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#318 : Remonter le temps

À Storybrooke, après que Zelena soit parvenue à voler le cœur de Regina, celle-ci utilise un sort pour communiquer à travers les mondes avec sa défunte mère, Cora, et découvrir pourquoi elle a abandonné sa sœur, dont Belle apprend l'ultime projet.

Au Royaume enchanté, la jeune Cora est dupée par un homme clamant être un Prince, et se retrouve seule et enceinte. Mais sa chance de rencontrer un véritable héritier pourrait la conduire à la vie royale dont elle a toujours rêvé. Cependant, elle doit garder sa grossesse secrète, ou elle risque de tout perdre.


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Bleeding Through

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Remonter le temps

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Zelena (Rebecca Mader) et Mr Gold (Robert Carlyle)

Zelena (Rebecca Mader) et Mr Gold (Robert Carlyle)

Zelena (Rebecca Mader) et Mr Gold (Robert Carlyle)

Zelena (Rebecca Mader) et Mr Gold (Robert Carlyle)

Zelena (Rebecca Mader) et Mr Gold (Robert Carlyle)

Zelena (Rebecca Mader) et Mr Gold (Robert Carlyle)

Zelena (Rebecca Mader)

Zelena (Rebecca Mader)

Zelena (Rebecca Mader)

Zelena (Rebecca Mader)

Zelena (Rebecca Mader) et Mr Gold (Robert Carlyle)

Zelena (Rebecca Mader) et Mr Gold (Robert Carlyle)

Zelena (Rebecca Mader) et Mr Gold (Robert Carlyle)

Zelena (Rebecca Mader) et Mr Gold (Robert Carlyle)

Zelena (Rebecca Mader)

Zelena (Rebecca Mader)

Emma Swan (Jennifer Morrison), et Hook (Colin O'Donoghue)

Emma Swan (Jennifer Morrison), et Hook (Colin O'Donoghue)

Emma Swan (Jennifer Morrison)

Emma Swan (Jennifer Morrison)

Emma Swan (Jennifer Morrison), Hook (Colin O'Donoghue) et Belle (Emilie de Ravin)

Emma Swan (Jennifer Morrison), Hook (Colin O'Donoghue) et Belle (Emilie de Ravin)

Cora Mills (Rose McGowan)

Cora Mills (Rose McGowan)

Cora Mills (Rose McGowan)

Cora Mills (Rose McGowan)

Zelena (Rebecca Mader)

Zelena (Rebecca Mader)

Mr Gold (Robert Carlyle)

Mr Gold (Robert Carlyle)


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France (inédit)
Mardi 20.01.2015 à 21:40
0.45m / 1.8% (Part)

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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Dimanche 20.04.2014 à 20:00
5.95m / 1.7% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Scénario : Jane Espenson & Daniel T. Thomsen

Réalisation : Romeo Tirone

Guests : 

Eva Bourne Princesse Eva
David de Lautour Jonathan
Eric Lange Prince Leopold
Raphael Alejandro Roland
Michael P. Northey Frère Tuck

Centré sur : Zelena

Résumé :

Rappel des plans de Zelena.

 Scène 1 : Maison de Regina. Présent

Zelena et Regina discutent de leur lien de parenté, de pommes (métaphores utilisée pour se critiquer mutuellement), de leur duel, du fait que Regina possède tout ce qu’elle désire alors que Zelena n’a rien et de leur mère. Regina finit par se rendre compte que Zelena n’ait venue bavarder avec elle que pour la distraire pendant qu’elle envoyait le Ténébreux à la recherche de son cœur.

 Scène 2 : Camp de Robin des Bois

Mr Gold menace Robin et son fils, Roland, ainsi que ses compagnons afin de forcer le roi des voleurs à lui donner le cœur de Regina. Robin accepte, bien que un peu à contrecœur, d’accéder à la demande du Ténébreux afin que la vie de son fils soit épargnée. Gold disparait, avec le cœur de Regina, au moment même où celle-ci arrive au camp. Elle comprend très bien pourquoi Robin a donné son cœur à son ancien mentor mais se demande pourquoi elle est toujours en vie alors que la Méchante Sorcière de l’Ouest a désormais son cœur. Elle décide alors qu’il est grand temps d’arrêter sa nouvelle demi-sœur une bonne fois pour toutes.

 Scène 3 : Boutique de Mr Gold.

 Regina fouille la boutique à la recherche de la bougie dont Blanche s’est servie afin de tuer sa mère dans la saison précédente.  Elle souhaite s’en servir afin de contacter sa défunte mère et découvrir « comment elle a vécu ». Elle demande son aide à Belle pour la retrouver et s’excuse auprès de cette dernière pour tout le mal qu’elle lui a fait.

 Scène 4 : Une taverne de la Forêt Enchantée. Passé de Cora. Flashback

Cora est serveuse dans un bar et s’est éprise d’un homme qui lui dit l’aimer et être le Prince Jonathan. Celui-ci la demande en mariage et promet de la retrouver, quelques temps plus tard, afin d’officialiser leur union et faire d’elle la reine de son royaume. Cora, décidée à changer de vie et guidée par son éternelle ambition, accepte.

Scène 5 : Maison de Regina. Présent

 Crochet, Emma, Blanche et David sont réunis et discutent du prénom du futur bébé du couple Charmant. Regina arrive avec un plateau de thé, thé qu’elle a spécialement préparé pour l’occasion et qui permet d’ouvrir un vortex sur l’au-delà afin de pouvoir entrer en contact avec sa mère.

 Scène 6 : Maison de Zelena

Zelena et son singe volant, le pauvre Magicien d’Oz, discutent de la vertu principale du cœur de Regina (la ténacité) avant que la Méchante Sorcière ne l’ajoute à sa collection d’objets symboliques aux côtés de l’épée brisée de David.

Elle rend ensuite visite à Gold, toujours enfermé dans son abris anti-tornade, lui offre des vêtements et l’invite à se joindre à elle pour dîner afin de célébrer ensemble sa future victoire.

 Scène 7 : Maison de Regina

Regina explique à ses invités la raison de leur présence : elle a besoin d’eux, et surtout de Blanche car celle-ci a tué sa mère, pour appeler sa mère à l’aide de la bougie. Tout le monde doit penser, que ce soit amicalement ou non, à Cora afin de forcer le vortex à s’ouvrir. Le plan de l’ex Méchante Reine fonctionne presque comme prévu : le vortex s’ouvre mais Cora refuse de leur parler ce qui entraîne la fermeture immédiate du vortex. Regina en conclut que sa mère ne veut rien avoir à faire avec elle et abandonne son plan de base.

 Scène 8 : Une route de la Forêt Enchantée. Passé de Cora. Flashback

Cora attend, comme convenu, Jonathan qui ne vient pas. Elle décide alors de le rejoindre au palais.

 Scène 9 : Palais de Jonathan. Flashback

Cora retrouve Jonathan et comprend que celui-ci l’a dupé en se faisant passer pour le Prince alors qu’il n’est que le jardinier. Elle lui annonce être enceinte et lui demande de l’aider à pourvoir à leurs besoins mais il refuse et s’enfuit, la laissant seule. Léopold, le véritable Prince et le père de Blanche, arrive alors et lui promet de l’aider.

 Scène 10 : Maison de Regina. Présent

Emma, Crochet et David quittent la villa de Regina mais Blanche décide de rester encore un peu. Alors qu’elles discutent dans le hall, toutes les issues de la villa se ferment emprisonnant les deux femmes.

 Scène 11 : Une forêt. Passé de Cora. Flashback

Léopold et Cora discutent du passé de la jeune femme et du prochain mariage du Prince. Cora essaie, subtilement, de convaincre Léopold de l’épouser plutôt que d’épouser une inconnue.

 Scène 12 : Maison de Regina. Présent

Blanche et Regina discutent de Cora et d’Eva, leurs mères, lorsqu’un bruit suspect à l’étage les force à monter. Elles découvrent alors que le fantôme de la jeune Cora a franchi le portail.

 Scène 13 : Chez Granny.

Emma s’essaie à la magie sous le regard d’un Crochet préoccupé lorsque Belle, tout essoufflée, arrive en criant qu’elle a découvert quel était le plan de Zelena.

 Scène 14 : Maison de Zelena

Zelena et Gold discutent du plan de la méchante Sorcière de l’Ouest. Cette dernière propose à Gold de se joindre à elle.

 Scène 15 : Maison de Regina

Cora essaie d’attaquer Blanche mais Regina s’interpose et les téléportent hors de sa portée. Cependant Cora revient à la charge et Regina parvient, pour un temps indéterminé, à l’empêcher de leur nuire.

 Scène 16 : Passé de Cora. Flashback 

Cora s’apprête à épouser Léopold lorsque Jonathan arrive et la menace de révéler sa grossesse si elle refuse de lui donner suffisamment d’or pour vivre et fuir le royaume.  Eva, cachée, entend toute la conversation et comprend que Cora mènera le royaume à sa perte si elle devient reine.

 Scène 17 : Maison de Regina. Présent

Regina a finalement flanché devant sa mère qui prend possession du corps de Blanche.

 Scène 18 : Passé de Cora. Flashback

Cora est en train de voler Léopold, afin de se débarrasser de Jonathan, lorsqu’elle est surprise en pleine action par ledit Léopold et Eva.  Léopold la congédie sur le champ et se décide à épouser Eva.

 Scène 19 : Maison de Regina. Présent

Regina, aidée par sa magie, parvient à extraire Cora du corps de Blanche lorsqu’arrivent Emma, David, Belle et Crochet qui avouent aux deux femmes que Zelena a pour intention de remonter le temps afin d’annihiler l’existence de sa demi-sœur.

 Scène 20 : Passé de Cora. Flashback

Cora donne naissance à Zelena et l’abandonne, en plein tempête, car celle-ci l’empêche de s’élever dans la hiérarchie.

 Scène 21 : Maison de Zelena. Présent

Gold essaie de tuer Zelena qui, furieuse et trahie, promet de se venger également de lui.

 Scène 22 : Maison de Regina

Blanche et Regina discutent du plan de Zelena, de leur passé commun et de leur avenir. Blanche essaie de convaincre sa belle-mère que le bonheur est à portée de main.

 Scène 23 : Forêt de Storybrooke

Regina, qui a pris son courage à deux mains, va voir Robin des Bois et l’embrasse.


Regina is at her home. She is preparing for her day work. The bell door rings. She opens the door and finds a basket of green apple. Zelena is inside Regina’s house.

Zelena: A gift. From sister to sister.

Regina: What are you doing here?

Zelena: I saw your tree, and I thought you could use something better. Red apples are so sickly sweet, don't you think? People tend to like something... A little sharper.

Regina: And green apples are just... Bitter. That's not yours.

Zelena: Story of my life.

Regina: Why are you here?

Zelena: Oh. Sisterly concern, sisterly advice, you know. Wanted to make sure you were all right after our little showdown.

Regina: I'm fine. Are you?

Zelena: Getting there.

Regina: Wow.

Zelena: This is nice. So luxurious. You really don't appreciate what you have, do you?

Regina: Right, because I got everything, and you have nothing. If you want your superpower to be envy, go right ahead.

Zelena: "Envy" is just another word for "ambition."

Regina: Well, that's just not true.

Zelena: See, I strive for things. I work. You... You cast a curse that was just a fancy form of running away. With every advantage, you still turn your back on every opportunity for happiness. You, Regina... You just... You just don't take risks. You don't live your life. It's just such a waste. I can see why our mother was so disappointed in you.

Regina: Disappointed in me? She gave you away.

Zelena: You have no idea what really happened. That's exactly what's going to hurt you.

Regina: You didn't come here to give me sisterly advice. Why are you really here?

Zelena: So perceptive. I'm here, Regina, because I wanted to make sure that you weren't someplace else so I could take what I need. Or rather, the dark one could. Do you feel it, sis? He's taking your heart.

Regina attacks Zelena who disappears.


Robin Hood’s camp.

Robin: Stop right there. You know this arrow never misses its mark.

Mr Gold: If I could stand down, I would. Heed me. Give me the heart.

Robin: No.

Roland comes.

Mr Gold: And who is this?

Robin: Roland! Go back!

Mr Gold: Come here, little boy.

Robin: Don't! Please.

Mr Gold: I don't want to. I really don't. Come closer, little boy.

Mr Gold uses his powers on Roland.

Roland: Daddy!

Mr Gold: And stop.

Roland: Daddy, help!

Mr Gold buries Roland’s legs in the ground.

Robin: I didn't want to do this, either, but...

Robin shoots but Mr Stops the arrow.

Mr Gold: It never misses its target... And I've just changed the target. If I drop my finger...

Robin: No!

Mr Gold: I don't want to... But I will.

Roland: Daddy!

Robin: Wait. Wait.

Robin gives Mr Gold Regina’s heart.

Mr Gold: Thank you. And I am sorry... Truly.

Mr Gold leaves. Robin hugs his son.

Robin: Oh, it's okay. It's okay, boy. You're safe. You're safe.

Regina comes.

Robin: Go to friar tuck.

Regina: What happened?

Robin: I'm sorry. It's gone.

Regina: Was anyone hurt?

Roland: I want this one...

Robin: Luckily, no. Again, I must apologize. You trusted me, and I let you down.

Regina: No, you didn't. Nothing's worth the loss of a child. But now we have a problem. I'm alive.

Robin: I don't follow.

Regina: She has my heart. Gold's taken it for her, and since she hasn't crushed it and killed me, that means she needs it for something far worse.

Robin: Worse than murder? What is she planning?

Regina: It doesn't matter... Because I'm going to stop her.


Regina is looking for something which could help to defeat Zelena at Mr Gold’s shop.

Regina: This is all useless crap.

Belle: Hey, hey... Hey, stop! Stop it! What... What are you looking for?

Regina: I need to destroy my sister. She has my heart. Oh, relax. She can't control me with it. I protected it from that. The problem is... I don't know what she's planning on using it for, which is why I need to take her out. That's why I need your help. What do you have here?

Belle: "What do I have here?" Self-respect. Why on earth or any realm would I help you? The woman who imprisoned me in a tower in her castle... Then put me in an asylum for 28 years, who's done nothing but mentally and physically torture me ever since we've known each another.

Regina: Huh. Bookworm's got teeth.

Belle: Get out.

Regina: Yes I did all those horrible things... In the past. But right now, I need something to defeat the woman who's puppet-mastering your boyfriend. She has your Rumple, and unless you help me, you may never see him again. I'm sorry, Belle. I really, really am.

Belle: So, I've been trying to match the ingredients that Zelena's been collecting to whatever spell she intends to cast. It would really help if I knew what is so special about your heart. Does she just want it because you're sisters, or...

Regina: I have no idea. The candle. Where's the candle?

Belle: Here?

Regina: Not that, Liberace. The two-sided candle snow used to kill my mother. Where's that?

Belle: Its power is gone. Now it's just a relic.

Regina: Yes! That's it. This isn't about how my mother died. This is about how she lived.

–[Enchanted Forest - Past]–

Cora works as a waitress in a tavern.

The barman: There you go, Cora.

A client: Cora! There she is!

Cora: And there you go. Off with you.

A client: Give us a dance, Lassie. Come on!

Cora: Oh, let go, Charlie. I'm so sorry.

Jonathan: Sit down, Cora. You've already worked past the end of your shift. I dare say you've earned it.

Cora: Thank you.

Jonathan: You know, I've watched you this whole week that I've been here. You work in a tavern, but you move like a lady.

Cora: I'm just a Miller's daughter. I earn a little extra here. Someone once told me to act like what you plan to be, so I try to be a little better than what I am.

Jonathan: Oh, I wish I could stay. But tomorrow, I must press on. I've already stayed longer than I planned.

Cora: Have you? Why?

Jonathan: I think you know why. Oh, that's... I didn't want you to...

Cora: The royal crest.

Jonathan: I wanted you to know me as me, not as "Prince Jonathan."

Cora: Prince Jonathan.

Jonathan: With all the noblewomen, I end up feeling like the last kernel of corn in the hen house. But you... You put me in my place when I'm wrong.

Cora: And you are wrong pretty often.

Jonathan: This isn't how it's supposed to go, but I hoped to only ask this question once in my life, but I'm going to ask it twice... Once now with... With this ring made of straw. But I will come back in two weeks and turn this ring into gold. Well, I'll bring you a gold one. And I'll whisk you away to the castle as Princess Cora. Will you marry me?

Cora: Yes. Yes.

Jonathan: You've made me so happy. Oh, but these next two weeks are going to be torture. Meet me at the crossroads so we don't waste any time.

Cora: I'll be there. When do you have to leave?

Jonathan: Very early tomorrow, I'm afraid.

Cora: The tavern closes soon.

Jonathan: Well, then.

Cora: But seeing as how we are essentially... Married... Perhaps I could keep you company in your room.

Cora follows Jonathan in his room.


A Regina’s home. Emma enters in the library.

Emma: I'd watch out for the apples in this house.

Hook: Aye.

Emma: It was a joke. Where's your sense of humour?

Hook: It left when the witch arrived.

Emma: Well, we're gonna take care of that. Regina said she has a plan.

David: I'm sure she does. Emma, will you please tell your mother that we're not gonna name your brother "Leopold"?

Mary Margaret: Uh, why not? It was my father's name.

David: People will make fun of him.

Mary Margaret: My father was a king.

David: Which is why nobody made fun of him.

Mary Margaret: Okay, what about "Eva," after my mother?

David: I don't know how well that'll work with a boy.

Mary Margaret: It might not be a boy.

Regina enters.

Regina: Sorry to keep you waiting. I was making this special tea.

David takes a cup of tea.

Regina: No! Don't... Drink it. It's a deadly poison for summoning the dark vortex.

David: I prefer Earl Grey.

Emma: The dark what?

Regina: Zelena came by this morning. While the Dark One was stealing my heart, she was here gloating. She said that my weakness was that I don't know enough about her past, so I've decided to summon someone who does. We have to talk to my mother.


A Zelena’s place. Zelena takes Regina’s heart in her hands. A flying monkey arrives.

Zelena: Yes, I know it looks battered, but that's the point.

Zelena takes a suit in her wardrobe.

Zelena: This will do perfectly. Oh, don't be jealous.


Zelana brings to Mr Gold the suit.

Mr Gold: What do you want me to do with this?

Zelena: What do you think? Wear it. I've got Regina's heart, Charming's courage, and right in here, ready to be plucked, your lovely brains. We've got everything we need. It's a good time to celebrate, don't you think?

Mr Gold: You don't have everything.

Zelena: The baby will come. Now, let's get you dressed.

Mr Gold: I'm not your doll.

Zelena: Aren't you? I'm not using the dagger, but I could. A certain baby could be here at any minute, so I'm going to give you a choice on how you want to live out the rest of this time. One choice is screaming agony, the other is much more pleasant. Choose well... Doll.


A Regina’s home.

Regina: It's a fairly simple ritual but not often performed.

Emma: If it's easy to talk to the dead, why not do it more?

Regina: Well, because to do it, you need the murder weapon and... The murderer.

Emma: What do we need to do?

Regina: Focus on Cora.

Hook: Welcoming thoughts?

Regina: Whatever you got.

Emma: Is it...

Regina: Shh.

The dark vortex appears.

Mary Margaret: We did it.

Regina: Cora? Mother, can you hear us? Cora, give us a sign. Do not ignore me now, mother. Please. You owe me this.

The table moves.

Mary Margaret: Oh!

The dark vortex is closed.

Hook: Sorry, love. That was me. I crossed my legs and bumped the table.

Mary Margaret: Do we try it again?

Regina: No. There's no point. It worked. The portal opened, but... Nothing came from it. She doesn't want to talk to me. Guess whatever secrets lie in her past, she wants to keep buried there.

–[Enchanted Forest - Past]–

Cora waits for Prince Jonathan under the rain. He’s no here. She leaves.


Cora finds Jonathan in the royal garden.

Cora: Jonathan. Jonathan! Jonathan, it's me. What happened? It's been two months. My friends said it was a trick, but I said, "no, it must be an accident or a misunderstanding," that I'd find out at the castle. And here you are.

Jonathan: You are a stubborn one, aren't you?

Cora: Are you... The gardener?

Jonathan: Well, I'm not Prince Jonathan. Of course, there is no Prince Jonathan.

Cora: You lied to me. You took my heart, my virtue, my... My good name.

Jonathan: I took? You practically forced it into my hands when you thought that I was a prince. A harlot is a harlot.

Cora: I'm with child. I'm going to have a baby. There may be no prince Jonathan, but there is a prince, and how will he feel when I tell him what you've done? Give me enough to support this child. You stole before. Do it again.

Jonathan: Yeah, go ahead and tell him. Good luck finding me.

Cora: Guards! Guards! There's a scoundrel in the garden! Guards, help me! Aah!

Leopold: Are you all right? What happened to you? You were calling for help.

Jonathan: He got away. Just a bandit on the road. He took everything I had.

Leopold: I'm so sorry to hear that. Come with me. We'll do everything we can for you.

Cora: There's nothing you can do for me.

Leopold: Allow me to try. I'm Prince Leopold.

Cora: Thank you, your highness.


At Regina’s house.

David: Maybe belle will have more luck. There has to be something that can help us.

Emma: Right. My magic gets more powerful every day. By the time this all goes down, I'll be ready.

Regina: Make... Sure you are.

Emma: Come on, let's go.

Mary Margaret: You know what? Go ahead. I'm gonna stay and talk to Regina. I'll help clean up.

Regina: I'm not in the mood for a heart-to-heart.

Mary Margaret: I'm not sure that's physically possible right now.

Regina: You can help with the tea cups.

The way to the door disappears.

–[Enchanted Forest - Past]–

Cora and Leopold are walking into the woods.

Cora: There it was, my oldest night dress. The boys tied it to the top of the windmill, it's flapping in the wind for the whole village to see, and I am the maddest little 8-year-old you ever saw.

Leopold: Did you ever get revenge for that?

Cora: That's a long-term plan. You see, there aren't that many young people in my village, and, odds are, one of them will end up married to me. That should do it.

Leopold: You're wonderful. And... Cold.

Cora: It's a bit frosty, but I'm okay.

Leopold: Uh, why, I'd build a fire for you, but I'm embarrassed to say I don't know how.

Cora: I do.

Leopold: I'm going to be king.

Cora: I gather that happens when you're prince.

Leopold: And I want to do right by that gift. I keep telling myself I want to be a man of the people, and then I realize I can't even build a fire, a task any peasant can do.

Cora: Well, this peasant can fix that. See? Just have to let air get in it.

Leopold: When the throne becomes mine, I'll need to provide an heir of my own.

Cora: You'll have to marry.

Leopold: And start a family immediately.

Cora: That actually sounds nice. Anyone in mind?

Leopold: Yes. Princess Eva... From the northern kingdom. We've been engaged since her birth.

Cora: Oh. Is she nice?

Leopold: I'll let you know after I meet her. That's tonight.

Cora: You don't sound very excited. I'm sure she's... A lovely choice.

Leopold: I'm sure she is. She's just not a choice... I made.

Cora: What's the use of having power if you can't choose whom to wed?


A Regina’s kitchen.

Mary Margaret: I want to apologize, Regina. For Cora, for...

Regina: Murdering her?

Mary Margaret: Right. Yeah. I don't take it lightly. I think about it every day.

Regina: So do I. And when I do think about it, I remember... That she did kill your mother. So I'll admit that it's complicated.

Mary Margaret: Thank you. I'm sure you had some things you wanted to say to her.

Regina: Yes, well... I'm realizing that my mother walled off a lot of her life from me. Mm. She wasn't the warmest mother, but... At least I thought I occupied a singular spot in her heart. A sister. Zelena. Why would she give her up? Why would she make us strangers to one another?

There is a noise.

Mary Margaret: What was that?

Regina: I have no idea.

Mary Margaret: It's upstairs.


Regina and Mary Margaret are in the hallway. They follow the noise.

Regina: It's in there. There isn't anything in this room. It's...

Regina opens the door. There is a ghost.

Regina: Mother?


A Granny’s Diner. Emma uses her powers to teleport a cup of hot cocoa.

Emma: Boom! Granny's to go. I should open a franchise.

Hook: It's impressive.

Emma: You want to see something really impressive?

Emma teleport Killian’s hook on stands.

Hook: That's bad form, Swan... Tampering with a man's hook.

Emma: Okay, seriously, what is up with you?

Hook: I apologize for my rudeness. It's a long story... Too long for now.

Emma: Okay. Obviously, something's...

Belle enters.

Belle: Emma! Emma, I found it! We have to tell Regina and the others.

Emma: Okay, Belle, slow down. What did you find?

Hook: Zelena's plan. I figured out what she's doing.


Zelena’s home.

Zelena: You should have a woman dress you more often. Please, do have a seat.

Mr Gold: I wonder how much civility I'll be asked to endure before this evening's true purpose is revealed.

Zelena: Relax. You know I'm not one for subtlety.

Mr Gold: I Oh, how lucky for me.

Zelena: Play coy if you like... But we both know that it wasn't a dagger that brought you into my kitchen.

Mr Gold: Well, coercion takes many forms, my dear, but I can assure you, I'm not here for the boiled peas.

Zelena: No, you're here for my secret, aren't you? Hmm? Why a heart? Why courage? Why a brain? Why this particular baby?

Mr Gold: And more to the point, why is it of any interest to me?

Zelena: Because my secret will reunite you with your long-lost son.

Mr Gold: My son is not lost. He's dead. You watched him die.

Zelena: This isn't idle cruelty. I promise you, he's alive and waiting for you to find him.

Mr Gold: Find him where?

Zelena: Not where. When. I'm going to change the past.

Mr Gold: No. Time travel spells have been written since the dawn of the dark arts but never cast. It's against the fundamental laws of magic.

Zelena: Magic doesn't fail. People fail. Laws only exist until they're broken by someone... Superior.

Mr Gold: You? You've deciphered the laws of time travel.

Zelena: When that baby's born, I am going back to claim the life that I deserved, and there's no reason that you can't come with me.

Mr Gold: To find my boy. Perhaps never give him up.


Regina’s home.

Regina: This can't be. The spell opened a limited portal for talking.

Mary Margaret: It's me. I killed Cora. She sensed my presence and found a way to bleed through into our world.

Regina: Watch out! Back down, mother. You will answer my questions. Now, tell me... What did you do to Zelena?

Cora pushes away Regina. She threats Mary Margaret. Regina transport Mary Margaret and her in the library.


Cora follows Regina and Mary Margaret.

Mary Margaret: Oh!

Regina uses her powers on Cora to protect Mary Margaret.

Mary Margaret: You're holding her off!

Regina: But I can't hold her forever.

–[Enchanted Forest - Past]–

Cora is in the garden. She looks at her ring. Jonathan comes.

Jonathan: Well, low and behold, it turned into gold after all.

Cora: How dare you. You must have the brain the size of a pixie to show your face in this kingdom.

Jonathan: Well, I had to see for myself if the commoner who said yes to Prince Leopold was the same one who said it to me... Several times... In one night. It was quite impressive.

Cora: In two days, I will be a princess, and you will bow down and count yourself lucky to pull the weeds at my feet.

Jonathan: Been practicing in front of the mirror, eh? You're as much of a fraud as I ever was.

Cora: My love for Prince Leopold is true, as is his for me.

Jonathan: But does he know how much of you there is to love? Or were you hoping to keep our baby a secret?

Cora: What is it you want? Gold? Jewels?

Jonathan: Mm, yes, whatever you can get. Enough for me to live happily for the rest of my days, just like you wanted from me. Bring it here tomorrow night and your secret shall remain just that.

Cora: It will be done. Now leave before someone sees you.

Princess Eva was spying the conversation between Cora and Jonathan.

A maid: Princess Eva, your carriage awaits. Princess Eva?

Princess Eva: I'm coming.


In Regina’s home. Regina is still fighting against her mother.

Regina: I don't know how much longer I can hold her off.

Mary Margaret: Cora, I'm sorry. Please forgive me!

Regina: Save your breath. Your mother was nothing like my mother. She only understands power and weakness. But if she wants to kill you, she's gonna have to go through me! This isn't about you. This is about her... And me. It's time for answers, mother. What did you do to Zelena?!

Cora hits Regina and possesses Mary Margaret who has access to her memories.

Mary Margaret: No!

–[Enchanted Forest - Past]–

Cora is walking in the dining room. Leopold is here too.

Cora: My love, you frightened me.

Leopold: What are you doing in the great hall at this hour?

Cora: Well, a wedding won't plan itself, and there's endless amounts of work to be done. Is something wrong?

Leopold: Word has spread throughout the castle that... That you are with child.

Cora: My love, I am so sorry for the terrible trouble that this lie has brought upon you.

Leopold: Gossip means nothing to me. I've pledged to marry you, dear Cora, and I will keep that pledge as long as I know... I can trust you.

Cora: There is no baby. Only my love for you.

Princess Eva: You only love yourself.

Cora: What is she doing here?

Leopold: Princess Eva is here because she overheard your rendezvous in the garden yesterday.

Princess Eva: And just as I said, the Miller's daughter is a worthless liar.

Cora: You awful child. Yes, I was in the garden yesterday. There was a man roaming the grounds. I feared he might steal something, so I made him leave. Whatever else Eva has told you is the invention of a jealous brat who would say anything to marry you.

Princess Eva: Check her pockets.

Leopold finds jewels.

Cora: No.

Leopold: There's nothing left to say.

Princess Eva: You deserve better than her lies.

Cora: Leopold! Don't let me go!

Guards take Cora outside the castle.

Leopold: Come, Eva. Help me break this terrible news to the king.

Princess Eva: Today your heart aches, your highness, but I promise a more worthy wife will give you the child that you deserve... One that will be pure. Pure as snow.


At Regina’s library.

Regina: Mary Margaret! Hold on. I won't let you go.

Regina uses her powers to send back her mother to the dark vortex. Emma and the other come.

Emma: What the hell was that?!

Regina: Cora. Is she okay?

David: Mary Margaret, can you hear me?

Mary Margaret: Cora... Not what we thought. She's trying to communicate.

Regina: She was? What'd she say?

Mary Margaret: Leopold, my... Mother... My mother...

David: Shh. Mary Margaret, relax.

Emma: She's not making sense. We need to call a doctor.

Regina: If she knows something that could help us...

David: Regina, it's gonna have to wait.

Regina: It can't wait! If we want to stop Zelena, we have to know what the hell she's doing and why!

Belle: I can help with half of that.

Regina: What?

Belle: She's planning on going back... Back in time.

Belle: Are you certain? No one's ever been able to cast a spell to go back in time.

Belle: Well, clearly, she thinks she can succeed. I mean, brains, courage, a-a resilient heart... Those ingredients are in every time-travel spell I've found.

David: Why go back in time, I mean, we have no idea what she's trying to accomplish.

Mary Margaret: I do. She... She didn't...

David: Don't push yourself.

Mary Margaret: She didn't want to give up Zelena. She was forced to by... Mm. By my mother. Princess Eva... She told a secret... Just like I did.

Emma: Wait. I thought our family were the good guys.

Regina: Life is too messy for it to ever be that simple.

David: You're saying if it wasn't for Snow's mother, Cora would have kept Zelena.

Belle: She would have been tutored by Rumpelstiltskin.

Hook: All if it weren't for this Princess Eva?

Emma: So that means...

Mary Margaret: Zelena's going back to kill my mother.

Regina: You'll have never been born.

Emma: I'm guessing this is where your help ends.

Regina: Now, think it through, Ms. Swan. That means you'll have never been born, and neither will Henry.

Mary Margaret: And on this different path, Regina, you may not be, either.

Hook: It's a good thing no one has ever succeeded with this time-travel nonsense.

David: The baby.

Hook: What?

David: That's what's missing. That's why none have succeeded. Somehow, some way, our baby is the key. Zelena went to a lot of effort to get close to our unborn child. That's what she's after.

Mary Margaret: What is she going to do to with...?

David: It doesn't matter. She's not gonna get it. We're gonna stop her. Since our baby's not born, she's stuck, and we have what we need... Time.

Mary Margaret: Just not very much of it.

–[Enchanted Forest - Past]–

Cora is in labour.

The midwife: One more. Big one. Push!


Cora is walking into the woods with her baby.

Cora: Poor babe. Life is cruel and full of betrayal. That is my only lesson for you. Now I must give you away... To give me... My best chance. As long as I have you, I can never be anything more than a Miller's daughter.

A tornado takes the baby away.


Zelena and Mr Gold have finish their diner.

Mr Gold: Thank you.

Zelena: For what?

Mr Gold: For showing me something I should have seen long ago. It's never easy for a man to admit he's wrong... But I wronged you and hurt us both.

Zelena: Those mistakes can't haunt us... Not anymore. Soon, history will be wiped clean.

Mr Gold: Until then, a gentleman always makes amends for his failings.

Mr Gold starts to kiss Zelena. He takes her in his arms then tries to take back his dagger. She freezes him.

Zelena: Sorry, love. Afraid not!

Mr Gold: Never on the first date, eh, dearie?

Zelena: You just wanted the knife. I hope you enjoyed the taste, because you just squandered your only chance to have your son!

Mr Gold: My son gave his life so I could stop you, and I can see only one way to honour that sacrifice, and that's by killing you.

Zelena: Celebration's over. Back to your cage... Doll.


Regina’s library.

Mary Margaret: Need a hand?

Regina: Shouldn't you be on bed rest?

Mary Margaret: Dr. Whale just left. He cleared me and the baby. Apparently, the human body has a surprising tolerance for ghost possession. And he told me I have a tough placenta, which somehow came out creepy. May I? You want to talk about it?

Regina: What's there to talk about? You officially have a lessdamaging relationship with my mother than I do. And you killed her.

Mary Margaret: Well, at least we know, you and me, our history... It's more complicated than we thought.

Regina: I know how much you looked up to Eva. I'm sorry you had to learn she had such darkness in her past.

Mary Margaret: That wasn't the woman I knew. It makes me wonder what happened that changed her. I suppose I'll never know.

Regina: Well, we... We can never know our past completely. If we had, I probably wouldn't have spent so much time trying to kill you.

Mary Margaret: Well, we would've found something to fight about. I mean... I was such a brat.

Regina: Your mother's child.

Mary Margaret: I think we've wasted our last day being haunted by the past.

Regina: Now we can focus on being haunted by our impending lack of a future.

Mary Margaret: Zelena isn't going to win... Not with all of us united against her.

Regina: Hope isn't easy when I know she holds my heart.

Mary Margaret: Which you'll get back, stronger than ever. That's what it means to be the most resilient.

Regina: That could be another one of her tricks, too.

Mary Margaret: Regina, I've seen what life has thrown at you. And you still fight against the darkness every single day. Sooner or later, your heart will find its way to happiness.

Regina: That doesn't feel possible.

Mary Margaret: But it is. I know you, and you feel things deeply. With or without it, you feel things with your whole soul. Don't let anything hold you back.


Regina visits Robin at his camp.

Robin: My lady. I'm sorry. I let you down. Your heart was lost to Zelena on my watch, but I promise you, I will get it back.

Regina kisses Robin. He stops and kisses her back.

Kikavu ?

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jptruelove  (07.12.2021 à 21:09)

Super intéressant de voir le passé de Cora. 

La jalousie de Zelena est très forte envers Regina, alors que celle ci n'a pas eu une aussi belle vie que ce qu'elle croit. 


Merci aux 6 rédacteurs qui ont contribué à la rédaction de cette fiche épisode

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choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

CastleBeck, Hier à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

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