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#316 : Verte de jalousie

Avec Gold comme esclave, Zelena défie Regina dans un combat à mort et choque la Méchante Reine en lui révélant leur lien de parenté, tandis que la ville se prépare à l'enterrement de Neal.

Au Pays d'Oz, Zelena, jalouse, demande au Magicien d'Oz de l'envoyer au Royaume enchanté après qu'elle ait appris l'existence d'une sœur, et que Rumplestiltskin l'entraîne à devenir une force puissante, sur qui compter.


3.82 - 11 votes

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It's Not Easy Being Green

Titre VF
Verte de jalousie

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Plus de détails

Scénario : Andrew Chambliss

Réalisation : Mario Van Peebles


David Paul Grove Prof
Gabe Khouth Atchoum 
Keegan  Adrian Hough Le père de Zelena
Maria Marlow La mère de Zelena

Centré sur : La Méchante Sorcière de l'Ouest

Scène 1 : Oz. Flashback

Deux paysans, un homme et une femme, trouvent un bébé qui jaillit d’une tornade et tombe à terre, déposée dans un couffin. La femme convainc son époux de la prendre avec eux pour éviter qu’il ne meure et l’adopter. Ils prénomment le bébé, qui est une fille, Zelena.


Scène 2 : Cimetière de Storybroke. Présent

Toute la ville, du moins les personnages importants, assistent à l’enterrement de Neal.  

En parallèle, dans la prison où il est retenu, Mr Gold est triste et pleure la mort de son fils. Zelena, quant à elle, savoure cette victoire.

Scène 3 : Prison de Mr Gold

Zelena, toujours en train de se délecter de sa victoire, fait face à Mr Gold. Ce dernier affirme ne rien regretter vis-à-vis de ses actions passées et être heureux d’avoir pu retrouver son fils et en profiter un peu.  Il ajoute aussi que Zelena ne sait rien de l’amour d’un père.

Scène 4 : Oz. Flashback

Zelena est en train de raser son père. Ce dernier lui apprend qu’il faut toujours faire bonne figure quelque soient les circonstances et en dépit de ce que l’on ressent vraiment.  Sur un coup de colère faisant suite au fait que Zelena ait, malencontreusement, coupé son père en le rasant, celui-ci lui apprend qu’elle a été adoptée. Elle comprend alors que son père la hait et la rejette parce qu’elle possède de la magie, qu’elle ne sait pas contrôler. Elle décide alors de partir rencontrer le magicien d’Oz dans l’espoir qu’il lui apprenne qui est sa véritable famille et la raison pour laquelle elle a été abandonnée.

Scène 5 : Chez Granny. Présent

Emma et Crochet discutent de la mort de Neal, de la façon d’aider Henry à accepter le décès de ce père qu’il ne connaissait pas et de la manière de vaincre Zelena. Crochet propose à Emma d’emmener Henry faire un tour en bateau afin de lui parler de la jeunesse de son père.

Un peu plus loin dans le bar, Clochette et Regina discutent de Robin et du fait que la Fée ne comprenne pas la réaction d’évitement de l’ex Méchante Reine.

Arrive alors Zelena qui annonce à Regina qu’elles sont demi-sœurs. Zelena lance un défi à Regina, à 20h, afin de savoir laquelle est la plus forte. Regina décide alors d’en savoir plus sur elle.

Scène 6 : Port de Storybrooke

Henry et Crochet discutent de Neal.

Scène 7 : Chez Granny

Regina et ses amis discutent de Zelena et des liens qui unissent l’ex Méchante Reine et la Méchante Sorcière de l’Ouest. Regina assure n’avoir jamais fait de tort à Zelena. Elle décide cependant d’aller fouiller dans les affaires appartenant à sa mère, qu’elle conserve dans son caveau, afin de vérifier les dires de Zelena.

Scène 8 : Oz. Flashback

Zelena arrive à Oz et rencontre la magicien qui lui apprend qu’elle est la fille de Cora, qu’elle a une sœur (Regina) et que cette dernière apprend la magie avec Rumpelstiltskin. Elle désire rencontrer ce dernier et demande au Magicien de l’envoyer dans la Forêt Enchantée. Celui-ci accepte et lui procure des chaussures magiques permettant de voyager d’un monde à l’autre. En échange, elle doit lui ramener un objet appartenant à Rumpelstiltskin.

Après avoir enfilé les chaussures magiques, elle arrive dans la chambre vide de Regina, au palais royal, et accomplit avec succès l’exercice de magie auquel sa sœur venait d’échouer : faire disparaitre une pierre.  Rumpelstiltskin, qui était caché dans l’armoire pour espionner Regina en dépit du fait que leur leçon de magie soit terminée, la voit accomplir ce prodige. Elle lui explique alors être la fille de Cora et il comprend que cette dernière l’a roulé, des années auparavant.

Scène 9 : Caveau de Regina. Storybrooke.  Présent

Regina, toujours à la recherche d’indices permettant de prouver que Zelena et elle sont sœur, découvre dans de vielles affaires de sa mère un morceau de papier parlant de Zelena. Bouleversée, elle quitte le caveau en laissant Blanche et Emma sans réponses.

Scène 10 : Grand rue de Storybrooke

Clochette, David, Blanche, Belle et Emma sont bien décidés à aider Regina à gagner le duel que lui a lancé Zelena pour le soir-même. Ils décident alors de retirer Mr Gold, commandé par Zelena qui possède sa dague, de l’équation afin d’offrir toutes ses chances à leur amie.

Scène 11 : Forêt de Storybrooke

Robin surprend Regina qui a trouvé refuge dans la forêt. Il lui apprend qu’il surveillait les lieux pour le cas où Zelena aurait décidé de rassembler son armée de singes volant ici. Robin comprend que Regina ne va bien et elle lui apprend que Rumpelstiltskin était au courant de l’existence de Zelena : le morceau de parchemin trouvé dans les affaires de Cora dans le caveau fait référence à Zelena et aux progrès qu’elle a fait en magie. Regina avait toujours pensé que ce morceau de parchemin parlait d’elle. Regina est dépitée car Rumpelstiltskin avoue dans sa lettre que Zelena est la sorcière la plus puissante qu’il ait rencontré : elle est donc convaincue de n’avoir aucune chance face à elle lors du duel.

Scène 12 : Forêt Enchantée. Flashback

Rumpelstiltskin entraîne Zelena en lui apprenant comment bien se servir de sa magie. Il lui enseigne que la magie est liée aux émotions de celui ou celle qui l’utilise. Il se rend alors compte que Zelena est vraiment puissante, douée et qu’elle apprend vite : il espère qu’il pourra se servir d’elle pour jeter le Sort Noir.

Scène 13 : Chez Zelena. Storybrooke. Présent

Belle tente de ramener Mr Gold du bon côté grâce à la force de leur amour car elle ne peut utiliser la dague. Alors qu’elle s’apprête à y parvenir, Zelena arrive et oblige Mr Gold (grâce à la dague) de prévenir Belle et ses amis que quiconque s’interposera ente elle et Regina lors du duel sera tué.

Scène 14 : Port de Storybrooke

Crochet apprend à Henry à faire des nœuds de marin et à se servir d’un sextant, comme il l’a fait avec Neal. Henry est convaincu que tout le monde lui ment concernant tout ce qui se rapporte à son père.


Scène 15 : Chez Zelena. Storybrooke

Zelena s’apprête à partir au combat.

Scène 16 : Château de Rumpelstiltskin. Forêt Enchantée. Flashback

Zelena, devenue l’élève du Ténébreux et vivant chez lui, a cuisiné pour ce dernier. Elle découvre alors que le Ténébreux continue à entraîner Regina alors qu’elle est moins douée qu’elle.  Sa peau, sous l’effet de la jalousie qu’elle éprouve envers sa jeune sœur, verte.

Scène 17 : Grand rue de Storybrooke. Présent

Tout le monde se rassemble afin d’assister au duel. Regina est en retard et Zelena, qui ne le supporte pas, explique aux habitants que si elle n’est pas là dans 5 minutes, elle laissera le Ténébreux faire du mal aux habitants de Storybrooke.

Scène 18 : Grand rue de Storybrooke

Le délai accordé par Zelena prend fin. Emma, constatant que Regina n’est toujours pas là, décide de défier Zelena à la place de son amie. Au même moment, Regina apparait et confirme, devant toute la ville, qu’elle est la demi-sœur de Zelena. Zelena explique que sa haine enversz la maire vient du fait que cette dernière a « vu le jour ». Regina la gifle.

Scène 19 : Chambre de Regina. Forêt Enchantée. Flashback

Zelena essaie de tuer Regina dont elle est mortellement jalouse. Elle découvre alors que Rumpelstiltskin l’a dupé en prenant l’apparence de Regina alors qu’elle croyait l’avoir tuée. Il lui apprend qu’elle n’est pas choisie pour lancer le Sort Noir car elle ne peut pas en payer le prix puisque la personne à laquelle elle tient le plus au monde est le Ténébreux. Il lui apprend également que c’est Regina qui jettera le Sort. Zelena commence alors, par jalousie, à voir sa peau se colorer en vert.  Par vengeance, elle décide de ne pas donner au Ténébreux les souliers que lui avait offert le Magicien d’Oz et qui permettent e voyager d’un monde à l’autre. Elle rentre alors à Oz.

Scène 20 : Grand rue de Storybrooke. Présent

Le duel entre Zelena et Regina tourne court quand la Sorcière d’Oz parvient à prendre le dessus.  Zelena isole alors Regina et elle-même dans la Tour de l’Horloge afin de pouvoir arracher son cœur à sa demi-sœur sans rencontrer d’obstacles. Elle découvre que Regina, suivant les conseils de sa défunte mère, a retiré son cœur de sa poitrine ! Furieuse Zelena s’en va au moment où nos héros arrivent à la rescousse. Regina pense que Zelena veut lancer un sort ayant comme ingrédient son cœur et le courage de David.

Scène 21 : Forêt de Storybrooke

Regina, qui a confié son cœur à Robin le temps du duel, demande à celui-ci de bien vouloir le protéger encore un peu. Elle admet devant lui qu’elle n’a jamais su apprécier ce qu’elle avait.

Scène 22 : Chez Granny

Crochet ramène Henry de leur balade en bateau et est remercié par Emma vis-à-vis du fait de s’être occupé du jeune garçon. Crochet lui dit qu’elle devrait parler de Neal à son fils.

Scène 23 : Prison de Gold. Chez Zelena

Gold nargue Zelena mais cette dernière est bien déterminée à retrouver le cœur de Regina et ce quoi qu’il lui en coûte. Zelena apprend à Gold qu’elle veut « une seconde chance ».

Scène 24 : Monde d’Oz. Flashback

Zelena, qui veut voyager dans le temps pour changer son passé, recontre à nouveau le Magicien d’oz et lui explqie son désir. Ce dernier lui annonce que voyager dans le temps est impossible. Zelena découvre que le Magicien n’est qu’un imposteur : elle le change en singe volant et nous découvrons que Walsh (l’ex d’Emma) et le Magicien d’Oz ne sont qu’une seule et même personne. Zelena, toujours dévorée par la jalousie, devient entièrement et énonce distinctement que son voyage dans le temps a pour but d’annihiler l’existence de Regina…

–[Oz - Past]–

A big cyclone brings a baby who is crying in Oz.

Woman : Do you hear that ?

Man : It's nothing. Stick to the road.

Woman : Oh. Where did it come from ?

Man : The cyclone must have dropped it. Dear, what are you doing ?

Woman : What do you expect me to do ? Leave the poor thing to the wolves ?

The woman takes the baby.

Woman : She's beautiful.

Man : Yeah.

The big tree branch falls on the couple. The baby stops it with her powers.

Man : She did that. She knocked the tree away.

Woman : Calm your nerves, dear. It was just the wind. She's only a babe, and she needs our help. Can we keep her ?

Man : That's not a good idea. Did you see what she did ? She's not like us.

Woman : Oh, you're right. She's not. She's alone, and we're going to take care of her. Now, stick to the road, or we'll never make it to the Emerald City before dawn.

Man : What shall we call her ?

Woman : What about... Zelena ? She's going to be the happiest baby in all of Oz.


At Neal’s funerals. Everybody is quite and sad. One by one, the characters take the shovel and covert Neal’s coffin with ground. Mr Gold is in his cage, suffering.


Zelena comes to Mr Gold’s cage. He’s crying.

Zelena : You spent so long figuring out how to get to this land, groomed Regina to cast your curse, spent 28 years waiting for it to be broken, all so you could be with your son, and now he's gone. Tell me, Rumple. Was he really worth all that trouble ?

Mr Gold : Every bit of it. He was family. Something you know nothing about.

–[Oz - Past]–

Zelena shaves her father.

Zelena : How's that, father ?

Zelena’s father : Oh. Missed a spot.

She shaves the spot that she misses.

Zelena’s father : No matter what you feel on the inside, Zelena, remember to always put on a good face.

Zelena : I know, father.

She cuts his father.

Zelena’s father : Careless child ! Don't touch me !

She makes appears a bandage.

Zelena : I... I'm sorry. I can't help it.

Zelena’s father : You mean you can't control it.

Zelena : Maybe if you could let me learn how to...

Zelena’s father : Then everyone would see what you really are… Wicked.

Zelena : How can you say that to your own daughter ?

Zelena’s father : Because you're not my daughter ! There. I said it. After all these years, now that your mother's gone, I can finally tell you the truth.

Zelena : What are you talking about ?

Zelena’s father : You're not our child, Zelena. We found you in a... In the woods, in a basket, dropped out of a tornado. Your mother wanted to take you in. She was lulled by your beauty. But under the surface, there was something else. Your wickedness !

Zelena : Well... Well, I'd rather be wicked than a sad, old drunk !

Zelena’s father : What do you think drove me to drink, child ?! Now, wipe away those tears. You put on a good face ! Make me breakfast.

Zelena : I think not. If I've really caused you this much trouble, I'll spare you any more !

Zelena takes her jacket and is going to leave.

Zelena’s father : Now, where do you think you're going ?

Zelena : To see the one person who can help me find a family that wants me. The Wizard of Oz.


Everyone is at Granny’s Diner. Emma is playing darts. Hook comes to speak to her.

Hook : Perhaps I should paint a bull's-eye on the Wicked Witch's back.

Emma : She'll get more than a dart when I find her.

Hook : I know you're hurting, Swan, but there are better ways to grieve Baelfire's death than letting anger overcome you.

Emma : Let me guess. Rum ?

Hook : Never hurts.

Emma : I'll stick with anger, at least until I deal with Zelena.

Hook : Then take it from me. Vengeance isn't the thing that's gonna make you feel better.

Emma : It's gonna make this town safer. And I promised Henry I'd find the person responsible for his father's death. That's really all I can do for him right now.

Hook : That can't be true. Have you tried talking to the boy ?

Emma : As far as he's concerned, I haven't seen Neal since he left me in jail. So, anything I tell him about his dad being a hero sounds like I'm making it up just to get him to feel better.

Hook : Perhaps I can talk to him.

Emma : About what ? Leather conditioner and eyeliner ?

Hook : I knew Bae as a boy. Perhaps Henry would like to hear what his father was like when he was his age.

Emma : You'd really do that ?

Hook : Aye. It could help the boy make peace with his father's passing. And me.

Emma : Be careful. Zelena's still out there.

Hook : I assure you... Nothing will happen to the boy while he's in my charge.

They get to Henry.

Emma : Henry, you remember Killian.

Hook : Hello, Henry.


Regina is watching Robin. Tinker Bell comes to see Regina, she sees the lion tattoo.

Tinker Bell : It's the lion tattoo. It's what was prophesied. He's your soul mate.

Regina : I know. I saw it yesterday.

Tinker Bell : And you didn't tell me ?

Regina : Well, right now I have better things to do than to gossip about boys.

Robin comes with drink.

Robin : Care for a drink ? I, uh... I do hope I didn't upset you yesterday.

Regina : Uh, Robin Hood, Tinker Bell. Tinker Bell, Robin Hood.

Tinker Bell : I've been wanting to meet you for a very long time.

Regina : And, no, you didn't upset me. I just found a clue trail that needed to be followed. One that didn't lead anywhere. I don't daytime drink.

Robin : Ah, well, um, perhaps some evening, then.

Robin leaves.

Tinker Bell : What was all that about ? Didn't you learn anything from the last time you screwed this up ? If you had been open to the possibility of love when you first saw him, maybe your life wouldn't have turned out so...

Regina : So what ? How did my life turn out ?

Tinker Bell : Why am I even bothering ?


Emma comes back and goes speak to her parents.

David : How are you holding up ?

Emma : How do you think ?

Mary Margaret : Oh, Emma.

They hug Emma. Zelena enters in the restaurant.

Zelena : My condolences. I'm so sorry I missed the funeral, but I could never pass up a wake. Oh, did I miss the speeches ? Shall I make one ? I mean, I am, after all, responsible.

Mary Margaret : Emma, no. Too many people will get hurt.

Zelena : Listen to your mother. She's right. Anyone who tries to interfere with my plan is gonna have to deal with The Dark One.

David : Don't come any closer.

Zelena : Don't worry. I'm not here for your baby. Not today, anyway.

Regina : Then why are you here ?

Zelena : Now that my cover's blown, I can finally pay a visit to my little sister.

Regina : Who the hell are you talking about ?

Zelena : Why, you, of course, Regina.

Mary Margaret : What ?

Regina : I'm an only child.

Zelena : Cora lied to you, Regina. I'm your sister. Half, if you want to get technical.

Regina : Why should I believe anything you say ?

Zelena : Oh, well, you shouldn't. It's a lot to swallow, which is why I've brought a gift to help.

Regina : I don't want a gift from you.

Zelena : Oh, but you shall have it. You see, my gift to you is this sad, sad day. Use it to dig into our past, Regina. You need to learn the truth, and you must believe it. And then meet me on main street tonight. Say... Sundown.

Regina : And then what ?

Zelena : Then I'll destroy you.

Regina : This isn't the wild West.

Zelena : No, dear. It's the wicked West. And I want everyone to be there to see The Evil Queen lose.

Regina : I don't lose.

Zelena : Neither do I. One of us - is about to make history. See you tonight, sis.

Zelena leaves.


Hook and Henry are on the docks.

Hook : There. That one will do.

Henry : Another boat ?

Hook : You don't like the sea ?

Henry : No. It's not that. It's just, my mom always seems to pawn me off on her friends that have boats when she's working her case.

Hook : Your mother didn't pawn you off on me. I wanted to bring you here.

Henry : Why ?

Hook : Well, you might not believe this, but your father and I were mates long before he met your mother.

Henry : Really ? You... Knew my dad ? What was he like ?

Hook : Hop aboard and you'll find out.

They come aboard.


At Granny’s Diner.

David : And you're sure Cora never said anything about her ?

Regina : I think I would remember if my mother told me she had a love child with a scarecrow.

Emma : It doesn't matter if Zelena is your sister or not. She wants you dead. Any idea why ?

Regina : I never even met her before today.

Emma : Doesn't mean you didn't do something to piss her off.

Tinker Bell : You did manage to step on a lot of toes back in our world.

Regina : Well, none of them were green.

Granny : Then there's the missing year. Maybe you did something to her then.

Regina : Stick to the lasagna, lady. It's starting to sound an awful lot like you're all on her side.

Emma : Where are you going ?

Regina : To find out exactly what this witch thinks I did to her.

Regina leaves.

–[Oz - Past]–

Zelena is in the castle of the Wizard of Oz. She enters in the meeting room.

The Wizard of Oz : I've been expecting you.

Zelena : How did you know I was coming ?

The Wizard of Oz : I see all. I am Oz, The Great And Terrible. You've come because You wish to find your family.

Zelena : Can you help me ?

The Wizard of Oz : I will show you what you seek to know. But I warn you, it won't be easy for you.

The floor becomes a screen full of images of Zelena’s family.

Zelena : Is that my mother ?

The Wizard of Oz : Her name was Cora. She gave birth to you in another land. A cyclone struck and carried you to this world.

Zelena : Why did she abandon me ?

The Wizard of Oz : You couldn't give her the one thing she truly wanted. The ability to become royalty.

Zelena : Who's that ?

The Wizard of Oz : Your sister, Regina.

Zelena : Wait. I've got a sister ?

The Wizard of Oz : Your sister could do what your mother wished. Regina became Queen.

Zelena : Who is that man ?

The Wizard of Oz : That is Rumplestiltskin, a very powerful wizard. The most powerful in all the realms. Like you, Regina has the gift of magic. But she has been unable to develop it.

Zelena : Magic is a gift ?

The Wizard of Oz : Yes, and he's trying to teach her that.

Zelena : He should be teaching me. Not her. I need to meet this wizard. I... I'll pay whatever you desire. Just, please... Tell me how to get there.

The Wizard of Oz uses his powers.

The Wizard of Oz : Look down.

Zelena wears silver shoes.

The Wizard of Oz : When you click your heels together three times, those slippers will take you wherever you desire.

Zelena : Well, what do you want in return?

The Wizard of Oz : I simply ask that you bring me something of Rumplestiltskin's. Be careful. It is one thing to wonder about your past, but another to become envious of things you cannot have.

Zelena clicks her heels and disappears.

–[Enchanted Forest - Past]–

Zelena appears into Regina’s apartment. She searches into Regina’s stuff. She becomes mad. She hides a rock and uses her powers to make is appear on her hand. Rumplestiltskin watches her.

Rumplestiltskin : Well, this is a day of surprises. I thought that would take you at least unt... You're not Regina.

Zelena : No. I'm Cora's other daughter.

Rumplestiltskin : That's not possible.

Zelena : I'm Zelena... Her firstborn.

Rumplestiltskin : We'll see about that.

Rumplestiltskin pulls out Zelena’s hair. He testes it and confirms Zelena is Cora’s daughter.

Rumplestiltskin : Well, hello, dearie. A day of surprises, indeed.


Regina and Mary Margaret are looking for clues in Cora’s stuff in Regina’s vault.

Mary Margaret : Regina, is she telling the truth ?

Regina : I don’t know. I haven’t find anything yet.

Mary Margaret : Are you sure that Cora didn't booby-trap her stuff ? I mean, I don't think that a sleeping curse would be good for the baby.

Emma comes. Regina finds a letter.

Emma : David, Belle, and Tink are locking down Main Street just in case this fight actually happens.

Mary Margaret : Regina, did you find something ?

Regina : A... a letter.

Mary Margaret : What's it say?

Regina : Zelena is my sister.

Mary Margaret : Regina, w... What is...

Regina : Nothing. Don't worry about it. It's my fight. I've got it handled.

Regina leaves.

Emma : What the hell was in that letter ?


David, Belle and Tinker Bell are in the street of Storybrooke.

David : If we position someone there, there, and there, we'll have the whole street covered.

Tinker Bell : I'll talk to Blue, see if we can get reinforcements.

Emma and Mary Margaret comes.

Emma : No, you heard Zelena. She said no interference. She'll probably order Gold to level half the block if we try something before she gets a crack at her sister.

Tinker Bell : So they really are sisters ?

Mary Margaret : She found a letter in her vault confirming it.

David : Where is she ? Regina.

Mary Margaret : She disappeared. Something in the letter upset her.

Tinker Bell : Should we try to find her ?

Emma : Regina was pretty clear she didn't want any help on this one.

David : You want to let her walk into this fight alone ?

Emma : No. She's gonna get help whether she wants it or not.

Belle : B... But... But you just said we can't interfere.

Emma : Because Zelena has Gold on her side. We need to remove him from the equation. It's the only way Regina has a fighting chance. We just need to get his dagger.

Mary Margaret : You saw Zelena. She practically has it glued to her hand.

Belle : Wait, wait. What if... What if I can get through to Rumple without the dagger ?

Mary Margaret : It's worth a try. Regina can't do this alone.


Regina is in the woods. She reads again and again the letter. Robin comes.

Robin : We have to stop meeting like this.

Regina : Did the Charmings send you to give me a pep talk ? 'Cause I don't do well with pep talks.

Robin : No, nothing of the sort. After Zelena's threat, I decided to patrol the woods in case she decided to build the ranks of her simian army. How are you holding up ?

Regina : I'm not a flying monkey, if that's what you mean.

Robin : So, are you gonna tell me what's in that letter you've been staring at ?

Regina : What letter ?

Robin : This one. I'm a pickpocket by trade. I spent many years learning how to rob from magicians.

Regina : You're lucky I'm saving my strength for that witch.

Robin : I think, deep down, you actually want to talk about what's in here.

Regina : And what makes you think you know me so well ?

Robin : Well, for one thing, I'd be charred to a crisp by now if you didn't.

Regina : True.

Robin : So, can I read it ?

Regina : I'm not stopping you.

Robin : "Cora, dear, I finally got my hands on your firstborn. Never thought I'd find her. Did you? Now I know why. She's the most powerful sorceress I've ever encountered, even more powerful than you. Stunning in every way." Rather complimentary, I'd say. Why is this troubling you?

Regina : I've seen that letter a hundred times before. In my darkest moments, I'd... Go to it for comfort, for solace, for... A boost when I needed it, because I... Because I always thought it was about me.

Robin : It's about Zelena.

Regina : Rumplestiltskin thinks she's more powerful than I am.

Robin : Why care what that imp thinks ?

Regina : Because if the man who taught me everything I know about magic thinks she is stronger than I am... Then there is no way I can win this fight.

–[Enchanted Forest - Past]–

Zelena and Rumplestiltskin are walking into the woods.

Zelena : Cora never mentioned me ?

Rumplestiltskin : A firstborn daughter ? I think that's something I would've remembered. Now, there's a spell... A curse... I've been working on for a very, very long time. Now, I foresaw that... That that curse could only be cast by Cora's daughter.

Zelena : That's why you've been training Regina. You thought she was going to cast the curse.

Rumplestiltskin : Until today. Shall we see what you can do ? Magic isn't about what you see, dearie. It's about what you feel inside.

Rumplestiltskin puts a blindfold on Zelena’s eyes.

Rumplestiltskin : You'll have to dig deep if you want to pass tonight's test.

Zelena : What am I meant to do ?

Rumplestiltskin appears and disappears around Zelena.

Rumplestiltskin : Simple. Find... Me. Over here, dearie. Close, but not close enough. Magic comes from emotion. Simply think of a moment that makes you seethe with anger.

Zelena : And use it to fuel that magic, yes. I learned that a long time ago. Well, it's... It's hard to pick one. Finding out that my mother abandoned me, that my father never wanted me...

Rumplestiltskin : Getting warmer.

Zelena : That my sister got everything that I ever desired, that she didn't even have to try, that it was all just handed to her, that she doesn't even know what she has !

Rumplestiltskin : Ding, dong. There it is. And I can feel it in your nails.

Zelena : I'm sorry. I lost control.

Rumplestiltskin : And now you need to think of a moment of happiness to rein in some of that anger.

Zelena : Wh... What do you think about ?

Rumplestiltskin : I'm the teacher. I ask the questions.

Zelena : But... But if you don't tell me, then how will I learn ?

Rumplestiltskin : Well, like you, I was abandoned as a child. Some spinsters took us in. We didn't have much, but we got by. Whenever we'd finish a job, they used to bake meat pies. The entire hovel would fill with the most wonderful smell. And after they'd cooled, they always used to let me take the first bite. And as the food warmed my belly, that was the only time I forgot who I really was... A boy who wasn't wanted by his papa.

Zelena : Then I know my moment.

Rumplestiltskin : What's that, dearie ?

Zelena : The moment I stopped feeling like someone who wasn't wanted. The moment you agreed to train me.


A Zelena’s farm.

Emma : We're clear ! There's no sign of Zelena ! It looks like she's still keeping Gold in the cellar !

Belle enters in the cellar.

Belle : Rumple ?

Mr Gold : Belle ?!

Belle : I've come to free you.

Mr Gold : No, leave! Leave ! You have no idea what that witch will make me do to you if she catches us.

Belle : I'm not afraid. You could never hurt me.

Mr Gold : No, it's futile. As long as she holds the dagger, I cannot leave.

Belle : I'm not leaving without you.

Mr Gold : It's not worth the risk.

Belle : Just try.

Mr Gold takes Belle’s hand.

Belle : You just have to believe in us.

Mr Gold : Run.

Belle : What ?

Mr Gold : Run ! Go !

Zelena was hiding into the dark. She laughs.

Zelena : Don't mind me. Carry on. I was just enjoying the show.

Belle gets out, Mr Gold follows her.

Emma : Belle !

David : Over here !

Belle : It was a trick. She was toying with us.

Mr Gold : Zelena sends a message. She will face Regina without interference ! The next time you try to stop her, I will kill you.


Henry and Hook are on the beach. It’s night.

Henry : I think I've tied every knot in here.

Hook watches stars.

Henry : When do we get to the part about my dad ?

Hook : Just a few moments longer. There. Come here.

Hook gives Henry an item.

Henry : What's this ?

Hook : That, my boy, is a sextant. It's a tool used by sailors to navigate.

Henry : Like a GPS ?

Hook : Aye.

Hook : It measures our position using the stars.

Henry : Not sure that's what a GPS does, but what does it have to do with my dad ?

Hook : Well, I taught him to navigate with one, just like I'm gonna teach you.

Henry : Were you both in the Navy or something ?

Hook : No, Bae... Neal was just a boy when I taught him.

Henry : Wait. Aren't you the same age ? It seems like the more you guys tell me about my dad, the less things make sense. I don't want to learn how to navigate. I... I just want to hear something about him that doesn't make him sound like he's made up so I'll like the guy.

Hook : Your mother isn't keeping things from you because she doesn't want you to know the truth.

Henry : I know. She's doing it to protect me, but how am I supposed to feel anything about him being gone if I don't know what he was like while he was here ?

Hook : Fair enough, mate. What I haven't told you is why I taught your father to sail. Because he'd just lost his father. I thought the sea would help ease his sorrow.

Henry : Wait. He lost his dad, too ?

Hook : Aye. To something dark and evil when he wasn't much older than you.

Henry : Really ?

Hook : Indeed. You see, you might not think you know much about your father, but you have more in common with him than you realize.


Zelena is preaparing for her fight with Regina at her farm.

–[Enchanted Forest - Past]–

Zelena sets the table.

Rumplestiltskin : I don't remember giving permission for guests.

Zelena : It's for you. Meat pie... Just like the spinsters used to make when you were a boy.

Rumplestiltskin : Can't stay. Have a lesson to teach.

Zelena : But... But we just finished our lesson.

Rumplestiltskin : Not with you, dearie. With Regina.

Zelena : You're still training her ?

Rumplestiltskin : Did you think I was gonna stop ?

Zelena : What… But you don't need Regina. I'm going to cast your curse. She's not nearly as powerful as me. She doesn't deserve to have you as a teacher!

Rumplestiltskin : Careful, Zelena ! What is it that your father used to always tell you ?

Zelena : Huh ? Um, N... N... No matter what you feel on the inside, you have to put on a good face.

Rumplestiltskin : Mm. You might want to take his advice. Your insides are starting to show.

Zelena goes to see herself in a mirror. A green spot grows on her neck.

Rumplestiltskin : You're turning green, dearie. Envy will do that to you. Oh, and don't wait up. This could take a while.

Rumplestiltskin disappears.


People of Storybrooke is in the street.

Emma : Have you seen Regina ?

Mary Margaret : Not since the vault.

Tinker Bell : If she doesn't get here soon, that witch could take it out on all of us.

David : Let's get everybody out of here before that happens. All right, listen up ! We need you to get back to your homes.

Zelena : No one's going anywhere. This show needs an audience. Out of my way, munchkin.

Clark : I'm a dwarf.

Zelena : That's even worse. Where is she, hmm ? Don't tell me... She's a coward. Well, this isn't good... For any of you. If my sister's not here in five minutes, I'm going to let The Dark One off his leash.


Zelena : Time's up. Who do you want to kill first, Rumple ?

Emma : He's not killing anyone. If you want to fight someone, Zelena, fight me.

Zelena : Sorry, dear. I don't dance with amateurs.

Emma : I'm not an amateur. I'm the Saviour.

Zelena : Mm. Appears someone's got an inflated sense of self-worth.

Zelena uses the dagger to make Mr Gold sends Emma away.

Zelena : Anybody else want to give it a go ?

Regina : I do. Didn't anyone tell you ? Black is my colour.

Zelena : But it looks so much better on me. I was beginning to think you weren't going to show up.

Regina : I couldn't let my sister off that easily.

Zelena : Oh. So you've finally accepted me into the family ?

Regina : I've accepted that we shared a mother, yes. But I still have one question. What the hell did I ever do to you ?

Zelena : Isn't it obvious ? You were born.

Regina slaps Zelena.

Regina : I've been waiting to do that all day.

Zelena : Rumplestiltskin can't save you this time.

–[Enchanted Forest - Past]–

Regina is brushing her hair. Zelena catches her and threatens her with a razor

Zelena : Don't make a sound. Rumplestiltskin's wasting his time with you. You don't deserve him. You don't deserve any of this. Our mother couldn't see it, and neither can he. But I'll show them they're wrong.

Zelena hits Regina who turns into Rumplestiltskin.

Rumplestiltskin : Surprise, dearie ! As I've always said, jealousy drives people to do... Crazy things.

Zelena : You tricked me ?

Rumplestiltskin : Consider it a test... One you failed.

Zelena : Yeah, but I was just trying to make your decision easier and show you that I'm more powerful, that I'm the one that's going to cast your curse.

Rumplestiltskin : Well, I appreciate your efforts, dearie, but I'm afraid you just disqualified yourself.

Zelena : What ? Why ?

Rumplestiltskin : Because casting the curse has a price. A steep one. You'll have to give up the thing you love most.

Zelena : I can do that.

Rumplestiltskin : Eh, that's the problem, dearie. The thing you love most... Is me.

Zelena : You think I love you ?

Rumplestiltskin : I'm a perceptive sort.

Zelena : You're insane.

Rumplestiltskin : Besides the point. Well, look, I... It's okay. I have that effect on women. You love me. And that, dearie, makes you too dangerous.

Zelena : So, Regina...

Rumplestiltskin : Has the job.

Zelena’s green spot grows.

Rumplestiltskin : You might want to get that checked out.

Zelena : You know what? Forget the curse ! I'll find another way to give you what you want.

Rumplestiltskin : Well, unless you can take me to a land without magic, I'm afraid that's not possible.

Zelena : I can. I could have taken you there.

Rumplestiltskin : How ?

Zelena : These slippers... The Wizard gave them to me. And they can take you anywhere you want to go.

Rumplestiltskin : Wizard, eh?

Zelena : But it's too late.

Rumplestiltskin : Who... Who... Who says it's too late ?

Zelena : You chose her.

Rumplestiltskin : Perhaps I was hasty.

Zelena : I am not naive. There is only way you'll ever get these slippers from me. You'll have to kill me.

Rumplestiltskin : Well, if I must.

Rumplestiltskin tries to kill Zelena but she escapes.

Zelena : You shouldn't have taught me all your tricks, Rumple. I'll see you again, dearie. And next time, you will choose me.

Zelena clicks three time her slippers and disappears.


In the street.

Zelena : He should have chosen me.

Regina : Who ? Rumplestiltskin. That's what this is about ? You're jealous of me ?

Regina makes a lighter falls on Zelena who pushes it away.

Zelena : You still don't realize what you had. You never did. You got everything I ever wanted, and you didn't even deserve it! But I'm gonna take it all from you !

Zelena pushes Regina against a car.

Doc : My Miata.

Regina gets to Zelena. She makes a fireball which Zelena makes disappears.

Zelena : You can't beat me, little sis. Everything Rumplestiltskin taught you, he taught me, too. But I was the better student.

Zelena sends Regina into the clock tower.

Regina : Mnh-mnh.

Zelena appears.

Regina : Well, what are you waiting for ? Kill me.

Zelena : I never said I wanted to kill you. I said I wanted to destroy you, and to do that, I need your heart.

Zelena tries to rips Regina’s heart but it’s not here.

Zelena : Where is it ?!

Regina : Our mother taught me one thing... Never bring your heart to a witch fight. Something you'd know if she hadn't... Abandoned you.

Zelena : You haven't won, Regina. I will get your heart ! I will get everything you ever had !

Regina : Not today.

Zelena leaves. Emma, David and Mary Margaret arrives.

Emma : You all right ?

Regina : I'm still alive, aren't I ?

David : Gold disappeared. We thought that meant...

Regina : She defeated me ? Hardly.

Mary Margaret : You won ?

Regina : Well, don't act so surprised. As it turns out, Zelena wanted my heart. It's a good thing I wasn't stupid enough to bring it with me.

David : Any idea why she wants it ?

Regina : Well, she got your courage and wants my heart. Those are ingredients.

Emma : For what ? A curse ?

Mary Margaret : We're already in Storybrooke. We've already lost our memories. What else could she do to us ?


Regina is running into the woods.

Robin : Did the plan work ?

Regina : That depends. Is it still here ?

Robin : Right where you left it.

Regina : Well, then, it worked. I just needed to find the one thing I had that Zelena didn't.

Robin : And what exactly was that ?

Regina : My heartless mother. My sister was right about something. She said I don't always realize what I have right in front of me.

Robin : What's that ?

Regina : Just that I didn't always appreciate things.

Regina gives Robin her heart.

Regina : Would you mind holding on to this for a bit longer ?

Robin : You're really going to entrust something so valuable to a common thief like me ?

Regina : You can't steal something that's been given to you.

Regina leaves.

Robin : You still me owe me that drink.

Regina : Yes, I suppose I do.


Hook brings Henry back to Emma.

Henry : Thanks, Killian. Maybe we can go out on your boat again sometime.

Hook : Anytime, lad.

Emma : Hey.

Hook : How did the Queen fare against the Witch ?

Emma : She survived, but the rest is definitely more than a doorway conversation. Thanks for taking him.

Hook : There's more Bae in your boy than you realize. He needs to know about his father, Emma. You can't just take him back to New York when this is over and pretend like none of this is real.

Emma : Thanks again.

She enters in her bedroom.


Zelena locks Mr Gold in his cage.

Mr Gold : What ? No meat pie ?

Zelena : She's clever, Rumple, but so am I. Regina's heart is somewhere in this town, and it's only a matter of time before I find it.

Mr Gold : Whatever twisted curse you have planned, it won't change anything. If I had to do it all again, I'd still choose Regina.

Zelena : Would you, now ? Well, I suppose we'll just have to wait and see.

Mr Gold : I'm afraid I don't understand.

Zelena : We are doing it all over again. What I'm casting isn't a curse. It's a second chance.

Zelena leaves.

–[Oz - Past]–

Zelena goes to see the Wizard of Oz.

Zelena : I learned some tricks while I was gone. You showed me my past. Now take me there... To the moment my mother abandoned me. That's when it all went wrong. I need to go back and change it.

The Wizard of Oz : You want to travel back in time ? To change the past ?

Zelena : What's so funny ?

The Wizard of Oz : I'm afraid that's impossible.

Zelena : I thought you were The Great And Terrible Oz.

The Wizard of Oz : Even my power has its limits.

Zelena uses her powers to makes the curtains fall down.

Zelena : You're telling me.

She brings the Wizard of Oz to her.

The Wizard of Oz : Oh ! No ! Don't hurt me ! Please !

Zelena : Who are you ?!

The Wizard of Oz : My... My name is Walsh. I... I'm... I'm just a circus huckster. I'm a showman. I... I come from a distant land... A place called Kansas.

Zelena : You're not even a wizard ?

Walsh : It's all part of the act, but what I peddle is real. What you saw there is real. Those slippers took you to the Enchanted Forest, didn't they ? I may not have magic, but the things I collect do.

Zelena : That's why you wanted me to bring you something of Rumplestiltskin's. So you could carry on this charade.

Walsh : I didn't mean any harm. I was trying to help us both. What you seek doesn't exist. No magic is that strong.

Zelena : Well, then... I have no use for you. At least not like that.

Walsh : Like what ?

Zelena : What I need is someone who is willing to do whatever I ask without question. Like a trained circus animal.

Walsh : You're evil.

Zelena : Not evil, dear. Wicked.

Walsh : No. No !

She turns Walsh into a flying monkey.

Zelena : Much better. Now, come. If I'm going to find a way to change the past, I've got work to do.

Zelena starts to spy on Regina.

Rumplestiltskin : Well done, Regina ! You've been practicing. You're shaping up to be the best pupil... I ever had.

Zelena : We'll see about that. When I'm done, Regina... You'll have never even been born.

Zelena becomes green.

Kikavu ?

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jptruelove  (05.12.2021 à 20:57)

Terrible, la jalousie et la confrontation entre les deux soeurs. 

Zelena est terrifiante de pouvoir, vivement que Gold ne soit plus à sa solde. 

Je suis triste pour Neal et tous ses proches... 


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choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

CastleBeck, Aujourd'hui à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

Viens chatter !