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#512 : Une chance de rédemption

Emma, Regina, Mary Margaret, David, Robin, Henry et Mr. Gold arrivent aux Enfers avec pour mission de sauver Hook. Ils découvrent que leur recherche va être plus compliqué que prévu. Les habitants des Enfers, les âmes qui ont encore des choses à régler et pour beaucoup d'autres des vendettas personnelles, vont venir les harceler.

Pendant ce temps dans la Forêt Enchantée, un visage familier du passé de la Méchante Reine revient pour lui offrir le cadeau d'anniversaire parfait.


4.81 - 16 votes

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Souls of The Departed

Titre VF
Une chance de rédemption

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Once upon a time 512 Sneak peek 1


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Once upon a time 512 Sneak peek 2


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Once upon a time 512 Sneak peek 3

Once upon a time 512 Sneak peek 3



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Plus de détails

Réalisation : Ralph Hemecker

Scénario : Edward Kitsis et Adam Horowitz

Centré sur : Regina

Infos : Il s'agit du 100ème épisode !!!

Episode 512 : Une chance de rédemption

Résumé :

Rappel concernant le fait que pour lancer le Sort Noir il faut sacrifier le cœur de la personne que l’on aime le plus au monde.

Sacrifice de Killian, devenu le Ténébreux, pour sauver Emma et Storybrooke en permettant la destruction des Ténèbres.

Emma décide de descendre aux Enfers pour aller sauver Hook.

Scène 1 : Une vision de l’esprit d’Emma

Emma est dans sa voiture, dans un parc d’attraction, et retrouve Neal qui lui dit qu’elle ne doit pas aller aux Enfers car cela ne se terminera pas par un happy ending. Neal lui dit qu’il n’est pas aux Enfers et lui explique que les Enfers sont un lieu où se trouvent des personnes qui n’ont pas fini de régler leurs affaires. Il lui avoue également être dans un monde meilleur et lui dit qu’il l’aime.

Scène 2 : Barque de Charon

Emma se réveille et arrive, avec sa famille, aux Enfers.


Scène 3 : Port des Enfers / Hellbrooke

Nos héros découvrent que les Enfers ressemblent à un Storybrooke en ruines. Gold leur explique que les âmes coincées aux Enfers n’ont pas résolu toutes leurs affaires. Ils décident de se séparer pour retrouver Hook au plus vite. Regina remarque un homme qui la regarde étrangement.

Scène 4 : Flashback. Forêt Enchantée

Regina, alors reine, fête son anniversaire et explique que le cadeau de ses rêves est le cœur de Snow. Elle menace les habitants d’un village pour savoir où elle se cache. Un homme, celui que la Regina actuelle a remarqué aux Enfers, essaie de la duper mais il est tué. Snow, David et les nains apparaissent alors mais Regina renoncent à les tuer.

Scène 5 : Château de Regina

Regina est disputée par son père qui tente de la dissuader de poursuivre son plan et blâme sa mère à cause de ce que sa fille est devenue. Il lui dit que Cora a donc tout contrôle sur elle, ce qui l’énerve.

Scène 6 : Retour au présent. Hellbrooke. Bureau du maire

L’homme remarqué par Regina avertit Cora, maire de Hellbrooke, de l’arrivée de sa fille.

Scène 7 : Granny’s des Enfers

Snow rencontre la Sorcière aveugle et lui demande où est Hook. Elle embrasse un homme, qu’elle croit être David, mais qui est en fait James. Il lui dit qu’il est devenu le nouveau shériff des Enfers. David, Emma et Gold arrivent et Rumple suggère de le laisser faire à sa manière.

Henry arrive à son tour et dit à sa mère qu’il cherchait Neal et celle-ci lui dit que Neal n’est pas aux Enfers.

Scène 8 : Grand Place de Hellbrooke

Robin et Regina discutent des ressemblances entre Storybrooke et Hellbrooke. L’homme approche Regina et lui dit que quelqu’un veut la voir.

Scène 9 : Flashback. Château de Regina.

Henry Senior essaie de raisonner, à nouveau sa fille, et décide de contacter Cora afin qu’elle l’aide à ramener sa fille dans le droit chemin. C’est un échec mas Cora parvient à revenir dans la Forêt Enchantée grâce au miroir magique.

Scène 10 : Retour au présent. Hellbrooke. Mairie

Cora et Regina se retrouvent. Regina espérait que sa mère ne serait pas là mais Cora lui explique qu’elle est son affaire non résolue et qu’elle souhaite que sa fille trouve le bonheur. Cora essaie de convaincre Regina de quitter les Enfers en emmenant son fils et Robin. Cora emmène Regina avec elle par magie dans un autre endroit de Hellbrooke.

Scène 11 :

Cora, bien décidée à forcer sa fille à prendre le bateau qu’elle lui a affrété afin qu’elle quitte les Enfers, l’emmène dans une caverne qui est le lieu de passage des âmes bloquées ici-bas pour un monde meilleur ou un monde pire encore que les Enfers. Cora assassine l’homme qui lui a amené Regina qui disparait pour un monde pire encore que celui-ci.

Scène 12 : Boutique de Mr Gold / Flashback à Storybrooke

Gold regagne sa boutique et découvre que son père en est le propriétaire. Ce dernier lui propose de l’aider en lui offrant un flacon. Pan essaie de convaincre Rumple de le ramener parmi les vivants car la vie lui manque. Il lui avoue aussi qu’il peut regagner notre monde s’il prend la place d’un vivant.

Dans un souvenir, Gold et Belle discutent du départ prochain de Rumple pour les Enfers. Ce dernier lui dit que seul son sang peut ramener tout le monde via la arque de Charon et qu’il est le seul à connaître la configuration des lieux car il y a déjà été.

Scène 13 : Granny’s des Enfers

Regina explique à ses amis le plan prévu par sa mère et la menace qu’elle fait peser sur son père. Ses amis lui disent de rentrer à Storybrooke. Gold arrive à son tour et explique que le flacon est une potion venue du pays de DunBroch et qui permet de parler aux morts. Il refuse d’accompagner les héros au cimetière pour parler à Hook.

Scène 14 : Flashback. Forêt Enchantée

Cora, déguisée en son mari, se rend au rendez-vous fixé par ce dernier avec Snow. Dans le but de satisfaire le vœu de sa fille, elle arrache le cœur de Snow et la force à oublier ceci.

Scène 15 : Retour au présent. Hellbrooke. Cimetière

Emma et ses amis ont trouvé la pierre tombale de Hook et verse la potion dessus.  Une image du pirate apparait alors mais il leur est impossible de communiquer.

Emma essaie de convaincre Regina de quitter ce monde avec Henry et Robin pour sauver son père. Celle-ci accepte.

Scène 16 : Flashback. Château de Regina

Lors de la fête d’anniversaire de sa fille, Cora lui offre un cœur. Regina demande à son miroir magique de lui montrer Snow pour la voir mourir au moment où elle écrasera son cœur. Cela ne fonctionne pas car Henry Senior a dupé sa femme et subtiliser un des cœurs de sa fille pour sauver Snow. Il lui a donc rendu son cœur.

Scène 17 : Flashback. Château de Regina. Le lendemain de son anniversaire

Regina, ivre de rage, se venge de son père en le rapetissant pour l’enfermer dans une boîte.

Scène 18 : Retour au présent. Hellbrooke. Cimetière

Regina contacte, à l’aide de la potion de DunBroch, son père. Celui-ci la supplie de ne pas abandonner ses amis et lui avoue que son affaire non résolue est son incapacité à l’avoir protégée de sa mère. Il lui demande de sauver ses amis et non pas lui.

Scène 19 : Flashback. Château de Regina

Cora vole la boîte dans laquelle est enfermé son mari à sa fille et repart pour le Pays des Merveilles.

Scène 20 : Retour au présent. Hellbrooke. Grotte

Cora, pour punir sa fille de ne pas l’avoir écoutée, précipite son époux dans les flammes mais son affaire étant résolue, il gagne le Paradis.

Henry Senior et Henry Junior se rencontrent. Le plus âgé confie sa fille aux bons soins de son petit-fils.

Scène 21 : Grand rue de Hellbrooke

Regina retrouve ses amis et lui explique que son père s’est rendu dans un monde meilleur et qu’elle refuse de les abandonner. Gold refuse d’aider ses partenaires à sauver les âmes perdues. L’opération « Oiseau de feu » commence. Au même moment, l’horloge en ruine de Hellbrooke recommence à égrène le temps

Scène 22 : QG d’Hadès

Hadès convoque Cora et la punit pour son incapacité totale à évincer sa fille de son chemin. Il la retransforme en simple fille de meunière.

 par sanct08

Emma wakes up in her car.

Neal: Hey, Emma.

Emma: Neal?

Neal: Yeah. It's really great to see you.

Emma: Where are we? Am I dreaming?

Neal: No. If this were a dream, there'd be, like, talking doughnuts or something weird like that… Think of this as a long-distance call from an old friend.

Emma: It's really you.

Neal: How's our son?

Emma: Great. He... Misses his dad. He's growing up.

Neal: I bet.

Emma: Is this the Underworld? I was on my way to the Underworld.

Neal: Yeah, I know that's where you're headed. That's kind of why I'm here. Don't go, Emma. Once you get there, it is not an easy place to get out of. I know you're trying to save Hook. But trust me on this. This won't end the way you think it will.

Emma: I would have come after you, too. I didn't know I could do this.

Neal: You couldn't have. I'm not there. I'm not in limbo.

Emma: Does that mean... That Hook is there? I can get him?

Neal: Yeah, he's there.

Emma: Then help me. I can split my heart and give it to him. It could work.

Neal: The Underworld's for people with unfinished business, and that isn't me. That's why I'm not there.

Emma: Where are you?

Neal: Someplace. Someplace where I'm happy. I only came here because I care about you, Emma. Stop what you're doing before it's too late.

Emma: I can't.

Neal: I figured. But I had to try.

Emma: Neal.

Neal: I love you, Emma. I always have, and I always will.

Emma: Neal?


Emma wakes up on the boat.

Emma: Aah!

Mary Margaret: Emma, are you okay?

David: Yeah, you passed out.

Emma: Yeah. I'm fine.

Mr. Gold: Good. Because we're here.


The group walks on the dock and comes to a town.

Regina: I don't think we're in Maine anymore.

Emma: How is this possible? How does the Underworld look like Storybrooke?

Mr. Gold: Your questions are pointless. All that matters is, all these people in this Underworld are dead and trapped because they have unfinished business.

Emma: Cruella.

Mr. Gold: That's right. And she's here because of you. And I imagine there are many here because of all of us. Let's not lollygag.

Emma: Split up. We'll cover more ground.

Regina: Agreed. The sooner we get out of here, the better.

–[Enchanted Forest - Past]–

The Evil Queen visits her subjects on her birthday.

Evil Queen: Greetings, my subjects.

Woman: Your Majesty.

Girl: Happy birthday, my Queen.

Evil Queen: Blueberry. Not bad. But I prefer apple… Luckily for you, I'm not here for the pie. The present I want, none of you have. But you will get it for me... Snow White's heart on a plate. I know she's been here. And if someone doesn't start talking...

Blacktooth: Wait. I think I can help you… I can tell you where Snow White is.

Evil Queen: Then tell me.

Blacktooth: I want something in return.

Evil Queen: How's this for a deal? Tell me, and I'll kill you quickly instead of slowly.

The Evil Queen strangles Blacktooth.

Evil Queen: Tell me where that wretched girl is.

Snow White: Behind you. I'm right here, Regina, and I won't let you hurt anyone else.

Grumpy: I wouldn't do that if I were you.

Prince Charming: We've got you surrounded.

Snow White: So, what do you say? Shall we end this ridiculous conflict?

Evil Queen: You're lucky it's my birthday and I'm feeling benevolent.

The Evil Queen disappears.


The Evil Queen is back to her castle.

Henry: Is this really the way you want to spend today? Perhaps it's time for a change. Perhaps it's time to give up... On revenge and move on.

Evil Queen: I will never give up. Not until Snow White's heart is in one of these boxes.

Henry: I know you loved Daniel, but if anyone is to blame, it's your mother. She ripped out his heart so you would become the merciless Queen that she always wanted. Don't let her win. Don't let her control you.

Evil Queen: Mother does not control me. I banished her to Wonderland, remember?

Henry: Until you give up this quest for vengeance, Cora will always have a hold on you.


Jester enters in the Mayor’s office.

Blacktooth: Your Majesty. She's here.

Cora: Thank you for bringing me this information. Now tell me... How's my daughter?


Mary Margaret enters at Granny’s.

Blind Witch: Is that... I know you. Aren't you Snow White? Can you imagine? Uh, well, what can I get you? Do you like gingerbread or children? Kidding. But the... The gingerbread's actually not bad.

Mary Margaret: I'm looking for a friend. He would have gotten here recently. Uh, dark hair, a hook for a hand.

Blind Witch: Captain Hook.

Mary Margaret: You know him?

Blind Witch: No, no. But your description's pretty complete.

James enters.

Mary Margaret: David. You changed. What happened? Is everything okay?

James: Everything's fine.

Mary Margaret: Good, because I'm not. This place is creeping me out.

James kisses Mary Margaret.

Mary Margaret: Mm.

James: Mm. I see why my brother likes you.

Mary Margaret: James.

James: Indeed. So, Snow White's in town. I'm guessing that means my brother is, too… All right. When you see ol' Dave, tell him there's a new sheriff in town.

Mary Margaret: Mm.

James leaves and David enters.

David: Was that... My brother?

Mary Margaret: Yeah.

Emma and Mr. Gold enter.

Emma: Mom. Dad. You find anything?

Mary Margaret: Uh... There's no sign of him at the park or the town hall.

Emma: This is hopeless. We don't even know if Hook's here. What if he has no unfinished business?

Mr. Gold: He died a Dark One, Miss Swan. Trust me, he's here. Look, I'm finished being a team player. If you want things done, let me do them my way. I may have something down here that can help us.

Mr. Gold exits and Henry comes in.

Emma: Henry.

Henry: No luck yet, Mom?

Emma: Not yet. What's that?

Henry: I was just checking the rooms.

Emma: Room eight. That was your dad's. You're looking for him?

Henry: I wanted to let him know I was okay.

Emma: He knows, kid. He knows.

Henry: How can you be sure?

Emma: I just am. He's in a better place, I promise.


Regina and Robin are walking in the street.

Robin: It's uncanny. It's so similar, yet so... Off.

Regina: Well, when I conjured Storybrooke, it was with the Dark Curse. Whoever created that curse, looks like this is where they got their inspiration.

Robin: Or vice versa. What is it? What's wrong?

Regina: You. You've been following us. Why?

Blacktooth: Someone wants to see you.

–[Enchanted Forest - Past]–

At Evil Queen’s castle.

Evil Queen: I hate her pasty complexion... Her insufferable sincerity... And her puny army of sweaty little child-beasts.

Henry: I believe they're dwarfs.

Evil Queen: I don't care what they are. They're disgusting. And I asked to be alone, Daddy. So if you've come here to talk about Mother again, I'm not interested… I just want this birthday to be over.

The Evil Queen leaves.

Henry: Mirror, Mirror on the wall, we must do something about my daughter.

Mirror: How can I be of service?

Henry: I need you to summon... Her.

Mirror: I'm sorry. No. I don't have a death wish.

Henry: If you care for my daughter at all, you will do what I ask.

Mirror: As you wish.

The Queen of Hearts appears on the mirror.

Queen of Hearts: Oh. Hello, Henry.

Henry: Cora, are aware of what day it is?

Queen of Hearts: Of course. I'm well aware it's our daughter's birthday. Let me guess... She's wasting it tormenting herself over Snow White.

Henry: You have to talk to her. She listens to you. Tell her to let go of this feud.

Queen of Hearts: She doesn't need to let it go. She needs to finish it. If Regina won't be happy until she crushes Snow White's heart, then we must help her do just that.

Henry: This was a terrible idea.

Henry is about to leave but the Queen on Hearts appears on another mirror.

Queen of Hearts: Where do you think you're going?

Henry: To talk to Snow White. Goodbye, Cora. I don't need your help.

Henry leaves.

Queen of Hearts: No. But Regina does.

The Queen of Hearts gets off of the mirror.


At the Mayor’s office.

Regina: Mother. You're here.

Cora: Yes.

Regina: I had hoped you were okay.

Cora: I know, darling… I know. But I do have unfinished business. And that would be you.

Regina: You don't have to worry about me.

Cora: I'll always worry about you… I want you to be happy.

Regina: Then help me find Hook and get out of here.

Cora: It's too dangerous. You need to leave... Now.

Regina: I promised my friends I would help.

Cora: Your friends. Your family. They're what's holding you back. Sweetheart, you must do what's best for you.

Regina: I am.

Cora: No, you're not. And if you won't, I'll see to it that you do. It wasn't easy, but I've arranged for a boat to take you home. It departs in one hour. Take Henry, take your thief, and go before it's too late.

Regina: Mother... I can't.

Cora: You must. I know it's hard to... To put aside all suspicion after how I raised you, but, Regina... Do you remember the last thing I said to you before I died?

Regina: That I would have been enough.

Cora: You would have been. It just took me too long to realize it. Don't make the same mistake. Go.

Regina: What would happened if I stayed?

Cora: Sometimes a mother has to do what's best for her child, even if it's reprehensible.

Regina: Are you threatening me?

Cora: Oh, no. No, of course not. I never. But there's something I have to show you.


Cora teleport Regina and Jester to a fire well.

Regina: Mother... Where are we? What are you doing?

Cora offers Jester to the flames.

Cora: Showing you your fate if you don't return to Storybrooke.

Regina: You... You killed him.

Cora: "Killed" is, um, a relative term down here. This Underworld... Most can only leave it in two ways... To a better place or a worse one. But you, my sweet daughter, have another option. However, not for long. Go home, or there will be a cost. Someone will suffer.

Regina: Who?

Cora: Your father.


Mr. Gold enters in the pawnbroker. He sees Belle’s chip cup.

–[Storybrooke - Past]–

Mr. Gold remembers a talk he had with Belle before leaving.

Belle: The Underworld?

Mr. Gold: I'll only be gone for a day. Just long enough to retrieve Hook.

Belle: I-I don't understand. Why you?

Mr. Gold: Because, Belle, I'm the only who's been there. Plus, my blood can summon the ferry.

Belle: Just come back to me.

Mr. Gold: I always do.


Mr. Gold opens his safe but find nothing. His father appears.

Peter Pan: Looking for something?

Mr. Gold: Peter Pan. I certainly wasn't looking for you.

Peter Pan: Oh, come on, son. Don't be like that. Aren't you glad to see your dear old father?

Mr. Gold: Just because you, uh, sired me, that doesn't make you my father. Step aside.

Peter Pan: Keep looking for as long as you like. But down here, this is my shop. And you won't find anything unless I want you to.

Mr. Gold: Be careful with your threats.

Peter Pan: Or what? You'll kill me again? Maybe it's time to put the past behind us. This is what you're looking for, right? Go on. Take it.

Mr. Gold: How generous. How many strings are attached?

Peter Pan: No strings. Rumple, I meant what I said before I died. I... I do want to start over.

Mr. Gold: Never gonna happen. I sent you here for a reason.

Peter Pan: I miss the world above the tastes, the smells…

Mr. Gold: Sorry. You can't go back.

Peter Pan: Not unless I trade places with a living soul. And those people you came down with... They are not your friends. And they are living... For now. Maybe one of them doesn't make the trip back, but your dear old dad does.

Mr. Gold: Not interested.

Peter Pan: Not yet. But... This one's on the house for today. A gesture of goodwill... From a father to his son.

Peter Pan gives Mr. Gold a potion.


At Granny’s.

Mary Margaret: She'll really do that? She'll throw your father, her husband, into the fire?

Regina: Of course she will. She thinks she's giving me my best chance. I can't let my father suffer because of me.

Robin: Regina, it's all right.

Regina: No, it's not. He's here because I… Killed him. The only way I've been able to deal with that is by imaging he went to a better place, but... He didn't. Maybe I should get on that boat.

Emma: Yes, you should.

David: Absolutely not. We're not leaving until we find Hook together.

Emma: It's dangerous here.

Mary Margaret: Which is why we're not leaving you alone.

Mr. Gold: Perhaps I can cut through this little family squabble.

Robin: What the hell is that?

Mr. Gold: This is the way to find your deceased pirate… The Ale of Seonaidh from the land of DunBroch.

Regina: That's a mouthful.

Mr. Gold: It lets you communicate with the dead. Pour this over Hook's grave, and we can stop guessing where he is and simply ask him.

David: You're saying Hook has a grave here in the Underworld?

Mr. Gold: Everyone down here has a grave. You'll find the cemetery right where you remember it.

Mary Margaret: Well, if this works, we could find Hook before the boat leaves. We could all get out of here together.

Mr. Gold: A fine idea. I suggest you all get moving.

Emma: No way. You're coming with us.

Mr. Gold: You can do this part on your own. There's a boat that's leaving soon. You want to find Hook? Fine. But I have no interest in exploring this world further. You can meet me there. But that's entirely up to you.

Mr Gold leaves.

Mary Margaret: Emma. There's no time to argue. If there's even a chance that will work, we have to risk it.

–[Enchanted Forest - Past]–

Snow White meets Henry into the woods.

Snow White: I got your message. Are you alone?

Henry: Alone and unarmed, as promised.

Snow White: Well, I'm alone, but I don't go anywhere unarmed. Sorry.

Henry: I'm here because I care about my daughter. And if the war continues, it will destroy the Kingdom, but more importantly, her soul.

Henry: Snow White.

Snow White: Aah!

Henry rips Snow White hearts and turns into Cora.

Cora: You see? The only way to truly achieve peace is through war.

Henry: Cora. How... How are you here?

Cora: Why, because of you, Henry dear. You played with magic you didn't understand. And I never let a good mistake go to waste.

Henry: Please, I beg you. Don't do this.

Cora: Now... Forget this ever happened and go enjoy your last few hours.

Snow White leaves.

Cora: Come along, Henry. Regina needs her birthday present.


At the cemetery.

Emma: All right. Let's do this.

Mary Margaret: You okay?

Emma: I just hope he is.

Emma pours the ale on Hook’s grave. He appears and he’s hurt.

Emma: Killian. Killian, we're here to help you. We just can't find you. Where are you?

Regina: Emma... The spell's not steady. He can't hear you.

Emma: Just tell us where you are.

Robin: Something's happening.

Emma: It's not holding. Talk to us. Talk to me.

Hook disappears.

Emma: Killian! He doesn't know we came for him. We... He doesn't know we're here. He doesn't know that I care.

Mary Margaret: Yes, he does. And, Emma, we will find him.

Emma: Will we? Did you not just see that? He's in pain. He's suffering. And look at this place. We have half an hour. You have half an hour. Cora has a boat coming. You have to take it, or we might all be stuck here.

David: If she can arrange a way out, so can we... After we find Hook. We are not giving up on you.

Emma: Regina. They're staying, but you should go.

Regina: No. I-I...

Emma: Take Robin and Henry... Because if you don't, whatever your father is going to face...

Regina: It probably looks a lot like what... Hook is facing.

Emma: So, it's settled. Get them out of here. Get yourself out of here.

–[Enchanted Forest - Past]–

The Evil Queen has a party for her birthday.

Jester: Make a wish! Make a wish!

The Evil Queen blows her candle.

Jester: What did you wish?

Evil Queen: That you were amusing, Jester. And it didn't come true.

The Evil Queen kills Jester.

Evil Queen: Let's wind this up. I've had enough revelry.

Cora: Oh, don't go yet.

Evil Queen: Mother. How did you get out of Wonderland? Where's Daddy? Did you do something?

Cora: Oh, I lost track of him hours ago when I had him wrap... This. Happy birthday, darling.

Evil Queen: I don't want anything from you.

Cora: Oh, you'll want this. I did what no one else could do, Regina. I've brought you your revenge… Snow White's beating heart.

Evil Queen: Really?

Cora: Crush it, and she dies at last… You don't believe me. Let me show you. Bring the Magic Mirror.

The Evil Queen takes the hearts and goes before her mirror.

Cora: Show us Snow White.


Snow White, the Prince Charming and the dwarves are celebrating the Evil Queen’s birthday.

Snow White: To my stepmother! May she spend the rest of her birthdays searching for me.

Grumpy: To the Queen!

All: To the Queen!


The Evil Queen crushes the heart.


Snow White is in trouble.

Prince Charming: Snow.

It’s Jiminy who makes her a joke.


The Evil Queen crushes the heart and a black knight dies.

Cora: Someone switched the hearts.

Evil Queen: Who?


Henry enters in the reception room

Evil Queen: You gave Snow White her heart back.

Henry: I had to for your own good.

Evil Queen: How could you say that? She'd be dead right now, and all this would be over. Don't you want me to be happy?

Henry: Of course, but not like this. If you crush her heart, you could be dark forever, Regina. You'll be just like her... Your mother. That's what she wants. Please. Please, Regina. Please, you have to listen to me. You can be happy.

Evil Queen: Killing Snow White is the only way I will ever be happy.

Henry: I'm sorry you think that.

Evil Queen: You betrayed me, Daddy. And you know what that means.

Henry: Do what you will, dear. It matters not, because Snow White lives. And now so does your chance at redemption. Whatever happens to me was worth it. This box is as empty as your pursuit. I pray it stays that way.

Evil Queen: It won't. Until Snow White dies, I will never be what you want... Let along what I want. And this box was made to hold something precious. And that's exactly what's it's going to do.

The Evil Queen puts her father in the box.

Evil Queen: Don't worry, Daddy. You're safe in here. I just can't let you stop me. But I would never do anything to hurt you.

Henry: Regina, please. Don't. No!


Regina pours ale on her father’s grave.

Henry: Regina.

Regina: Daddy. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.

Henry takes his daughter in his arms.

Henry: It's okay, dear. It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.

Regina: Is it? Am I really forgiven?

Henry: Of course. I love you no matter what. That's what fathers do.

Regina: I'm not sure they do. I think you're very special. I don't understand how you can be so good.

Henry: Oh, I'm not perfect. I have many regrets. I don't even know which one is keeping me in this place.

Regina: Well, it doesn't matter. Your suffering will not get any worse. I'm going to see to it.

Henry: No, Regina. That's I came to tell you. Your mother is using me to get you to leave. But I want you to stay. You've got a job to do... Helping Snow White, your friends. They need you. They need your strength. You finally put vengeance aside to be a hero. I'm not gonna stand in the way of that.

Regina: But Mother's going to send you someplace worse. I-I-I can't cause you pain again. Mother made her decision. We both know we can't change her mind. But she's given you a way out. Both of us.

Henry: When you tore my heart out, it was driven by the worst motives. But if you stay, you spread hope. That's the best thing anyone can do. Let your old man see you doing the right thing. Then I truly will not have died in vain.

Henry disappears.

–[Enchanted Forest - Past]–

At the Evil Queen’s castle.

Cora: Where's your father run off to? I still owe him a thank you for spoiling your birthday surprise.

Evil Queen: I've already dealt with him. Say hello to Daddy.

Cora: Oh! You've impressed me, sweetheart.

Evil Queen: You know... Daddy may have been wrong to ruin my revenge, but he was right about you.

Cora: When are you going to get it in that thick head that I do everything for you? Especially the things you can't do... Like Snow's heart. How long have you been trying to get it? Because it only took me a day.

Evil Queen: And it only took you an hour to lose it. When I get my revenge, it will be my victory. You won't be around to steal it away.

Cora: You don't have the power to push me back to Wonderland.

Evil Queen: I don't need it. There's someone who'd be happy to lend a hand.

Mirror: Hello again, Cora. Ready for your trip?

The Mirror catches Cora.

Cora: Aah! Don't do this!

Evil Queen: It's done. I've already cast a spell to seal this portal once you're through. Not even I can reopen it. And you'll be out of my life forever.

Cora: Without me, you'll fail. And even worse, you'll be alone.

Evil Queen: Better alone than with you.

Cora: You think you're better alone? Let's see how you really feel.

Cora takes the box.

Cora: Oh!

Evil Queen: No! Daddy! Oh!

Cora disappears behind the mirror.

Mirror: Well... You always have me.


Regina and Henry (son) joins Cora and Henry (father) near the fire well.

Regina: Let him go, Mother.

Cora: You should be on that boat.

Regina: I can't turn my back on those I love.

Cora: I know that seems like the right choice, but life doesn't work that way. I implore you, leave this place.

Henry: No, Regina. Stay here. Help your friends. She's trying to bait you.

Regina: I didn't come back just to help my friends. I came back to help everyone.

Cora: That's not possible. You have to trust me.

Regina: Let him go.

Cora: Oh, please listen to reason. Listen to me. Either way, my time in the Underworld is done. Yours can be, too. Just do what I say.

Regina: Henry, stand back.

Cora: Please don't force my hand. I don't want to do this.

Regina: Then don't.

Cora: I'm sorry.

Cora surrounds her husband with flames.

Regina: No!

Cora: One day, you'll understand.

Cora leaves.

Regina: Daddy! I'm so sorry.

The flames are leaving.

Regina: Daddy?

Henry: Stop. Stay there. I'm okay.

Regina: What's happening?

A new way appears.

Henry: I don't know. There's... Something down here. It's so... It's beautiful. It's where I belong… I know what my unfinished business was now. It was you.

Regina: Me?

Henry: For so long, I let your mother get in the way of who you really are. It was the biggest regret of my life. But now... You're free of her. And I've never been more proud.

Henry (son): Hi.

Henry: Is that...

Regina: This is your grandson... Henry.

Henry (son): Thank you, Grandpa... For believing in her like I do.

Henry: Thank you, Henry... For being there when I couldn't. You take good care of her… It's time for me to go.

Regina: Daddy, no.

Henry: I love you, Regina. Never forget... Who you really are.

Regina: Okay.

Henry moves on.


Regina and Henry join Mary Margaret, David and Emma.

Mary Margaret: Tell me your father's okay.

Regina: He's better than okay. He's in a better place now.

Mary Margaret: Wait. That means everyone here...

David: Can be saved.

Regina: Every soul in this town has unfinished business. And chances are, for a lot of them, we're that business.

Mr. Gold: You've all deluded yourself if you think these people are worth your time. They're not the dearly departed. They are dead, wretched souls, and I want no part of it.

Emma: What you want doesn't matter. I wasn't bluffing... I'm happy to tell Belle about your return to Dark One-ness.

Mr. Gold: Our agreement was to find your pirate and get the hell out of here. If you want to distract yourself with this other asinine pursuit, be my guest. I'm out.

Henry: So... Who's ready for "Operation Firebird"?

Regina: Is that what we're calling it?

Emma: You referring to the mythological bird or the muscle car?

The clock moves.


Cora takes the elevator to meets Hades.

Hades: Did you hear that, Cora?

Cora: The music?

Hades: Yes.

Cora: But I've never been very fond of the violin.

Hades: I wouldn't expect a miller's daughter to appreciate a virtuoso like Paganini, but, no, I didn't mean the music. I was talking about the clock. Did you hear that little tick up there? It was the sound of your incompetence.

Cora: Why do you want my daughter gone? What threat could she pose to you?

Hades: Ah. Tick, tick, tick. You see, each clock tick means a soul has left my domain. Do I look like I like to lose anything?

Cora: I did what you asked. I didn't want to. I... I jeopardized my relationship with her.

Hades: Yes, because you thought you could get her to do what I wanted, which you couldn't. If it makes you feel any better she's going to regret her decision.

Cora: Don't threaten her… Or me. Now... I want what I was promised.

Hades: Ah. Really, Cora. I'm surprised you care so much about Regina... Especially after what you did to your other daughter.

Cora: How do you know about Zelena?

Hades: Oh, I know about everything. Including why you gave her up. All so you could claw your way out of a miserable peasant life. Which suggests the perfect punishment.

Hades turns Cora into a miller.

Hades: Look at that. A miller's daughter once again. Hurry now, Cora. You... You have flour to deliver. That's what they do at mills, isn't it? I never paid much attention. It seems like such dull work.

Cora: No. No, you... Promised you'd save us. Just...

Hades: And you promised not to fail. Something to think about for eternity. Bye.

Kikavu ?

Au total, 200 membres ont visionné cet épisode ! Ci-dessous les derniers à l'avoir vu...

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18.02.2022 vers 17h

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jptruelove  (18.01.2022 à 16:30)

J'aime bien les enfers... Je ne m'attendais pas du tout à ça et j'avoue que cela donne super bien. 

Cela fait plaisir de revoir certains personnages, surtout pour continuer à les détester :-)

Vu le passé de Regina, je veux insister sur la bonté de son père Henry. Quel homme formidable ! 


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choup37, 15.04.2024 à 10:15

Il manque 3 votes pour valider la nouvelle bannière Kaamelott... Clic clic clic

chrismaz66, 15.04.2024 à 11:46

Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

Supersympa, Avant-hier à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, Aujourd'hui à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, Aujourd'hui à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

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