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#605 : Jasmine et Aladdin

A Agrabah, la Princesse Jasmine recrute Aladdin pour l'aider à retrouver une arme secrète qui leur permettrait de mettre fin à l'emprise de Jafar sur le Sultan et sauver la cité. Leur quête les emmène à la Caverne aux Merveilles où le destin d'Aladdin se révèle.

À Storybrooke, la Méchante Reine piège Crochet et les Charmant, poussant Emma à révéler son secret afin de diviser la famille. Tandis que la Méchante Reine chouchoute Zelena, Regina et nos héros tentent de découvrir ce qu'il est advenu d'Aladdin.


4.33 - 15 votes

Titre VO
Street Rats

Titre VF
Jasmine et Aladdin

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France (inédit)
Mercredi 03.01.2018 à 21:00

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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Dimanche 23.10.2016 à 20:00
3.40m / 1.0% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Réalisation : Edward Kitsis et Adam Horowitz

Scénario : Norman Buckley

Guests :

Cedric de Souza Le Sultan
Kate Dion-Richard Boucles d'or

Centré sur : Aladdin

–[Agrabah - Past]–

Guards reunite the thieves from Agrabah on a place.

Guard: Get on your knees, vermin! Get down! Down!

Jafar: The Sultan does not tolerate thieves in Agrabah… And more importantly, neither do I.

During Jafar’s speech, Aladdin steals the pedestrian.

Jafar: Our city has become overrun. You vermin. Nothing more than street rats.

Jafar turns the thieves into rats.

Jafar: Now as you should be.


Aladdin hides to count his treasure.

Jasmine: So, are you as bold as they say?

Aladdin: Bold… Oh, uh, no. Just, um... Late for work at the, uh, bakery. Look at the time. Got to get that yeast rising, you know?

Jasmine: You're not a baker.

Aladdin: Well, the truth about that is...

Jasmine: And you're a terrible liar. Relax. I'm not here to report you… I'm here to hire you... Aladdin.

Aladdin: Well, I'm at a disadvantage. Who are you?

Jasmine uncovers her face.

Aladdin: You're the Princess. Jasmine. What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at, like, a palace or something?

Jasmine: I don't care for the palace, thank you very much. Not since Jafar became my father, the Sultan's, advisor. He's a despot. He's taking advantage of my father's kind heart and destroying Agrabah from the inside, starving citizens and delivering brutal justice when they're just trying to grab a crust of bread for their families. That's why I've come to you.

Aladdin: You want me to steal bread?

Jasmine: No. I want you to help me defeat Jafar.

Aladdin: Defeat Jafar? Did you miss what he just did? He turned people into rats. He has magic.

Jasmine: Please. Only you can do this. I need your help, Aladdin. Agrabah needs your help.

Aladdin: Sorry, Princess. Only person I help is me.

Jasmine: Look in your pocket.

Aladdin: What?

Jasmine: Look!

Aladdin finds an item.

Jasmine: The Golden Scarab of Agrabah. One of the great royal treasures.

Aladdin: Take it back. I don't care how much you're paying me.

Jasmine: Oh, you don't understand. It's not payment. Oh, no! It's missing! The royal scarab!

Aladdin: Shh! Okay!

Jasmine: Thief!

Aladdin: Okay, shh! Okay, I'll do it. I'll do it… So, what are we stealing?

Jasmine: Nothing much. Just the most powerful magic in all the realm. A weapon known as the Diamond in the Rough.

Aladdin: Right.


Emma and Archie are walking into the woods.

Archie: Emma, I really don't think chasing a bird is an effective form of therapy.

Emma: Last time, he took me to the Oracle. He'll do it again. She knows what's going on with my visions.

Archie: She says she knows, but I can actually help you.

Emma: This is not dream interpretation.

Archie: Emma, this is the opposite of how therapy's supposed to work. I mean, we're... We're making progress.

Emma: Well, I don't see it. My hands are still shaking and the visions are still haunting me despite all the hours on the couch. So no more talking. Today we do something… Whoa. Hello? Hey.

Emma finds the Oracle, she’s dead.

Archie: Oh, no. Is she...

Emma: I think so.

Archie: Who would do this?

Emma: Shh.

Emma sees a person who runs away. She runs after her.

Emma: Stop! Hey! Hey, stop! Stop!


Emma, Snow White and David are in the observation room at the Sheriff Station.

Snow White: I guess Shirin was after more than just a fulfilling career in education.

Emma: If that's even her real name. Let's go find out.


Emma and David enter in the interview room.

Emma: So, let's talk. Who are you really, Shirin? What are you doing here? Let us help you. Tell us who you are.

Jasmine: I... I can't tell you. I've had to keep my true self secret for many years. In the Land of Untold Stories, Hyde... He could use this against me.

David: Hyde's dead.

Jasmine: Really?

Emma: Yeah, he's gone. You don't have to be afraid of him.

Jasmine: I'm Princess Jasmine of Agrabah. And I swear to you I am innocent of this crime.

Emma: I believe you.

Jasmine: Really? I have, kind of, a superpower.

David: So if it wasn't you, who was it?

Jasmine: I have no idea. That girl, she was my friend. She was… Helping me find a man who I cared about a long, long time ago.

Emma: Aladdin?

Jasmine: You know him?

Emma: No, I just saw the movie. It's a this world thing. But where is he?

Jasmine: I wish I knew… He was quite special….He was… The Saviour.

Emma: What?

David: What?


Archie comes in his practice. The Evil Queen waits for him.

Evil Queen: It's about time the doctor's in.

Archie: What do you want?

Evil Queen: I want to talk about Emma Swan.

Archie: You know that I cannot talk about my patients.

Evil Queen: Oh, I think you'll make an exception for me. Now, Mr. Hyde, before his untimely demise, told me the Oracle gave Emma visions of her future, and she wasn't willing to tell me about them, so...

Archie: It was you. You killed her.

Evil Queen: Well, if that surprises you, you're not much with reading people. Probably not good for a therapist. But since the Oracle is gone, I need information, and you, Cricket, are my only source.

Archie tries to escape but the Evil Queen locks the door.

Evil Queen: Don't you remember what a great team we made? Let's do it one more time for old time's sake.

Archie: No.

Evil Queen: Well, I always knew you had a conscience. Tell me, are you developing a spine to go with it? No matter.

The Evil Queen turns into Archie.

Archie/Evil Queen: If you won't tell me about Emma's visions, then I'll just ask her myself.


Zelena looks after her daughter at her farm.

Zelena: Nap time. Here you go. Shh, shh, shh.

She sees Archie in her living room.

Zelena: What the...? Sister. As if I don't have anything better to do with my time than watch her victims.

Archie: Let me go, please.

Zelena: Alas. As twisted as my evil sibling is, she usually has her reasons.

Archie: You don't have to listen to her. Y-You can do whatever you feel is right for you. You don't have to be in... In anyone's shadow.

Zelena: Are you psychoanalyzing me? You are psychoanalyzing me. I've got enough to do. I don't need another baby to watch.


Archie/Evil Queen goes to talk to Emma in the street.

Archie/Evil Queen: Emma, we need to talk.

Emma: I don't remember scheduling another session. Did we schedule another session?

Archie/Evil Queen: No, no, no, no. But I-I just was thinking about your situation, and, uh, I just couldn't let go of it, and I-I just think we've got more to explore with that vision.

Emma: I don't think we need to. Things have changed.

Archie/Evil Queen: They... They have?

Emma: Yeah, there's another Saviour... One that came before me, and, Archie, he's alive.

Emma gets in her car.

Archie/Evil Queen: Wait, a... Another Saviour?

Emma: Yeah. Aladdin. You know, like "A Whole New World" and magic carpets. Aladdin. He made it. He's okay, which means if he is, then maybe the vision doesn't matter. Maybe it's wrong. Maybe all Saviours don't die, and then it's okay that I can tell my family because there's nothing to tell… See ya.

Emma drives away.

–[Agrabah - Past]–

Aladdin and Jasmine are walking in the desert.

Aladdin: So this Diamond in the Rough, it's a jewel, a weapon?

Jasmine: You'll learn all you need to once we reach the Cave of Wonders.

Aladdin: Cave of Wonders?

Jasmine: The stories say that's where it will be discovered.

Aladdin: Stories? This... This journey's based on stories?

Jasmine: I was a bored princess in a palace full of books. I did some reading.

Aladdin: This, um, Cave of Wonders. It's "wonders," plural… 'Cause as silly as the name sounds, wonders can be profitable.

Jasmine: This is not a scavenger hunt.

Aladdin: That's exactly what it is, actually.

Jasmine: What it is, is serious. Please stop thinking of only yourself.

Aladdin: Your Highness is rather judgy.

Jasmine: Hey, I could be back at my palace comfortable, even with Jafar. I'm out here trying to make a change, to better the world.

Aladdin: You do realize it's been suffering for a long time?

Jasmine: What?

Aladdin: You can't blame it all on Jafar… See, being stuck inside those palace walls surrounded by books, you don't see it. Hmm.

Jasmine: See what?

Aladdin: The capital's been suffering for a long time. Only when your family was personally affected did you decide to get heroic.

Jasmine: Well, better late then never.

Aladdin: Yeah. Neither of us is exactly hero material. Let's be honest. I might be a selfish street rat, but you, you're a selfish princess.

Jasmine: At least I'm doing something now. What are you doing? Just complaining.

Aladdin: Yeah, right.

Aladdin eats an apple.

Aladdin: Selfish street rat. Hmm. Stole this from a street vendor. Want it?

He gives Jasmine the second apple.

Jasmine: Thank you.


Jasmine and Aladdin arrive to the Cave of Wonders.

Aladdin: I'm guessing that's it. Not just a tiger-shaped outhouse?

Jasmine: Indeed. The Cave of Wonders.

Aladdin: Well then… Careful, Princess… Okay. Now what?

Jasmine: I thought you were a thief. How hard can a little breaking and entering be?

Aladdin: Okay… Got it.

Jasmine: You do?

Aladdin: Mm. Let's take a page from your stories… Ever read "Ali Baba"? You ready? Open sesame!

The door doesn’t open.

Aladdin: Hmm. So much for stories.

The door opens.

Aladdin: After you, Princess.


Emma comes in her parents’ loft. Her family waits for her.

Emma: What's wrong?

David: We just hit a dead end trying to find Aladdin.

Snow White: We tried a locator spell. It didn't work. Nothing belonged to him. Everything he had, he stole.

Emma: And we're giving up?

David: We're not giving up exactly, but it doesn't look good.

Jasmine: So, we may not find Aladdin.

Archie/Evil Queen: Which means you're running out of excuses, Emma.

Emma: Did you follow me here?

Archie/Evil Queen: Yes. I mean, look. I couldn't leave knowing that you were gonna continue to lie to yourself and to your family.

Snow White: What is going on?

Archie/Evil Queen: Emma has a secret.

Emma: Archie.

Hook: No. Continue.

Emma: Killian.

Hook: Emma, if he thinks it can help... Cricket's always been on your side.

Henry: Mom, please.

Emma: I've... Been having visions of what I think is my future… I've been shaking… In the vision... I die… According to Hyde, all Saviours die… Aladdin was also a Saviour, so I thought if I found him, if I found him alive... That he could help me avoid my fate.

Archie/Evil Queen leaves.


Archie/Evil Queen is walking in the stairs.

Hook: So you lied to us?

Snow White: Do you not trust us?

David: We're your family.

Snow White: And you don't keep secrets from your family.

Henry: And you die?

David: Who kills you?


In the Charming family’s loft.

Regina: So, I'm not there?

Emma: The figure in the hood kills me while I protect everyone, but no, you're not there.

Regina: Well, where do you think I am? Dead? Or am I the figure under the hood?

Emma: Now, Regina, don't be angry. This is a vision. It's not a dream. It's not like it's my subconscious at work.

Regina: I'm gonna find another way to track down Aladdin. If I can't be of help in the future, I sure as hell better do my part now.

Emma: Regina.

Regina: Just give me an hour. Meet me at my vault. I've got this.

Regina leaves.

Jasmine: Is it true?

Emma: What?

Jasmine: Is Aladdin dead?

Emma: I don't know.

–[Agrabah - Past]–

Jasmine and Aladdin explore the Cave of Wonders.

Jasmine: Look!

Aladdin: Oh! You want a diamond foot stool, Princess?

Jasmine wants to take the Diamond in the Rough but Aladdin stops her.

Aladdin: Whoop. No. Booby trapped. You lift it here, and...

Jasmine: Boom.

Aladdin: Yeah. Can't put weight here. It's too narrow… Oh, um... Help me find something that has a, um... That'll do.

Aladdin takes a monkey statue and uses it to replace the Diamond on the blade.

Aladdin: Okay.

Jasmine: Ah… Clever.

Aladdin: Well, my lady. I present the Diamond in the...

The Diamond turns into dust. There is an earth quake.

Aladdin: Get down!

Aladdin uses magic to protect Jasmine and himself.

Aladdin: What was that?

Jasmine: Magic.

Aladdin: Huh?

Jasmine: You have magic.

Aladdin: Did you know this would happen?

Jasmine: Well, I didn't know the column would fall on us, but yes. I suspected something, and now you've proven it true.

Aladdin: Proven what?

Jasmine: That wasn't the Diamond in the Rough. You are. You're the weapon… You can challenge Jafar and defeat him. You're going to be the Saviour of Agrabah.


Henry joins Jasmine in his former room.

Henry: Hey. So, uh, you can play the Xbox if you want… Or whatever helps.

Jasmine: I'm sorry to intrude.

Henry: Oh, no, it's... It's okay… I know this is hard for you, too… Because of Aladdin… I'm sorry about that.

Jasmine: The worst part is being the Saviour is a death sentence. And back in a cave in Agrabah, I was the one who put him on the path.

Henry: I did the same for my mom… I brought her here to break a curse. She was just living her life.

Jasmine: So was Aladdin.

Henry: Maybe, uh... Maybe Hyde was wrong about Saviours dying.

Jasmine: I hope so… For both of us.


Snow White has a conversation with her daughter.

Snow White: You should've been honest.

Emma: I didn't lie. I just... Got scared.

Snow White: Which is exactly when you should talk to your mother.

Emma: Can you forgive me?

Snow White: I mean, of course I forgive you. We're your parents. We'll always forgive you. But what about him? You're trying to build something. And look, your father and I may not be perfect, but we don't keep secrets from each other.

David: That was Leroy. He had an appointment with Archie but he didn't show.

Emma: Archie left with plenty of time.

Snow White: That wasn't Archie.

Emma: The Queen. She has him.


At Zelena’s farm, Archie looks after Robin.

Zelena: Keep bouncing. She likes it. And if you know what's good for you, you'll add some funny faces.

The Evil Queen appears.

Zelena: About bloody time.

Evil Queen: Oh, good, you're here. What a day. Thanks for watching him.

Zelena: Yeah, thanks for asking. You know, I could've called Regina and turned him over.

Evil Queen: Yes, you could have, but you didn't. You know what, Sis? I know exactly what you need. Come with me.

Zelena: Come with you? What about Robin?

Evil Queen: Oh, we have the perfect babysitter. If the baby dies, you die. See? Now put a barrier spell over this dump to keep the vermin in and come along. Your little sister can make everything better.


The Evil Queen and Zelena are at the SPA.

Evil Queen: Have you seen Gold's new haircut?

Zelena: Yes, I bumped into him today.

Evil Queen: He's looking good, isn't he? That man needed to get away from that blithering bookworm.

Zelena: Have you and the Dark One ever...

Evil Queen: Have you?

Zelena: God, no… No… But I did try once. Back in my wicked days.

Evil Queen: You know those days don't have to be over… So, what's holding you back now, hmm? I mean, isn't this what you've always wanted? A family who gets you, who chooses you? Regina and the others only tolerate you. They want you to shun your gifts. But I choose you because you're wicked.

Zelena: But what if my daughter doesn't?

Evil Queen: I understand… Now, don't forget I spent 10 years lying to Henry about who I really was because I thought, well, if he ever saw the real me, I'd be rejected.

Zelena: But isn't that exactly what happened?

Evil Queen: Only because I lied to him. You see, I never gave him the chance to accept the real me… But you, Zelena, you are strong and powerful and wicked… But your daughter won't embrace who you really are unless you embrace yourself first. Who knows? She may just turn out as wonderfully wicked as you.


Emma meets Regina at her vault.

Emma: You, uh, took off kind of quickly.

Regina: Well, I'm sorry. I'm trying to save your life.

Emma: Fair enough.

Regina: How's Henry? How are you?

Emma: Honestly, anxious to figure this out. What are we making in this jar of nightmares?

Regina: It's a different kind of locator spell.

Emma: I thought everything Aladdin had was hot property.

Regina: So did I, but then I realized there's one thing Aladdin didn't steal. His magic. This potion links like magic... In this case, the magic of two Saviours.

Emma: Mine and Aladdin's.

Regina: All you have to do is drink. Let's go find Aladdin.

–[Agrabah - Past]–

Jasmine and Aladdin have a discussion in the Cave of Wonders.

Aladdin: So, you knew? This whole time you knew, and you didn't think to mention it?

Jasmine: You would've believed me?

Aladdin: Of course not… I need to be alone.

Jasmine: As you wish. But before I go... This scarab was given to my family by the people of Agrabah many generations ago, a gift for freeing the Kingdom from darkness. It's a hero's scarab. And now it's yours, because even if you don't believe in you, I do.

Jasmine leaves and Jafar appears.

Jafar: Oh, hello, Aladdin. So how does it feel to be the Saviour?

Aladdin: Feels pretty good, 'cause I get to defeat you… Isn't that part of the job description?

Jafar: Yeah. Perhaps that, too. But what happens then?

Aladdin: I live happily ever after?

Jafar: Not quite. Would you like to see what happens to your little hero endeavour, hmm? This is no ordinary bird. It's a type of an oracle.

Aladdin has a vision.

Jafar: And what it's showing you now... Is your the future. Not pretty, is it? But death is the fate of all Saviours.

Aladdin: Is there any way to change it?

Jafar: Well, your future's not set in stone yet. There is a way to alter your destiny with these…

Jafar shows Aladdin the Shears of Destiny.

Jafar: Once belonging to the three fates, these shears can sever the ties to your own destiny. You will live, and you will no longer be a Saviour.

Aladdin: So, I... I won't have any power?

Jafar: But you'll live a long, prosperous, happy life, paid for by all the treasures from the Cave of Wonders… You said it yourself, Aladdin… You didn't ask to be a Saviour. And perhaps when you're free, you can buy yourself a new title. Doesn't Prince Aladdin sound so much more appealing than dead Saviour?


Jasmine comes home.

Jasmine: Father? Are you in here? Father.

Sultan: Jasmine, my dear. Have you seen my new castle?

Jasmine: We don't have time to play with toys, father. I have to get you somewhere safe… A great battle is coming.

Sultan: But Agrabah is at peace.

Jasmine: Agrabah is dying. I know you can't see it right now, but Jafar has torn our Kingdom apart, so I found a Saviour who will defeat him.

Jafar: Defeat the Royal Vizier? That sounds like treason.

Jasmine: Don't listen to him, Father. Jafar is controlling you.

Jafar: Yes. I am. So, I can do what I want to you.

Jasmine: You stay away from me. The Saviour will be here soon.

Jafar: Oh, do you mean Aladdin? The thief with a heart of gold, or is it the heart that desires gold?

Jasmine: You don't know him.

Jafar: Oh, but I do. Your Saviour took the gold and ran… Now all that's left between me and the throne is you.

Jafar imprisons Jasmine in a giant hourglass. Aladdin comes in with a flying carpet.

Aladdin: I wouldn't be so sure of that!

Jafar: You should've used the shears.

Aladdin: Yeah, probably. But I'm still the Saviour, and I don't care what price I pay for it.

Aladdin frees Jasmine and breaks the snake cane.

Jafar: Spoken like a thief who's never had to pay a price for anything. But you will. And someday you'll realize that today was no victory.

Jafar leaves.

Aladdin: Jasmine. Jasmine, are you all right?

Jasmine: I'm fine. I just didn't think...

Aladdin: What was wrong? Was the magic carpet too much?

Jasmine: No. I just thought you had abandoned us.

Aladdin: Yeah, um... Well, to be honest, I-I almost did.

Jasmine: And what changed your mind?

Aladdin: You.

They are about to kiss but the Sultan interferes.

Sultan: Jasmine! Who is this young man? And why is there a toy castle in my throne room?

Aladdin: I'm a friend of your daughter's… I just wanted to return something she had lost.

Jasmine: Keep it. It's yours now. So you'll always remember that you have a friend who believes in you.


Emma leads her friends and family through the forest.

Emma: We're getting close. It's... It's like we're connected… It's this way.


They enter in a crypt.

Emma: This is the place. He's here.

Regina: Here? We're directly into the cemetery in some kind of forgotten...

Jasmine: Crypt. This is a crypt. Aladdin can't be here. You must've made some kind of mistake.

Emma: I don't think so.

Hook: Why don't we wait outside while the others look around?

Jasmine: No. Give me one of those torches.

Jasmine finds the scarab on a skeleton.

Emma: Jasmine?

Jasmine: You were right. He is here.

Regina: Are you... Are you sure that's Aladdin?

Jasmine: Yes.

Regina: I'm so sorry.

Henry: Mom. Does this mean...

Emma: I... I don't know. I think I need to be alone for a minute.

Everybody leave.


Emma has still had the vision. Her hand is shaken.

Henry: Mom?

Emma: Kid. I said I wanted to be alone.

Henry: I know. But... I'm so sorry.

Emma: What?

Henry: This is all my fault.

Emma: What... What are you saying?

Henry: If I never knocked on your door, If I never dragged you to Storybrooke in the first place, none of this would be happening. I forced you to become the Saviour.

Emma: You didn't force me to do anything. You helped me believe.

Henry: Believing won't stop the future.

Emma: Maybe not. But it gave me a family. It made me a mother… I have actual magic in my life. I have you… If I could go back, I wouldn't change a thing.

Henry: But it's not fair.

Emma: Oh, kid. Let's not worry about the end of this story, okay? Endings usually suck. Let's just... Enjoy the middle, the journey together.

They hug.

Henry: Someone's there.

Emma: Stand back. I got this.

Aladdin: Sure you know how to work that?

Emma: Aladdin?

Aladdin: From one Saviour to another, that is no fun, is it?

–[Agrabah - Past]–

Aladdin and Jasmine are walking in the streets of Agrabah.

Aladdin: How is he, the Sultan?

Jasmine: My father again, thanks to you.

Aladdin: I had some help. But don't tell anyone. My reputation, you know?

Jasmine: Oh, that reminds me. Father insists you have your pick of the royal treasury.

Aladdin: I don't want a reward.

Jasmine: The greatest thief in Agrabah turning down the Sultan's riches?

Aladdin: Yeah.

Jasmine: Your reputation is doomed. So, what does the Saviour want?

Aladdin: Just to be the Saviour. You know, save people.

Jasmine: Right. Well, a falcon arrived this morning. Jafar was sighted in the eastern provinces.

Aladdin: All right. Come with me.

Jasmine: What?

Aladdin: We make a good team. We could fight Jafar together. And I could show you the world… What do you say, Princess?

They are about to kiss but Jasmine stops.

Jasmine: I... Oh, I can't. There's much work to be done here. Someone once told me that my Kingdom was in pain for a very long time.

Aladdin: Mm-hmm.

Jasmine: They were right. And they also said that I was selfish. Also right.

Aladdin: I wouldn't listen to him. He sounds like quite the scoundrel.

Jasmine: This isn't goodbye. You'll defeat Jafar. And then... You know where to find me.

Aladdin: Then I'll be seeing you. Princess.

A bag appears on Aladdin’s shoulder. There are the Shears of Destiny inside and a note.

Jafar: For a rainy day or the coming storm. When the Saviours’ burden becomes too much, you'll thank me.


In the crypt.

Emma: You used them.

Aladdin: Yeah, I did… And Agrabah fell. So... I fled to the Enchanted Forest and got swept up in the curse.

Henry: So, you've been in Storybrooke this entire time?

Aladdin: Lucky for me, the sheriffs in town are too busy saving the world to notice a common thief. A very good one, to their credit.

Emma: So, you planted the scarab. You didn't want us to find you.

Aladdin: Well, I never intended to reveal myself. But after hearing you and the boy, I couldn't keep these to myself.

Aladdin gives Emma the Shears of Destiny.

Henry: But Jasmine... She's looking for you. You... You need to go to her.

Aladdin: She was the first person to believe I could be more than just a selfish street rat. I can't see the look in her eyes when she realizes that's exactly what I am.

Emma: I was... I am a street rat, too. I made plenty of mistakes. But I found people who kept me strong and cared about me as much as Jasmine clearly cares about you. Maybe the real mistake was keeping the Saviour burden to yourself.

Aladdin: Our story never even begun.

Emma: You two never... In the movie, you...

Aladdin: Duty always got in the way.

Henry: It's never too late to start.

Aladdin: Mm.


Aladdin meets Jasmine in the park.

Aladdin: Hey there, Princess.

Jasmine: Aladdin?

They hug.

Jasmine: I thought you were dead.

Aladdin: I thought I'd never see you again… So, now what?

Jasmine: Now you need to help me. That's why I've been searching for you. Agrabah is in terrible danger. We need the Saviour.

Aladdin: Yeah… Um... About that.


The Evil Queen and Zelena come home.

Archie: Where have you been?

Evil Queen: Yes, mothering isn't easy, is it?

Zelena: A spa day is exactly what Mommy needed to get back to basics, isn't it?

Archie: Basics? What... What... What are you gonna do? You gonna... You gonna torture me? Kill me?

Zelena: Please. Don't be ridiculous. That would be a bit too, well, evil for my tastes… No. I've got to show my daughter who her mommy is.

Zelena turns Archie into a cricket.

Zelena: Wicked.


At Charming family’s loft.

Regina: Pair of scissors? Why does magic always have to be so literal?

David: We came as soon as we could.

Snow White: Still no sign of Archie. Are those...

Hook: Aye. They are.

Emma: Look, I brought those here because I'm done with secrets, but I do not want to use them.

Snow White: Emma.

Emma: Just hear me out. Aladdin didn't trust the people he loved. That's why he failed… But I believe in us to find a third way. It's kind of what we do. But if we don't and my magic does come with a price… I will pay it. The Saviour is what I am, but I am also part of a family.

Snow White: Well, I choose to believe in us, too.

David: We all do. We can protect you, and we can protect this town.

Hook: If that's what you want, I'm with you, Swan.

Emma: Hey. I'm sorry… I'm sorry I didn't trust you. No more secrets.

Emma gives Hook the Shears of Destiny.

Emma: Take them. I don't want them used as a weapon if they fell into the wrong hands… We need to be sure to be rid of them.


Hook comes back from his little trip on the sea.

Hook: They're thousands of leagues under the sea. No one will ever find them, not even Poseidon himself.

Emma kisses Hook.

Emma: Thank you.

Hook: There's a storm coming.

Emma: Seems like a perfect night for a fire and some hot buttered rum.

Hook: Yeah, sounds like heaven. I just need to check in on the old girl, Secure the rigging.

Emma: Pizza or Chinese?

Hook: Your heart's desire, Swan. I promise, that's all I want you to have.

He kisses her. She leaves. Hook keeps the Shears of Destiny.

Kikavu ?

Au total, 164 membres ont visionné cet épisode ! Ci-dessous les derniers à l'avoir vu...

05.07.2023 vers 21h

12.06.2023 vers 07h

23.06.2022 vers 23h

17.06.2022 vers 13h

16.06.2022 vers 23h

25.01.2022 vers 10h

Derniers commentaires

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jptruelove  (25.01.2022 à 10:33)

J'adoree Aladin et Jasmine !!! 

J'aime beaucoup ce qui se passe dans cet épisode (même si je n'approuve pas les méthodes de la méchante reine).

J'apprécie les diverses allusions au dessin animé et on sent aussi vite l'alchimie entre Amadin et Jasmine dans cet épisode que dans le Disney. J'aime bien l'idée d'Aladin en sauveur et la possibilité d'échapper à son destin avec les ciseaux. 


Sas1608  (22.08.2016 à 09:35)

Le titre de l'épisode a changé. Il s'intitule désormais "Street Rats" :)


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choup37, 15.04.2024 à 10:15

Il manque 3 votes pour valider la nouvelle bannière Kaamelott... Clic clic clic

chrismaz66, 15.04.2024 à 11:46

Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

Supersympa, 16.04.2024 à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, Hier à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, Hier à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

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