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#608 : Le rocher de Sisyphe

Emma et Regina élaborent un plan pour enfermer la Méchante Reine dans une prison de leur cru, tandis que Mary Margaret et David tentent d'accomoder leur vie l'un sans l'autre.

Alors que Henry se prépare avec nervosité à emmener Violette au bal de l'école, la Méchante Reine joue les impostures pour lui donner conseil qui pourrait le mener sur une mauvaise voie.

Pendant ce temps, Zelena accepte d'aider Belle, aussi elles chargent ensemble Aladdin de voler un objet magique de M. Gold, qui protégerait Belle et son fils de lui pour toujours.


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I'll Be Your Mirror

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Le rocher de Sisyphe

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Plus de détails

Réalisation : Jennifer Lynch

Scénario : Jerome Schwartz, Lead Fong

Guests :

Tzi Ma Le dragon

Episode 608 : Le Rocher de Sisyphe

Résumé :

Combat entre Evil Queen et Regina

Malédiction Snow et David

Scène 1 : Storybrooke. Appartement des Charmant

Blanche s’apitoie sur son sort pendant que Regina est convaincue que ce qui arrive à ses amis et de sa faute. Emma et Regina discutent de leurs futurs respectifs et de la façon de vaincre la Méchante Reine. Snow veut réveiller David mais semble y renoncer en se rendant compte que la Méchante Reine les observe grâce à un jeu de miroirs.


Scène 2 : Storybrooke. Appartement des Charmant

On assiste à la vie quotidienne des Charmant l’un sans l’autre. Ils essayent de communiquer sur leurs actions grâce au téléphone, mots….

Scène 3 : Storybrooke. Caveau de Regina

Regina condamne tous les miroirs pour éviter d’être épier par son alter ego diabolique. Emma et elle discutent du moyen de trouver le Dragon afin de briser le sort des Charmant. Regina suggère de se débarrasser de la Méchante Reine en l’enfermant dans le monde derrière le miroir en se servant d’Henry.

Ce dernier est déprimé car Violet l’a laissé tomber lors d’une de leurs séances de cinéma et il doute de leurs sentiments réciproques. Emma lui conseille de rester lui-même et s’apitoie sur le fait qu’elle ne sera sans doute plus là pour continuer à prodiguer des conseils à son fils dans un avenir proche.

Scène 4 : Plage de Storybrooke

Henry et la Méchante Reine discutent du sort des Charmant, de leur passé commun jusqu’au moment où Henry se volatilise par magie. Emma et Regina arrivent et tentent de mettre leur plan à exécution mais celui-ci se retourne contre elles quand la Méchante Reine prend l’avantage : c’est donc Regina et Emma qui sont victimes de leur idée.

Scène 5 : Monde derrière le miroir

Emma et Regina sont bloquées dans la monde derrière le miroir et se rendent compte qu’elles peuvent voir ce qui se passe dans Storybrooke grâce à tous les miroirs de la ville mais ne peuvent communiquer avec ses habitants. Leurs pouvoirs sont inactifs et Regina pense qu’elles sont piégées pour toujours mais Emma est convaincue qu’Henry, se rendant compte de leur absence, volera à leur secours.

Scène 6 : Storybrooke. Appartement des Charmant

La Méchante Reine prend la place de Regina et annonce à tout le monde que le plan a fonctionné. Elle ment également à Hook en lui disant qu’Emma est partie, seule, à la recherche du Dragon dans New-York. Snow est ravie de savoir que Regina est définitivement séparée sa moitié diabolique.

Scène 7 : Maison de Zelena

Belle et Zelena discutent de la disparition soudaine de Gold. Belle est convaincue que ce dernier en veut à leur enfant et supplie la Méchante Sorcière de l’Ouest de lui venir en aide. Belle veut que Zelena lui fasse quitter la ville grâce à la baguette du sorcier, détenue par Gold dans sa boutique : Belle suggère de la voler.

Scène 8 : Granny’s

Belle demande à Aladdin de voler la baguette du Sorcier mais Jasmine est contre cette idée. Zelena soutient Belle en leur rappelant que, à cause d’eux, Gold détient les Ciseaux de la Destinée.

Scène 9 : Boutique de Gold

Gold et la Méchante Reine discutent et l’on se rend compte que Gold est au courant de sa duperie. La Méchante Reine veut que Gold lui remette le marteau d’Héphaïstos afin d’obtenir une famille. Celui-ci accepte et le lui donne en la mettant en garde contre le fait que les méchants n’ont jamais de fin heureuse et que l’amour est une faiblesse. En échange elle lui promet d’être dans son camp et elle décide de se servir du marteau sur Henry.

Scène 10 : Plage de Storybrooke

Hook s’inquiète qu’Emma ne lui réponde pas. Il découvre alors le portable d’Emma lorsqu’il tombe sur la Méchante Reine qui le met KO.

Scène 11 : Monde derrière le miroir

Emma et Regina essayent de trouver un moyen d’entrer en contact avec leur famille et amis pour quitter ce monde.

Scène 12 : Granny’s

Henry attend Violet. Ses mères, en le voyant derrière le miroir, tentent de le prévenir. Il se rend compte que quelque chose ne va pas car le miroir bouge mais la Méchante Reine arrive et fait tout capoter.

Henry rejoint alors Violet et lui explique à demi-mots que quelque chose ne va pas et lui demande de l’aider à s’en aller loin de celle qui prétend être sa mère.

Scène 13 : Monde derrière le miroir

Emma et Regina discutent d’Henry lorsqu’elles s’aperçoivent que le Dragon est également coincé dans ce monde pour avoir refusé d’aider la Méchante Reine. Ce dernier leur explique qu’il existe un équilibre entre la lumière et les ténèbres et qu’il y a un moyen de quitter ce monde.

Scène 14 : Boutique de Gold

Aladdin vole la baguette du Sorcier.

Scène 15 : Monde derrière le miroir

Emma, Regina et le Dragon se retrouvent dans l’antre de Sydney. Le Dragon révèle à Emma qu’il ne peut pas libérer ses parents mais leur annonce qu’il a pu trouver, tout comme Sydney avant lui, un moyen de quitter le miroir en réparant un miroir brisé qui s’avère être la porte vers notre monde.

Scène 16 : Caveau de Regina

Henry  cherche à entrer en contact avec ses mères et comprend qu’elles ont été prises à leur propre piège. La Méchante Reine arrive et confirme ses doutes et lui avoue qu’elle veut faire de lui un grand homme. Henry refuse de la rejoindre alors la Méchante Reine se sert du cœur du Dragon pour communiquer avec son alter ego et Emma : ainsi seul le corps du Dragon est prisonnier du monde derrière le miroir. Le Dragon se transforme alors en véritable dragon et attaque Emma et Regina.

La Méchante Reine essaie de convaincre Henry de sauver ses mères en le forçant à briser, à l’aide du marteau d’Héphaïstos, le cœur du Dragon mais ce dernier refuse et préfère casser le miroir permettant ainsi à Emma, Regina et le Dragon de revenir dans notre monde.

Scène 17 : Grand rue de Storyrooke

Aladdin et Jasmine discutent de la définition d’un héros et Jasmine se rend compte qu’elle a failli refuser d’aider Belle. Aladdin lui avoue alors avoir volé la lampe magique à Gold car il espère que la personne enfermée à l’intérieur pourra les aider à sauver Agrabah.

Scène 18 : Demeure de Zelena

Zelena tente de se servir de la baguette sur Belle quand Gold arrive et lui vole la baguette. Gold en profite également pour mettre un bracelet magique de localisation à Belle afin de toujours savoir où la trouver. Il essaie alors de s’en prendre à Zelena mais celle-ci retourne un de leurs accords passés contre lui : en effet lors de leur séjour commun à New-York, elle lui a sauvé la vie et il ne peut désormais plus lui faire du mal sans s’en faire à lui également.

Scène 19 : Appartement des Charmant

Snow renonce à laisser un mot à son époux pour lui raconter sa vie en son absence. Elle réveille David d’un baiser et celui-ci comprend l’abattement de son épouse.

Scène 20 : Granny’s

Violet et Henry arrivent enfin à mener leur rendez-vous à bien. Emma et Regina se rendent compte que leur fils a bien grandi.

Scène 21 : Boutique de Gold

La Méchante Reine rejoint Gold et ils discutent de leurs enfants, de leur rôle de parent et de leur nouveau marché : pour obtenir sa fin heureuse, Gold suggère à Regina de s’allier à lui et de lui prouver sa loyauté en tuant sa sœur, Zelena.


Fait par Sanct08


David is in his bed. Snow White is talking to him.

Snow White: Hey, Charming. Remember when I said I wanted things back to normal? Well, look at us now. Maybe this is our normal.

Emma, Regina, Henry and Hook are at the loft too.

Regina: This is all my fault. I can't let them suffer for it.

Emma: Regina, where the hell are you going?

Regina: To stop the Queen. I can hurt her. I'm the only one who can hurt her. Anything that happens to me will happen to her.

Emma: No. I am not letting you sacrifice yourself.

Regina: Well, I'm not asking for permission.

Emma: Did you forget what's about to happen to me? I have a death sentence.

Regina: But you can fight that future, Emma. I know you. You will fight it.

Emma: But that doesn't mean I will win, and the only thing that makes that bearable is knowing that Henry will still have you. I can't be there, so you have to be. You know I'm right. We have to find another way to defeat her.

Snow White: Okay. That's enough despair for one day. I'm going to wake him up. If you would please give this to him.

Snow White gives Henry a note for David.

Henry: Of course.

Snow White is about to kiss David but sees the mirror.

Hook: Are you okay, love?

Snow White: No… She's watching us.

Snow White breaks the mirror. She was right the Evil Queen was watching them.


David is cooking breakfast then he white on the paper note book. He wakes up Snow White. Snow White read the note and leaves her life. She wakes up David at night. He looks after Neal.

David: Ah. Here we go. Let's see this.

David watches a video on his phone.

Snow White: We love you. Yeah.

He wakes up Snow White. They live their life.


In her vault, Regina hides her mirror behind curtains. Emma joins her.

Regina: How are your parents?

Emma: Can't stand seeing them like this, so please tell me you have something. I spent the whole day calling New York trying to track down the Dragon, but no luck.

Regina: Well, that's a hell of a long shot.

Emma: That's all I got. He helped August. He has magic in a World Without Magic. Maybe he can break my parents' curse. Of course, it would help if he had, you know, like, a name.

Regina: Well, when Snow broke that mirror, it gave me an idea. Now, we can't hurt the Queen, but maybe we can trap her.

Regina takes a mirror.

Emma: In a mirror?

Regina: In the world behind the mirror. Anyway, I can enchant it to imprison her.

Emma: We have to find her first.

Regina: So we dangle out bait. Something she cares about.

Emma: Like what?

Henry enters.

Henry: Like me.

Emma: No. It's too dangerous.

Henry: She's not gonna hurt me. And, anyways, I need a distraction today.

Emma: From what? From school? 'Cause school tops this.

Henry: The fall formal... Grandma's making me go. She says we need to get back to normal.

Emma: That's what you're worried about... A school dance?

Henry: A dance with Violet.

Regina: I thought things were going well.

Henry: Yeah, they were... Until she stood me up for John Hughes movie night twice. We did "Breakfast Club," and I was gonna do "Sixteen Candles" next, show her my fun side, but... I don't even know if she likes me anymore. I don't even know how to act around her.

Emma: You act like yourself. Never compromise who you are. Got it?

Henry: Okay.

Emma: Now, I'm not always gonna be here for this stuff, so you got to hang on to these gems.

Henry: Mom.

Emma: Yeah, I know, kid. I know.

Regina: How about we got defeat a Queen? Hmm? What do you say?


Henry is waiting for the Evil Queen at the beach.

Evil Queen: You wanted to see me, Henry? Let me guess. You're upset about your grandparents.

Henry: Of course I'm upset.

Evil Queen: Well, someday you'll understand it... What it means to make hard choices… Do you remember when I used to bring you here?

Henry: We'd feed the sea gulls.

Evil Queen: You were always so afraid of them. And I wondered, "How did I raise such a scared little boy?"

Henry: Well, guess what. I'm not scared anymore… Certainly not of you.

Henry disappears.

Evil Queen: Now, that is a new low... Using my own son against me.

Regina: Henry is not your son.

Evil Queen: That's exactly what you used to say to Emma. You both fought so hard to be Henry's mother, but neither of you got the job done.

Regina: This conversation is over, and you're about to go on a very long trip.

Regina targets the Evil Queen with the mirror.

Evil Queen: Sorry. But that's not the mirror you enchanted.

The Evil Queen makes appear another mirror.

Evil Queen: This is.

Regina: You switched them.

Evil Queen: Anything you can dream up, I've already dreamt it.

The Evil Queen trapped Emma and Regina behind the mirror.

Evil Queen: Oh, I hope you're proud of your handiwork, because you're going to enjoy it...

The mirror is broken.

Evil Queen: For the rest of your life.

–[Behind the Mirror]–

Emma is waking up. She touches a mirror and sees Granny’s diner in Storybrooke.

Emma: Whoa… Regina?

There are mirror everywhere around her.

Emma: Oh, God.

Emma touches another mirror.

Emma: Granny. Granny! Can you hear me? Granny!

Regina: Don't bother. All she sees is a mirror... And that tragedy of a dress.

Emma: How do I get through to her?

Regina: You don't. This is a world of one-way mirrors, Emma. All you're doing is giving me a headache.

Emma: Oh, stop being so melodramatic. We're gonna find a way out.

Regina: There is no way out. We don't have magic here. We have no way to communicate with home. Oh! This was the perfect prison for her… Which means it's the perfect prison for us.

Emma: No. No. It's different for us, for... For you. You have something she doesn't.

Regina: And what's that?

Emma: People who care about you. We might not be able to break out, but maybe they can break in.

Regina: Henry. That's it. He's the way out.


The Evil Queen is in the Charming family’s building. She takes Regina’s look.


The Evil Queen enters in the loft.

Henry: Mom. Did it work?

Evil Queen: It worked. Henry, it worked. And I cannot tell you how good it feels. It's like I'm finally... Free.

Henry: I knew you could do it.

Henry hugs the Evil Queen.

Hook: And Emma... Is she all right?

Evil Queen: Oh, yeah, she's fine. She's driving to New York to look for the Dragon.

Hook: By herself? Why?

Evil Queen: She left you a voicemail.

The Evil Queen uses her magic on Hook’s phone. He listens to the voicemail.

Emma: Hey. It's me. The Queen's gone, so I'm going to New York to find the Dragon. I might be away a few days. Please help my dad and fill in as sheriff, okay? Keep everybody safe. See you soon.

Snow White: So, you really did it? You got rid of that monster?

Evil Queen: Oh, well, I'm not sure she was a monster.

Snow White: Oh, yes, she was, Regina. I know she was once a part of you, but she was the worst part, and I am so happy that you ripped her out and threw her away… I am so proud of you.

Evil Queen: That's so nice to hear. But we have someone else to worry about… Henry.

Henry: Me?

Evil Queen: You have to get dressed for a dance… Okay… Hmm…  Here. Can't go wrong with black.

The Evil Queen chooses the black tie.

Evil Queen: Now, I know you're nervous about this dance, Henry, but you don't have to be. I'm going to make sure... Everything... Works out for you.


Belle is trying to enter in Mr. Gold’s shop.


Belle is at Zelena’s farm.

Belle: He's closed the shop! I mean, he hasn't left in days. I know he's up to something in there.

Zelena: He's the Dark One. He's always up to something.

Belle: Yeah, well, this time, he's after my baby. You told me about his plan. You have to get me out of it.

Zelena: Yeah, I don't quite see the logic in that. It was just the one favour.

Belle: Right. I'm not gonna leave until you help.

Zelena: Why would I help you?

Belle: Because as much as it pains me to admit, you and I are somewhat alike.

Zelena: Why? 'Cause we're both mums?

Belle: Because we both know what it's like to care about someone who always lets us down... Your sister... Gold. Right? I will not let my son go through all this, okay? You can get us out of Storybrooke. I have seen you make portals before.

Zelena: Even if I said yes, I can't help you without the sorcerer's wand, and your scaly husband has it under lock and key.

Belle: Well, then it's a good thing I know just the person to get it from him.


Zelena and Belle meet Jasmine and Aladdin at Granny’s.

Jasmine: Are you serious? You want us to steal a wand from the Dark One?

Belle: No. I want him to steal a wand. He is supposed to be the best thief in town.

Aladdin: Best thief in any town, just to be clear.

Jasmine: You can't do this. You need to help me find Agrabah, our home. This is a suicide mission which has nothing to do with you.

Zelena: Actually, it's got everything to do with him.

Jasmine: Sorry. Who are you?

Zelena: See, those Golden Shear thingies... The only reason they're even in Storybrooke is because of your boyfriend.

Jasmine: Uh... Actually, we're...

Aladdin: We're not exactly...

Zelena: Yeah, I don't care. See, when you tried to play hero giving them to Emma, like most acts of idiotic heroism, it failed, and now Rumple's got them.

Aladdin: Okay, I don't like this one. You really think that this is my fault?

Belle: I think that you used to be the Saviour. And if there's any part of you that's still a hero, then you are gonna help me escape from this beast.


The Evil Queen visits Mr. Gold in his shop.

Mr. Gold: Never thought I'd see you in a pantsuit, Your Majesty.

Evil Queen: Guess you can't trick the Dark One. But... We can pretend I was Regina... If you want to.

Mr. Gold: Not today. I have work.

Evil Queen: Fine. Back to work, then... As soon as I get what I need. And I can assure you, it's not the pillow talk. The Hammer of Hephaestus. Heard of it ?

Mr. Gold: Well, that's curious. The hammer's magic is useful to those who have none. Why would you need it?

Evil Queen: It's a little gift... From a mother to her son.

Mr. Gold: So the curse wasn't enough? Now you want a family. I'd be careful with that. You know... Villains don't get happy endings.

Evil Queen: I'm not looking for an ending… I'm looking... For a beginning.

Mr. Gold unlocks a cabinet.

Mr. Gold: All right, then. To new beginnings. Now, what do you have to offer me?

Mr. Gold gives the Evil Queen the hammer.

Evil Queen: What I have to offer you... Is, now we're on the same team… Aren't we?

Mr. Gold: Just remember your mother's lesson... Love is weakness.

Evil Queen: Love can be weakness, but it can also be a weapon. And I'm about to use that weapon on my son.


Hook is on the beach. He leaves a voicemail on Emma’s phone.

Hook: It's me again. I'm sorry for leaving so many messages, but from what I recall, phones still function in New York City. Please use yours and get back to me. Something doesn't feel right.

Hook finds a piece of a mirror and Emma’s phone.

Evil Queen: You're pretty clever for a pirate.

Hook: What have you done with Emma and Regina?

Evil Queen: That's an excellent question, but one I'm not going to answer.

The Evil Queen knocks out Hook.

Hook: Aah!

–[Behind the Mirror]–

Emma and Regina are looking for a way out.

Emma: Anything?

Regina: Uh, no. Not yet. You?

Emma: Nothing.

Regina: Keep looking.

Emma: Even if we find someone, what does it matter if we can't talk to them?

Regina: It's like you said. Henry... He won't give up. He will figure this out. And when they try to break us out, we have to be at the exact right mirror at the exact right time.

Regina touches a mirror and sees Mr. Clark.

Clark: Oww! Mm! Yeah.

Regina: Why isn't anyone useful looking into a mirror right now?

Emma: Granny's.

Regina: Granny's?

Emma: That's where Henry's taking Violet before the dance.


Henry is waiting for Violet at Granny’s. She’s late. He goes in the hallway near the mirror.

–[Behind the Mirror]–

Regina and Emma are looking Henry.

Emma: He looks so grown up.

Regina: Oh. He's terrified.

Emma: Okay, what's next?

Regina: Try anything.

Emma: Henry?! Henry?!


The mirror is moving.

–[Behind the Mirror]–

Emma: Henry! Henry, we're right here!


Evil Queen: Henry, are you back here?

Henry: Uh, yeah. Hey, Mom.

Evil Queen: Hey. I thought you might need to talk.

–[Behind the Mirror]–

Regina: You've got to be kidding me. He really thinks that's me.

Emma: He has no idea we're even gone.


Evil Queen: Tell me... What's wrong?

Henry: It's Violet. I don't think I'm good enough for Violet.

Evil Queen: Henry. Violet might be a nice girl, but she's a commoner, and she's lucky to have a prince like you.

Henry: I'm not a prince. I'm just a middle schooler wearing Grandpa's tie.

Evil Queen: Now, don't sell yourself short, Henry. Never do that. You will always be royalty no matter what world you live in. And who knows? Someday we might go back to my castle. And you might be King.

Henry: I kind of think I need to finish high school first.

Evil Queen: Well, of course you do. But acting royal isn't about castles, Henry. It's about the way you carry yourself. It's about a strength of character and conviction. People notice these things… Girls notice them. Now go out there and act like the Prince you are.

Henry: Thanks, Mom.

Evil Queen: And stop slouching, Henry. Posture is self-respect.


Violet is waiting for Henry. He’s coming.

Henry: Hey, Violet.

Violet: This is beautiful. Thank you. So, this homecoming dance... It's... It's like a ball?

Henry: Yes. But that doesn't matter anymore. Don't look away. There's something much more important happening right now, so whatever I say, just keep your eyes right on me and smile, okay?

Violet: Okay.

Henry: The woman behind me... That's not my mom… That's the Queen... The Evil one.

Violet: What happened to your mom?

Henry: That's what I got to find out, but she's watching us, so you got to come up with a reason for us to leave. Can you do that?

Violet: Do you like this dress? I think it's kind of plain. Can I show you the one I really wanted? It's right in the dress-shop window. Come on. Please?

Henry: Back in a sec. You're a natural liar.

Violet: Why, thank you.

Henry: Let's go find my moms.

–[Behind the Mirror]–

Emma and Regina are talking about Henry.

Emma: She's going after him when he's his most vulnerable.

Regina: You don't think I know how bad this is? I fought the worst parts of myself for years, and I failed. Henry doesn't even stand a chance.

Emma: Shh. I think someone else is here.

Regina: There is no one here, okay? It's just you and me.

Dragon: Well... That is not true exactly.

Regina: Dragon?

Emma: How the hell did you get in here?

Dragon: The Evil Queen paid a visit to my shop after you left her for dead. When I refused to assist her, she banished me here.

Regina: Well, I guess that makes us a club.

Dragon: Back in New York... The battle I spoke of deep within your soul was supposed to remain there. But you let it out.

Regina: I didn't take a one-way trip for you to pick me apart, thank you.

Dragon: Perhaps not. Everything is about balance... The dark and the light. This is a lesson sometimes learned at great cost.

Regina: Yeah. Well, we're about to lose our son.

Dragon: I sympathize. A long time ago, I lost a daughter, and I paid a price for my ignorance.

Emma: I'm so sorry. So you understand. We have to get back to our son.

Regina: Please, please tell us you've found a way out of this prism.

Dragon: Indeed, I have. I found what you call a back door.


Aladdin breaks in Mr. Gold’s shop. He makes some noise. Mr. Gold stands up and goes to see if everything is okay. Aladdin didn’t get caught.

Aladdin: Thanks, monkey.

Aladdin finds the wand.

–[Behind the Mirror]–

The Dragon leads Regina and Emma to Sidney’s home.

Emma: Nice nest. My house barely has a couch.

Regina: Sidney did this.

Emma: Your magic mirror.

Regina: This must have been his home.

Emma: You know, I was looking for you... Before we got trapped here. My parents, they're...

Dragon: I know. Unfortunately, I cannot help them break that terrible curse. I'm afraid that it's beyond even my abilities.

Emma: Oh.

Dragon: Oh. But that does not mean I cannot help you. Now, this Sidney you talked of, uh... He was working on a way out.

Emma: Another mirror?

Dragon: Oh, more than that. If we can put it back together again...

Regina: A portal out.

Dragon: I've been trying since I arrived. A Sisyphean task. But, together, hopefully it is possible.

They fix the mirror.


Henry is in Regina’s vault. He opens the curtains and looks at in the mirror.

Henry: Moms? I hope you aren't in there, but I saw something in the mirror at Granny's, and if the Evil Queen's out here, then I'm worried the tables have been turned. So if you're in there, please say something.

Evil Queen: It's not like leaving a voicemail, Henry… Mirrors are much more complicated than that.

Henry: You trapped them in there. Didn't you?

Evil Queen: I thought I taught you... A gentleman never ditches his date.

Henry: I didn't ditch Violet. She's somewhere safe. Because I knew my "mom" wasn't my mom.

Evil Queen: See, that's where you're wrong… Do you remember the second grade when you were afraid of the monsters under your bed, or the dark... Or that old creaking oak tree? Who made you face your fears? Who didn't tolerate your crying and toughened you up?

Henry: What does that have to do with anything?

Evil Queen: That was me... The one with a spine. Not that weak-tea version. All I want is for you to be great. You can be King. You can have everything you want, but not if you're always hiding behind Emma and my lesser half... Always dealing with their problems, but never given any real decisions.

Henry: Nice try, but you can't Darth Vader me. I'll never join you.

Evil Queen: Oh, Henry… We watched those movies enough to know that Darth Vader wasn't so black and white. Now, was he? And I'm not really evil... Despite the name. Now, I may not be a hero either. But I am a leader.

The Evil Queen takes a heart.

Evil Queen: And leaders do what's necessary.

–[Behind the Mirror]–

Emma and Regina are continuing fixing the mirror.

Dragon: Enjoying your little puzzle? Oh, don't worry. Henry is safe with me… In fact, he is better off.

Regina: It's you.

Emma: The Queen.

Dragon: Ding. I may have put his body in the mirror… But I kept his heart.

The Evil Queen lets Emma and Regina see Henry.

Regina: Henry?

Henry: Mom. Mom!

Emma: It's all right. It's gonna be okay!

Regina: We're coming to get you, Henry.

Evil Queen: Are you sure about that?

Henry: Mom!

The Evil Queen cut the link.


The Dragon is in pain.

Regina: What's wrong?

Emma: Did she hurt you?

Dragon: No, don't come any closer. I'm sorry. I... I don't want to do this.

The Dragon turns into a real Dragon.

Emma: Seriously?


Henry can still what is happening behind the mirror.

Evil Queen: Kill them.

–[Behind the Mirror]–

The Dragon attacks Emma and Regina.


Henry: Stop. Why are you doing this?

Evil Queen: Because unlike them, Henry, I'm giving you a choice. You may not have magic...

The Evil Queen gives Henry the Hammer of  Hephaestus.

Evil Queen: But this does, and you can save them with it... By smashing The Dragon's heart.

Henry: But... But The Dragon's an innocent. Darkening my heart... It won't make me yours.

Evil Queen: But you'll be that much closer to understanding who I am. Your mothers need you, Henry.

Henry: But if Regina dies, so do you. You're connected.

Evil Queen: That's how certain I am you'll make the right choice.

–[Behind the Mirror]–

Emma and Regina are hiding from the Dragon.

Emma: The mirror. That was our ticket out of here. Any ideas?

Regina: We don't have magic, but The Dragon does. If we can aim his fire at the mirror...

Emma: Can we blast our way out of here?

Regina: It's worth a shot… One of us should stay here, just in case.

Emma: Right. In case the other one gets fried. I'll go.

Regina: No. I've got this.

Emma: Why do you keep trying to martyr yourself? I'm the one with a death sentence.

Regina: Emma, just listen. Hear it? I'm afraid to raise Henry alone.

Emma: What? You've done great.

Regina: But every time I see him with Mommie Dearest over there, it's just a reminder of the horrible mother I could have been.

Emma: Well, you're not, 'cause I'm here, too. We always do what's right for Henry, so you're not sacrificing yourself, and neither am I.

Regina: So we do this together?

Emma: Damn right. Three, two...

Regina: Hey!

Emma: Over here! Aah!


Henry and the Evil Queen are still watching what’s happening behind the mirror.

Evil Queen: Ooh. Tick, tock, Henry. Tick... Tock.

Henry: If you are my mom, please, don't make me do this.

Evil Queen: Well, as my own mother proved, sometimes all you need is a little push.

–[Behind the Mirror]–

The Dragon is ready to burn the mirror.

Emma: Henry!

Regina: Henry!


Emma: Henry!

Regina: Henry!

Evil Queen: Do it, Henry.

Regina: Henry!

Evil Queen: Do it now! Do it!

Emma: Henry! Help me, Henry! Please!

Regina: Henry! Help us! Please, Henry, help us!

Henry finally decides to hit the mirror. The Dragon spits out his fire which gets through the mirror. Henry takes the Dragon’s heart. Emma and Regina get through the mirror.

Emma: Henry?

Evil Queen: You! You made him soft!

Regina: You stay away from our son.

Evil Queen: Hiding behind your moms again, I see.

Henry: I'm not hiding. You may not see it, but I'm strong, because my moms taught me that family makes you stronger than you'll ever be by yourself. And that's something you'll never have, because you'll always be alone.

Evil Queen: I wanted to give you a choice. But it appears you weren't ready yet.

Hook caught the Evil Queen and threatens her with his hook.

Hook: I suggest... Unless you like the feeling of hook piercing flesh, you shove off, Your Majesty.

Evil Queen: I'm your mother, Henry. And I only want what's best for you.

The Evil Queen leaves.


Aladdin and Jasmine are walking in the street.

Aladdin: Ah, the break-in was nothing.

Jasmine: I'm proud of you, Aladdin.

Aladdin: Really?

Jasmine: "Hero" looks good on you.

Aladdin: I don't know about "hero." I'm just a guy helping out a friend.

Jasmine: A friend in need. That's what heroes do... Help people. And I haven't been so great at it lately. I was so focused on saving Agrabah, I nearly stopped you from helping Belle.

Aladdin: So you care about your Kingdom. That's not a crime… But stealing this definitely was.

Aladdin shows Jasmine a lamp.

Jasmine: What is this?

Aladdin: Ah, just a little something extra I snagged from Gold's shop. Thought it might help a girl I know.

Jasmine: Well, who's inside? Is it? Is he?

Aladdin: Uh, no. Afraid not. My old pal has moved on.

Jasmine: The Genie...

Aladdin: Mm.

Jasmine: Is gone.

Aladdin: It's okay. He's free now. But maybe whoever's inside here... Maybe they can help us find Agrabah.


Zelena and Belle are at the farm. The have the wand.

Belle: Okay.

Zelena: Hello, pretty.

Belle: Can we, uh... Can we hurry a bit? I really want to be safe in the Enchanted Forest before Rumple discovers it's gone.

Mr. Gold appears and takes the wand.

Mr. Gold: Too late.

Belle: Rumple!

Mr. Gold: I knew that street rat wasn't digging around my shop for himself. And I cannot let you take our child away from me.

Mr. Gold puts a bracelet on Belle’s wrist.

Mr. Gold: So now, no matter where you go, I'll find you.

Belle: You really are a beast.

Mr. Gold: Call me what you will, but it comes from love... My love for our child and you.

Belle: You... You call this love? You're scared, Rumple. I-I almost won today. And next time, I will run so fast and so far that you will never even set eyes on this child.

Mr. Gold: Let me remind you, dearie, that Rumplestiltskin takes children, not the other way 'round.

Zelena: Tell that to your firstborn.

Mr. Gold: You do not get to speak.

Mr. Gold strangles Zelena and starts to fell pain.

Mr. Gold: Aah!

Belle: Wh... What's happening?

Mr. Gold: Oh! Oh!

Belle: What...

Zelena: That is called a heart attack. I think he forgot that his little ticker only tocks thanks to me. See, when I saved your life back in that New York hospital, I didn't do it out of the kindness of my heart. We had a deal, remember? So whenever you hurt me... You're only hurting yourself.

Mr. Gold: There's one more thing Rumplestiltskin's quite good at, and that's finding loopholes. We are far from done, dearie.

Mr. Gold leaves.


Snow White lays Neal in bed. She takes a note book.

Snow White: I can't do this anymore. I miss you.

She kisses David. He wakes up. She falls asleep.

David: Hey, there, little man. Hi… I miss you, too, Snow.


Violet enters in Granny’s.

Violet: Henry? I got your message.

Henry: I'm sorry we missed the dance.

Violet: I'm not. This is way better. We had our first date here. I love it.

Henry: You do?

Violet: Mm-hmm.

Henry: So, you're not getting bored with me? You just seemed a little distant lately.

Violet: Oh. I'm... I'm sorry. It's not you. I'm just having a bit of a hard time adjusting to school.

Henry: School? That's what's going on?

Violet: Yeah… It's like those movies you showed me. I just feel so out of place. Like, who am I? Am I a jock or a princess or a nerd? I...

Henry: I knew I should have started with "Sixteen Candles." You don't need a label. You're Violet. You want to dance?

Henry and Violet are dancing.


Emma and Regina are watching Henry and Violet.

Emma: He's gonna be okay, isn't he?

Regina: You mean?

Emma: With or without me, he's gonna be okay.

Regina: The Queen was wrong about him. I was so worried about how I was going to raise him, I didn't even notice...

Emma: We already had.


Mr. Gold is watching the picture of Belle’s ultrasound. The Evil Queen enters in the shop.

Evil Queen: The things we do for our children.

Mr. Gold: Yes, I heard Henry didn't exactly make his mother proud today.

Evil Queen: All children rebel. That's their job. And ours is to do what's best for them... To make them strong. Henry will realize that someday.

Mr. Gold: How far are you willing to go to get this, uh, new beginning of yours?

Evil Queen: Oh, you know me. I'll do anything.

Mr. Gold: Then perhaps we can both get that, uh, happy ending.

Mr. Gold kisses the Evil Queen.

Evil Queen: So, we are on the same team.

Mr. Gold: For now. You know how teams work, don't you? You need a little give and a little take.

Evil Queen: Oh, that sounds like a proposition.

Mr. Gold: You know, there is one more thing we have to take care of.

Evil Queen: Hmm?

Mr. Gold: Zelena. She's become a bit of a problem.

Evil Queen: And you want me to give her a stern talking-to?

Mr. Gold: No… I want you to kill her.

Kikavu ?

Au total, 156 membres ont visionné cet épisode ! Ci-dessous les derniers à l'avoir vu...

05.07.2023 vers 21h

12.06.2023 vers 07h

26.06.2022 vers 16h

17.06.2022 vers 13h

16.06.2022 vers 23h

18.02.2022 vers 17h

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jptruelove  (26.01.2022 à 14:45)

Je me disais bien que Zelena allait se montrer du côté des gentils, et cela me plait beaucoup de la voir aider Belle. 

Henry et Violet sont très mignons. Et effectivement, il sait encore reconnaitre sa mère et ne pas se faire duper. 

Les Charmants aussi sont mignons dans leur gestion du sort. J'espère pour eux que cela ne durera pas longtemps...

Je suis curieuse de voir les fruits de l'alliance entre Gold et la méchante reine...


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choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

CastleBeck, Aujourd'hui à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

Viens chatter !