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#505 : L'attrape-rêves

À Camelot, pendant que Mary Margaret et David tentent de récupérer la dague du Ténébreux, Emma utilise un attrape-rêves pour contempler le passé et voir comment Merlin fut transformé en arbre. Ensemble, elle et Regina trouvent l'ingrédient crucial pour le libérer, mais elles doivent s'opposer à Arthur.

Pendant ce temps, grâce aux encouragements de ses mères, Henry trouve le courage de demander à Violet un rendez-vous galant.

À Storybrooke, nos héros s'aventurent dans la maison d'Emma en espérant y retrouver Gold, mais ce qu'ils vont trouver va leur donner un aperçu du plan final de la Ténébreuse.

Enfin, loin des regards indiscrets, Merida attaque la mission qu'Emma lui a attribuée et commence à forger Gold pour en faire le héros qui retirera Excalibur.


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Sneek Peek 2 de l'épisode 505



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Dimanche 25.10.2015 à 20:00
5.12m / 1.6% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Scénario :Edward Kitsis, Adam Horowitz

Réalisation : Romeo Tirone

Centré sur : Henry

Once Upon A Time, Saison 5

Episode 505 : L’attrape-rêves

Résumé :

Merlin prévient Emma, alors enfant, de ne pas approcher d’Excalibur et de ne pas l’enlever de la pierre.

Snow et David sont manipulés par magie afin de leur faire croire qu’Arthur est un gentil et qu’il faut lui confier la dague d’Emma.

Emma, à Storybrooke, est convaincue que seul Gold peut retirer Excalibur de la pierre.

Scène 1 : Flashback. Camelot. Il y a longtemps/ Camelot. 6 semaines auparavant

Merlin convoque le Ténébreux et essaye de le tuer car il lui a pris la seule femme qu’il ait jamais aimé mais il échoue. Il est alors transformé en arbre.

Emma, dans le présent, assiste à cette scène par l’intermédiaire d’un attrape-rêves.


Scène 2 : Camelot. 6 semaines plus tôt

Regina est sceptique vis-à-vis du changement d’attitude des Charmant en ce qui concerne Arthur et hésite à leur remettre la dague d’Emma. Emma arrive alors et, par magie, fige ses parents et explique à Regina qu’ils ont été ensorcelés par Arthur afin qu’ils le croient de leur côté.

Scène 3 : Présent. Storybrooke. Bureau du Shériff/Grand Rue

Les héros découvrent que le serviteur d’Arthur, accusé de vol dans l’épisode précédent,  s’est évaporé ce qui plonge Guenièvre dans le désespoir car elle pense qu’il a volé un haricot magique et qu’il s’en ait servi pour rentrer à Camelot. Afin de remonter le moral des arrivants de Camelot et des habitants de la ville, Henry suggère d’organiser une fête et espère en secret que cela pourra l’aider à voir Violet.

Belle apprend à nos héros que Rumple est réveillé et qu’il a disparu.

Scène 4 : Maison d’Emma / Dépendance de la maison

Emma décide de forcer Gold a retirer Excalibur de la pierre alors que lui tente de la mettre en garde contre l’usage de la magie et les justifications qu’elle se donne pour en user. Il la prévient également que continuer à être la Ténébreuse lui fera perdre tous ceux qu’elle aime. Emma, ennuyée par ce discours, l’oblige alors à suivre Merida (dont elle détient le cœur) afin qu’elle l’entraîne pour faire de lui un héros.

Un instant plus tard nous retrouvons Emma en train de pleurer en serrant un attrape-rêves contre son cœur.

Scène 5 : Flashback. Camelot. Tour des invités. 6 semaines auparavant

Regina exige qu’Emma lui explique comment elle a su que ses parents étaient envoûtés. Emma lui apprend qu’elle s’est servi d’un attrape-rêves et lui révèle également que, grâce à lui, elle a découvert comment et pourquoi Merlin avait été transformé en arbre.  Regina a tout à coup une idée pour réveiller et désensorcelé Merlin : se servir d’une larme versé à cause d’un chagrin d’amour car ce qui a causé sa perte peut tout aussi bien le ramener à la vie.

Scène 6 : Ecuries de Violet

Henry et Violet discutent de la perte d’un parent. Henry rencontre Sir Morgan, le père de Violet, qui lui demande de ne plus approcher de sa fille car il n’est pas un chevalier.

Scène 7 : Retour au Présent. Storybrooke. Grand Rue

Violet explique à Henry qu’elle ne viendra pas à la fête car son cheval s’est enfui et qu’elle est trop triste pour s’amuser. Henry décide le retrouver et de le lui ramener.

Scène 8 : Maison d’Emma

Henry vient trouver sa mère et lui demande son aide pour retrouver le cheval.

Scène 9 : Forêt de Storybrooke

Merida entraîne Gold mais ses efforts sont vains.

Scène 10 : Maison d’Emma

Henry et Emma sont sur le bon point de partir à la recherche de Nicodème, le cheval de Violet, et discutent de Neal.

Scène 11 : Flashback. Forêt de Camelot. 6 semaines plus tôt

Henry s’entraîne à l’épée dans l’espoir d’impressionner Violet d’obtenir, de la part de son père, le droit de la revoir. Emma et Regina lui expliquent que sa différence (le fait qu’il ne soit pas un chevalier) est sa plus grande force et son atout majeur car il est hors du commun et que cela peut séduire Violet. Elles lui conseillent donc de s’assumer tel qu’il est.

Regina se rend compte que la douleur et le chagrin qu’elle ressentit à la mort de Daniel pourrait bien être la solution pour délivrer Merlin.

Scène 12 : Château de Camelot

Emma et Regina utilisent l’attrape-rêves pour faire revivre à Regina le jour du meurtre de Daniel et récupérer une larme liée à un chagrin d’amour.

Scène 13 : Retour au présent. Storybrooke. Maison d’Emma

Regina, Robin, Hook et Belle pénètrent par effraction chez Emma dans l’espoir de découvrir quels sont ses plans, ce qu’elle cache et sauver Rumple.

Scène 14: Flashback. Camelot. Granny’s

Henry organise un diner pour Violet et lui. Il s’apprête à lui avouer ses sentiments quand Violet lui dit ne pas éprouver des sentiments similaires.

Scène 15 : Retour au présent. Storybrooke. Bureau de Regina à la mairie

Merida cherche dans le livre de contes d’Henry un moyen de motiver Rumple et découvre l’histoire de la tasse ébréchée.

Scène 16 : Un coin reculé de Storybrooke

Henry et Emma retrouvent Nicodème dans une plantation de citrouilles.

Scène 17 : Maison d’Emma

Le groupe découvre qu’Emma possède Excalibur et note sa ressemblance avec la dague du Ténébreux. Ils notent également que Gold était retenu ici. En quittant précipitamment la maison, sur les conseils d’Henry qui les prévient que sa mission avec sa mère est achevée et qu’elle rentre chez elle, Hook découvre un attrape-rêves. Regina pense qu’Emma s’en ait servi pour voler leurs souvenirs.

Scène 18 : Flashback. Cour de Camelot

Emma et Regina tentent une première fois de libérer Merlin grâce à la larme de Regina mais cela échoue. Henry, dépité et en proie à un chagrin d’amour après que Violet l’ait rejeté, arrive alors. Ses mères le réconfortent et Regina pense que la larme d’Henry pourra sauver son amie. Au même moment Arthur et ses gardes arrivent. Emma se bat contre eux pendant que Regina et Henry achève la potion servant à libérer Merlin. Ce nouvel essai est un succès et permet à Merlin de retrouve sa forme humaine. Merlin avoue à Arthur que celui-ci l’a beaucoup déçu. Arthur lui promet de ne pas en rester là.

Scène 19 : Retour au présent.  Place de Storybrooke

Henry retrouve Violet à la fête et lui ramène son cheval, ce qui lui vaut d’être félicité par Sir Morgan et chaleureusement remercié par Violet qui décide de passer la soirée avec lui.

Scène 20 : Forêt de Storybrooke

Merida, qui a réussi à se procurer la tasse ébréchée, parvient à réveiller le combattant qui existe en Gold mais elle a encore beaucoup de travail pour en faire un héros.

Scène 21 : Maison de Regina

Regina et Robin observent l’attrape-rêves récupéré chez Emma et découvrent qu’il contient les souvenirs de Violet. Ils apprennent par la même occasion que si Violet a rejeté Henry à Camelot, c’est parce qu’elle était sous l’emprise d’Emma qui lui avait arraché le cœur car elle avait compris que la larme de Regina ne serait pas suffisante pour libérer Merlin puisqu’elle était parvenue à retomber amoureuse. Henry assiste à toute la scène.

Scène 22 : Flashback. Royaume de Camelot. Granny’s

Merlin libère les Charmant de l’envoutement d’Arthur et explique à Emma que pour l’aider à se débarrasser des Ténèbres, elle doit sincèrement le vouloir.

Scène 23 : Retour au présent. Storybrooke. Maison de Regina

Emma rend visite à Regina car elle désire voir Henry. Regina la repousse à cause de ce qu’elle a fait à Violet et lui explique qu’Henry sait tout et qu’il refuse de la voir. Dans le même temps, elle tente de convaincre Emma de faire marche arrière et de lui raconter ce qu’il s’est passé à Camelot. Exaspérée, Emma lui avoue qu’elles étaient parvenues à libérer Merlin, ce qui surprend Regina car cette libération aurait dû permettre à Emma de redevenir celle qu’elle était.


par Sanct08

–[Camelot – 500 years ago]–

Merlin is walking into the woods, calling for the Dark One.

Merlin: Dark One? Dark One! Enough! I command you to stop! You destroyed her… The only woman I ever loved. And now... I will destroy you.

Merlin is about to kill the Dark One but stops.

Merlin: My god.

He lets the dagger go and falls on his kneels.

Merlin: I miss her.

The Dark One takes Merlin’s tear and turns him into a tree.

–[Camelot – 6 weeks ago]–

Emma watches Merlin’s memories through a dreamcatcher.


Regina, Mary Margaret and David are walking to the hide of the dagger.

Regina: You really think giving the dagger to Arthur is the best way to help Emma?

Mary Margaret: We trust him.

David: Implicitly.

Regina: Did you learn those big words at shepherd school? How do you know you can trust him?

David: Because we're good judges of character. And we would never act against Emma's best interest.

Mary Margaret: Is the dagger in there?

Regina takes the dagger.

Regina: Are you sure handing the one thing that can control your daughter over to Arthur is the right thing to do?

Mary Margaret: Have you lost the power of comprehension? Hand over the da...

Emma freezes her parents.

Regina: What are you doing? When did you get so liberal with dark magic?

Emma: No choice. Arthur has them under some kind of spell. He wants them to bring him the dagger. He wants to reunite it with Excalibur.

Regina: Unite it?

Emma: It was once one blade. It was broken in half a long, long time ago.

Regina: What happens when they're together?

Emma: He wants to kill Merlin with it. I don't have to tell you how bad that would be for all of us.

Regina: How do you know this? How do I know this isn't the darkness in you rearing its head?

Emma: It's true. We don't have a lot of time. Arthur's expecting them soon.

Regina: He's the King. So you want to take on all of Camelot?

Emma: I want to free Merlin first. Then I can help my parents and stop Arthur.

Regina: That's a great plan, but we have no idea how to get him out of the tree.

Emma: You already said it... Dark magic.

Regina: No. You can't keep using it.

Emma: It's a risk I'm willing to take.

Regina: Careful, Emma. I've been on that slippery slope. You know where it got me.

Emma: All due respect... I'm not you.


At the Sheriff Station.

Hook: So he just... Vanished?

Robin: Could it be magic? Uh, your squire... Did he wield such power?

Arthur: Not that I ever saw.

David: Well, there's no sign of tampering.

Arthur: Then he must have lied about having the bean. Must've hidden it on his person somewhere and used it to escape.

Guinevere: How could he be so selfish? We could all be home right now.

Arthur: Desperate times.

Guinevere: Our people want so badly to return. We must do something to raise their spirits. The despair of being away... That's what caused all this. Who knows what else it can lead to?

Mary Margaret: Well, you're right people need hope. And as your hosts and leaders of this town, it is up to us to provide it.

Regina: What do you have in mind?

Henry: How about a dance?

David: A dance, huh? Looking for an excuse to ask your girlfriend out on a date?

Regina: Girlfriend? What girlfriend?

Henry: She's not my girlfriend.

Regina: Who's not your girlfriend?

Mary Margaret: I think a dance is exactly what we need.

Regina: Henry, who's this girlfriend?

Hook: Well, if it's dating tips you need, lad, I know my way around women.

Regina: Over your dead body.

Mary Margaret: Regina! Let's start planning. I think it is time Storybrooke had a ball.


In the street.

Regina: So, who is this girlfriend? What do you know about her?

Mary Margaret: Belle. What is it?

Belle: It's, uh, it's Rumple.

Mary Margaret: What happened?

Belle: He's missing.


In Emma’s basement.

Emma: Better eat up. You're gonna need your strength if you're going to remove the sword.

Mr. Gold: I… I won't be able to do it now. You should really just let me go. Please… I-I need to see Belle.

Emma: You're not going anywhere until you get me my sword.

Mr. Gold: Well, you have so much power. W-w-why do you need Excalibur?

Emma: Tell me, when you were the Dark One, did you advertise your plans?

Mr. Gold: My plans were always hidden. But my reasons were not. Every time I used magic, I told myself it was all for my son... To protect him.

Emma: How noble.

Mr. Gold: Despite my best intentions... I still lost him.

Emma: I'm stronger than you were.

Mr. Gold: Well, that... That really doesn't matter. The more you justify what you're doing, the more you push them away. And take it from me... You will always lose the ones you love the most.

Emma: Merida.

Merida gets out from the shadows.

Merida: Yes, Dark One?

Emma: Get him out of my sight. Take him to the woods and begin.

Merida: How long do you think you can hold my heart and threaten me?

Emma: As long as it takes me to get what I want.

Merida: Maybe. But I'm thinking I can break your spell!

Emma: Now take him to the woods... And make me a hero.

Emma sends Merida and Mr. Gold into the woods.


Emma enters in her garage. There are hundreds of dreamcatchers. She puts one and starts to cry.

–[Camelot – 6 weeks ago]–

In Merlin’s tower.

Emma: First, we need to know how the potion you've been working on will react to my dark magic. Bring me the vial.

Regina: I'm not doing a damn thing until you tell me how you knew David and Mary Margaret were under a spell.

Emma: We don't have time for this.

Regina: Make time.

Emma: Fine. I saw it in this... A dreamcatcher.

Regina: Emma, this is dark magic.

Emma: I know.

Regina: These things catch more than dreams.

Emma: I know.

Regina: And you have to wave it over someone to capture a memory.

Emma: I don't. This dark magic is stronger, more unpredictable than any magic I've ever used. The image just appeared. It showed me what Arthur did to them. Look, it's gonna be okay. The dreamcatcher also showed me a memory that's going to help us. Merlin's. I saw him… Merlin wept for the loss of the only woman he ever loved moments before the Dark One trapped him in the tree... Using one of his tears.

Regina: Emma, that's it. Sometimes, spells are like snakebites. You can make the antivenom with the venom. If a tear of lost love trapped Merlin... Then another one might be able to get him out. So, what do you say? Let's go get ourselves a tear.


Violet and Henry are grooming Nicodemus in the stables.

Henry: So, how long have you had Nicodemus?

Violet: My mother gave him to me for my seventh birthday. She was a champion rider. But, um... She passed away before I even learned to gallop.

Henry: My dad died before I really got the chance to know him. There's just so much I wish I could tell him. You know?

Violet: Yes. I do know… I've never met anyone I could talk to about this before… I should put Nico's saddle away. I'll be right back.

Violet leaves and Henry takes a sword and starts to play with it.

Henry: What's that, lady Violet? If I pull Excalibur from this stone, I will be forever your hero?

Henry falls and breaks a box.

Sir Morgan: What is going on in here? You're one of those visitors, aren't you? From the other land… Ah, yes. You're the one who's been running around with my daughter.

Henry: Uh, Henry. You're Violet's father?

Sir Morgan: You may address me as "Sir Morgan." How old are you, boy?

Henry: 13, sir.

Sir Morgan: And no skills with a sword or a horse? What sort of squire are you?

Henry: I'm... I'm not a squire, sir. I'm a writer.

Sir Morgan: A writer. Tell me, boy... When this kingdom is attacked by ogres, will you protect my daughter with your pen? Violet belongs with someone who will become a knight, a hero who understands this world... Someone like her. Now get out of here before you cause any more damage.


Henry meets Violet in the street.

Henry: Hey. Did you see my text? About the block party.

Violet: Oh, yes. Um...

Henry: Everything okay?

Violet: I'm afraid I'm not in the mood for parties. My horse ran off this morning.

Henry: Oh... Oh, no. Did you check the stables?

Violet: He's gone. My father's out right now trying to lure Nico with some pumpkin. It's his favourite treat.

Henry: It's okay. He'll come back. The town isn't that big. Maybe tonight will help you get your mind off of it.

Violet: Henry, I can't go dancing or go to a party or anything... Not while he's still out there.

Henry: I'm gonna find your horse, Violet. And I know just the person to help.


Henry knocks on Emma’s door. She opens.

Henry: Do you remember why I first brought you to Storybrooke?

Emma: Of course... Operation Cobra. Bring back all the happy endings.

Henry: Well, your mission isn't over.

Emma: Henry, things are different now.

Henry: They don't have to be. Show me that the mom I know is still in there somewhere.

Emma: She is. This is me.

Henry: Then prove it. Help me return my friend's happy ending.


Merida tries to train Mr. Gold into the woods.

Merida: Don't think about running. With that limp, you wouldn't make it 10 feet. Pick up the bloody sword and let's make a hero of you.

Mr. Gold: But I-I can barely stand, much less fight someone.

Merida: Now you can stand. All a man needs is a sword and one good hand. You've got both, so pick it up.

Mr. Gold: Look, t-this is useless. If she wants me to pull Excalibur, then... Then let me try. When I fail, she can move on.

Merida: When you fail, there's no moving on. You turn to dust.

Mr. Gold: What do you care what happens to me?

Merida: I don't! I care what happens to me! And my brothers and my kingdom... None of which I can help while this goes on. So whether you like it or not, you're going to get me home.

Mr. Gold: I can never be brave.

Merida: Me whole fate rests in a coward's hands. It's really come to this? Yes, you will be. You have to.

Mr. Gold: You have the wrong man.

Merida: Well, if words won't drive you, we'll have to figure another way, now, won't we? There has to be something. And I'm gonna find it.


Henry and Emma are about to get in Emma’s car.

Emma: So, the horse likes pumpkin, huh?

Henry: Yeah. Violet's dad is out trying to lure it with some.

Emma: Back in my bail-bondsperson days, I caught a guy because he loved pizza, but I didn't walk around randomly holding a slice of pepperoni. There is a better way.

Henry: I've missed this... Us. Operation Cobra.

Emma: Me too… So, tell me about you and Violet.

Henry: She's okay. We like some of the same stuff.

Emma: Like what?

Henry: I played her some music, and she was into it.

Emma: What did you play?

Henry: Yaz.

Emma: What song?

Henry: "Only You."

Emma: Did your dad teach you that move?

Henry: He said it always works.

Emma: Did with me. He loved that song.

Henry: It's a good song.

Emma: Yeah, it is… Okay. Let's get your girl's horse. I have a good idea where to start.

–[Camelot – 6 weeks ago]–

Henry is training sword into the woods. Regina and Emma comes.

Regina: Henry! Careful.

Henry: Hey... Moms. I was, uh... Getting in the Camelot spirit. You know... Trying to understand this world.

Emma: By sword fighting?

Henry: W-well, Sir Morgan, Violet's father, had a little advice for me to fit in. That's all. Trouble is, I'm not sure if I'm ever gonna be good at this knight stuff.

Emma: Well, if you're not, you're not, but... Changing so someone likes you never works. I mean, I... I liked your dad because he was always himself.

Henry: But... but maybe, if I try, I could be something better than I am. If you didn't change for the better, you wouldn't be with Robin.

Regina: True. But do you really think a girl from Camelot would be interested in someone who's just like every other boy around here? Remember when I told you about Daniel?

Henry: Yeah. Your first love.

Regina: Mm-hmm. And it wasn't because he tried to impress me by being like the others. It was because he was so different... So unique.

Emma: Henry, in Camelot, you're a mysterious stranger from an exotic land. That's a good thing.

Henry: I think I can work with that. Thanks. I have to go make a few arrangements.

Henry leaves.

Regina: Emma. I think I might know where to get our missing ingredient to free Merlin. From me.


In Regina’s bedroom.

Emma: All right, Regina. This is going to be intense. Last chance to back out.

Regina: I can take it.

Emma: Look into the circle.

In Regina’s memories.

Cora: So, this is your decision? This will make you happy?

Regina: It already has.

Cora: Then who am I to stop you?

Regina: Thank you, Mother.

Cora: Daniel. If you want to have a life together, a family, then there's one important lesson I can impart on you. It's what it means to be a parent. You always have to do what's best for your children.

Cora rips Daniel’s heart.

Regina: Mother! No! No!

Back to Regina’s bedroom.

Emma: I'm sorry.

Regina: It was like it was happening all over again.

Emma takes Regina’s tear.

Emma: Got it. Thank you. I didn't know how things were for you. I... Didn't know...

Regina: You could see it, too?

Emma: I'm so sorry. I don't understand how a mother could do something like that.

Regina: She thought it was for the best.


Regina, Hook, Belle and Robin come to Emma’s house.

Regina: Showtime. Henry says he's got Emma occupied.

Hook: You told Henry what we're doing?

Regina: No, but he'll let us know when she's headed back. Let's do this.

Regina tries to open the door but a spell protects the house.

Regina: Oh!

Robin: You okay?

Regina: Protection spell.

Hook: It would appear she doesn't want you trespassing.

Regina: You want to try, Pirate?

Hook: Well, I know she doesn't want me to.

Belle: Henry. She'd let Henry in. Do you have anything of his on you?

Regina makes appears Henry’s scarf.

Regina: I do now. Thank you, Henry. You're our hero.

–[Camelot – 6 weeks ago]–

Henry organizes a diner for Violet.

Henry: Uh... Hi, m'lady. I mean, uh, Violet. I mean... P-please sit down.

Violet: Thank you… I was really happy to get your note. I was worried when you disappeared from the stables.

Henry: You were?

Violet: Yes… You wanted me to worry?

Henry: Yes. I mean, no. I mean... Are you thirsty?

Violet: Sure… Is that magic?

Henry: No. It's soda. Here.

Violet: It's like a carnival in a can.

Henry: So, uh, this is Granny's. It's pretty great. She had some lasagna in the fridge that didn't go bad, so I was able to heat it up.

Violet: You really are from another world.

Henry: Is... Is that okay?

Violet: Yeah, it's great.

Henry: So, I thought after dinner, we could watch a movie… Ah. It's easier if I show you. On my phone. The screen's small, but here... Look… If I'd known I was coming, I would've loaded more, but I brought "Commando" and "Harold and Maude." We'll do "Harold and Maude." It's a good date movie, I think.

Violet: A date? What's that?

Henry: It's, uh... Never mind.

Violet: Are you... Courting me?

Henry: Uh... Maybe.

Violet: Uh... You're sweet. But...

Henry: Oh, no.

Violet: I just don't think I feel the same way about you as you do me.

Henry: Your father told you what happened, didn't he?

Violet: What? No. I mean, yes, he did mention he met you, but no, that's not it.

Henry: He doesn't think I'm a hero. Well, I am.

Violet: Henry, please... Listen, I-I thought we were just spending time together as... As friends. And... I liked it better that way. I'm sorry.


Merida is looking for information about Rumplestiltskin in the storybook.


She breaks Mr. Gold’s shop.

Merida: There we go. That'll do.


Emma parks the car near the woods.

Henry: Mom, this is genius!

Emma: Yeah, when the first curse ended, this Peter guy opened this place. I wouldn't have known about it, but it got so many noise complaints. Guess "Peter Peter" likes his parties. Hadn't thought of it till you mentioned the pumpkins, though.

Henry: Violet wasn't kidding. Look!

Emma: Would you look at that. Come on… Careful, Henry. I got this.

Henry: Mom, I guess you need to step back and let me handle this.

Emma: I didn't do anything.

Henry: You're the Dark One. Now get back.

Emma: Henry...

Henry calms Nicodemus with a pumpkin.

Henry: It's okay. I got it… It's okay, Nicodemus. Come here, boy. It's okay, Nicodemus. Come here, boy. Come here. Yeah. Here you go. There we go. See? Told ya.

Emma: Now that you've got your girl's horse, don't you have a dance to get to?


Regina, Belle, Hook and Robin come down in Emma’s basement.

Regina: Now we know why she didn't want you down here.

Hook: Indeed. I don't think she wants anyone to see this, and I think I know the reason why. Take a gander. Excalibur looks quite familiar.

They find Excalibur.

Belle: The dagger. It's the... The same design, the same edges.

Regina: What the hell does she want with this? And with Gold. What is she up to?

Robin: Well, given our missing memories, I'd wager whatever it is, it's not good.

Hook: Let's take a better look at the damn thing and find out.

Hook is about to remove Excalibur from the stone.

Regina: Stop! I can't believe I'm about to say this, but it could be booby-trapped. You could get killed.

Hook: Oh. I didn't know you cared.

Regina: I don't. But right now, you're useful... Ish.

Belle finds ropes.

Belle: He was here. Rumple was here.

Robin: And now he's gone. Let's try searching the rest of the house.

Regina: No time. It's Henry. She's on her way back.


In the living room, Hook is attracted by a box.

Regina: Hey. What are you doing?

Robin: What the hell is that?

Hook: It's a dreamcatcher. Baelfire gave her one similar to this a long time ago. But this, it's different.

Belle: Wait a minute. Why would she have it?

Regina: Because they can be more than just objects of folklore. When imbued with magic, they can be quite powerful… I think I know how Emma took our memories.

–[Camelot – 6 weeks ago]–

Near Merlin’s tree.

Regina: Go on, Emma. Do it. Arthur could be here any second.

Emma makes a potion.

Regina: And now for the final ingredient... The tear.

The potion fails.

Regina: It should've worked. It should have worked!

Emma: Regina... It's simple. Your heartbreak wasn't strong enough.

Regina: What?!

Emma: No, no, I know it was real. But there's Robin now. You've moved on. You've healed.

Henry comes.

Henry: Hey. Sorry I'm late.

Emma: Henry, are you okay?

Henry: Yeah, I'm... I'm fine.

Regina: No, you're not. What happened?

Emma: Henry?

Henry: I don't want to talk about it.

Emma: You can tell us anything.

Henry: I tried doing what you said. I tried acting like myself. But she didn't want anything to do with me.

Emma: Henry.

Henry: Violet's right. In this world, I'll never be a hero.

Regina: You may not be a hero in her world... But you will be in ours.

Regina dries Henry’s eyes.

Regina: This'll work. This tear. Your tear, Henry.

Henry: It can free Merlin?

Emma: You can save me, kid.

Arthur and his knights come.

Arthur: Stop! Stay away from the tree. I won't ask twice. You and your people have done nothing but lie to me ever since you got here. You're no Saviour. You're a fraud.

Regina: Go ahead. Call me a fraud again. I dare you.

Arthur: We welcomed you, celebrated you. And in return, you bring the Dark One into the heart of my kingdom, endangering all who live here. Give me the dagger!

Regina: You want it? Come and get it. Now, Emma.

Regina is preparing for a battle. Emma runs to finish the potion.

Emma: It's working!

Arthur: Charge!

Emma frees Merlin.

Merlin: I've been waiting for you... Emma… And you... The boy who would be King. My great hope. How you've disappointed me.

Arthur: I disappointed you? You gave me false prophecies. Sent me on an impossible quest! You ruined my life!

Merlin: Put it away, Arthur. We both know that broken sword can't hurt me.

Arthur: This is not finished.


At the bal.

Arthur: She had Excalibur?

Hook: Trapped in a stone in her basement.

Arthur: Well, then we need to get it back at once. It would be disastrous if the Dark One took possession of it.

Hook: That have anything to do with its striking resemblance to the Dark One dagger?

Arthur: How do you know about the dagger?

Hook: I've spent a lifetime trying to end the Dark One's existence. I know much about the dagger. What I don't know about is your blade. Care to enlighten us?

Arthur: Yes. There's a reason they resemble each other. They were forged as one weapon and then broken in two. I've spent years trying to reunite them.

Mary Margaret: That's why you were so interested in the dagger when you arrived.

Arthur: I apologize for not telling you sooner, but I had to make sure I could trust you. The restored weapon has great power. It can eradicate all dark magic forever.

David: That's a good thing.

Arthur: Of course. But in the wrong hands, it can also destroy all light magic.

Hook: That's their plan… To snuff out the Light forever.

Mary Margaret: What happened in Camelot? How did Emma fall so far?


Sir Morgan and Violet are walking in the street.

Sir Morgan: Just try to have some fun tonight, okay?

Henry comes with Nicodemus.

Violet: Henry. Henry, you did it.

Sir Morgan: Well done, lad. Well done.

Violet: Henry, this is my father, Sir Morgan. Father, this is Henry.

Sir Morgan: You've made my daughter very happy. We owe you a great deal of thanks.

Henry: It was nothing, sir.

Sir Morgan: Heroic and humble. You're a good man, Henry. You'll make a fine knight someday.

Henry: Thank you, sir.

Sir Morgan: Now, you two... Enjoy the festivities.

Violet: Thank you, Henry.


Into the woods.

Merida: Well. Glad to see the bears didn't get ya.

Mr. Gold: Please. Please. I-I... I can't fight.

Merida: No. You won't fight. Big difference. You know, my father used to say, "if you want a lad to fight, give him something to fight for."

Mr. Gold: W-what are you doing?

Merida: Oh. Reminding you what you have to fight for.

Merida shows Mr. Gold the chip cup.

Mr. Gold: Where did you get that?

Merida: Oh, means something to you, doesn't it? Oh! If you want it, you're gonna have to fight me for it.

She casts a sword to Mr. Gold. He sends it away.

Merida: Gahh! Oh! I see it's chipped, eh? Ohhh. Must be fragile. We wouldn't want to drop it, now, would we?

Mr. Gold: No, please. Please don't. Don't… Ohh!

Merida: So, what happened? Did your Belle see the yellow-bellied man you really are? I bet you she did, didn't she? Ooh! That had to sting!

Mr. Gold attacks Merida.

Merida: Oh! Did you feel that?

Mr. Gold: Feel what?

Merida: That swing right there! You weren't thinking of yourself or the limp. You were thinking of her. That was an act of true bravery. Ready to try again? Eh? Eh? Good! Because we've got a long way to go before you're ready to take on Emma.


At Regina’s house.

Regina: If Emma used this to rip our memories, maybe it can tell us what happened in Camelot.

Robin: Well, what are we waiting for? You're afraid of what you might see, aren't you?

Regina: Emma clearly thought she had good reason for what she did. Who knows what happened to us there?

Robin: Well... There's only one way to find out.

Regina and Robin see Violet’s memory through the dreamcatcher.

Violet: I'm Violet.

Henry: Henry.

Robin: Are these Henry's memories?

Regina: No. No, I think it's that girl he has a crush on.

Henry is here.

–[Camelot – 6 weeks ago]–

In the stables.

Emma: Violet. Can you keep a secret?

Violet: Of course.

Emma: Good. Because Henry can never know about this.

Emma rips Violet’s heart.

Emma: Violet, listen. You will get this back. I just need your help first.

Violet: W-w-what do you need?

Emma: I need the tear of a lost first love... A fresh tear. I need you to break Henry's heart.


At Regina’s house.

Regina: Wha... Henry.

–[Camelot – 6 weeks ago]–

Merlin heals Mary Margaret and David from the sand.

Merlin: There. That should do it.

Mary Margaret: Emma. We're so sorry.

David: If we would have known how bad Arthur was... We never would have confronted him on our own.

Emma: It's okay. I'm just glad Merlin could help.

David: Merlin? Y-you're... Merlin?

Merlin: Expecting someone...

David: Older.

Merlin: Yes. Well, let's just say that being a tree... Good for your skin.

Hook: Well, now that the Great Sorcerer is among us, maybe he'll tell us. Can you do what your apprentice said? Can you free Emma from the darkness?

Merlin: Sure… But with a caveat… Darkness like this takes a hold of a person, find its way deep inside, where nobody else can see. So if I am to free you from its grasp, I must know one thing. Emma, is your heart truly ready to be free? Because it is as much up to you as me.


Emma knocks on Regina’s door.

Regina: Emma.

Emma: Hello.

Regina: What the hell is going on? What are you doing?

Emma: I'm here to see Henry.

Regina: You know that's not what I mean. You took our memories, and now Gold. What are you trying to do? Emma. There is nothing you can't come back from if you just tell us.

Emma: What I'm doing is my business, but it's for the best. Trust me.

Regina: I was starting to. And, like Henry, I was seeing the good in you. But I was wrong. I thought you could be different… I thought you could escape the darkness. But then you had to go and rip a 13-year-old girl's heart out.

Emma: What? Now you're breaking and entering?

Regina: Oh, no. You don't get to be self-righteous with me. Not after what you've done… Henry saw what you did. He's devastated.

Emma: I was trying to make it up to him.

Regina: Make it up to him? By reuniting a girl and her horse? Oh, let me guess. You let the damn thing out in the first place. You forget... I have some experience with Dark Ones. Everything's a manipulation.

Emma: It all would've been fine if you could've just helped yourself and stayed out of it. Maybe you're the one causing pain.

Regina: Wow. Listen to you trying to justify everything. If I'm the one on the moral high ground, you've fallen quite a ways, Ms. Swan.

Emma: Don't "Ms. Swan" me. We've been through too much. You know I never would have done that to Henry if I didn't have good reason.

Regina: "Good reason." You know, that's exactly what my mother said to justify what she did to Daniel.

Emma: What I did in Camelot, I did to protect Henry.

Regina: She thought she was protecting me, too.

Emma: I didn't have a choice.

Regina: There's always a choice, Emma. You've said that to me a thousand times.

Emma: We were running out of time. It was the only way to free Merlin.

Regina: Merlin? Wait... We freed Merlin in Camelot? But if that's true, why are you still the Dark One?

Emma: This is a waste of time. I want to see my son.

Regina: Well, I don't think he wants to see you. Goodbye, Ms. Swan.

Regina closes the door. Emma watches Henry through his window. He closes the curtains.

Kikavu ?

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sanct08  (15.01.2022 à 17:41)

Un de mes épisodes favoris dans la série et peut-être même mon préféré dans la saison 5 (si je me rappelle bien de tous les épisodes ^^)

jptruelove  (15.01.2022 à 13:26)

C'est mignon de voir Henry amoureux...

Par contre, j'ai du mal à comprendre qu'Emma ait pu lui faire du mal... J'espère qu'il lui pardonnera...


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choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

CastleBeck, Aujourd'hui à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

Viens chatter !