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#606 : En eaux troubles

Emma essaye de convaincre Aladdin de travailler avec Jasmine pour aider Agrabah, tandis que Regina fait équipe avec Blanche et David pour libérer Archie de Zelena.

La Méchante Reine crée de la suspicion entre Henry et Crochet, même si M. Gold lui rappelle une de ses plus importantes leçons.

Pendant ce temps, dans le passé, Crochet se retrouve kidnappé par le mystérieux Capitaine Nemo, et est retenu captif à l'intérieur de son légendaire sous-marin, le Nautilus.


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Dark Waters

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En eaux troubles

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Plus de détails

Réalisation : Robert Duncan McNeill

Scénario : Andrew Chambliss et Brigitte Hales

Guests :

Faran Tahir Capitaine Némo
Nick Eversman Liam Jones Jr

Centré sur : Killian Jones

–[Sea - Past]–

On the Jolly Roger.

Hook: Bring her about, men!

Sailor: Look alive! Pick up the pace!

Hook: Mr. Smee wouldn't have stood for this. Jolly Roger is the fastest ship in the realm… Hey! So why does it have the slowest crew?!

Captain Nemo: They're tired.

Hook: Who dares defy me?

Captain Nemo: I do.

Hook: Appears we have a stowaway… Who are you, and how did you get aboard my ship?

Captain Nemo: I am... No one.

Hook: Right.

Captain Nemo: Just a man who's come to ask you one simple question.

Hook: Aye, well... Better make it a good one 'cause it's gonna be your last.

Captain Nemo: Is getting revenge against the Dark One worth all the time you've spent chasing it?

Hook: I'll let you know after I've skinned myself a Crocodile, but first... I'll just have to settle for you.

Sailor: Narwhale! Starboard bow!

Hook: Don't move.

Hook sees a monster under the sea.

Hook: Sea monster! Man the cannons! Bring her about! On the double!

Hook tries to kill the monster.

Hook: That's impossible.

Captain Nemo: I assure you it's quite possible. That's no sea monster.

Hook: What does that mean? What the devil are you up to?

Captain Nemo: Saving your life.

Captain Nemo pushes Hook in the sea and dives.


Hook hides the Shears of Destiny in a box in the garage.


Regina calls for the Evil Queen. She shows up, Zelena too.

Regina: I know you're in there... Your Majesty. Come out. We need to have a little chat.

Evil Queen: Or what? You'll huff, and you'll puff, and you'll blow the house down? You call this an entrance, Regina? Well, I suppose I was the one with all the flair.

Zelena: To what do we owe the honour?

Regina: So, it's true. You really are harbouring the Evil Queen out here.

Zelena: She's my sister, and she cares about me. I'm willing to bet you're not here to see how I'm getting on.

Regina: You're right. I have a message… Your little masquerade as the Cricket therapist didn't work because airing Emma's dirty laundry only made us stronger.


David and Snow White are looking for Archie at the farm.


Evil Queen: Well, then why are you out here delivering this message all by your lonesome? Hmm?

Snow White finds Archie.

Snow White: We're right behind you.

She frees him.


Evil Queen: I don't think you came all this way just to gloat. That's my move… You're up to something else.

Robin cries.


Zelena enters in her house. She finds Snow White and David.

Zelena: Stay away from her!

David: We just came for Archie. We're not here to hurt your daughter.

Zelena: Well, excuse me for not taking any chances.

Zelena takes her baby. The Evil Queen enters.

Evil Queen: Thanks, sis. And now the real fun can begin.

The Evil Queen makes a fireball. She’s about to attack when Regina appears to protect David and Snow White.

Regina: How's that for an entrance?

Snow White: Try all you want, but nothing you do will ever tear this family apart.

Evil Queen: Oh, is that so? Because exposing Emma's secret was just the beginning.

Regina: Bring it, Queenie.

They leave.


Aladdin and Jasmine have a coffee at Granny’s.

Aladdin: Well, there's no flying carpets, but Storybrooke's not too bad.

Jasmine: Well, I'm glad you found a place… But... Aladdin... We haven't talked about what really matters... Agrabah.

Aladdin: Well

Jasmine: It still needs your help.

Aladdin: I told you, I'm not the Saviour anymore… I cut my ties.

Jasmine: But you can still help your people. You don't even know what happened...

Aladdin: It doesn't matter… This was a bad idea. Yeah… I'm not the guy you're looking for.

Jasmine: Aladdin... Wait!

He goes away.


Hook enters in the kitchen.

Emma: Hey.

Hook: Hey.

Emma: You were up awfully early this morning. What were you doing out in the garage?

Hook: Uh... I was just doing a little gardening.

Emma: Really? I had no idea you had a... Green hook.

Hook: So, what's for breakfast?

Emma’s phone vibes.

Emma: It's Jasmine. She's worried because Aladdin ran off, and she doesn't know where he is.

Hook: Don't worry, Swan. I'll make sure Aladdin doesn't get into too much trouble.

Hook: Thanks, Killian.

Emma leaves.

Hook: So, now.

Henry: You know, you don't have to stay. I'll be fine on my own.

Hook: No, no, no, no. Nonsense. You can show me how to operate the helm of your video... Box. Whatever it's called.

Henry: Um, okay. First, just let me take out the trash.

Hook: Well, that's a good idea. Actually, you can start with this junk food you call breakfast. You're not really gonna eat this rubbish, are you?

Hook puts Henry’s breakfast into the garbage.

Henry: My Pop Tarts!

Hook: Hurry back, and I'll make us a pirate's breakfast of grapefruit and boiled mackerel. There'll be no scurvy here today.


Henry is in the garden, upsets. The Evil Queen appears.

Evil Queen: I know what you're thinking... "How long before that pirate ruins everything?"

Henry: What are you doing here?

Evil Queen: Looking out for my son… Tell me... Is your new father bothering you?

Henry: He's not my father.

Evil Queen: Well, it's just a matter of time.

Henry tries to escape but the Evil Queen doesn’t let him go.

Evil Queen: Henry, I'm just trying to help. Now, I know how difficult it is when someone new joins the family.

Henry: How would you know?

Evil Queen: Because I used to be that person.

Henry: But he's not like you. He would never hurt this family.

Evil Queen: Is that so?

Henry: Yeah.

The Evil Queen opens the garage and makes the box falls.

Evil Queen: Oops.

Henry finds the Shears of Destiny.

Henry: He kept them.

Evil Queen: The one thing that can take away what makes Emma special.

Henry: You're not taking these.

Evil Queen: Oh, I don't want them, Henry. I want to make sure you learn the truth about dear-old Dad-to-be… He doesn't care about you or Emma… So now you have to ask yourself one tiny question... What are you going to do about it?

She leaves.


Aladdin breaks into a car to steal a wallet.

Emma: Really?

Aladdin: Emma, this is not what it looks like. This is my new car.

Emma: Oh, really? So you traded in your flying carpet for a Miata?

Aladdin: Yeah, it gets great mileage.

Emma: Sure, right. Let's take a drive. We need to talk.

Aladdin: Jasmine sent you. Sorry, not in the mood.

Emma: I wasn't asking.


Hook comes into the garden, Henry is not here.

Hook: Henry, they clearly didn't design these things for people like m... Henry.

The notices that the garage’s door is opened… And the Shears of Destiny are gone.

Hook: Bloody hell.

–[Under the Sea - Past]–

Hook wakes up on the Nautilus.

Liam: Welcome aboard, mate.

Hook hits all the guard and opens a window. He finds out he’s under the sea.

Hook: Where the devil am I? What kind of dark magic is this?

Captain Nemo: Not magic. You're aboard my ship. You're no many fathoms under the sea. Welcome to the Nautilus… Call me... Nemo.

Hook: What do you want?

Captain Nemo: This ship is much more than steel and rivets. It's a second chance.

Hook: Well, you're daft if you think I'll spend any longer in this underwater coffin than I have to.

Captain Nemo shows Hook a magic harpoon.

Captain Nemo: I know your heart is filled with hatred, seeking revenge. This harpoon was enchanted to help me find wayward souls like your own.

Hook: And then what? Fill it with something else?

Captain Nemo: Yes, Hook. With the one thing missing in your life... Family.

Hook: No one... Will ever replace... What the Dark One took from me.

Captain Nemo: I know it feels that way now...

Hook: You have no idea how it feels!

Captain Nemo: That's where you're wrong. You see… I lost a family, too. They were brutally murdered while I was at sea. I spent decades hunting down the men responsible for what happened. I killed one of them with this very blade… And when I was finished, all I was left with was an empty heart and a bloodstained harpoon.

Hook: I don't need a family. Let me off. Now.

Captain Nemo: I don't think you have a choice in this matter. There's a mission I need your help with… It's an important one, and when it's done... You will see that this ship... Is exactly where you belong.


Hook finds Henry on the docks.

Hook: Henry, what are you doing?

Henry: What my mom asked you to do... Getting rid of these.

Hook: Let me explain.

Henry: You don't have to. I get it.

Hook: No, you don't. I kept them to protect Emma.

Henry: Even though she didn't want you to?

Hook: Henry, listen to me.

Henry: No! You don't get to make decisions for me, and you certainly don't get to make decisions for my mom.

Hook: Henry, stop!

Henry: Let go of me!

Hook: This isn't about the bloody shears right now!

The Nautilus gets out of the see.

Henry: What the hell is that?

Hook: Run.

They are trapped.

Sailor: Turn around, mate. Captain wants to see you.


Hook and Henry are taken in the Nautilus.

Hook: Listen to me, just let the lad go. He's got nothing to do with this!

Henry: What the hell is going on?

Hook: What does it look like?

Henry: Are we...

Hook: Under water? Aye. Welcome to the Nautilus.

Hook opens the window.


Snow White joins David at the hospital.

Snow White: I-I got here as soon as I could.

David: I was on patrol out by the mines. It's just been one crisis after another ever since that dirigible hit. I found him in the woods.

Snow White: Who is he?

David: He looks like another refugee from the Land of Untold Stories. He had serious injuries, heavy bleeding... Another few hours, he would've been gone.

Snow White: He must have been out there for days. Did anyone recognize him?

David: No, we're asking around, but... I don't think he was ever at Granny's… You know what? I'm gonna head back to the station, see if anyone reported him missing.

Snow White: Yeah, uh... I'll stay here. I'll let you know how it goes.


Snow White joins Belle in the waiting room.

Snow White: Belle! What are you doing here?

Belle: Snow, hi. I'm... Getting my first ultrasound.

Snow White: Wow! That's so exciting.

Belle: Yeah, didn't even tell Rumple I was coming.

Snow White: Well, given what he's put you through, I don't think anyone would blame you.

Belle: Well, it's not... It's not just about today, though. I mean, if I don't want Rumple to be a part of something as... As simple as this, what am I gonna do when the baby gets here? H-How am I gonna let him ever be a part of our son's life.

Snow White: That is a good question… Well, it's one you don't have to answer for at least two more trimesters.

Belle: Yeah.


On the Nautilus.

Henry: Why did they grab us?

Hook: I'm afraid I have a history with the captain of this vessel.

Henry: Why doesn't that surprise me? None of this would've happened if you just did what my mom asked.

Hook: Sorry, lad, but I couldn't give up the one thing that could save her.

Henry: When were you gonna use them on her? Were you even gonna ask before you did?

Hook: I don't know!

Henry: Being the Saviour is who she is. It's what brought us together.

Hook: I wasn't trying to take that away from you, Henry.

Henry: Why do you even care? You're not even a part of this family.

Hook: Henry...

Henry: It doesn't matter. We're just gonna end up fish food on the ocean floor soon, anyway.

Hook: We've gotten out of tougher scrapes than this. Remember the W-Walking Prisoner gag?

Henry: Wookiee. Wookiee Prisoner gag.

Hook: W-Wookiee? What's a Wookiee? It doesn't make any sense.

Henry: It's from... Never mind… And that doesn't count… Alternate universe.

Hook: Well, I'll just have to come up with a plan of my own. Trust me, Henry. This captain is one fellow you don't want to meet.

–[Cave - Past]–

Hook, Liam and Nemo enter in a cave.

Hook: Bloody hell.

Captain Nemo: These are dangerous waters. Stay close. Don't step off the path.

Hook: What exactly are we after?

Captain Nemo: You'll see soon enough… It's up ahead.

Liam and Hook follow Nemo.

Liam: You heard the Captain, stay close.

Hook: Do you really believe everything the old man says?

Liam: You should listen to him. You might learn something.

Hook: I think the pressure's getting to all of you.

Liam: I'd give my life for that man.

Hook: Why? What's he ever done for you?

Liam: When I was a child, my family was taken from me. I grew up next to the docks, fending for myself, desperate to make the people who took them pay… It was only a matter of time before I got myself killed.

Hook: And then what? Nemo kidnapped you?

Liam: That man saved my life.

Hook: Let me ask you one question. Your quest for vengeance... Did you ever find those who wronged you?

Liam: No, and I'm lucky I didn't.

Hook: Then talk to me when vengeance is in your grasp… It won't be so easy to give up then.

Captain Nemo: There it is.

They find a treasure.

Hook: Bloody hell. All this for hidden treasure.

Captain Nemo: Aye, but there's more than gold and jewels in that chest.

Hook tries to escape but a Kraken grabs his leg.

Hook: Kraken!

Liam: Hold on!

Liam stabs the tentacle to free Hook.

Hook: Nemo!

Captain Nemo: Hold on!

Nemo takes a harpoon and shoots the Kraken’s eye. The monster runs away.

Liam: I told you to stay close.

Hook: You could've been killed.

Captain Nemo: You may be stubborn, but I haven't given up on you yet. Believe it or not, you're part of this family.


Mr. Gold visits the Evil Queen at Zelena’s farm.

Evil Queen: To what do I owe the pleasure? It's not every day Rumplestiltskin makes a house call.

Mr. Gold: No. It's not. I see you're celebrating.

Evil Queen: Yes, well... I'm in the midst of driving a pirate-shaped wedge into the middle of the Charming clan… Care to join me.

Mr. Gold: Do you remember... Your old lessons?

Evil Queen: Why, yes, I do… What do you want to teach me now... Teacher?

Mr. Gold: Well, it seems you have forgotten the most important lesson of all… Never take what's mine… The shears. The pirate had them hidden, and now they're gone. And I could smell your magic all over it.

Evil Queen: You want the shears? I didn't think you cared whether or not the Saviour met her fate.

Mr. Gold: You really think the Shears of Destiny work only on the Saviour?

Evil Queen: Ohhh. You want to use them on Belle and the baby she has brewing inside her so you can change the fate of your pathetic little family… Well, I wish I could help… But like everyone you've ever loved, those shears are long gone.

Mr. Gold: Careful who you cross. You're thin on allies.

Evil Queen: You don't need allies when you win… And as you can see, I'm doing just fine without you.

Mr. Gold: We'll see about that, dearie… We shall see.


Emma drives Aladdin to the town line.

Aladdin: If this is some kind of nature therapy, you should know woods aren't really my thing.

Emma: Come on, you'll see.

Aladdin: "Welcome to Storybrooke."

Emma: Look closer.

Aladdin: All right… So? It's been repaired. Drunk driver must have hit it.

Emma: Well, despite how strongly Regina spiked her cider, I was not drunk.

Aladdin: You did this?

Emma: Yeah. I hit the sign right after Henry tried to convince me that I was Storybrooke's Saviour.

Aladdin: Hang on. So, you... You, Emma Swan... You ran.

Emma: It wasn't the only time.

Aladdin: When was the last?

Emma: Yesterday when you gave me the shears.

Aladdin: But... But you got rid of them.

Emma: I told my family I was worried somebody would use them as a weapon against me.

Aladdin: That's not true?

Emma: I was... Worried that I might use them. Every time I think about the vision of my future, and I think about my trembling hand and... Imagine my family having to watch me die… And I wish I never became the Saviour. So I knew I could not have that thing anywhere near me.

Aladdin: Tell me. What do I do now?

Emma: What I did all the times I ran... I came back, faced the people I disappointed, and tried to find a way to make up for my mistakes.

Aladdin: My mistakes… Whatever happened to Agrabah... Was all my fault. I don't even know where to start to fix it.

Emma: You don't even know what happened. Maybe that's where you start. You can't fix a problem until you know what it is.


On the Nautilus.

Hook: I killed my father.

Henry: What?

Hook: You asked me why I care about keeping your family together. It's because I once had the chance of having my own.

Henry: With your dad? I know. You told us.

Hook: There's a part of the story I didn't share, Henry… When I killed my father, I didn't just destroy his life… He had a son.

Henry: So you had another brother.

Hook: Aye… He named him Liam, after my older brother… That was just too much for me… I killed my father, and I left an innocent boy an orphan.

–[Under the Sea - Past]–

On the Nautilus, Nemo open the safe.

Hook: All this for a key. You're even madder than I thought.

Captain Nemo: This vessel has served as refuge for people to escape their past, but this is no place to build a new life. All we do is sail and sail with no place to call home.

Hook: Well, how's a key gonna change that?

Captain Nemo: This isn't just any key. This key will open the gateway to a place called... The Mysterious Island. It is a place where we can start over… This is your chance, Killian. You don't have to swim the dark waters any longer.

Hook: I've spent too long chasing my Crocodile to give up now.

Captain Nemo: I know. You've lost people you love. I know that's why you don't want to open your heart again, but what if I told you that the Mysterious Island was a place where you never have to lose anyone again?

Hook: No, that's... That's not possible.

Captain Nemo: It is. Join my crew. See for yourself.

Hook sees a knife on the table.

Hook: That knife... Where did you get it?

Captain Nemo: It belongs to my first mate.

Hook: He told me his family were taken from him... How?

Captain Nemo: He was a young boy when his father was murdered while he slept in his bed.

Hook: His name. What's your first mate's name?

Captain Nemo: Liam.


On the Nautilus.

Henry: You're trying to make up for what you did to Liam with me?

Hook: I can't ruin another family, Henry.

Henry: You're not going to…

Hook: I already have. We're trapped in this iron tin when I can't even pick that lock.

Henry: You can't, but maybe I can… First rule of kidnapping... They never search the kid.


Henry and Hook enter in the airlock.

Henry: We're going through there?

Hook: It's the only way off. Hurry. We don't have much time before the captain realizes that we've escaped.

Hook helps Henry to the wetsuit.

Henry: What'd you do to him? Why is Nemo so angry?

Hook: We don't have time to explain. We have to get off this ship now.

Henry: Where's your suit?

Hook: I'm not suiting up. There's only one helmet.

Henry: Wait, then how are you gonna get out of here?

Hook: I'm not.

Henry: No. No!

Hook: Henry, you were right. What you and your mother have is special. You don't want to lose that.

Henry: You knew there was only one helmet, didn't you?

Hook: Only one of us is gonna get back to Emma… It's gonna be you.

Hook pushes Henry under the see. Liam enters.

Liam: I was hoping you'd stay.

Hook: Liam.

Liam: Hello, brother… I've been waiting a long time for this.

–[Under the Sea - Past]–

Nemo tries to convince Hook to not leave the Nautilus.

Captain Nemo: You don't have to leave.

Hook: Aye, mate. I'm afraid I do.

Captain Nemo: Running from Liam won't solve anything.

Hook: It'll bloody well keep me alive.

Captain Nemo: He won't hurt you. He's given up on vengeance.

Hook: Aye, you know why? Because he hasn't found the man who killed his father yet.

Captain Nemo: Not Liam. He wouldn't betray me like that. He's like a son to me!

Liam: I was the son to someone else once, too.

Captain Nemo: Liam.

Hook: Don't do this, mate.

Liam: So, it's true?

Captain Nemo: I know how you feel, but killing this man won't quench that fire inside of you!

Liam: You once told me how you hunted the men down who murdered your family, how you butchered every single one of them!

Captain Nemo: But that doesn't mean that you have to do the same.

Liam: Oh, that's easy for you to say. You got your revenge.

Liam draws his knife.

Captain Nemo: And I've regretted it ever since. Liam, you're stronger than I was. We're so close to finally finding a home.

Liam: I'm sorry, Captain... But you're wrong… My heart is no stronger than yours.

Liam tries to kill Hook but Nemo protect him and gets stab.

Captain Nemo: Liam!

Liam: No. No! No! No, no, no, no, no. No, no! You! You... You did this!

Hook: No, I told him to let me go.

Liam: No, don't you blame this on him! You're gonna pay for what you've done.

Hook: You deserve better than this, brother. I hope you find it.

Liam: No.

Hook escapes.


Liam brings Hook back in the main room.

Liam: You've taken everything from me. First, my father, then Nemo.

Hook: And that was a long time ago, mate. Why come for me now?

Liam: It was not as long as you think. We made it to the Mysterious Island. We could have had a chance at life!

Hook: So, what happened?

Liam: Hyde. He took him, which means Nemo died the moment he got here!

Hook: All right, Hyde... The Mysterious Island. It's the Land of Untold Stories.

Liam: So what's that to you?

Hook: Don't you get it?! Nemo's here, Liam. He's here in Storybrooke.

Liam: Maybe, but he's dead. Because of you!

Hook: I'm not gonna hurt you, brother.

Liam hits Hook. He’s about to kill Hook but Henry stops him.

Henry: Don't! Please, stop… Please.

Hook knocks out Liam.

Henry: Are you okay?

Hook: I thought I told you to leave.

Henry: And if I listened you'd be dead.

Hook: I'm glad you didn't. What made you come back?

Henry: You said you couldn't ruin one more family. Neither did I.

Hook: Are you saying that you think of me as part of...

Henry: Don't push it.

Hook: You know why I need those shears, right?

Henry: You love her, too.

Hook: Aye, and if you don't want me to use them, then I won't… But that doesn't mean that something bad has to happen. Those visions won't come true… I can promise you that… We will find another way to save her.

Henry: Yeah. But where do we start?


Henry and Hook are back at the airlock.

Hook: First, we make sure we won't be tempted to take the easy way out again.

They put the Shears of Destiny in the safe and pushes it under the sea.


Aladdin joins Jasmine at Granny’s Diner.

Jasmine: Aladdin.

Aladdin: May I? Thanks… Um... I'm sorry I ran off.

Jasmine: I know you feel guilty... About what you did. But there's more that I need to tell you.

Aladdin: I know, and I'm ready to hear it. I want to fix things… I may not be the Saviour anymore, but if we go back to Agrabah, I might be able to help you restore it to what it was meant to be.

Jasmine: I'm afraid we can't go back.

Aladdin: What?

Jasmine: Well, after you fled, I went to a neighbouring Kingdom seeking an alliance. On my journey home, I was caught in a sandstorm. The caravan pushed through the worst of it, but... When we crested the Great Sand Dunes, it was gone… Agrabah was... Gone.


At the hospital.

Belle: Any news on our patient?

Snow White: Oh, he's still in surgery, but Dr. Whale seems to think that he has a fighting chance.

Belle: Oh, that's great.

Snow White: Yeah. What'd your doctor say?

Belle: Oh, I'm, uh... I'm good. Everything looks normal. You know, so far, anyway.

Snow White: But...?

Belle: They... They gave me two copies. They said it was standard procedure.

Snow White: Do you want to give one to Gold?

Belle: I do... I don't know if Rumple can ever do anything to repair what we once had.

Snow White: But you hope?

Belle: I don't know… But I do know that our son in our dream, he looked at Rumple with such hatred… I think... I think that there might be a chance for things to turn out differently for them. That much, I hope.


Liam wakes up in the hospital.

Liam: Where am I, some kind of brig?

Hook: No, mate. It's a hospital. You got quite a nasty bump on your head, there.

Liam: I'm surprised that's all you gave me.

Hook: I told you, I'm not that pirate anymore. I have something to live for now.

Liam: That boy, Henry.

Hook: Aye. You hesitated when you saw him. Why?

Liam: I realized if I kill you in front of him, I'd just leave another boy growing up with a heart full of hate… I just wish Nemo could see that we finally made peace.

Hook: Well, maybe he can.

Nurses put Nemo’s bed in Liam’s bedroom.

Hook: They found him this morning.

Liam: Nemo.

Captain Nemo: Liam.


Emma and Henry waits for Hook in the waiting room.

Henry: How's Liam? Is he okay?

Hook: Aye, lad. He is now.

Emma: I feel like I'm still missing a huge part of the story here… Your kid brother has a submarine, and he kidnapped you. What were you guys even doing at the docks in the first place?

Henry: Do you want to tell her or should I?

Hook: It's all right. I've got this one, mate.

Henry: See you at home.

Henry leaves.

Emma: Okay, so... What's going on?

Hook: Everything that happened today was my fault. Henry was just trying to help me right a wrong.

Emma: What kind of wrong?

Hook: When you asked me to dispose of those shears... I didn't… I couldn't lose the one thing that might help save you… Even if that meant you hated me, but luckily, your boy made me see the error of my ways. And before you say anything… They're at the bottom of the ocean where they can tell no tales.

Emma: It's okay. I get it.

Hook: You do?

Emma: I would've done the exact same thing.

They hug.


The Evil Queen enters in Mr. Gold’s shop.

Mr. Gold: You'd only be bold enough to walk through that door for one reason. The pirate and his son all worked things out in the end.

Evil Queen: Insipid bunch. They really are much too forgiving of each other.

Mr. Gold: Well, forgiveness is a virtue. One I'm not particularly fond of.

Evil Queen: Aww, that's too bad. Because I've come here to make amends… You see, I've been going about this all wrong, trying to pin the Charmings against one another… I've forgotten the most important lesson you ever taught me… Know what you want... And go after it... With everything you have.

Mr. Gold: And what is it you really want?

The Evil Queen kisses Mr. Gold.


Belle spends the picture of her ultrasound under Mr. Gold’s door.


Mr. Gold: Me? Is that what you want?

Evil Queen: No. There's something else... But I need your help to get it.

Mr. Gold: And what makes you think I'd be willing to help?

Evil Queen: Because... Fortunately for you... There are still a few underwater creatures who owe me a favour.

The Evil Queen gives Mr. Gold the Shears of Destiny.

Mr. Gold: So, tell me, what is it you need my help in getting?

Evil Queen: Oh, the one thing I've always wanted... Snow White's heart.

Kikavu ?

Au total, 161 membres ont visionné cet épisode ! Ci-dessous les derniers à l'avoir vu...

05.07.2023 vers 21h

12.06.2023 vers 07h

26.06.2022 vers 15h

17.06.2022 vers 13h

16.06.2022 vers 23h

26.01.2022 vers 16h

Derniers commentaires

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jptruelove  (25.01.2022 à 11:06)

J'aime bien le lien fait entre Némo et Crochet. 

J'adore l'évolution des choses entre Henry et Crochet. 

Et comme toujours, j'adore détester la méchante reine dont on retrouve toute la perfidie....

Ca fait un petit temps mais j'ai oublié de le dire : j'aime la nouvelle coupe de cheveux de Gold ! 


Merci aux 6 rédacteurs qui ont contribué à la rédaction de cette fiche épisode

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CastleBeck, Avant-hier à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

Viens chatter !