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#405 : Le reflet du miroir

À Storybrooke, Regina fait équipe à contre-cœur avec Emma pour rechercher la Reine des Neiges, après que Sidney, à nouveau prisonnier d'un miroir, ait découvert son emplacement et accepté de l'y conduire.

Avec Belle qui s'occupe du petit Neal, c'est nerveux que Mary Margaret et David se préparent pour leur première soirée loin de leur enfant, avant de se retrouver à pourchasser Will Scarlet, qui est parvenu à s'échapper de prison.

Enfin, Elsa aperçoit sa sœur Anna dans les bois. Dans le passé, la jeune Emma se trouve une âme sœur en devenant amie avec une fille qui, tout comme elle, est une orpheline fugueuse.


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Breaking Glass

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Le reflet du miroir

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Plus de détails

Scénario : Kalinda Vasquez & Scott Nimerfro

Réalisation : Alrick Riley

Guests :

Elizabeth Mitchell Reine des Neiges
Ilias Webb Kevin
Barclay Hope Le père de Lily

Centré sur : Emma


La Reine des Glace façonne une personne de glace.

Au bureau du Shérif, Emma et Elsa continuent leurs recherches. Emma pense qu’elles vont trouver une piste dans les vieux dossiers. Elsa est persuadée qu’il y a un meilleur moyen de retrouver Anna. Emma lui explique qu’elles auraient déjà dû trouver Anna, que tout ce qui arrive est prémédité jusqu’à la perte de leur mémoire.

Hook entre avec la dernière boîte et Will se plaint qu’il n’a pas eu  de diner la veille. Après avoir mangé un gâteau, il demande à Emma quand il pourra sortir. Elle n’est pas décidée à le laisser partir.

Hook dit à Emma qu’il va emmener Henry naviguer. Will fait une remarque sur l’attitude de Hook et celui-ci part après avoir embrassé Emma.

Elsa trouve des photos d’Henry et Emma dans les boîtes. Emma lui raconte que Régina a abusé de son pouvoir de maire pendant un temps puis elle voit des photos d’elle-même et de la Reine des Glaces. Elle décide d’aller parler de ces photos à Sidney.

Régina demande au Miroir s’il a enfin trouvé la Reine des Glaces. Sidney plaisante ce qui ne plait pas à Régina. Il lui explique que non, et Régina le renvoie la retrouver.

Mary Margaret s’inquiète de devoir laisser Neal à Belle pour pouvoir sortir avec son mari. David la rassure, Belle s’en sortira très bien et lui explique qu’ils ont besoin de se retrouver tous les deux.

Alors qu’elle conduit avec Elsa dans la forêt, Emma lui raconte que sa relation avec Régina est redevenue aussi chaotique qu’à son arrivée. Elsa lui répond qu’il faut qu’elle en parle à l’intéressée. Emma lui dit qu’elle n’est pas sûre de pouvoir rattraper la situation.

–[Hopkins, Minnesota - 1998]–

Emma est en train de voler de la nourriture dans un magasin. Elle est repérée par une femme qui se demande ce qu’elle fait toute seule. Emma commence à paniquer quand une fille brune vient à sa rescousse, expliquant que ses parents les ont envoyés toutes les deux acheter de quoi manger.

Lily explique à Emma comment voler sans se faire prendre.

Elles sortent toutes les deux du magasin. Lily est suivie par une voiture, elle demande à Emma de courir pour semer la personne qui la poursuit avec succès.


Emma rend visite à Régina dans son caveau. Elle lui montre les photos d’elle et de la Reine des Glaces. Elle lui demande si elle sait de quoi elles pouvaient bien discuter toutes les deux. Régina ne sait pas. Emma veut poser la question à Sidney mais elle ne l’a pas vu. Régina n’est pas coopérative, elle lui dit qu’elle est très occupée à essayer de sauver Marian. Emma lui propose son aide. Régina refuse.

Aux abords du cimetière, Elsa attend Emma dans la voiture. Elle entend la voix d’Anna l’appeler à l’aide.

Alors qu’elle retourne à sa voiture, Emma se rend compte qu’Elsa n’est plus là.

Régina contemple une photo d’elle et Robin. Sidney réapparaît et annonce qu’il a trouvé la Reine des Glaces. Sidney refuse de dire ou se trouve la Reine des Glaces tant qu’il n’est pas libéré du miroir. Régina lui répond que s’il ne veut pas coopérer, elle le renverra dans sa cellule. Sidney est finalement d’accord pour la mener jusqu’à la Reine des Glaces.

Mary Margaret et David se rendent au bureau du Shérif pour y prendre un talkie-walkie pour que Belle puisse les joindre si jamais il arrive quelque chose à Neal. David se rend compte que Will s’est échappé de prison. Il pousse Mary Margaret à le prendre en chasse histoire de vivre une aventure comme au bon vieux temps.

Régina marche dans la forêt sous la guidance de Sidney. Elle tombe nez à nez avec Emma qui est à la recherche d’Elsa. Elle la soupçonne d’être partie toute seule à la poursuite de la Reine des Glaces et d’être dans le pétrin. Emma interroge Régina sur sa présente dans les bois. Elle lui répond qu’elle a l’intention de retrouver la Reine des Glaces pour que celle-ci annule le sort qu’elle a jeté sur Marian. Emma veut l’accompagner et Régina lui rétorque que de toute façon, même si elle n’est pas d’accord, elle viendra qu’en même.

–[Hopkins, Minnesota - 1998]–

Emma et Lily pique-niquent dans un parc. Emma raconte qu’elle a été dans une famille d’accueil à Boston mais qu’elle s’est enfui car elle ne voyait pas l’intérêt de rester puisqu’elle était trop vieille pour être adoptée, qu’elle se sentait invisible. Lily comprend parfaitement le point de vue d’Emma.

Emma lui demande si elle était en foyer elle aussi et si l’homme qui la poursuivait étaient un travailleur social. Lily répond que oui. Elle explique à Emma qu’elle va aller s’installer dans une des grandes maisons qui bordent le lac, personne n’y vient avant l’été. Elle invite Emma à venir avec elle.


Dans la forêt, Elsa court après Anna. Elle arrive près d’une falaise, elle voit sa sœur de l’autre côté. Elsa fabrique un pont avec de la glace et continue à suivre Anna.

Mary Margaret et David marchent sur la plage, toujours à la recherche de Will. Mary Margaret veut rentrer auprès de Neal, elle ne veut pas rester éloignée trop longtemps de son fils. David lui dit de partir, il continuera à chercher le voleur de son côté.

Alors qu’elle est sur le point de rentrer, Mary Margaret remarque que Will creuse un trou dans le sable non loin d’elle. Elle décide d’aller le voir.

Emma et Régina marchent toujours dans la forêt. Emma pose des questions à Régina sur la magie. Régina lui répond que si elle étudiait un peu, elle saurait déjà les réponses. Emma lui rétorque qu’elle préfère la pratique que la théorie et qu’elle apprend plus vite quand Régina lui enseigne. Celle-ci lui répond qu’elle n’a pas le temps pour cela. Emma reprend la conversation en faisant un compliment à Régina sur le fait qu’elle essaie de sauver Marian. Régina le prend mal et se met en colère contre Emma. Elle ne croit pas qu’elle veuille être gentille avec elle mais qu’elle essaie de soulager sa conscience.

–[Hopkins, Minnesota - 1998]–

Emma et Lily entrent par effraction dans une maison. Elles commencent à jouer aux jeux vidéo. Lily gagne haut la main car Emma n’a jamais pu jouer de sa vie. Elle lui dit de s’accrocher.

Emma remarque la tâche de naissance de Lily en forme d’étoile à son poignet. Lily a ça depuis toujours. Elle dessine une étoile sur le poignet d’Emma, pour qu’elles soient spéciales toutes les deux. Lily fait promettre à Emma qu’elles seront amies pour la vie.


Elsa retrouve Anna, malheureusement, il ne s’agit pas de sa sœur. Tout ceci n’était qu’un piège de la Reine des Glaces. La Reine s’excuse de la mise en scène mais elle avait vraiment besoin de la voir, elle l’entrave avec des chaînes. Elle lui explique que les chaînes qui la retiennent ne le peuvent que parce qu’elle a peur. Elle se désole qu’Elsa ne puisse pas contrôler son pouvoir, elle pourrait faire tellement de chose avec. Elsa lui demande ce qu’elle va faire, le Reine lui répond qu’elle va construire un bonhomme de neige.

Mary Margaret rejoint Will. Elle lui demande ce qu’il fait. Il ne veut pas lui répondre. Elle dit qu’il aurait du dessiner une carte pour savoir où il a enterré son sac. Après une petite discussion, Mary Margaret comprend qu’il a enterré la carte avec son sac alors qu’il était ivre. Mary Margaret lui annonce qu’elle est la femme du Shérif et elle pense que son mari à laisser sortir Will de prison pour qu’elle se rappelle ce qu’un peu d’aventure rend heureux. Elle dit à Will qu’en tant que maire, elle le pardonne. Pour pouvoir être libre, Will dit au maire que c’est bien David qui l’a libéré.

Emma et Régina trouvent le pont de glace d’Elsa, alors qu’elles le traversent, le vent se lève. Emma réalise que la Reine de Glace les attaque. Régina s’étonne qu’elle les ait trouvées et comprend que Sidney l’a trahi.

–[Hopkins, Minnesota - 1998]–

Emma et Lily dorment. Emma entend du bruit, elle réveille Lily pour partir. C’est trop tard, un homme se tient devant elles. Emma prend une batte de baseball et menace l’homme. Elle lui dit qu’elles ne retourneront pas dans le système. L’homme ne comprend pas. Il demande à Lily ce qui se passe puis c’est au tour d’Emma. L’homme raconte alors qu’il est le père de Lily. Emma n’en revient pas que Lily lui ai menti.


Emma accuse Régina de lui avoir menti sur  Sidney. Régina accuse Sidney de l’avoir trahie. Sidney s’en défend et dit à Régina qu’elle a bien mérité le petit cadeau qu’à prévu la Reine des Glaces pour elle. Le pont est en train de s’effondrer. Emma et Régina courent de l’autre côté.

Elsa réussit à se libérer de ses entraves.

Dans la forêt, Emma et Régina font face à un bonhomme de neige menaçant.

–[Hopkins, Minnesota - 1998]–

Emma et Lily attendent de repartir chacune de leur côté après s’être faite prendre. Lily dit à Emma qu’elles pourront toujours s’enfuit ensemble plus tard mais Emma lui en veut beaucoup d’avoir menti. Lily tente de s’excuser mais Emma ne veut rien entendre et monte dans la voiture des services sociaux.


Régina et Emma sont attaquées par le bonhomme de neige. Elles essayent de s’en débarrasser chacune de leur côté mais échouent. Puis elles tentent leur chance ensemble et réussissent à l’éliminer. Quelques instants plus tard, la Reine des Glaces apparaît, elle vole le miroir de Régina puis étrangle celle-ci. Emma tente de la défendre mais est étranglée à son tour. Elsa arrive à leur secours et provoque la Reine des Glaces, celle-ci se réjouit qu’Elsa n’ai plus peur puis elle s’en va.

Emma demande à Régina pourquoi elle ne lui a pas parlé de la situation de Sidney, ce qui provoque une fois de plus la colère de Régina. Elsa leur demande de mettre leurs différents de côté mais Régina n’est pas prête à pardonner Emma.

Dans la grotte de Glace, Sidney attend les premiers ordres de sa nouvelle maîtresse. Celle-ci lui dit qu’elle n’a pas besoin de lui et qu’il peut partir, elle voulait seulement le miroir de Régina. Sidney lui demande quels sont ses plans, ce à quoi elle refuse de répondre. Elle lui conseille cependant de bien se couvrir car il va faire froid à Storybrooke. Sidney s’en va et elle brise de miroir de Régina, elle fait apparaître un grand miroir brisé et le répare avec le miroir de Régina. Elle aura bientôt ce qu’elle désir : une famille qui l’aime.

Elsa s’excuse auprès d’Emma d’être partie. Elle demande à Emma pourquoi elle a laissé partir Régina. Elle lui répond que quand une personne ne veut pas être en ta présence tu ne peux rien faire contre ça. Elsa n’est pas d’accord, on n’abandonne pas les gens qui importent.

Emma rejoint Régina dans son caveau. Elle lui explique ce qu’elle a vécu avec Lily et qu’elle a toujours regretté de l’avoir repoussé à cause de son mensonge. Elle lui raconte qu’elle est heureuse à Storybrooke avec ses parents et Henry mais qu’ils ne pourront jamais comprendre ce qu’on ressent quand on est rejeté, Régina, elle le peut. Emma ne cherchait pas à se faire pardonner mais une amie. Elle lui assure qu’elle ne laissera pas tomber même si elle a envie de la tuer.

David retrouve Mary Margaret qui surveille Neal à l’appartement. Elle lui raconte qu’elle a retrouvé Will Scarlet et qu’elle l’a pardonné parce qu’elle sait que David l’a laissé partir pour qu’elle se rappelle qui elle était. David est heureux qu’elle se sente bien mais répond à sa femme qu’il n’a rien fait, que Will s’est vraiment enfuit.

Emma est à son bureau, elle sort une boîte d’une armoire. Hook entre et se rend compte qu’elle est bouleversée. Emma lui explique que la boîte contient ses souvenirs d’enfance, elle l’autorise à les regarder. Elle prend une caméra et va la brancher à  une télévision, il la suit. Emma fait partir la cassette et on voit une vidéo d’elle et Lily. La vidéo continue sur des images filmées dans une famille d’accueil dont Emma n’a aucun souvenir. Sur la vidéo, en toute fin, on y voit la Reine des Glaces.


The Snow Queen uses her power to make an ice person.


At the sheriff station. Emma and Elsa continue their researches on the Snow Queen.

Emma: Somewhere in here, there's got to be something on her.

Elsa: There has to be a better strategy. While we're reading files, my sister is out there somewhere. We have to confront this Snow Queen.

Emma: Believe me, if I could, we would. We have to find her first. And, Elsa, we have to be careful. This woman is tricky. She seems to know both of us, and we don't remember anything about her. And something tells me that that is not an accident.

Elsa: You think she took our memories?

Emma: I'm really good with names and faces. It was my job. She took them, all right. The question is why. We need to find out what the hell she's up to.

Hook enters with another box.

Hook: Paperwork, ahoy! Old city records from the mayor's office, per your request.

Will: Oi! Somebody's forgotten about me dinner! I had the bangers and mash.

Emma: You had the water and pop-tart.

Will: Somebody's already had a nibble.

Emma: I've had my shots.

Will: What a relief. Now, I've served me time. So when will I be free?

Emma: When I say so.

Hook: Well... I'm off to take Henry sailing, love, unless there's something else you want me to do here.

Emma: Make sure Henry wears his life vest, okay?

Will: Befriending the son to get in with the mum? Yep, no one will ever see through that.

Hook: Why don't you keep your thoughts to yourself... Mate.

Hook kisses Emma on the cheek.

Hook: Goodbye.

Hook leaves and Elsa finds pictures.

Elsa: Emma, look. Why are there pictures of you mixed in with the city records?

Emma: Let's just say when Regina was mayor, she abused her power a bit. She was looking for any reason to run me out of town. That's the first time Henry and I went for hot cocoa. When I walked him to school for the first time.

Emma finds a picture of the Snow Queen and her.

Elsa: Emma? What is it?

Emma: It's me and her.

Elsa: And you still don't remember any of this?

Emma: No, but I know someone who may... The person who had the photos taken.


At Regina’s vault.

Regina: Please tell me you've found her.

Sidney: And which "her" would that be? Snow white? Maid Marian? Emma Swan? It's so hard to keep track of her majesty's nemeses.

Regina: I'm not in the mood for games, Sidney. I need to know where the Snow Queen is hiding. If I can't unfreeze Marian myself, I'll force her to do it.

Sidney: Haven't come across the Snow Queen yet, sorry to say.

Regina: Then you have a new task. Find that Snow Queen. Or you'll learn what sorry really feels like.

Sidney: Yes, your majesty.


Belle is holding Neal in her arms at the Charming family’s loft.

Belle: Shh.

David: See... Belle's a natural. She's got all the emergency numbers. If anything happens, Neal will be okay.

Mary Margaret: I'm not worried about emergency numbers, David. I'm nervous about leaving him at all. Between the curse and the wicked witch, we don't exactly have the best track record with our babies.

David: He is going to be fine. And we need this time away. You need it. Hey. So what do you say? You ready for our evening stroll?


Emma drives her and Elsa to the woods.

Elsa: You okay?

Emma: It's just the pictures. Reminds me of when I first got here. Regina and I hated each other. Well, "hate" might be the wrong word, but we did not mix.

Elsa: But it seems like you've come a long way since then.

Emma: Yeah, but it looks like we're right back at it. Just wish I could fix it. Coming?

Elsa: I think this sound like something you two should talk about alone. You know, if things were getting better between you two before, maybe they can again.

Emma: Doubt it. I screwed her over. Once you screw someone over, there's no getting them back.

Elsa: What makes you say that?

Emma: Experience.

–[Hopkins, Minnesota - 1998]–

Emma is at a food store. A girl watches her and leaves. Emma steals food but get catch. The girl rescues her.

A woman: Whoa. What you got there?

Lily: I've been looking all over for you. Just go with it. Thanks for hanging on to that till I got us a cart.

A woman: You two girls are on your own?

Lily: My parents are outside in the car. They sent us to grab a few things.

A woman: Okay.

Emma: Thanks. That was about to get ugly.

Lily: Yeah, no kidding. You know, the whole "stuffing things under your shirt" move never works. You need one of these. Lift some plastic, and you can buy whatever you want.

Emma: I'll remember that next time.

Lily: Wait! You're part of my cover now. So what do you say? You want to go shopping?


Outside the store.

Emma: Wow. That actually worked.

Lily: Hold onto your bag and run.

Emma: What? Why?

Lily: Trust me. Go! Go! Go!

A man in a car follows Lily.

The Man: Hey!

Emma and Lily run to escape the car.

Emma: Come on! This way!

The girls hide and the car loose them.

Emma: I'm Emma, by the way.

Lily: Lily. Thanks for the help.

Emma: You had my back, and I got yours.


At Regina’s vault.

Regina: Ms. Swan. What an unpleasant surprise. Unfortunately, I'm a little busy trying to save my true love's wife. Or hadn't you heard?

Emma: What do you know about these?

Regina: It appears you and the Snow Queen are old friends. Well, frenemies at best.

Emma: I have zero memories of this conversation. I was hoping you might. Sidney took these when you had him spying on me. He didn't say anything about what was going on here? Or why I was arguing with the Snow Queen?

Regina: He never mentioned anything. My guess... You skipped the tip jar.

Emma: I suppose I should talk to Sidney, then. But no one seems to know where he is. Have you seen him?

Regina: I've been busy working on Marian, on the problem you created.

Emma: I guess I'll let you get back to it. Any progress on thawing her out?

Regina: It's no concern of yours.

Emma: It could be. I know I'm not sorceress of the year, but if you want some extra juice to undo the spell, let me know.

Regina: Are you offering to help me?

Emma: Despite everything, you've done a lot for me, Regina, so yeah. You've had my back, and I want you to know that I have yours.

Regina: Ms. Swan, one thing's abundantly clear. You've never had my back. And you never will.


Elsa is waiting for Emma in the car. She ears Anna calling for her.

Anna: Elsa. Elsa? Elsa, help!

Emma: Anna?

Anna: Elsa. Help me.


Outside the vault. Emma notices Elsa is gone.

Emma: Elsa?! Elsa!


Regina is looking at a picture of Robin and her. Sidney comes back.

Sidney: My queen, I have news. I have found the Snow Queen's lair.

Regina: Well, where is it?

Sidney: I think a little quid pro quo is in order, don't you? I'm growing tired of this glass prison.

Regina: Let's see if your information yields results. Then we can discuss your freedom.

Sidney: You expect me to give up my leverage before I've received anything in return? Do you think me an imbecile?

Regina: I think I've trapped you in a mirror twice. And if you find them too constricting, well, then... Perhaps you'd like to return to your cell at the hospital.

Sidney: Upon further reflection, it appears I don't have the leverage I thought. Listen closely. I will lead you to her.


At the sheriff station.

Mary Margaret: And I need one of the good walkies, not one of the short-range things you let Henry play with.

David: It's a short hike to the bluffs. We'll be gone less than an hour.

Mary Margaret: With no cell reception! I want to be sure Belle can reach us.

David: Or you're looking for a way out of this. We are going on this hike.

Mary Margaret: Yes! And we shall be reachable.

David: This will do it. I'll call Belle. Let her know where to find our walkie at home. Now she'll be able to reach us on our drive, our hike... If we fall through a portal to Asgard wherever we are.

Mary Margaret: My hero.

David: Hmm. Hang on.

Mary Margaret: What is it?

David: You know that thief I told you about? The one who ran from the ice-cream shop?

Mary Margaret: Will Scarlet.

David: Looks like he managed a jail break. Come on. Let's go.

Mary Margaret: Wait. Oh, you mean right now?

David: Oh, come on. It'll be like old times. A prince and a princess on an adventure, but without the evil queen on our trail.


Regina is walking into the woods.

Regina: I'm walking due north. Now what?

Sidney: Head past the toll bridge, then go east. The Snow Queen isn't far.

Regina hears a noise, it’s Emma.

Emma: Regina.

Regina: What are you doing here?

Emma: Elsa disappeared on me. I think she went to go confront the Snow Queen on her own. Afraid she's in trouble. How about you? Nature walks your new thing?

Regina: I intend to force the Snow Queen's hand, make her reverse the damage she's inflicted on Marian.

Emma: How do you even know where she is?

Regina: Explaining my magic to a beginner is a waste of my time. She's east of the toll bridge.

Emma: Well, I think we should stick together, then. My best shot at finding Elsa is to go in the direction of the Snow Queen. You don't mind the company, do you?

Regina: Does it matter if I mind? If I say no, you'll just come anyway.

–[Hopkins, Minnesota - 1998]–

Emma and Lily are sitting on grace in a park. They are eating.

Emma: Mm!

Lily: That sandwich isn't going anywhere, you know.

Emma: Sorry. It's just that where I come from, if you don't eat fast, the big kids would swipe things off your plate.

Lily: Was that around here?

Emma: Boston. Snuck out in the middle of the night and hopped a bus.

Lily: Why did you leave?

Emma: This little girl from my home, Cecilia, got adopted. I watched her get in this station wagon with this perfect-looking couple. That's when I realized... No one was ever gonna look at me the way those parents looked at her. I'm too old. I missed my chance. There was no point in me staying another day if I was just gonna keep feeling...

Lily: Invisible? I know what it's like to live someplace where it feels like no one cares about you, let alone understands you.

Emma: Were you in a home, too? That guy chasing you... Is he from social services? Is he trying to take you back?

Lily: Yeah.

Emma: What are you gonna do?

Lily: See those houses over there? People use them in the summer. But now that it's fall, they'll be empty. I figured I'll pick the nicest one and I'll crash there for a while. Here's an idea. Come with me.

Emma: Really?

Lily: Why not? We'd be better off if we stuck together.


Elsa is running into the woods. She is looking for her sister.

Elsa: Anna! Anna!


Elsa arrives in a front of a cliff. Elsa sees her sister on the other side.

Anna: Elsa!

Elsa: Don't move! I'll be right there!

Elsa uses her powers to build a bridge

Anna: Help! Please!


David and Mary Margaret are walking near the beach.

Mary Margaret: I should be home with Neal, not chasing after some thief.

David: Let's just give it a little while longer.

Mary Margaret: We've been out for an hour! That's longer than I've been away from the baby since he was born. David, I think that's a pretty good start.

David: All right, all right. You're right. You head home... And I'll deal with this.

David leaves on his side. Mary Margaret hears someone digging in the sand.

Mary Margaret: Oh, I'm probably wrong. Oh, no, I'm not.

Mary Margaret goes to see Will Scarlet.


Regina and Emma are walking into the woods.

Emma: Which way?

Regina: Right.

Emma: Is this a locator spell? Shouldn't we be following some, like, floaty object or something?

Regina: Oh, now you're a magic expert.

Emma: No, it's just, in the past, there was a...

Regina: There are many enchantments you have yet to be exposed to. If you bothered to study your craft, you'd know that.

Emma: I'm kind of learning as I go. It's not like there's a lot of online classes on this kind of thing. But when you helped me, I seemed to learn pretty fast.

Regina: I don't have time for lessons.

Emma: I know. I know you're busy. And so you know, I think it's admirable, what you're doing. Helping the wife of the man you love.

Regina: So I've impressed you? Well it makes it all worthwhile then, doesn't it?

Emma: Why are you doing that? I was just trying to give you credit. I'm trying to be nice.

Regina: And then what? Complimenting my outfits? Giving me a makeover? Braiding my hair? Calling Robin Hood and hanging up? You're trying to win me over so I can assuage your guilt intentionally or not, Ms. Swan, you brought Marian back. You ruined my life. And there is no coming back from that. Because I know you think you didn't mean to, but you hurt someone. So do as I do... Learn to live with it. Welcome to my world.

–[Hopkins, Minnesota - 1998]–

Lily breaks a window and opens a door. Emma and she enter.

Lily: Not too shabby, huh?

Lily and Emma are playing video games.


Lily: I'm gonna beat you!

Emma: No! No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Lily: Yes! Yes! Yes!

Emma: No! Game over.

Lily: Yes! Yes! Yes!

Emma: Aw.

Lily: Yes.

Emma: Oh, I suck at this!

Lily: Haven't you ever played before?

Emma: No. I've never lived in a place that could afford one of these.

Lily: You'll get the hang of it. You hungry?

Emma: Whoa. What happened?

Lily: Oh, I... I don't know. I've had this since I can remember. I like to pretend it's some kind of symbol, like Harry Potter or something.

Emma: Like you're one-of-a-kind, like you're special.

Lily: I know it's stupid.

Emma: No, it's not.

Lily: Okay.

Lily draws a star on Emma’s wrist.

Lily: Then you are special, too.

Emma: Thanks. Hey! Check this out!

Emma takes a video camera. Emma

Lily: Let's promise to stay friends, okay? No matter what, there won't be anything we can't come back from.

Emma: Okay. Yeah. Promise.

Lily: For real?

Emma: For real.


Elsa is still looking for her sister.

Elsa: Anna! Anna!

Anna: Elsa!

Elsa finds Anna on snow. She hugs her.

Elsa: I was so worried I'd never find you.

The Snow Queen: But I'm so glad you did.

Elsa: You stay away from us. It's okay, Anna. I won't let her hurt you.

The Snow Queen turns Anna into ice the she disappears then she traps Elsa.

Elsa: Where's Anna? What did you do?

The Snow Queen: I'm sorry for all the theater, but she was never really here, sweetheart. An icy illusion because... I needed you.

Elsa: For what?

The Snow Queen: Look at yourself. So much fear. Imagine what you could do if you only learned to control it. You had a chance to do so once, but... You squandered it. Fortunately for me, the more frightened you are, the stronger those chains will hold. And that's all I need for now... You out of my way. I would tell you that everything is going to be fine, that I won't hurt you, but your worry, your fear, are exactly what's needed right now.

Elsa: What are you gonna do?

The Snow Queen: I'm going to build a snowman.


Will digs on the beach.

Will: Bollocks. Where the bloody hell is it?

Mary Margaret: Looking for something?

Will: Not really your concern, is it, lady?

Mary Margaret: Maybe you should have made a map for whatever it is you're looking for.

Will: I did make a map, thank you very much.

Mary Margaret: Did you lose it?

Will: No, I didn't lose me map. It's in me travelling sack, safe and sound.

Mary Margaret: But you're not "travelling" because you buried your sack and the map.

Will: Yes. Okay. I buried the map to find the sack in the sack I'm trying to find. I screwed up. Happens to the best of us.

Mary Margaret: Not really.

Will: Well, it happens to the best of us when we have a touch too much to drink.

Mary Margaret: That I buy.

Will: What's it to you, anyway? It's not like you're the sheriff.

Mary Margaret: Oh, no, but... I am the sheriff's wife.

Will: You're married to the blonde?

Mary Margaret: That's my daughter. Other sheriff.

Will: What now?

Mary Margaret: You know, in your mug shot, you looked taller... And smarter.

Will: Did the sheriff's wife just call me short and dumb?

Mary Margaret: I mean, you're not even gonna try to run, are you?

Will: No. Consider yourself lucky that I'm too knackered.

Mary Margaret: You didn't break out of jail.

Will: I didn't?

Mary Margaret: My husband let you go. So I would have a little victory. Do a little tracking, put a criminal back behind bars, feel good about myself. I bet that you didn't even do anything very serious.

Will: I got drunk and broke into a library.

Mary Margaret: Oh! A boozy bookworm! Oh, this is David. This is so David. Well... You can admit it. This whole thing is an elaborate hoax.

Will: What if I did admit it?

Mary Margaret: I'll pardon you.

Will: Right... so I'm supposed to believe that the sheriff's wife can give me my freedom.

Mary Margaret: I'm also the mayor.

Will: He did it.

Mary Margaret: I knew it!


Emma and Regina find Elsa’s ice bridge.

Emma: Looks like Elsa was here.

Regina: Thanks, Ms. Swan. Please continue to point out the obvious.

Emma: Then obviously we're not gonna step on it till we know it's safe.

Regina: It's safe.

Emma: Hey!

Regina: You were saying?

Emma: I don't know why I even bother.

Regina: Well, that makes two of us. Now hurry up. I'd like to get to that snow queen before it's actually winter.

The wind blows.

Emma: Something's not right.

Regina: Maybe your sparkly, blue-dressed friend is closer than you think.

Emma: No. This is not Elsa.

The wind blows stronger and stronger. The bridge shivers

Emma: Oh! It's the snow queen! She found us!

Regina: Sidney.

Emma: Sidney? What does Sidney have to do with any of this? Regina! Talk to me! What aren't you telling me?

–[Hopkins, Minnesota - 1998]–

Emma and Lily are sleeping. Emma hears a noise ant wakes up.

Emma: Hey! Hey! Hey! There's someone in the house. We need to go.

The man: Lilith?

Emma takes a candlestick.

Emma: Run. I got this. Stay away. You're not taking us anywhere. We're not going back into the system.

The man: Sweetheart, what nonsense you been telling this girl?

Emma: What's going on? Who is this? Lily?

The man: Honey, tell her the truth. I'm your father. And you're coming home with me. Your mother is worried sick.

Emma: Your father? You have a family? I thought you were like me.


On the ice bridge.

Emma: You lied to me. You said you didn't have a clue where Sidney was! He was in your mirror this whole time?!

Regina: Maybe I did. So what? I don't have to tell you everything I'm doing.

Sidney: Nor do I, your majesty.

Regina: You led us here. You're working for the Snow Queen?! Traitor!

Sidney: I'm the traitor? I think your majesty should take a look in the mirror. And as you contemplate what you've done, know that she has a present for you that I'd say is well-deserved.

Regina: Sidney!

Emma: Regina?

Regina: Save your moral judgment.

Regina: Look!

The ice bridge is collapsing. Emma and Regina run to the other side.

Emma: Jump!


Elsa tries to free herself.

Elsa: I'm not afraid. I'm not afraid.

She succeeds.


Into the wood.

Emma: You okay? Regina?

Regina: I think we have a bigger problem.

There is warrior snowman on their way to Elsa.

–[Hopkins, Minnesota - 1998]–

Emma is looking at the cops. Lily is in her father’s car.

Lily: Emma! Emma. Emma. Don't worry about my dad. He's just pissed I used his visa. When this blows over, come find me. We can run away together.

Emma: You tricked me.

Lily: I'm sorry. I know I lied about my family, but everything else I said is true. I hate my home. I feel invisible there. I'm just like you. I am! I was an orphan. It's just they adopted me. But it's not my home. You promised. Friends forever, no matter what.

Emma leaves. She erases the star on her wrist.

Lily: Emma! Emma!

Emma gets on the social service’s car.


Emma and Regina are under attack. Emma goes on her side and Regina attacks the snowman with a fireball then Emma uses her magic to pull it away. The arm of the snowman is destroyed but it comes back.

Emma: Oh, that's a problem.

Regina: Not helpful.

Emma: Try again... Together.

Regina and Emma combines their powers to destroy the snowman. They make it melt.

Emma: I think we did it.

The Snow Queen appears.

The Snow Queen : What a welcome visit, ladies. Thank you for bringing me what I needed.

The Snow Queen steal Regina’s mirror.

Regina: Give me back my mirror, you...

The Snow Queen: No.

The Snow Queen strangles Regina.

Emma: Hey, stop!

Then she strangles Emma.

The Snow Queen: Don't...

Elsa rescues them.

Elsa: You want a fight? Fight me.

The Snow Queen: Well done, Elsa. You're losing your fear. There's hope for you yet.

Regina: Let's just finish this now.

The Snow Queen: No need. I have what I want.

The Snow Queen disappears.

Elsa: Are you both okay?

Emma: We are now. Thank you. Why didn't you tell me about Sidney?

Regina: Because, despite what you wish, we're not partners. I didn't ask you to tag along.

Emma: Well, I did. And if you had told me, maybe you would have saved us some trouble.

Regina: Okay, tell you what? That I threw Sidney in a mirror to help me kill Marian, but then I changed my mind? What's the point? You never would have believed me. I know you too well, Swan. Stop trying to get me to forgive you because it will never happen.

Elsa: Stop it. You two need to mend your differences. Otherwise Storybrooke doesn't stand a chance.

Regina: We never will. For one simple reason... I don't want to.

Regina disappears.


In the Snow Queen's ice cave.

The Snow Queen: You're free. As promised.

Sidney: Thank you. Now, what is it you wish me to do first, my queen?

The Snow Queen: I wish nothing from you.

Sidney: I don't understand. The deal was...

The Snow Queen: It wasn't you that I wanted, Sidney. It was the mirror itself. You more than anyone should understand a mirror's importance. Mirrors reflect our... Mood, our desire, our essence. They are a temporary receptacle for some... Tiny fraction of our soul.

Sidney: Well, you... You have other mirrors.

The Snow Queen: I have many... Hundreds. But none as important as this one. For what I want to do, your former home should do quite nicely. The person who trapped you in here imbued it with much dark magic.

Sidney: My queen, what are you planning?

The Snow Queen: What I'm planning is to get what has been denied to me for too long... What I deserve.

Sidney: And what's that?

The Snow Queen: That's between me and... Well, my reflection. Enjoy your freedom, Sidney. A word of advice. Get a warm coat. It's going to get a bit cooler around here.

Sidney leaves. The Snow Queen breaks Regina’s mirror. She makes appear a big mirror.

The Snow Queen: So close. Soon I will have what I want.

She puts a piece of Regina’s mirror on the breaking glass. The mirror is restored.

The Snow Queen: A family that loves me.


Emma and Elsa are walking into the woods.

Elsa: I'm sorry I took off. The Snow Queen tricked me. She made it seem like Anna was here. I thought I was chasing her.

Emma: I get it. I'd do the same thing.

Elsa: So why did you let Regina just walk away?

Emma: You heard her. She wants nothing to do with me.

Elsa: Maybe you shouldn't give up on her so soon.

Emma: It's like I said, once you screw someone over, there's no going back.

Elsa: I don't believe that. If there's one thing my sister taught me, you don't give up on people. If someone's important to you, don't give up on them. Even if they say hurtful things or send a giant snow monster to chase you away.


Emma joins Regina at her vault.

Regina: What do I have to do to get you to leave me alone, Swan? Go away.

Emma: I'm an idiot.

Regina: Finally, something we can agree on.

Emma: I'm an idiot because I've been down this road before.

Regina: Irritating me? Yes, you have.

Emma: No, when I was a kid. Someone came into my life for a while, and I thought we were gonna be... Best friends. But this girl lied to me, and I pushed her away because of that lie, and she asked me to forgive her, but I never did. It took some time, but I realized that was a mistake. And I regretted the decision. But by then, it was too late. The damage was already done. I don't want to make the same mistake again, Regina. Living in Storybrooke, I've got my son and my parents, and I love them. But they can't always understand me. They don't know what it feels like to be rejected and misunderstood... Not the way I do, not the way you do. And somehow that makes us... I don't know... Unique, or maybe even special. I wasn't looking for you to assuage my guilt. I was just looking for you to be my friend.

Regina: You thought we were friends?

Emma: Crazy, right? But I thought it could be, that it was possible. I'm not gonna stop trying. Even if you still want to kill me.

Regina: Emma, wait. I don't want to kill you.

Emma: See? That's a start.


Mary Margaret is lying on her bed she looks after Neal. David comes back.

David: Hey.

She kisses David.

Mary Margaret: I love you.

David: Oh, I love you, too. How's Neal? He survive an hour with Belle?

Mary Margaret: She was wonderful. Took great care of him. I caught the thief.

David: What?

Mary Margaret: Will Scarlet. I tracked him down.

David: That's amazing. W-well, where is he? Back in his cell?

Mary Margaret: Eh, I pardoned him.

David: Wait. What? It's okay.

Mary Margaret: He admitted the whole thing. He told me about how you let him escape so I could track him.

David: H-h-he told you that?

Mary Margaret: Don't be mad. He tried to keep your secret. But really, he's a terrible liar. Not to mention, I am familiar with your tricks. Your plan worked. I feel more like myself again. What's so funny?

David: Yeah, no, Mary Margaret. I couldn't be happier that you enjoyed yourself today, but I had nothing to do with it.

Mary Margaret: No, of course you did. I mean, the way...

David: Mnh-mnh.

Mary Margaret: He really did escape?

David: Yeah. And you really pardoned him.

Mary Margaret: Well, what do we do now?

David: Uh, hope he doesn't pass out in another library? Look, if the outcome of his escape is that you found a part of yourself again... I'd say he earned that pardon.

They kiss.


Emma is in her office. She looks sad. She takes a box. Hook enters.

Hook: Hello, love. You seem vexed... Like you could use a drink.

Emma: That's putting it lightly.

Hook: What's that?

Emma: What's left of my childhood.

Hook: May I have the honour?

Emma gives Hook a little box.

Hook: Are you okay?

Emma: I think so.

He opens it and starts to search in it. He finds her glasses, a ring and a picture of her and Neal. Emma takes her baby blanket then finds the video camera.

Hook: Swan?

She leaves her office. Hook follows her.


Emma puts the tapes in the VCR.

Emma: I haven't watched this since I recorded it, but some things happened today, made me think about the past.

Hook: Reflective today, are we? Hey. Show me. I'd love to know more about your beginnings.

She starts the video of her and Lily.

Hook: Who's that lass?

Emma: Just an old friend.

The video continues and they see images from a foster home.

Kevin: Hey, look what the new girl brought with her!

Hook : Where is that?

Emma: I... I don't really remember. Maybe my next foster home?

Hook: Blocked it out? Unpleasant time?

Emma: I guess.

Hook: Who's that? Another friend?

Emma: I don't remember any of this.

The Snow Queen: Give it back, Kevin. The camera is Emma's, not yours.

Hook: Bloody hell. Is that...?

The Snow Queen is on the video.

The Snow Queen: We respect property in this house, Emma.

Emma: Yeah.


Kikavu ?

Au total, 230 membres ont visionné cet épisode ! Ci-dessous les derniers à l'avoir vu...

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jptruelove  (17.12.2021 à 11:33)

Je me demande si on va revoir l'amie d'Emma... C'était sympa de voir ce passage de son adolescence. 

Et super de pouvoir faire le lien entre Emma et la reine des glaces ;-)


Merci aux 6 rédacteurs qui ont contribué à la rédaction de cette fiche épisode

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choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

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