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#313 : Chasse aux sorcières

Emma arrive à Storybrooke avec Henry et renoue avec ses amis et sa famille, seulement pour découvrir que personne ne se souvient de la façon dont ils ont été transportés, ou l'année dernière où ils étaient à la Foret Enchantée.

Mais  Emma est sûre que quelqu'un dans la ville est responsable de cette nouvelle malédiction et fait équipe avec Regina dans une tentative de découvrir leur identité.

Pendant ce temps, dans les flashbacks de l'année précédente, Regina, avec l'aide de Robin des Bois, tente d'entrer dans son château qui a été volé par la Méchante Sorcière de l'Ouest.


4.09 - 11 votes

Titre VO
Witch Hunt

Titre VF
Chasse aux sorcières

Première diffusion

Première diffusion en France





Extrait #1 - Fin de l'épisode (VO)

Extrait #1 - Fin de l'épisode (VO)


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Retour dans la forêt enchantée

Retour dans la forêt enchantée

Emma Swan (Jennifer Morrison) et Henry Mills (Jared Gilmore)

Emma Swan (Jennifer Morrison) et Henry Mills (Jared Gilmore)

Regina Mills (Lana Parrilla)

Regina Mills (Lana Parrilla)

Emma Swan (Jennifer Morrison), Snow White (Ginnifer Goodwin), et David (Josh Dallas)

Emma Swan (Jennifer Morrison), Snow White (Ginnifer Goodwin), et David (Josh Dallas)

Emma Swan (Jennifer Morrison) et Regina Mills (Lana Parrilla)

Emma Swan (Jennifer Morrison) et Regina Mills (Lana Parrilla)

Snow White (Ginnifer Goodwin) et la sage femme (Rebecca Mader)

Snow White (Ginnifer Goodwin) et la sage femme (Rebecca Mader)

Photo de l'épisode #3.13

Snow White (Ginnifer Goodwin) et la sage femme (Rebecca Mader)

Snow White (Ginnifer Goodwin) et la sage femme (Rebecca Mader)

Snow White (Ginnifer Goodwin)

Snow White (Ginnifer Goodwin)

la sage femme (Rebecca Mader)

la sage femme (Rebecca Mader)

Snow White (Ginnifer Goodwin) et la sage femme (Rebecca Mader)

Snow White (Ginnifer Goodwin) et la sage femme (Rebecca Mader)

Snow White (Ginnifer Goodwin) et la sage femme (Rebecca Mader)

Snow White (Ginnifer Goodwin) et la sage femme (Rebecca Mader)

Regina Mills (Lana Parrilla), Snow White (Ginnifer Goodwin) et les habitants de Storybrooke

Regina Mills (Lana Parrilla), Snow White (Ginnifer Goodwin) et les habitants de Storybrooke

Regina Mills (Lana Parrilla), Snow White (Ginnifer Goodwin) et les habitants de Storybrooke

Regina Mills (Lana Parrilla), Snow White (Ginnifer Goodwin) et les habitants de Storybrooke

Les nains en route

Les nains en route

Les nains et Granny en route

Les nains et Granny en route

Les habitants de Storybrooke en route

Les habitants de Storybrooke en route

Regina Mills (Lana Parrilla) et Snow White (Ginnifer Goodwin)

Regina Mills (Lana Parrilla) et Snow White (Ginnifer Goodwin)

Regina Mills (Lana Parrilla) et Charming (Josh Dallas)

Regina Mills (Lana Parrilla) et Charming (Josh Dallas)

Les habitants de Storybrooke dans la forêt

Les habitants de Storybrooke dans la forêt

Les habitants de Storybrooke dans la forêt

Les habitants de Storybrooke dans la forêt

Un enfant

Un enfant

Regina Mills (Lana Parrilla)

Regina Mills (Lana Parrilla)

Regina Mills (Lana Parrilla), Snow White (Ginnifer Goodmwin) et Charming (Josh Dallas)

Regina Mills (Lana Parrilla), Snow White (Ginnifer Goodmwin) et Charming (Josh Dallas)

Baelfire (Michael Raymond-James)

Baelfire (Michael Raymond-James)

la sage femme (Rebecca Mader)

la sage femme (Rebecca Mader)


Logo de la chaîne 6ter

France (inédit)
Mardi 06.01.2015 à 20:50
0.40m / 1.5% (Part)

Logo de la chaîne ABC

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Dimanche 16.03.2014 à 20:00
7.75m / 2.4% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Scénario : Jane Espenson

Réalisation : Guy Ferland


 Jason Burkart Petit Jean
Raphael Alejandro Roland
Michael P. Northey Frère Tuck
Michael Coleman Joyeux
Faustino di Bauda Dormeur
David Paul Grove Prof
Jeffrey Kaiser Simplet
Gabe Khouth Atchoum
Mig Macario Timide

Centré sur :  La Sorcière de l'Ouest

Once Upon A Time, Saison 3

Episode 313 : Chasse aux sorcières

Résumé : Forêt Enchantée

Dans la Forêt Enchantée, nous retrouvons les habitants de Storybrooke devant le château de Regina dans lequel ils ne peuvent pénétrer en raison d’une barrière magique qui le protège. Dans le même temps, nous assistons également à l’apparition de la Méchante Sorcière de l’Ouest.

Scène 1 : Forêt Enchantée. Château de Regina. 1 an plus tôt

Zelena, la Méchante Sorcière de l’Ouest fouille la chambre de Regina et s’extasie devant toutes les richesses que possédait cette dernière avant la Malédiction. Elle juge que Regina ne méritait aucune d’entre elles. Zelena vole une des robes, la robe grise, de Regina et envoie son singe volant à cette dernière afin qu’elle soit au courant de son arrivée.

Scène 2 : Forêt Enchantée. Devant le château de Regina. 1 an plus tôt

La troupe, composée des habitants de Storybrooke et des Joyeux Compagnons dirigés par Robin des Bois, reprend sa route. Blanche discute avec Ruby et lui avoue qu’elle croit que Regina a changé, ce qui n’est pas le cas de cette dernière. Blanche va ensuite parler avec Regina. Elles discutent d’Henry et Regina dit avoir eu une idée qui leur permettrait d’entrer dans le château afin de couper le feu qui alimente la barrière magique : les tunnels. Soudain, le singe volant envoyé par Zelena fait son apparition et essaie de s’en prendre à Regina. La Méchante Reine esquive l’attaque tout en protégeant Roland, le fils de Robin des Bois, et transforme le singe en peluche.

Scène 3 : Storybrooke. Chambre d’Emma chez Granny. Présent

Emma, Crochet, Blanche et David discutent mais aucun des parents d’Emma ne semble se rappeler ce qu’il s’est passé au cours de l’année écoulée. Crochet explique alors que tout le monde est rentré dans le Forêt Enchantée mais qu’il ignore ce qui est arrivé aux habitants par la suite car il est parti. Crochet explique qu’il se rappelle de ce qu’il a fait au cours de cette année écoulée car il a bu une potion du souvenir, probablement envoyée par les Charmant, afin de conserver sa mémoire lorsque le sort a été jeté. Il admet aussi être parti à la recherche d’Emma mais n’explique pas comment il a pu revenir dans notre monde. Emma semble penser que Regina est responsable de ce qui se passe mais Blanche la contredit. C’est alors qu’arrivent Grincheux et Joyeux qui sont inquiets car trois des sept nains ont disparu. David apprend également à Emma que Neal est porté disparu. La Sauveuse promet alors de découvrir qui est le responsable de leur retour à Storybrooke.


Scène 4. Forêt Enchantée. 1 an plus tôt

Les habitants de Storybrooke, de retour dans la Forêt Enchantée, apprennent que la créature qui les a attaqués est un singe volant d’Oz. Regina en déduit alors qu’une des méchantes sorcières d’Oz, probablement celle de l’Ouest, occupe son château. David pense que la sorcière est là pour se venger de Regina mais cette dernière nie l’avoir rencontrée ou lui avoir fait quelconque tort. Pénétrer dans le château de Regina reste la priorité et il est décidé de s’en tenir au plan, évoqué en scène 2, passer par les tunnels afin de pouvoir accéder à la cour pour briser le charme de protection et permettre une attaque du château.

Scène 5. Chez Granny. Présent

Ruby sert un chocolat chaud à la cannelle à Henry qui s’étonne qu’elle connaisse ses goûts. David, Blanche et Emma mentent à Henry à propos de la façon dont ils se sont rencontrés : ils prétendent que Blanche et Emma se sont rencontrées à la prison de Phoenix. C’est alors que Regina arrive et voit Henry qui ne la reconnait pas : sous le choc, elle quitte la salle suivie par Emma. La Sauveuse pense que Regina a peut-être lancé le sort qui les a ramenés à Storybrooke mais change d’avis quand la Maire lui explique qu’elle n’aurait jamais pris le risque de jeter le Sort Noir, en sachant qu’Henry ne la reconnaitrait pas.

Scène 6. Forêt de Storybrooke

Robin et ses compagnons apprennent à tirer à l’arbalète quand un singe volant apparait et kidnappe Petit Jean aux limites de la ville.

Scène 7. Limites de la ville

Emma et David arrivent pour enquêter sur le kidnapping et procéder à des recherches dans les bois pour retrouver le disparu. Emma s’en va et rentre en ville pour mettre à exécution le plan qu’elle a conçu pour découvrir le coupable.

Scène 8. Mairie de Storybrooke

Toute la ville est rassemblée à la Mairie afin de découvrir ce qui s’est passé et, bien évidemment, les soupçons se portent sur Regina. Celle-ci clame son innoncence mais personne, incluant Emma, ne la croit. Elle use alors de ses pouvoirs pour provoquer un tremblement de terre, sans gravité, et disparait. Emma, énervée, promet alors de la retrouver et de la faire payer pour ses crimes. Zelena, qui fait partie de l’assistance, est satisfaite car personne ne semble la soupçonner en dépit du fait qu’elle soit nouvelle en ville.

Scène 9. Forêt Enchantée. 1 an plus tôt

Regina utilise les souterrains pour pouvoir accéder au palais quand elle se rend compte que Robin des Bois la suit. Celui-ci tient à assurer sa sécurité en remerciement du fait qu’elle ait sauvé la vie de son fils.

Scène 10. Bureau de Regina. Mairie de Storybrooke. Présent

Emma arrive et on apprend que la démonstration de force de Regina faisait partie du plan qu’elle avait mis au point. Elles ont, en effet, décidé de travailler ensemble pour découvrir la vérité. Emma donne à Regina le flacon de la potion du souvenir afin que celle-ci essaie de la copier pour pouvoir en prendre un gorgée et recouvrer la mémoire avant de la rendre à la ville toute entière. Regina est heureuse et touchée qu’Emma croit en son innocence et cette dernière lui explique qu’elle sait toujours quand elle lui ment : elle lui avoue alors qu’elle savait qu’elle lui avait dit la vérité.

Scène 11. Forêt Enchantée. Tunnels du palais de Regina. 1 an plus tôt

Dans les tunnels, Regina et Robin discutent de la Méchante Sorcière de l’Ouest et du décès de Marianne, l’épouse de Robin, tout en évitant les pièges disposés par Regina du temps où elle était reine. C’est alors qu’ils arrivent devant une porte grande ouverte : porte que Regina jure avoir fermée par la magie du sang, et donc impossible à ouvrir pour quiconque ne possédant pas le même ADN qu’elle, avant son départ pour Storybrooke. Robin et Regina comprennent alors que la Méchante Sorcière est bien plus puissante qu’ils ne le croyaient.

Ils pénètrent ensuite dans le caveau où était censé reposer Cora. Regina avoue à Robin qu’elle a eu un fils.


Scène 12. Chez Granny. Présent

Blanche lit un livre sur les bébés et baby-sitte Henry qui joue à la console. Blanche propose à Henry d’aller à la bibliothèque car elle sait qu’il aime lire : Henry, bien qu’étonné, accepte. Pendant qu’il part chercher sa veste dans sa chambre, Zelena, assise à la table d’à côté, engage la conversation avec Blanche et explique à cette dernière être sage-femme. Elle lui propose alors ses services, ce que Blanche accepte.




Scène 13. Forêt de Storybrooke

David, Crochet et Robin retrouvent Petit Jean, blessé.

Scène 14. Chambre de Regina. Château de la Méchante Reine. 1 an plus tôt

Regina apprend à Robin qu’elle désire, une fois sa mission accomplie, de se plonger dans sommeil grâce à un Charme du Sommeil inventé par Maléfique. Robin essaie de l’en dissuader mais Regina le colle, par magie au sol, et les efforts du Prince des Voleurs restent sans succès.

Scène 15. Bureau de Regina. Mairie de Strorybrooke. Présent

Regina, furieuse, a échoué à copier la Potion du souvenir. Emma et elle décident alors de mettre au point un nouveau plan pour démasquer le coupable.

Scène 16. Chez Granny

Grincheux arrive au restaurant en criant que Regina a réussi à copier la Potion du Souvenir et qu’elle souhaite maintenant leur prouver qu’elle est innocente. Il diffuse ainsi, à son insu, le plan d’Emma et Regina. Zelena s’alarme.

Scène 17. Hôpital de Storybrooke

Petit Jean se transforme en sing-volant sans que personne ne puisse faire quoi que ce soit pour empêcher cette mutation. Petit Jean prend la fuite sous le regard hébété des spectateurs.

Scène 18. Voiture d’Emma devant la Mairie de Storybrooke

Regina et Emma sont en planque, dans la voiture de La Sauveuse, et discutent d’Henry et de sa vie à Henry. Soudain, une personne masquée se matérialise dans le bureau de Regina et le fouille à la recherche de la fausse Potion du souvenir. Regina s’étonne que la personne ait pu pénétrer dans son bureau car elle l’avait scellé avec la magie du sang : le coupable est donc plus puissant qu’elles ne le croyaient. Le coupable prend la fuite en se téléportant.




Scène 19. Cour du château de Regina. Forêt Enchantée. 1 an plus tôt

Regina tient sa promesse et lève le sort de protection, ce qui permet à David, Blanche et les autres de pénétrer dans le château. Pendant ce temps, Regina et Zelena se rencontrent et Zelena apprend à la Méchante Reine qu’elles sont sœurs : Cora est leur mère. Zelena lui apprend aussi que Rumplestiltskin a également été son maître de magie et lui révèle être jalouse d’elle et de sa vie, car Cora l’a abandonnée. Regina lui apprend que Rumplestiltskin et Cora sont morts. Zelena, un peu surprise, se reprend néanmoins très vite et dit vouloir se venger de Regina en la faisant souffrir en lui prenant tout ce qui lui est cher : Regina lui apprend qu’elle a déjà perdu tout ce qui lui est cher mais Zelena n’en démord pas. Zelena s’envole sur son balai.

Scène 20. Chambre de Regina. Château de Regina

Regina retourne à sa chambre et délivre Robin. Elle lui apprend qu’elle renonce à son plan de se plonger dans le sommeil jusqu’à ce que son véritable amour, son fils, la réveille. Robin, étonné mais ravi de ce retournement de situation, lui demande ce qui l’a faite changer d’avis. Elle lui répond qu’elle avait simplement de se trouver quelque chose qu’elle n’avait pas eu depuis longtemps : un ennemi à abattre.

Scène 21. Appartement de Blanche et David. Présent

Emma et Regina rentrent de leur planque et se rendent chez les parents de La Sauveuse. Emma présente Regina à Henry comme étant une de ses amies. Regina propose à Henry de lui faire visiter la ville : il accepte et retourne à son jeu vidéo. Elle avoue ensuite à Blanche et Emma que voir Henry sans que celui-ci ne la reconnaisse est très dur. David et Crochet arrivent alors et rapportent ce qui est arrivé à Petit Jean. Regina en déduit que la Méchante Sorcière de l’Ouest est la responsable de tous leurs maux.

Scène 22. Chez Zelena. Storybrooke

Zelena apporte à manger à un homme : on découvre qu’il s’agit de Gold et que celui-ci n’est donc pas mort. Néanmoins la situation de Gold n’est pas terrible car il semble être devenu fou et est le prisonnier de la Méchante Sorcière de l’Ouest.

–[Enchanted Forest – One years ago]–

The wicked witch is at Regina’s place. She searches in Regina’s stuff.

The wicked witch : Look at all her things. Onyx, black pearl... Diamond. A family could live off what this is worth. She just left it all behind. Such pretty things... All wasted on her.

The wicked witch looks in Regina’s wardrobe.

The wicked witch : Ahh. Now, this could work. Now, that's how you wear a dress. I know I look lovely. Now go find the Evil Queen and let her know that I'm here. And no... There's no need to be gentle.


The group leaves the way to Regina’s castle to go to Robin Hood’s camp.

Red : Seems like old times, doesn't it ? Except not running from Regina, but with her.

Snow White : She's changed. I have to believe for the better.

Red : I hope it sticks. But regardless, she doesn't look too good. If she hadn't tried to hurt us so many times, I might be worried about her.

Snow White : I'll talk to her.


Snow White : You ready to make camp soon, Regina ? You're thinking about Henry, aren't you?

Regina : I'm always thinking about Henry. But I was also thinking... There are tunnels that run under the castle. They may run beneath the spell.

James : Which means we can sneak an army inside.

Regina : An army would be detected.

Snow White : So, how do the tunnels help us ?

Regina : Because it can get me inside. And if I can get inside, then I can lower the shield. Then you can send in your army.

A flying monkey attacks the group.

Neal : Incoming !

Roland : Papa !

Robin Hood : Roland !

Regina protects Roland.

Regina : Not so fast.

Regina turns the flying monkey into a toy. Robin Hood holds his son.

Robin Hood : Oh !

Regina : See ? Not so scary. Now you have a new toy.

Regina gives Roland the monkey.

Robin Hood : Thank you.


Emma, her parents and Hook are at the hotel.

Emma : Okay, Henry's asleep upstairs. If he wakes up, you two are helping me with the case, okay ? So, what the hell happened here ? I mean, besides the obvious.

Mary Margaret : We don't know. We watched you drive over the town line with Henry. Regina started to cast her spell to take us all back to the Enchanted Forest. And then... Everything went black.

David : And the next thing we remember is waking up in our beds like it was any other morning in Storybrooke.

Mary Margaret : Except it... Clearly wasn't.

Hook : Almost harvest time, but you can't remember the planting. That's bad luck, mate.

Emma : Clearly, a year has passed. I was in New York. I know that it did.

David : And we don't know where the hell we were. We don't even know if we left Storybrooke.

Hook : Aye, you did. I was with you all.

Mary Margaret : In the Enchanted Forest ?

Hook : Regina's spell brought us back. We spent a brief time with a Prince and Princess named Phillip and Aurora. But I wasn't feeling the community spirit, so I ventured off on my own. Last I saw of you lot, you were making your way to Regina's castle.

Emma : And now you're cursed. Why doesn't that surprise me ?

Mary Margaret : Regina seems as clueless as the rest of us. I'm not sure she was involved in this.

Emma : So she says.

David : I don't understand. If you left the Enchanted Forest before the curse, how did you know to find Emma and come to Storybrooke ?

Hook : As I was sailing the realms, a seagull landed on my ship's wheel with a note instructing me to retrieve Emma and bring her back here. There was a small vial of memory potion tied to its leg.

Mary Margaret : Who sent it ?

Hook : I assumed, you did.

David : Message via bird... That does sound like you.

Leroy and Happy enters.

David : What is it ?

Leroy : We lost another one. We're down to five now.

Happy : Four, actually... Bashful's not answering.

Emma : Wait. What is going on ?

Leroy : Thank God you're back, sister.

Mary Margaret : It's not just our memories that are missing. Ever since we woke up, people have begun disappearing.

Leroy : Whoever cursed us is picking us off one by one.

Emma : Who exactly is missing ?

David : Aside from those dwarfs, we're not sure. There's been a lot of confusion over the past few days. It's been hard to keep track of everyone.

Emma : Wait. Neal... Is he here ?

Mary Margaret : Well, we haven't found him yet.

Emma : So he might have been taken, too.

Leroy : Smart money's on "yes."

Mary Margaret : Leroy !

Hook : He'll turn up, Swan. He always does.

David : Some folks are starting to set up camp in the woods at the edge of town. Neal might be there.

Mary Margaret : Or he may not have gotten swept up in the curse at all.

Emma : There's only one way we're gonna figure all this out. We need to get your memories back.

Mary Margaret : How are we going to do that ?

Emma : By figuring out who took them in the first place.

–[Enchanted Forest – One years ago]–

On the way to Robin Hood’s camp.

James : What the hell was that thing ?

Snow White : The same kind of monster that attacked us on our journey here.

Grumpy : If I didn't know better, I'd say it looked an awful lot like a monkey.

James : A monkey with wings ?

Regina : Yes, that's exactly what it is.

Neal : Okay. You're acting like that's normal.

Belle : Actually, it is. But not here. There's only one land that has creatures like that. I've read about it. Oz.

Snow White : Oz ? That's a real place ?

Regina : The Bookworm's right. It's quite real. And if our simian friend is any indication, then I think we know exactly who's taking up residence in our castle. The Wicked Witch.

Grumpy : We talking East or West ?

Snow White : Does it matter ? Neither one sounds good.

Grumpy : One, you drop a house on. The other, you toss a bucket of water at.

James : So, Regina, what exactly are we up against, besides green skin and a pointy hat ? What did you do to her ?

Regina : This time, nothing. Never met her.

James : This isn't a personal vendetta ? Shocking. Okay, then, Oz aside, we stick to the original plan... Arm up, then attack... Assuming you can get the shield down.

Regina : You don't need to worry about me.

Snow White : I'm coming with you.

Regina : No. This is a one-woman job.

Snow White : Well... It's the Wicked Witch. She has flying monkeys... Who knows what else.

Regina : I don't care if the lollipop guild is protecting her. I can lower that shield on my own.

Snow White : Then we'll be waiting for you on the other side.


Henry is at Granny’s Diner. Ruby serves him a cocoa.

Ruby : Here you go, Hen... Young man. A... Nice hot cocoa.

Henry : Hey. With cinnamon. How did you know ?

Ruby : Uh, lucky guess. You've got a... Cinnamon kind of face.

Mary Margaret and David enter.

Emma : Oh. Henry, this is David and Mary Margaret.

Henry : Are you helping my mom with the case ? Or are they the ones who jumped bail ?

Emma : Oh, no, they are... They're just... Old friends.

Henry : Friends ? From where ?

Mary Margaret : Phoenix.

Emma : Here. Well, Phoenix... And then... Here.

Henry : But I thought you were only in Phoenix for... Being in that place.

Mary Margaret : Right. We were cell mates.

Henry : Really ? What were you in for ?

Mary Margaret : Banditry. People make mistakes. The important thing is... To find a way to keep moving on.

Henry : Did you know my dad ?

David : Should we order ? Let's order.

Regina sees Henry and let her cup falls down.

Regina : Oh... I'm sorry. I... I didn't mean to startle you.

Henry : Oh, um... T... that's okay.

Emma stands up.

Emma : Regina. Regina, we need to talk. Come on.


Regina and Emma are in the corridor.

Regina : He looked right through me.

Emma : Because he doesn't remember you.

Regina : But you clearly do. Why are you here ?

Emma : Storybrooke, a new curse, missing year... Why do you think ?

Regina : No, what I mean is, how did you know to come back ? I gave you and Henry a new life, new memories.

Emma : Hook found me, gave me a potion that made me remember. There wasn't enough for Henry.

Regina : Oh. Well, how convenient. Look, I didn't cast this curse, if that's what you're thinking.

Emma : The thought did cross my mind.

Regina : Why would I do this ? Why would I erase an entire year of my life ?

Emma : Maybe it was a bad year for you. Maybe this curse was your way of getting me to bring Henry back here.

Regina : With no memory of me ? If I wanted my son back, do you think I'd put myself through this kind of torture ? I cast curses to hurt other people, not myself.

Emma : Maybe so. But I need to start crossing people off the list.

Regina : How ? By walking around, using your superpower on everyone ?

Emma : You got a better idea ?


Into the woods. Little John shows the other Merry Men his crossbow.

Tuck : I've never seen a bow like that.

Little John : Its aim is truer than any I've seen without magic.

Robin Hood : Where did you get it ?

Little John : The store.

Robin Hood : And you procured it with what ? You stole it?

Little John : The proprietor looked rich, and we're poor here. We got to eat.

They see a turkey.

Little John : Speaking of eating, I see dinner. Let's see how fast the wild turkeys are in this land.

Little John misses.

Robin Hood : Only missed by a feather's length. Seems that bow has improved your aim.

Little John runs after the turkey.

Robin Hood : John ! Where are you going ?

The Merry Men follow Little John to a street which leads to the town line. A flying monkey kidnaps Little John.

Little John : Aaaaah !

Robin Hood : John ! John !!


Robin Hood shows Emma, David and Hook where Little John was kidnapped.

Robin Hood : This... This is where he was taken.

Emma : I wouldn't step over that line if I were you.

Robin Hood : You think little John was carried away because he attempted to cross that line ?

David : Makes sense... the dwarfs were out checking the line to see if anyone was coming or going when they disappeared. What exactly took little John ?

Robin Hood : We didn't get a good look... Some manner of beast with wings.

Emma : It sounds a lot like the monster that attacked me in New York.

Hook : You mean the monster you were gonna to marry ?

David : You were gonna marry someone ?

Hook : Did you just miss the part where I said "monster"?

Robin Hood : We need to find little John.

Emma : It may lead us to everyone else who's gone missing. David, take him and the rest of his m...

Robin Hood : Merry Men.

Emma : Right, them... And run a search grid and see if you can find any sign of their missing guy.

Hook : Are you not joining us, Swan?

Emma : Not yet. Regina was right. I'm not gonna figure out who's behind this curse by talking to people one by one.

David : What are you gonna do ?

Emma : I'm gonna talk to everybody.

Emma leave.


Emma is at the city hall for a meeting with the people of Storybrooke.

Emma : Everyone ! Everyone, I know that you're frightened and confused, but I need you to listen.

Archie : Is it true ? Is there... Is there some kind of monster keeping us from leaving town ?

Leroy : Is that what happened to my brothers ?

Emma : Yes. We believe that people are being abducted as they approach the town line.

Granny : So we're trapped here... Again ?

Emma : It's no different than last time.

Granny : Last time, we lost our memories. This time, we get dragged into the woods !

Belle : Do you know who cursed us... Why they want us here ?

Emma : I'm working on it, but it's hard to figure out who cast a curse when no one remembers the last year.

Leroy : Who ? Isn't it obvious ?

Emma : Do you remember something ?

Leroy : Who cast the last curse ? Who knows how to use it ? Who's the only one who ever did anything like this before ?! The Evil Queen !

Regina : For once, I'm just as clueless as the rest of you.

Dr Whale : You expect us to believe that ?

Regina : It's the truth.

Granny : This curse has your fingerprints all over it.

Belle : And you did take away our memories once before.

Granny : Still have your big house.

Regina : You think I care about my house? About my job? About any of these things?

Archie : Regina, please. Just tell us the truth. We'll understand.

Granny : Speak for yourself.

Regina : I am telling the truth. If I had done this, there's one thing I'd have right now... My son.

Emma : Yeah, you're not getting anywhere near him until I get to the bottom of what's going on here.

Regina : So now you're siding with the rabble ? I thought we'd been through this. I'm innocent.

Emma : Yes, that's what you said before, but now I'm wondering if I believe you.

Regina : Don't come any closer !

The people stand up and start to be threatening.

Emma : Regina...

Regina : Do you remember who you're dealing with ? If you all want me to be the Evil Queen, then fine. That's exactly who you'll get.

Regina uses her powers to start a earthquake and disappears.

Leroy : I knew she did it !

Dr Whale : We can't let her get away.

Emma : I won't.

Emma leaves.

–[Enchanted Forest – One years ago]–

Regina is into the woods. She uses her powers to rise a rock then throws it away. She sees Robin Hood.

Regina : No.

Robin Hood : "No" what ?

Regina : You're not.

Robin Hood : Not coming along ? I do believe I am. I can help.

Regina : I didn't ask for help.

Robin Hood : Well, that doesn't mean you won't need it. That flying monkey back there wasn't after my son. It was coming after you.

Regina : What makes you think that ?

Robin Hood : The woods are my home. I've seen many a hunter stalk its prey, and that beast was coming for you. Roland just happened to be standing in between.

Regina : Your point ?

Robin Hood : That's the second time you've been attacked. The Wicked Witch wants you dead.

Regina : And what ? You think you can stop her if she tries to hurt me ?

Robin Hood : Maybe. Maybe not. But I have to try. You see, despite the fact that neither of us likes it, I owe you a debt.

Regina : Why is that ?

Robin Hood : Even though that winged beast wasn't after Roland, he still could have hurt my son. You saved him.

Regina : Hm. Who knew a thief had honour ?

Robin Hood : Who knew an Evil Queen had a soft spot for children ?

Regina : Don't get in my way.

Robin Hood : Oh. I wouldn't dream of it.


Regina is at her office. Emma comes in.

Emma : An earthquake ?

Regina : I had to make a statement. And you're fine. So, do you think they bought it ?

Emma : Yeah, I think they did.

Regina : Good.

Emma : Nice work. Now let's figure out who really cursed this town.


Emma and Regina are at the mayor’s office.

Regina : How long do you think we have ?

Emma : Until whoever cast this curse realizes you're not actually on the run from me. But till then, no one's gonna suspect we're working together.

Regina : Let's see it.

Emma : That enough ?

Regina : Uh, to use ? No. But to replicate? I think so.

Emma : We can start waking people up, figure out who the hell sent everyone back here.

Regina : And I can make Henry remember me. Thank you.

Emma : For what? We haven't done anything yet.

Regina : You saw how quick this town was to blame me. But you... You believe I didn't cast that curse. I know that wasn't easy for you.

Emma : Sure it was. I knew you were telling the truth.

Regina : Even though everything that has happened has put me right next to Henry ? Maybe this was some super-complicated, ingenious plan.

Emma : It wasn't. My superpower may not be perfect, but with you, Regina, I always know when you're lying. This time, you're not. You didn't do it.

Regina : Even though you know I can't live without him.

Emma : There you go... Telling the truth again.

–[Enchanted Forest – One years ago]–

Regina and Robin Hood are walking into the tunnels.

Robin Hood : So, where are we headed ?

Regina : There's a fire in the courtyard that powers her spell. As long as it burns, the shield will stay up.

Robin Hood : Then we simply need to put it out.

Regina : I simply need to put it out. You need to stay out of my way.

Regina sees a trap.

Regina : Step in between.

Robin Hood : Oh. Nice little surprise.

Regina : For keeping people like you out.

Robin Hood : People like me ?

Regina : Thieves.

Robin Hood : Ah, yes. True. But we aren't all bad, you know.

Regina : Not when you tell yourself you're stealing from the rich to give to the poor. I may have done bad things in my life, but at least I own it.

Robin Hood : I own my mistakes, too. I hope you didn't let me come with you just so you can walk me into one of these traps. Roland's already lost his mother. I would hate for him to lose his father, too.

Regina : Well, then, you should have stayed with the others. So... Roland's mother... What happened to her ?

Robin Hood : After our boy was born, I... Inadvertently put her in harm's way during a job. It was my fault. Like I said, I own my mistakes.

The door to the castle is opened.

Regina : That's not possible.

Robin Hood : What's wrong ?

Regina : That door... It's open.

Robin Hood : Perhaps you left it unlocked.

Regina : I sealed it with blood magic. I'm the only one who can open it.

Robin Hood : Clearly not. It appears the Wicked Witch is a formidable foe.

They continue to move.


Regina and Robin Hood enter in a crypt.

Robin Hood : What exactly was this place ? Must have been important for you to seal it by blood.

Regina : A crypt. Isn't that obvious ?

Robin Hood : Yes. What I meant was, who was it built for ?

Regina : My mother. Like you, I've lost people I care about... More than I'd like to admit.

Robin Hood : Including a child ?

Regina : What do you know about that ?

Robin Hood : I saw the way you grabbed Roland back there. Clearly, you have the touch of a mother.

Regina : I do.

Robin Hood : He's not with us on this trek. What happened to him ?

Regina : He's not dead, if that's what you think. He's… Just lost to me forever.

Robin Hood : If the Wicked Witch is powerful enough to break blood magic, perhaps we should reconsider this plan.

Regina : I don't care how powerful this witch is. I have to go through with this plan.


Mary Margaret reads a book about babies. She’s looking after Henry who plays video game. They are at Granny’s Diner.

Mary Margaret : My God. Did you know there's something called "cradle cap"? Babies get it on their heads. It's a crusty, yellow, greasy, scaly skin rash. Seriously ! This book uses all of those words.

Henry : Gross. Yes ! De-rezzed him.

Mary Margaret : You know, there's a library down the street. We can pop in and get you something, if you'd rather. I know how much you love reading.

Henry : How'd you know that ?

Mary Margaret : Y... Your mom said... I think.

Henry : Cool. Uh, let me go get my coat. I'll be right down.

Henry leaves.

Mary Margaret : Cradle cap...

Zelena : You know, it goes away. It doesn't hurt the baby.

Mary Margaret : It doesn't ?

Zelena : Babies are stronger than you think. You're Snow White, aren't you ?

Mary Margaret : I'm Mary Margaret here, actually. This must be your first time in Storybrooke ?

Zelena : I missed the last curse, so... Everything in this world is still... A bit new.

Mary Margaret : Don't worry. You'll get used to it. Who were you back in our land ?

Zelena : Oh. No one you'd remember. Not everyone was famous, like you.

Mary Margaret : I don't know if I'd say "famous."

Zelena : You were a princess. And some of us were just... Supporting players. No, it's okay. I loved who I was and what I did. I was a midwife.

Mary Margaret : Really ?

Zelena : Mm-hmm. My name's Zelena. Look, I've seen a lot of new mothers. Don't worry. You'll learn quickly.

Mary Margaret : Maybe you could give me some advice ? I have been turning the corner of every page on which I have a question, and now I can't close the book, there are so many.

Zelena : It would be an honour.

Mary Margaret : Careful. Once I have the baby, I may not let you leave my side.

Zelena : May I ?

Zelena touches Mary Margaret’s womb.

Zelena : Wow. Helping Snow White with her baby. I can't think of anything that would make me happier.


David, Hook and the Merry Men are looking for Little John into the woods.

David : Guys !

David finds blood on a leaf.

Robin Hood : He was dragged. He's there ! Oh...

Hook : Is he alive ?

Robin Hood : Barely. John, I'm here. We've got you.

Hook : I've never seen a bite like that before.

David : No, me neither.

Robin Hood : Okay, help me get him up. We've got to get him some help.

–[Enchanted Forest – One years ago]–

Regina and Robin Hood enters in Regina’s bedroom.

Regina : Make yourself useful. Keep watch.

Robin Hood : What is that ?

Regina : Nothing that concerns you.

Regina takes a box with ingredients.

Robin Hood : I won't ask you again. What is that ?

Robin Hood targets Regina.

Regina : How dare you threaten me in my own castle !

Regina strangles Robin Hood with her powers.

Robin Hood : Even if you choke the life out of me, this arrow will still leave my bow. And trust me... I never miss. Now, what manner of dark potion are you making ?

Regina stops.

Regina : A sleeping curse.

Robin Hood : The kind you used on Snow White ?

Regina : That spell came from Maleficent. I finally learned how to make one of my own.

Robin Hood : This spell... This is why you wanted to come to the castle ?

Regina : Ingredients like these are hard to come by... Especially when you have Snow White breathing down your neck every second of the day.

Robin Hood : That was your plan ? To use it on the witch ?

Regina : The Witch ? I don't care about her.

Robin Hood : Then who do you plan to use it on ?

Regina : Don't worry. No one you'll miss. No one anyone will miss.

Robin Hood : This is about your son, isn't it ? I can't let you do this.

Regina : Then it's a good thing you don't have a say in the matter.

Regina freezes Robin Hood legs, he can’t walk anymore.

Robin Hood : I know how you feel, Regina.

Regina : I doubt that.

Robin Hood : When I lost my wife, I felt that there was no reason to go on. But then I found one... My son.

Regina : That's where you and I are different. I already lost Henry. I already lost the only thing I care about.

Robin Hood : That doesn't mean you won't find a new reason. We all get a second chance, Regina. You just have to open your eyes to see it.

Regina : It's too bad mine will be closed.

Robin Hood : So, that's it? You just want to give up ?

Regina : This isn't an end. It's an eternal middle. This curse can be broken... By the only true love in my life. And the only reason I would even want to wake. My son.

Regina : Regina, listen to me. This is a mistake.

Regina : Don't worry. I'll keep my word. I'll lower the protection spell so that Snow and Charming can be victorious. But then... Then I go to sleep.


At Regina’s office. Regina makes magic.

Emma : Did it work ?

Regina : There's only one way to find out.

Regina drinks the potion she made.

Emma : Well ? Do you remember ?

Regina throws the vial against a wall.

Emma : Either that wall did something to you in the past year, or I'm gonna say it didn't work.

Regina : I must have missed an ingredient.

Emma : Can we try again ?

Regina : I already used up what was left of the potion Hook gave you. There's nothing left to replicate. I can't live in this town if Henry doesn't remember me. That's worse than any curse I ever could have cast.

Emma : What if we can still find the person who cursed the town ?

Regina : Haven't you been paying attention ? I can't make any more potion.

Emma : You don't have to make anything. We can still catch the person.

Regina : How ?

Emma : We've been running a con by making this potion in secret. What if we're running the wrong con ?

Regina : I'm... I'm sorry. I'm not well versed in cons. Unlike you, I never spent time in prison.

Emma : No, it's not something I learned in prison. It's an old bail-bonds trick. You smoke out the perp by making them think you're onto them.

Regina : How does that help us ?

Emma : If the person who cast the curse thought we were about to make a memory potion...

Regina : They'd want to stop us.

Emma : Yes. And then we set a trap for them when they do. We just need to get the word out that you're close to making all this work.

Regina : I know just who to tell.


Leroy enters in Granny’s Diner.

Leroy : Big news, everybody ! Emma found Regina. She was holed up in her office, working on a potion.

Archie : What kind of potion ?

Clark : Was she gonna hurt us ?

Leroy : A memory potion. Regina says she's gonna use it to prove that she didn't cast the curse.

Granny : Like I'd drink anything she handed me.

Leroy : Well, somebody will ! And if they remember, we'll know exactly who did this to us.

Zelena leaves the restaurant.


The emergency service brought Little John to the ER.

A nurse : He's bradycardic ! B.P. dropping fast !

Dr Whale : What did this to him ?

James : We don't know.

A nurse : He's going into shock !

Little John is shaken.

Dr Whale : We need to sedate him. 15 milligrams of propofol.

Little John : Aaaaaaaaaah ! Aah ! Aah !

A tail appears on Little John’s body.

Robin Hood : John !

Little John : Aaaah !

Little John hits the persons around him with his tail.

Hook : Bloody hell !

Robin Hood : John !

Little John turns into a flying monkey.

David : Okay. I didn't see that coming.

The flying monkey escapes.

David : What the hell was that thing ?

Dr Whale : Don't look at me. I'm a doctor, not a vet.


Regina and Emma are waiting for the wicked witch enters in Regina’s office in Emma’s car.

Regina : So, do we just... Sit here and wait ?

Emma : Till the person who cast the curse makes a move on your office.

Regina : Is this... Really what you do for a living ?

Emma : Yeah. It's called a stakeout.

Regina : And you don't get... Bored ?

Emma : I don't know. You find ways to pass time... Eat, talk... Mostly watch, which is what we should be doing.

Regina : Does he have friends ?

Emma : Does who have friends ?

Regina : Henry. Does he have any... Friends in New York ?

Emma : Yeah. He has a lot of friends. No girlfriends yet... At least, not that I know about.

Regina : So he's happy ? His life is good there ?

Emma : Yeah. I almost didn't come back because of that.

Regina : Well, why did you ?

Emma : Because... He may not remember all of this, but I do, and I know what he would say. A hero would come back.

Regina : He would say that.

Emma : Are you sure you don't want to meet him ? We can just tell him you're an old friend, like Mary Margaret and David.

Regina : It would be too hard.

Emma : I can't imagi...

Emma sees a person inside Regina’s office.

Emma : We got 'em.


Emma and Regina are about to enter in Regina’s office.

Emma : You sure whoever's in there can't escape ?

Regina : I sealed the room with a blood lock. It can keep you out or it can keep you in. I know what I'm doing.

Regina uses her powers to unlock the door.

They enter in the office.

Emma : There ! Don't move !

Regina : There's nowhere for you to go.

The witch disappears.

Emma : I thought you said they couldn't do that.

Regina : No one can break through blood magic, no matter how powerful they are.

Emma : Then who are we dealing with ?

–[Enchanted Forest – One years ago]–

Regina turns off the force field which surrounds her castle.


Outside the castle, Grumpy watches the castle.

Leroy : It's down !

James : We move on the castle... Now.


Regina : I'm sorry, Henry. Maybe one day, you'll find me and wake me up. But until then...

Regina is about to jab her finger but Zelena interrupts her.

Zelena : You weren't even going to say "hello" first? That's not exactly the welcome I was expecting. What does a witch have to do to get your attention ?

Zelena takes Regina’s curse needle.

Zelena : What's the matter ? Has life got you down ?

Regina : None of your business.

Zelena : You really don't know who I am, do you ?

Regina : I know exactly who you are... The Wicked Witch.

Zelena : Is that all ?

Regina : I'm not that interested.

Zelena makes disappears the needle.

Zelena : Please... Allow me to introduce myself. You can call me Zelena.

Regina : That's my dress.

Zelena : Mm. I had to take it in a little bit at the hips, but... Looks better on me, don't you think ?

Regina : I think you never should have left Oz.

Zelena : You can have your castle back if you want it that badly. I was just trying it on for size. Besides, I've already seen everything worth seeing... Your closet, your gardens... Your crypt.

Regina : Yes, how did you break the blood lock ?

Zelena : I didn't.

Regina : The door was open. No one's that powerful.

Zelena : Cora really never told you ?

Regina : Told me what ?

Zelena : The truth about us, Regina.

Regina : What are you talking about ? How do you know my mother ?

Zelena : The same way you do. I'm your sister.


Zelena : Actually, half-sister, but... Details, details.

Regina : That's not possible. You're... Green.

Zelena : And you're rude. Cora had me first, before she wormed her way into the dregs of royalty. Well, you know I'm telling the truth. How else could I have broken the door to the crypt ? Our mother gave me up and sent me away, but you... You, she kept. You, she gave everything.

Regina : Everything she wanted. If what you're saying is true, then you were lucky to escape her.

Zelena : Enough with the martyr complex, Regina. Try growing up without a mother. Try living in Oz, knowing that no one thought you were good enough... Not your mother and not the only man that our paths both crossed. Rumplestiltskin.

Regina : You knew Rumplestiltskin ?

Zelena : Well, did you think you were his only student ?

Regina : Let me guess... You're mad because he chose me to cast his curse ? Well, get over it. It wasn't everything it was cracked up to be.

Zelena : Anything would have been better than the life I had. But... Despite my shortcomings, I made something of myself, dear. And I didn't need Cora... Or Rumplestiltskin.

Regina : Well, it's too bad they're not around to see how well you turned out. They're both dead.

Zelena : That's all right. You're the only one I need alive.

Regina : Really ? Why is that ?

Zelena : Because I'm going to take everything away from you.

Regina : Too late. I've already lost everything that matters.

Zelena : No, Regina, you haven't lost anything yet.

Regina : So you are going to kill me.

Zelena : No. That's too easy. For me to get what I want, I need you to suffer. You see, what's in store for me is all my dreams being realized. But for you ? Well... It's a fate worse than death.

Regina : Go ahead. Bring it, Greenie.

Zelena : Indeed I will. See you soon, sis.

Zelena leaves. Regina smiles.


Regina goes back to her bedroom.

Robin Hood : You didn't go through with it?

Regina frees Robin Hood.

Regina : You were right. The sleeping curse wasn't the answer. As you said, I just needed to find something to live for.

Robin Hood : And you found it ? What ?

Regina : The one thing I haven't had in a very long time. Someone to destroy.


Emma and Regina are outside Mary Margaret and David’s loft.

Regina : Maybe this isn't a good idea.

Emma : It's gonna be fine. Trust me.

They enter. Henry is playing video game.

Emma : Hey. How was your day ?

Henry : Good. Storybrooke is a weird place, but cool. Did you know there's a library inside a clock tower ?

Emma : I do. I've been there before. Come here. I want you to meet someone. This is Regina Mills. She's the Mayor of this town, and... She wanted to meet you.

Henry : Is something wrong ?

Regina : No, no. No, nothing's wrong. Uh, your... Mother just told me a lot about you. I hear you like school and that you're good at English.

Henry : Um... Yeah. Why'd she tell you all this ?

Regina : Because she couldn't be prouder of you. Uh, while you're in town, I was thinking maybe I can give you a tour sometime... You know, show you around. Maybe we can even stop for ice cream.

Henry : Yeah. I'd like that. So... Um... It was nice meeting you.

Henry and Regina shakes their hand.

Emma : How was that ? You okay ?

Regina : It was a start.

David and Hook come in the loft.

David : We need to talk.

Emma : Uh... Outside.


Emma, Mary Margaret, Regina, Hook and David have a meeting outside the loft.

Mary Margaret : They're being turned into flying monkeys ?

Hook : Yes. He took on simian form with the added bonus of wings.

Mary Margaret : Do you think that's what happened to the missing dwarfs, too ?

David : It would explain why we haven't found any trace of them.

Emma : And Neal ?

David : No sign of him, either. So... Yeah, it's possible.

Emma : Wouldn't be the first flying monkey I've dated.

Regina : The person who escaped our trap disappeared in a cloud of green smoke. And now there are flying monkeys in this town ? I think we know exactly who cursed us.

Emma : The Wicked Witch of the West ? Seriously? She's real, too ?

Hook : Says the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming.

Emma : I don't get it. It's not like we're in Kansas. Why would the Wicked Witch of the West want to come to Storybrooke ?


Zelena is on a farm. She brings food in a storm cellar.

Zelena : Hungry ?

Zelena puts the food on the floor, somebody grads her arm.

Mr Gold : You never should have brought me back.

Zelena : Eat up. We've got work to do.

Mr Gold is traps into a cage. He sings.

Mr Gold : You feed the madness, and it feeds on you. You feed the madness, and it feeds on you. You feed the madness, and it feeds on you

Kikavu ?

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jptruelove  (03.12.2021 à 21:06)

Je connais moins bien l'histoire du magicien d'Oz et donc Zelena... Mais je peux déjà dire que je ne l'aime pas! 

J'espère que le duo Emma/Regina va gagner face à elle... 


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choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

CastleBeck, Aujourd'hui à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

Viens chatter !