qu’ils lui ont menti à Camelot et qu’Emma est la Ténébreuse. Robin apprend aux héros que les sujets d’Arthur ont eux aussi été victimes du Sort Noir. Regina est convaincue que ces nouveaux arrivants ne sont pas la menace dont parlait Emma.

Scène 7 : Flashback. 6 semaines plus tôt. Camelot. Tour de Merlin

Emma et Regina discutent du fait que Regina ait pris la place d’Emma en tant que Sauveuse. Regina lui explique qu’elle le fait pour qu’elle évite de montrer à tout Camelot qu’elle a de la magie noire.

Scène 8 : Retour au présent. Campement d’Arthur

Regina et Robin discutent de la mise en garde d’Emma. Arthur et Guenièvre se rendent compte qu’Excalibur a disparu. Robin est alors soudainement enlevé par une créature magique.

Scène 9 : Grand rue/Nouvelle maison d’Emma

Hook cherche Emma qui apparait. Kilian et Emma se disputent à propos de leur relation car il refuse d’être avec elle tant qu’elle est la Ténébreuse.

Scène 10 : Forêt

Regina, David, Snow, Arthur et Grincheux cherchent Robin. Regina est battue par la créature qui repart en emmenant Robin.

Scène 11 : Flashback. 6 semaines plus tôt. Camelot.

Perceval, un chevalier d’Arthur, offre à Regina de la part d’Arthur un collier destiné à la Sauveuse.

Scène 12 : Tour de Merlin

Regina refuse d’aller au bal car elle ne sait pas danser. David lui apprend alors quelques pas de danse. On apprend que Perceval espionne les héros via le pendentif offert à Regina.

Blanche coiffe Emma et est ravie de pouvoir l’accompagner à son premier bal.

Scène 13 : Bal de Camelot

Nos héros arrivent au bal.

Scène 14: Retour au présent.. Boutique de Gold

Regina accuse Gold, toujours inconscient, d’être la source de tous ses problèmes. Belle explique que la créature est une Furie venue réclamer la vie de Robin.

Scène 15 : Flashback. 6 semaines plus tôt. Bal de Camelot

Belle est triste de ne pas avoir Rumple avec elle et Grincheux lui remonte le moral. David se rend compte qu’Henry est intéressé par une jeune fille de Camelot et lui conseille de faire le premier pas. Henry l’écoute et fait la rencontre de Violet.

Perceval invite Regina à danser et lui apprend qu’il sait qu’elle est la Méchante Reine et pas la Sauveuse. Il tente alors de la tuer mais Robin s’interpose et est gravement blessé.

Scène 16 : Retour au présent. Maison d’Emma

Regina confronte Emma et lui demande pourquoi la Furie veut Robin. Emma lui explique que c’est parce que Robin aurait dû mourir à Camelot et refuse de lui venir en aide.

Scène 17 : Flashback. 6 semaines plus tôt. Tour de Merlin

Regina supplie Emma de sauver Robin. Celle-ci accepte tout en sachant qu’elle prend un risque. Une fois Robin hors de danger, Emma quitte la pièce et retrouve Rumple qui lui fait prendre conscience du fait qu’elle a aimé détenir du pouvoir.

Scène 18 : Retour au présent. Storybrooke

Regina décidée à sauver Robin prend sa place mais ses amis refusent de la laisser mourir et la rejoignent. La Furie disparait car elle ne peut pas aspirer trop de vies en une seule fois : Robin est sauvé.


Scène 19 : Granny’s

Killian est déprimé car le true love kiss n’a pas fonctionné avec Emma. Il décide de ne pas abandonner. Henry et Violet se retrouvent et font à nouveau connaissance.

Emma observe la joie de sa famille et hésite à les rejoindre mais elle ne le fait pas.

Scène 20 : Flashback. 6 semaines plus tôt. Camelot. Tour de Merlin

Nos héros avouent à Arthur que Perceval avait raison et celui-ci leur pardonne car tout le monde a le droit à une seconde chance à Camelot

Scène 21 : Salle de la Table Ronde

Guenièvre et Arthur discutent du fait qu’aider nos héros est le seul moyen de sauver Camelot et de reconstituer Excalibur car la dague et elles ne sont en fait qu’une seule et même lame.

Scène 22 : Retour au présent. Storybrooke. Maison d’Emma

Emma a une discussion avec Rumple. On apprend qu’Emma souhaite détruite la Lumière en réunissant la dague et Excalibur et qu’elle possède cette dernière dans son sous-sol. Emma tente de retirer Excalibur de la pierre mais échoue et Rumple lui explique que pour y parvenir elle devra en payer le prix.


The dwarves drive to the town line.

Leroy: Come on. Someone's got to see what this new curse does. Any volunteers?

Doc: I don't want to turn into a monkey.

Walter: I like remembering who I am.

Leroy: I'm afraid one of us is gonna have to dig down deep and find the courage to see what happens when we step over that line.

Happy: Not it.

Doc: Not it.

Bashful: Not it.

Walter: Not it.

Leroy: Dopey.

Dopey shows Leroy a block of paper.

Leroy: I'll take your silence as bravery. Good for you. Come on.

Mary Margaret, Regina and David come.

Mary Margaret: Stop!

Leroy: Sorry, sister. We can't stay in Storybrooke as long as Emma's the Dark One. Snow Queen, Pan, trio of terror. We can handle villains like that. But Emma? She was one of us. She knows how we beat bad guys… Hell, she beat most of them for us. So tell me… How do we stand a chance against her?

Regina: If you're dumb enough to cross the line, be my guest.

Leroy: Who's gonna save us if we stay… You? Go on. Do it.

Dopey crosses the town line and he’s fine.

Leroy: Now, if you'll excuse us.

Dopey is turned into a tree.

Mary Margaret: No.

Regina: Well, that's new.

–[Camelot – 6 weeks ago]–

The group enters in Camelot’s court.

Henry: Wow.

David: Wow is right.

Mary Margaret: I am so not dressed for this.

Knight: His royal highness, King Arthur.

Arthur: And now allow me to introduce the loveliest creature in all of Camelot… My Queen, Guinevere.

Mary Margaret: Your majesty.

Guinevere: The pleasure is ours. We have been awaiting your arrival from the moment we heard Merlin's prophecy.

David: Well, we hope you haven't been waiting too long.

Arthur: Only a decade or so.

David: Sorry.

Arthur: I'll wager it's been worth the wait. And as a bonus, it's given us more than enough time to prepare a ball in your honour tonight.

Leroy: See, told you we should come. Look what we've been missing out on.

Granny: I like any party I don't have to cater.

Leroy: So do we.

Zelena: Is this really necessary?

Regina: You're lucky you're not locked in Granny's freezer.

Zelena: Take it off. Or I tell Arthur he just welcomed the Dark One into his…

Regina takes away Zelena’s voice.

Regina: What's that, sis? I can't hear you. No one here knows who we are, and it's gonna stay that way. So you can either behave and pretend to be my mute handmaiden or go back to Granny's where you can rely on doc for prenatal care.

Hook: We don't have time to waste on a bloody dance.

Emma: I'm not going to go dark in one night.

Hook: I'm not willing to take that chance. Your Majesty... When are we gonna start our quest to find Merlin?

Arthur: Wh… Find him? We don't need to find him. We know exactly where he is.


In a court.

Hook: So, the most powerful sorcerer in all the realms is stuck inside a bloody tree?

Arthur: I said the same exact thing the first time I stood there.

Emma: And you think we can get him out?

Arthur: Oh, we don't think… We know. Merlin's prophecies are never wrong.

Percival: Why are you so eager to free him?

David: Our home is being threatened by... It's called the Dark One.

Arthur: The Dark One. Yes, we're well aware of that demon. That is bad. Well, I pray Merlin can help. But, first, we must free him from his prison. It is said one of you is the Saviour… So which of you is it?

Emma: I…

Regina uses the power of the dagger.

Regina: I am the Saviour. I'm the one who's going to free Merlin from that tree, and then we can take care of the Dark One… And all go home.


Hook visits Belle at the pawnbroker’s.

Hook: True love's kiss. I need to know why it didn't work for you and the bloody Crocodile.

Belle: Why, it did work, the first time. It awoke the man behind the beast. But Rumple got scared of a life without power, and he chose power over love. He pulled away from me, and in that moment, the darkness forever regained its grip on him. You know, a curse isn't a curse anymore when the afflicted wants it.

Hook: That won't be a problem with Emma.

Belle: Killian, wait. I know you think you can handle a Dark…

Hook: I've battled him for centuries. I'm still here.

Belle: But you were trying to kill him. And now, well... It's far easier to hate a Dark One than it is to love one… Be careful.


Henry summons Emma on the docks.

Henry: Emma Swan, Emma Swan, Emma Swan.

Emma: Henry.

Henry: Mom?

Emma tries to takes Henry’s hand.

Emma: You don't have to be scared of me.

Henry: What happened? Why are you like this now?

Emma: It's complicated.

Henry: I'm sorry, mom. Whatever happened in Camelot, I'm sorry we failed you.

Emma: I know what I said last night, but, Henry, you didn't fail me. Everyone else did.

Regina comes.

Regina: Get away from my son.

Emma: What's the matter, Regina? Are you afraid Henry will learn the truth about what happened in Camelot?

Regina: If the truth is so important to you, why did you erase our memories?

Emma: It's a curse, Regina.

Regina: I know, but what I can't figure out is why.

Emma: If I wanted you to know, I wouldn't have erased your memories.

Regina: You know we won't stop until we get them back.

Emma: It's not going to happen, Regina, because I did learn from you, and I built this curse without the one thing you need to break it… A Saviour.

Regina: Well, we'll find a way. We always have.

Emma: Yes, with me. Now you're on your own.

Henry: You can do it, mom. You can be the Saviour.

Emma: It's not going to happen.

Regina: You don't think I have it in me?

Emma: I know you don't.

Regina: Well, you're wrong. I can protect this town.

Emma: We'll see about that, because there's a problem headed to Storybrooke that only a Saviour can solve… It's too bad there isn't one.


Happy and Leroy are walking in the street.

Leroy: We just can't leave him there. He'll starve.

Happy: What do trees eat?

Leroy: Sunlight?

Happy: He liked tacos.

Leroy: Yeah? How the hell are we gonna give a tree a taco?

Happy: Yeah.

Camelot’s knights ride to the dwarves.

Leroy: Didn't anyone ever teach you not to mess with a dwarf and his pickaxe?

Leroy attacks but he’s disarmed like Happy.

Arthur: Didn't anyone ever teach you to kneel before a King? Now, tell me… Where am I and how the hell did I get here?


At the Mayor’s office.

Arthur: A curse?

Regina: That brought you to our realm and wiped the last six weeks from your memory.

Arthur: Who would do that?

David: We weren't completely honest with you on the way to Camelot.

Mary Margaret: Our daughter, Emma, was… Is the Dark One. She cast the curse.

Arthur: You lied to me? You let me lead the darkest of souls into the heart of my kingdom?

David: We thought Merlin would be able to destroy the darkness inside her.

Arthur: Well, obviously that didn't work out. Where's the Dark One now?

Mary Margaret: Emma. She's here in Storybrooke.

Arthur: Well, then there's only one way to defeat her… The Dark One dagger.

Mary Margaret: Defeat isn't exactly what we had in mind.

David: She's our daughter, and... Well, she has the dagger.

Robin enters in.

Robin: I'm afraid you and your knights aren't the only ones that Emma dragged here from Camelot. Little John said he ran into some of your subjects in the forest.

Arthur: Are they all right?

Robin: They're a little shaken up, but there may still be some of them out there. I'm gonna round up the Merry Men and search the east woods.

David: I'll take the dwarfs. We'll start in the west. Arthur, you're with me.

David, Robin and Arthur leave.

Mary Margaret: What is it?

Regina: These toy soldiers. I could kill them all with a wave of my hand.

Mary Margaret: Regina!

Regina: Well, I don't mean I will. My point is, this can't be what Emma warned me about.

Mary Margaret: She obviously brought them here for a reason.

Regina: She said we were going to face a problem only a Saviour can handle. I'm telling you, something else is coming our way.

–[Camelot – 6 weeks ago]–

In Merlin’s tower.

Regina: Merlin's tower. There must be something in here to help get him out of the tree.

Emma: Never do that to me again.

Regina: Now you're talking to me.

Emma: I don't know… Am I allowed to?

Regina: You gave this to me.

Emma: To protect me, not use against me.

Regina: I saved your life.

Emma: By pretending to be me?

Regina: Oh, shut up and listen.

Emma can’t speak anymore.

Regina: I can get used to this… Look, if you told Arthur you were the Saviour, he would have asked you to free Merlin. You would have had to use magic… Dark magic. Do you remember what happened last time you dabbled in that?

Emma: I lost control.

Regina: And you gave me this dagger so that wouldn't happen again… But I wasn't lying. I don't care what Merlin's prophecy says. I'm gonna figure out how I can get that wizard out so you won't ever have to use dark magic again. So, really, Swan, you should be thanking me.

Emma: Thank you.

Regina: Whatever.

Emma: Regina... I mean it. Thank you.


Robin, David, Regina and Mary Margaret help the new arrivals.

Robin: We covered the forest. I think we found everyone who came over. Regina… Regina?

Regina: I'm sorry. I was just...

Robin: What? What happened? What did Emma say to you?

Regina: She said nobody believes I can protect this town.

Robin: That's not true. Everybody knows how far you've come.

Regina: Well, they may not see me as the Evil Queen anymore, but I need to prove to them I can be more. Forgiving me is one thing, but... It doesn't mean they're ready to be led by me, ready to trust me.


Arthur pitches one's tent.

Guinevere: Arthur!

Arthur: Guinevere. Thank God you're all right. I feared the worst.

Guinevere: Where is it? Where is Excalibur?

Arthur: I'm afraid it was missing when I arrived here.

David: Don't worry. If your sword's here, we'll find it.

Arthur: You know of Excalibur. How?

David: In this realm, you're kind of a legend.


A flying tree kidnaps Robin.

Roland: Daddy!

Robin: Regina! Help!


Hook goes to Emma’s car.

Hook: Where are you? Don't make me summon you, Swan.

Emma: You just did.


Emma transport Hook and she at her place.

Emma: I was looking for you, too. The new look comes with some other perks.

Hook: Where the bloody hell are we?

Emma: My place. Come on.


Emma and Hook enter in the house.

Emma: What do you think?

Hook: I think I'm surprised you invited me in.

Emma: Just because I'm the Dark One doesn't mean we can't still be together.

Hook sees a lock room.

Emma: I still also know the fastest way to a pirate's heart is through his liver.

Hook: There's an even faster way.

He kisses her.

Emma: Now, there's the pirate I remember.

Hook: It didn't bloody work.

Emma: You've been talking to Belle.

Hook: Why didn't it work?

Emma: It didn't work because there's nothing to fix. This is who I am now. Why can't you accept that? Why can't anyone accept that?

Hook: Because this isn't you. What the hell happened in Camelot?

Emma: That seems to be the question of the day.

Hook: Then bloody answer me!

Emma: I wish I could.

Hook: You can tell me anything.

Emma: But that would be no fun. I'm tired of talking. Now, do you want to stay or not?

Hook: Sorry, Swan. This may be who you think you are, but this isn't who I am.

Hook leaves.


David, Arthur, Mary Margaret, Regina and Leroy look for Robin into the woods.

David: This way!

Arthur: There it is!

The monsters lets Robin go. Regina attacks it.

Regina: You're not taking him anywhere… So, you want to do this the hard way? Good, because I love the hard way.

Regina is hurt and the monsters takes Robin away.

Mary Margaret: Regina! You okay?

Regina: I'm alive, if that's what you mean.

Mary Margaret: She needs help.

David: Leroy, get her to the hospital.

Regina: No, no, I have to go after… I have to go after that thing, Robin.

Mary Margaret: You have to get checked out.

Regina: You don't believe I can do this. That's what this is.

Mary Margaret: We won't let anything happen to him, but you need to let someone look at you.

Regina: Go.

–[Camelot – 6 weeks ago]–

In Merlin tree's court.

Percival: My lady.

Percival offers a gift to Regina.

Regina: For me?

Percival: You are the Saviour, after all. His Majesty would be honoured if you would wear this to the ball tonight.

Robin puts the necklace to Regina.

Percival: I look forward to a dance this evening.

Robin: He's not the only one looking forward to a dance with the Saviour.


At the Charming’s apartments.

Mary Margaret: Now, if he gets fussy, he probably just needs to be changed.

David: Are you sure you don't want us to get Granny?

Doc: If I go to the ball, I'll just get stuck being Grumpy's wingman.

Regina: I can watch him. I'm not going.

Mary Margaret: But you have to. Everyone's expecting you.

Regina: I should be figuring out how to free Merlin, not fox-trotting my way across club med-ieval.

Mary Margaret: Regina.

Regina: What?

Mary Margaret: The truth.

Regina: I can't go, all right? I can't.

Mary Margaret: Because why?

Regina: Because… Because I don't know how to dance.

Mary Margaret: Well, that can't be possible. You and I went to dozens of balls together.

Regina: Where your father was more interested in dancing with his precious daughter than his wife.

David: I doubt Robin Hood will mind if you step on a few toes.

Mary Margaret: This isn't about Robin, is it?

Regina: People are expecting a Saviour tonight, not an ex-Evil Queen. How will they ever believe I can free Merlin if I can't even convince them I know how to dance?

Mary Margaret: You can if we teach you.

Regina: No.

David: Doc… Your Majesty…

Mary Margaret: Wait, sorry. The first thing my mother taught me about dancing… You have to learn to move in a dress, not a sensible pantsuit.

Regina: Fine.

Regina turns herself into the Evil Queen.

Regina: What?

David: It's a little... Scary.

Mary Margaret: What he means is if you want people to see you as the Saviour, maybe you should go for something a bit less evil?

Regina changes her clothes.

Mary Margaret: Now, that is perfect. And it even matches your necklace.

David: All right, follow me. Just feel it. Step back with your left. All right? And… Oh, oh, that's okay. That's all right. You're fine, you're fine. Ready? And... One, two, three. One, two, three. There you go.


Percival watches the scene through Regina’s necklace.

David: Now, when we're done, everyone in Camelot will believe you're the Saviour.


Mary Margaret helps Emma to get dress before the bal.

Mary Margaret: I remember my first ball. I was 8 years old, and my mother said I was finally old enough to go. It was magical… All of the lights, the music. And I remember thinking, "I can't wait to someday share all of this with a daughter of my own."

Emma: I'm glad I get to share it with you, too, mom.


At the bal.

Announcer: Presenting Lady Emma and Lady Mary Margaret.

Hook: Swan, you look...

Emma: I know.

Announcer: Presenting the Saviour.


Regina visits Mr. Gold.

Regina: You son of a bitch… You made me like this. You made me the Evil Queen. You're the reason no one believes in me… And I'm gonna prove you wrong… I'm gonna prove them all wrong… I just...

Belle: Regina, I, uh… I found something.


Regina: A fury?

Belle: A demon sent from the underworld to collect the unpaid price of magic.

Regina: Someone used magic in Camelot and didn't pay up.

Belle: Yeah, but, Regina, the fury doesn't come for just any price. It comes when the price for magic is a life.

Regina: Robin… Y… You mean that demon is here to drag him to the underworld?

Belle: Yeah, but the portal only opens when the moon reaches the zenith.

Regina Then there's still some time to stop it.

Belle: It's… It's not that simple. I'm afraid there's only one way to save Robin Hood. Someone has to give their life in his place.

–[Camelot – 6 weeks ago]–

At the bal.

Leroy: You know what I see when I see that rose? Hope.

Belle: Hope? But every petal that falls brings Rumple closer to death.

Leroy: And every petal still on the stem is another chance to save him.

Belle: Thanks, Leroy. Would, uh… Would you care to dance?


Everybody dances.

Mary Margaret: David, look.

David: Uh… Oh, first crush. I'm on it.


David talks to Henry.

David: You know you could just walk over there and introduce yourself.

Henry: That's your strategy, gramps? Introduce yourself?

David: Think about it. You're from another land. You're mysterious, intriguing… Use it.


Henry goes to talk to Violet.

Henry: You, uh, looked thirsty.

Violet: You mean bored. Thanks.

Henry: So, you're not having fun?

Violet: Please. We have one of these practically every night in Camelot.

Henry: Uh, yeah, it's pretty lame.

Henry takes his music player.

Violet: What is that?

Henry: Just a gift from… From the Saviour.

Violet: A gift from the Saviour? Really?

Henry: More like a token of appreciation for saving the day when everyone was trapped in an alternate universe… Yeah, I did that.

Violet: How heroic. Are you a knight?

Henry: Better… I'm a writer.

Henry gives the earphone to Violet.

Violet: I'm Violet.

Henry: Henry.


Percival walks to Regina and Robin.

Percival: May I cut in? It would be an honour to dance with the Saviour…

Percival and Regina are dancing.

Percival: I trust you're having a lovely evening.

Regina: Oh, yes. Everything's… Who's that girl talking to my son?

Percival: The better question is, who are you?

Regina: What are you talking about?

Percival: Let me tell you a story. Many years ago, a boy returned to his village in the Enchanted Forest to find it ablaze. Villagers screaming, terror in their eyes… His whole world burning like a funeral pyre. The boy hid, praying for mercy. But none came, only an angel of death. And she slipped through the flames, relishing in the horror she wrought. But before she escaped, she saw the boy. And amidst the carnage, do you know what she did? She smiled at him.

Regina: You were the boy.

Percival: And you were the Evil Queen.

Regina: Who else knows? Who have you told?

Percival: No one.

Regina: Why not?

Percival: Because Arthur would have stopped me from doing this.

Percival attacks Regina.

Robin: Regina!

Robin attacks Percival but Percival is stronger. Emma wants to save Robin.

Hook: No, Swan! You can't use dark magic.

David kills Percival. Robin is hurt.

Regina: Robin! Robin! No! No! No, no, no! No! No.


Regina enters in Emma’s house.

Regina: Swan, where the hell are you?

Emma: You know, it's customary to bring a gift for a housewarming. Maybe a nice bottle of wine.

Regina: We need to talk.

Emma: I suppose we could bottle that rage and drink it instead.

Regina: You're right… I'm not the Saviour.

Emma: Glad you finally caught up with the rest of us.

Regina: I don't have a choice. I know the only way to stop the fury is to pay its price.

Emma: Then why aren't you off paying it?

Regina: Because I know what it is. A life. I won't sacrifice someone else to save Robin.

Emma: Now you're going to be heroic? Now life is precious to you?

Regina: Emma... Listen to me. I know you. The good you... Is still in there.

Emma: You of all people know there are no good or bad versions of ourselves. It is just me.

Regina: Then call the fury off. It's your test.

Emma: No.

Regina: No?

Emma: Let me make myself clear, Regina… I am done fixing your problems.

Regina: My problems?! You started this. You called it here.

Emma: Oh, you think I did this?

Regina: Would I be here otherwise?

Emma: That's your problem, Regina… You're always looking for someone else to blame. I did not summon that monster. The price is not mine to pay.

Regina: Then whose is it?

Emma: Yours. You are the one who did not pay the price of magic in Camelot. You want to save Robin Hood? You want everyone to believe you're the Saviour? Then step up and do what needs to be done!

–[Camelot – 6 weeks ago]–

In Merlin’s tower.

Mary Margaret: Can you heal him?

Regina uses her powers on Robin.

David: Why didn't it work?

Regina: This sword was enchanted to kill me. My magic can't heal him… But maybe yours can.

Hook: No. No, we can't let her use dark magic.

Mary Margaret: Regina, this was the whole point of your pretending to be the Saviour.

Regina: The whole point was not for Robin to die. And I'm not asking you. I'm asking… I'm asking her.

Emma: I don't know what will happen if I use my powers again.

Regina: I can use that dagger to make you do this, but I'm not. I'm asking you. I've lost love before, and I won't again. Please. Save him.

Emma: All right. I'll try.

Rumplestiltskin appears.

Rumplestiltskin: Rum Attagirl.

Emma: What are you doing here?

Rumplestiltskin: I've told you… I'm here to help you embrace the darkness.

Hook: Emma, who are you talking to?

Emma: No one.

Hook: This is too much for her.

Emma: I'm fine. I can do this.

Rumplestiltskin: Not yet, dearie. First, you must take a price for the magic.

Emma: I won't take one to save somebody.

Rumplestiltskin: Well, sorry, dearie, but these are the rules. I didn't make them up. There has to be a price.

Emma: Fine. I'll pay it.

Rumplestiltskin: It doesn't work that way. She asked for the magic. She has to pay it.

Emma: It'll be different. I'm the Saviour.

Regina: Emma, who are you talking to? What's going on?

Emma: It's okay. I can do this.

Emma heals Robin.

Regina: Robin! Robin.

Robin: Regina.

Emma kisses Hook.

Hook: Emma, you all right?

Emma: I'm fine. I feel a little woozy. I think I'll lie down for a bit.


In the stairs.

Rumplestiltskin: You liked the power, didn't you?

Emma: No. I just did what had to be done.

Rumplestiltskin: Oh, well, if that were true, then why didn't your kiss stop that?

Emma’s skin starts glowing.

Rumplestiltskin: Tasty, isn't it… The darkness?


The fury brings Robin to the lake. The ferryman comes.

Mary Margaret: There it is! Over there!

David: What is it?

The fury attacks the group. It starts to takes Robin’s life.

Regina: No! Stop! If you want a life, take mine!

He fury is taking Regina’s life.

Mary Margaret: Regina, what are you doing?!

Regina: What I should have done in Camelot!

Mary Margaret: You don't have to do this alone. I'm with you.

Mary Margaret takes Regina’s hand.

David: Me, too!

Then David.

Leroy: I've got you, sister!

Then Leroy and Arthur. The fury is destroys and the ferryman leaves.

Regina: Oh, my god. Are you okay? Are you okay?

Robin: It appears you… Found a few believers.

Regina: How did you know that would work?

Mary Margaret: Lucky guess.

David: Regina, we weren't gonna let you go.

Leroy: Standing up to that monster proved one thing… If anyone's gonna save this town, it's you.


Everybody is at Granny’s.

David: Uh… Oh, here's another one.

The dwarves enter with the Sneeze statue.

Belle: You know granny will give you a glass if you ask… You tried to kiss her?

Hook: Aye. She didn't even flinch.

Belle: I'm sorry.

Hook: It's not over. I spent over a century trying to find a way to kill the bloody Crocodile. I can spend at least that long trying to save the woman I love.

Belle: Yeah.


Henry goes to speak to Violet.

Violet: What is this? Is it magic?

Henry: Sort of. We call it a jukebox… If you feed it, it will sing for you.

Henry starts music.

Henry: Right. You're not from here. Our music takes some getting used to.

Violet: No, it's... I… I feel like I've heard this before. I'm Violet.

Henry: Henry.

Violet: Hi.


At a table.

David: Mary Margaret? It's okay. We're gonna get Emma back, and we're gonna win this fight.

Mary Margaret: I know… You're forgetting one thing, David. If we win... Emma loses.


Emma watches her family from the outside.

–[Camelot – 6 weeks ago]–

Emma comes back to Merlin’s tower.

Arthur: I hope you'll accept my apology. We don't normally try and kill our guests in Camelot. Percival's actions were inexcusable.

Regina: But he was right. I am the Evil Queen.

Arthur: Camelot is a place of second chances. Who you were doesn't matter, just who you are. And if you were able to save him with your magic, then you really are the Saviour Merlin prophesied.

Regina: Thank you.


At King Arthur's Round Table.

Guinevere: These strangers frighten me, Arthur.

Arthur: You know Merlin's prophecy as well as I do. They're meant to be here.

Guinevere: Merlin tells us what happens, but he doesn't tell us how… Percival... Is dead. Who knows what other trouble they'll bring?

Arthur: They're here to destroy the Dark One. That won't be easy. But helping them may be the only way I'll ever get my hands on that monster's dagger. Guinevere, if I don't make Excalibur whole again, we'll lose everything we worked so hard to build.


At Emma’s house.

Rumplestiltskin: What's the matter, dearie? Feeling left out?

Emma: What are you doing here? I already embraced the darkness.

Rumplestiltskin: You did, but I'm back because there's more work to be done… Something bigger than both of us.

Emma unlocks the door.

Rumplestiltskin: As long as the Dark Ones existed, one thing has always held us back…


At Granny, David and Mary Margaret look after Neal.

The pull of the family we were so desperate to protect…

Henry has fun with Violet.

Rumplestiltskin: The friendships that make it impossible to forget who we used to be…

Regina turns Sneeze into a human.

Rumplestiltskin: The magic that threatens to undo our most evil deeds.

Hook drinks with Belle.

Rumplestiltskin: And, worst of all... The love that refuses to give up on us.


Emma goes down in the basement.

Rumplestiltskin: You see, no matter how hard we try, we can't escape the reach of the light. But, Emma Swan, you can change that. That's why you brought that sword here… You can do what no Dark One before you has ever done. You can make that weapon whole again and use it to snuff out the light... Forever.

Emma tries to remove Excalibur but she fails.

Rumplestiltskin: Did you really think it would be that simple, dearie? If you want that sword, you're gonna have to pay the price.

Kikavu ?

Au total, 210 membres ont visionné cet épisode ! Ci-dessous les derniers à l'avoir vu...

21.05.2023 vers 17h

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sanct08  (15.01.2022 à 17:43)

Ahah, personne ne s'attendait à la volte-face de Regina je crois mais c'est vrai qu'elle a eu entièrement raison d'usurper l'identité de la Sauveuse. Elle a "sauvé" tout le monde en faisant ça ! Emma en tête de liste. Je pense qu'elle fait ça parce qu'Emma s'est sacrifiée pour elle et qu'elle tient à l'aider en remerciement. 

jptruelove  (13.01.2022 à 19:50)

Je ne sais pas dire pourquoi, mais je n'aime pas trop Arthur, il ne m'inspire pas vraiment confiance. 

Par contre, Regina en sauveuse, j'aime beaucoup ça! 


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choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

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