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#614 : La flèche de Cupidon

Pensant qu'il n'y a pas de place à Storybrooke pour elle et Regina, la Méchante Reine projette d'éliminer son autre moitié en utilisant Robin afin de l'appâter dans son piège. Crochet, déterminé à arranger les choses avec Emma, se tourne vers son vieil ami le Capitaine Nemopour obtenir ses conseils, mais Gideon saborde ses plans avant qu'il ne puisse le faire.

Au Royaume enchanté, la Méchante Reine apprend une leçon surprenante sur la véritable source de sa misère.


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La flèche de Cupidon

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Guests :

Sean Maguire Robin de Locksley
Rose McIver Fée Clochette
Tony Perez Henri Sr
Faran Tahir Capitaine Nemo
Edward Foy Un chevalier noir
Hesham Hammoud Un homme d'équipage

Once Upon A Time, Saison 6

Episode 614 : La Flèche de Cupidon

Résumé :

Hook demande Emma en mariage.

Nous découvrons que Hook a tué le père de David.

Retour sur la rencontre entre Robin des Bois, issu du Royaume des Vœux, et la Méchante Reine.

Scène 1 :  Il y a longtemps. Forêt Enchantée

Des gens courent pour échapper aux gardes de la Reine. Celle-ci arrive alors, à la recherche de Snow, et ordonne un rassemblement de la populace pour la mettre à mort sous leurs yeux. Son père, Henry Snr, essaye de l’en dissuader mais elle refuse de l’écouter. Cependant Snow n’est pas dans la cabane et elle tente de convaincre les habitants de la trahir. Clochette intervient alors et rappelle à Regina son échec dans le domaine de l’amour. Elle essaye également de la ramener dans le droit chemin.

Scène 2 : Présent. Storybrooke. Forêt/Cimetière.

Robin et la Méchante Reine discutent de Regina et de leurs points communs car tous deux se sentent exclus dans ce nouveau monde. La Méchante Reine demande à Robin de voler quelque chose pour elle, quelque chose d’enterré au cimetière.


Scène 3 : Appartement des Charmant

Emma explique à sa famille que Hook l’a demandé en mariage mais elle se refuse à préparer le mariage tant qu’elle n’aura pas résolu le problème Gideon. Zelena et Regina arrivent et annoncent que la Méchante Reine n’est plus un serpent et qu’elle s’est échappée.

Scène 4 : Cimetière

La Méchante Reine récupère les Ciseaux de la Destinée dans le but de s’en servir pour se séparer de son alter ego.

Scène 5 : Port

Hook est en train de boire lorsque Nemo arrive et lui annonce son départ prochain. Hook se demande comment faire face à son passé et au fait qu’il ait tué le père de David. Nemo lui conseille de dire la vérité à ses amis et de leur demander pardon.

Scène 6 : Chambre d’Henry

La Méchante Reine a volé le plume de l’Auteur à Henry afin qu’il ne s’en serve pas pour la faire disparaître. Henry s’obstine à penser que la Méchante Reine peut changer tout comme l’a fait Regina par le passé. Elle remet à Henry une page du Livre de contes.

Scène 7 : Flashback. Forêt Enchantée. Château de Regina

Henry Snr vient annoncer à Regina qu’il va l’aider à assouvir sa vengeance pour qu’elle soit à nouveau heureuse. Il lui donne alors l’un des livres de magie de Cora qui doit les conduire à un objet leur permettant de retrouver Snow.

Scène 8 : Retour au présent. Storybrooke. Poste de Police

Henry, Zelena, Emma, Snow et Regina discutent de la page qu’a remise la Méchante Reine à Henry : celle où l’on voit la rencontre, qui n’a pas eu lieu, entre Robin et Regina des années auparavant. Regina décide d’aller au rendez-vous fixé par la Méchante Reine pour sauver Robin qu’elle pense prisonnier.

Scène 9 : Mairie

Robin et la Méchante Reine attendent Regina et ils se disputent sur le fait que se servir de lui pour attirer Regina ne soit pas un bon plan car Robin pense que Regina ne viendra pas pour lui puisqu’il n’est pas réellement l’homme de sa vie.

Scène 10 : Flashback. Forêt Enchantée

Regina et Henry Snr font face à une arche de magie blanche et son père apprend à sa fille qu’il lui a menti : c’est Clochette, et non le livre de Cora, qui les a conduit ici. Ils passent l’arche et arrivent dans un bosquet où repose la Flèche de Cupidon qui permet de guider une personne vers celle qu’elle aime le plus au monde. Or Regina change cela en lançant un sort sur la flèche pour qu’elle la mène à la personne qu’elle déteste le plus.

Scène 11 : Retour au présent. Maison d’Emma

Hook se sert d’un attrape-rêves pour se remémorer le meurtre du père de David mais Emma arrive et le surprend. En colère contre lui parce qu’elle estime qu’il ne lui fait pas confiance, Emma s’énerve et rompt ses fiançailles.

Scène 12 : Port

Hook rejoint Nemo et son équipage pour se joindre à eux dans l’espoir de retrouver en lui-même l’homme dont Emma est tombée amoureuse. Nemo accepte.

Scène 13 : Mairie

Regina découvre le plan de la Méchante Reine.

Scène 14 : Flashback. Bosquet de Cupidon

Regina lance le sort pour changer la cible de la Flèche : son père continue à s’opposer à son projet. Cependant cela n’a aucun effet et Regina tire la Flèche.

Scène 15 : Retour au présent. Storybrooke. Mairie

La Méchante Reine ensorcèle les Ciseaux et s’en sert sur Regina et elle, coupant ainsi leur lien. Elles entament alors un combat à l’épée.

Scène 16 : Flashback. Forêt Enchantée

Henry Snr et Regina suivent la Flèche qui les amène au palais de la Reine où cette dernière se rend compte que la personne qu’elle déteste le plus au monde n’est autre qu’elle-même.

Scène 17 : Retour au présent. Storybrooke. Mairie

Au cours de leur combat, Regina comprend qu’elle doit définitivement s’accepter avec tous ses travers dont fait partie son alter ego diabolique. Elle décide alors, comme preuve de cette acceptation, de faire partager à leurs deux cœurs l’Ombre et la Lumière. Les deux femmes se réconcilient puis discutent de Robin et la Méchante Reine apprend à Regina qu’elle a renvoyé Robin dans son monde grâce à la baguette du Sorcier.

Scène 18 : Granny’s

Regina demande à Henry de renvoyer la Méchante Reine dans le Monde des Vœux pour qu’elle ait le droit à sa fin heureuse en échange d’informations concernant le sort touchant Snow et David. Regina est convaincue qu’il faut laisser une chance à son alter ego tout comme elle-même en a bénéficié. Tout le monde décide alors de faire un geste et pardonne à la Méchante Reine. Henry se sert de la plume et la renvoie dans le Monde des Vœux.

Scène 19 : Présent. Monde des Vœux.

La Méchante Reine retourne à la taverne de sa première rencontre manquée avec Robin et va le rejoindre pour partager une nouvelle aventure à ses côtés.

Scène 20 : Retour à Storybrooke. Port

Snow et Hook discutent de la bataille qu’a gagnée Regina sur son alter ego. En entendant cela, Hook pense qu’il a donc droit à la sienne et il se rend compte qu’Emma n’a pas prévenu sa famille de leur rupture de fiançailles.

Scène 21 : Nautilus

Hook décide alors de changer ses plans et se met en tête de reconquérir Emma au moment où le Nautilus prend le large à cause de Gideon. Hook est donc coincé à son bord laissant Emma, seule, l’attendre.


Rédigé par Sanct08

–[Enchanted Forest - Past]–

Snow White enters in a cabin in a village. The Black Knights are watching over the cabin. The Evil Queen’s carriage comes.

Evil Queen: Where is she? Where's Snow White?

Black Knight: The cabin, your majesty. She was seen entering before dawn. There's been no movement inside since.

Evil Queen: Gather the neighbouring villagers. I want them to see justice served on their beloved Princess.

Henry: Regina, if you kill Snow White you'll only harden the people against you. You have to prove to them that you can show mercy if you want them to love you like they do her.

Evil Queen: I didn't come here to show mercy. I came for a heart.


The Evil Queen enters in the cabin. She’s about to rip Snow White’s hear out but it’s a scarecrow.


The Evil Queen gets out from the cabin.

Henry: Regina. What happened?

Evil Queen: She's gone.

She kills the black knight.

Evil Queen: Now... Someone is going to tell me where she went… Are you really going to protect her? She doesn't care about you. I'm the one who cares… Snow White doesn't love you… I do.

Tinker Bell: Don't listen to her. She doesn't care about love. I should know. I was there when she threw her chance at love away.

Evil Queen: Tinker Bell.

Tinker Bell: Hello, Regina.

Evil Queen: What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be living in a tulip somewhere?

Tinker Bell: What happened to me doesn't matter. Just look at you. You've done nothing but fill your heart with hate since we saw each other. But it doesn't have to be that way.

Evil Queen: What do you care about any of this?

Tinker Bell: I care because this started with me. I showed you your future with the pixie dust. The one with the lion tattoo... You should be with him. He's still out there.

Evil Queen: Pixie dust doesn't dictate what I do. Nothing and no one does.

Tinker Bell: Pixie dust doesn't dictate anything. It just shows you the possibilities. It's up to you.

Evil Queen: Thanks, but no, thanks. I'm happy the way I am.

Tinker Bell: I don't believe you. You're just saying that to hide the real reason that you won't take a chance on love… You don't think you deserve it.

Evil Queen: You really think you know me so well? Hmm? I'm going to spare this wretched person's life to prove she's wrong. I do love you. I love... All of you. I hope you learn from this act of mercy, because next time, it will be your last.


The Evil Queen and Robin are walking into the wood.

Robin of Locksley: Look, I don't mean to be rude, but why wouldn't Regina tell me that she had a double, just like I did?

Evil Queen: Because she wants to keep her dark side secret. The truth is, if it were up to her, I'd no longer exist.

Robin of Locksley: You mean to say you're the ne'er-do-well version of Regina, just as I am with the other Robin Hood? Well, how about that? Somebody in this godforsaken town I actually have something in common with.

Evil Queen: I beg your pardon? I'm a Queen, not some burlap-loving peasant who sleeps in dirt.

Robin of Locksley: Excuse me... I sleep on hay. Which is on dirt, but there is... Separation. No matter. You can insult me all you want. It doesn't change the fact that you and I are alike. We both know that we don't belong here.

Evil Queen: Perhaps.

Robin of Locksley: So maybe I had the solution.

Evil Queen: New York? I think not.

Robin of Locksley: I suppose you know where I should go, then?

Evil Queen: Well, the one place you know you do belong... Back to the realm I created with my wish. I'll send you back.

Robin of Locksley: And what do you get out of the bargain?

Evil Queen: Well, you're a thief, aren't you? I want you to steal something.


The Evil Queen and Robin arrive at the cemetery.

Robin of Locksley: This is a graveyard.

Evil Queen: Bodies aren't the only things buried here.

Robin of Locksley: What are you after? What exactly is this about?

The Evil Queen makes appears a shovel.

Evil Queen: Please stop asking questions... And dig.


Emma shows her mother and Henry her ring.

Snow White: Emma, it's beautiful. I am so happy for you.

Henry: Me too, Mom.

Emma: Thank you. I just never thought...

Snow White: Well, if it makes you feel any better, I did.

Henry: So, how did Hook pop the question? On board a romantic cruise on the Jolly Roger?

Emma: Well...

Henry: Did he make Smee and the rest of the crew serenade you?

Emma: We may never know, because I kind of said yes before he had a chance.

Snow White: I cannot wait to tell your father that we have a wedding to plan.

Emma: Oh, about that... We're going to wait a little while before we start planning.

Snow White: Oh. Why?

Emma: Well, Gideon's still out there, and even though I defeated him once, we don't really know what he's up to, and I don't feel like I can focus on anything else until I've really dealt with that.

Regina and Zelena enter in the loft.

Regina: Actually, you're going to have to.

Emma: What now?

Regina: The Evil Queen.

Emma: What about her?

Zelena: Is that an engagement ring?

Emma: Oh. Yeah. Um... Hook proposed.

Regina: Emma. I'm happy for you. I really am.

Emma: Thanks. That means a lot.

Snow White: That just leaves the question... What happened to the Evil Queen? She's still a snake right?

Regina: I have no idea. She got loose. And if she has figured out a way to escape her mortal coil, well, there's no telling what evil she could be up to.


Robin is digging.

Robin of Locksley: Couldn't you use magic to dig this hole?

Evil Queen: You're right, but what would be the fun in that? You don't mind a little dirty work, do you?

Robin finds a box under the ground.

Evil Queen: And there it is... The sound of my victory.

Robin of Locksley: A pair of scissors?

Evil Queen: Don't underestimate them. These blades are enchanted. Capable of cutting a person from their fate.

Robin of Locksley: You want to use them on Regina... To break her from her destiny.

Evil Queen: No. My plan for her involves something much more permanent. I'm going to use these blades to finally separate us, so once and for all... I can destroy her.


Hook is drinking on the docks. Nemo comes to talk with him.

Nemo: You can tell the ocean your secrets, but the question is whether the ocean will tell you hers.

Hook: Nemo.

Nemo: I wanted to say goodbye. I wouldn't be standing here without your help, but now that I am, I'm afraid it's time for your brother Liam and for the rest of my crew to set sail again on the Nautilus.

Hook: Well, that is a sad occasion, indeed.

Nemo: Not as sad knowing that you took my advice... Set aside your revenge and found what was missing in your life... A family.

Hook: Aye… That, I did.

Nemo: What is it? Is something wrong?

Hook: My past has caught up with me, and this time, I've hurt the family of the woman I mean to marry. Well, I suppose... I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, you know? I was a villain, and villains don't get happy endings.

Nemo: You still could. Have you asked for forgiveness?

Hook: That's just it... You're the only other person who knows. Once they find out... There may be no coming back.

Nemo: Be careful, my boy. Guilt can be as corrosive to the soul as revenge. Which means... That you must tell this woman and her family the truth or keep it a secret and learn to forgive yourself.

Hook: What if I can't?

Nemo: Either way, you must. Heed my advice, Killian... Please. Seek forgiveness. Because whatever happened, it will always stay with you.


Henry is looking for his pen. The Evil Queen enters in his room.

Evil Queen: Looking for this? Such a lovely and powerful pen.

Henry: So, you did figure out a way to de-snake yourself… That's not yours. Give it back.

Evil Queen: Unh-unh-unh! I'll be holding on to this. I wouldn't want you ruining my plans by writing me out of existence with a swoop of your authorial pen.

Henry: That's what you think I want... To make you disappear?

Evil Queen: Well, isn't it? After all, that's what Regina wants.

Henry: That's because she thinks you're the worst parts of her.

Evil Queen: But you don't?

Henry: I know there's good in you, just like there's bad in her. That means you can change.

Evil Queen: And you thought you can break the rules by using your author powers to give me a little push?

Henry: I don't know what I was going to do.

Evil Queen: Well, I suppose I should be flattered.

The Evil Queen keeps the pen.

Henry: Look at yourself. You finally got the revenge you wanted on Snow White, and are you happy?

Evil Queen: Perhaps not. But I will be.

Henry: What are you planning?

Evil Queen: Something you won't like. That's why I'm here. Eventually, you'll realize it's for the best. Because you were right, Henry. You're still my son.

Henry: What are you going to do?

The Evil Queen gives Henry a note.

Evil Queen: Give this to Regina. And, remember, no matter what anyone tries to tell you... I love you.

–[Enchanted Forest - Past]–

The Evil Queen is in her castle. Her father comes to speak with her.

Henry: Regina, we need to talk.

Evil Queen: Daddy, please. I've heard it all before. I know... You don't think revenge will make me happy. But I'm going to find out. Don't try to stop me.

Henry: I'm not here to try to stop you. Actually, I'm here to help you get it.

Evil Queen: What?

Henry: Do you remember the first time that you cantered Rocinante?

Evil Queen: Well, of course I do.

Henry: I watched you ride him across the field outside our manor. No matter how far you went, I could still see that smile on your face.

Evil Queen: It wasn't a horse that put a smile on my face, Daddy… That was the day I met Daniel.

Henry: I know. I know. I want you to be happy again. But I don't believe killing Snow White will do that. Maybe by my helping you, you'll be able to move on so you can.

Evil Queen: How can you help me?

Henry: With this. This is one of your mother's spell books, that I've kept hidden from you. It has a map inside that will lead us to a powerful object that can help find Snow White.

Evil Queen: Daddy.


Emma, Snow White, Regina, Zelena and Henry are at the Station.

Snow White: Wait. Isn't that...

Regina: Page 23... The page that magically appeared to me with what I thought could be an ending to my story with Robin... A happy... Ending. Instead, it was just a cruel twist of fate, showing me an ending that could never be.

Henry: What does it mean?

Regina: It means the Evil Queen has found him... The other Robin, that is... And she wants me to know that she'll hurt him unless I face her.

Snow White: "One last time." Wait. How is that even possible? Without Gideon's sword, she can't hurt you without hurting herself.

Zelena: Unless, of course, she figured out another way.

Emma: Regina, you can't go. You'd be walking into a trap.

Regina: Well, we can't just leave Robin.

Emma: We won't. I'll go. This is my fault. I'm the one who convinced you to bring him here. This is on me.

Regina: Emma, you don't have anything to make up for. You were just trying to help.

Henry: She's really gonna do this. Maybe I was wrong to think she could change.

Emma: I'm sorry, kid. Regina, what are you gonna do?

Regina: Go alone. This is my battle to fight, and it has been ever since I tried to destroy my dark side up on that rooftop in New York.

Snow White: You can't do this yourself. Emma's right.

Regina: I have to. If I don't, this won't just end with Robin getting hurt. She'll hurt everyone I care about... All of you. And I can't let that happen. The Evil Queen is going to get what she wants. Our fight ends today.


Robin is ties up in the Mayor’s office. The Evil Queen is waiting for Regina.

Robin of Locksley: Can't say this is exactly what I had in mind when I offered my services, unless I'm misreading the signals and things are about to take a much more exciting turn.

Evil Queen: Keep dreaming.

Robin of Locksley: Oh. Too bad. Uh, but I'm afraid you may have grossly... Overestimated my importance to her. I mean, Regina may have charged in to save Robin the Hero's life, but me? Much less likely.

Robin unties him but when it’s finished the rope ties up him back.

Evil Queen: Huh? Enchanted ropes. The only way you're going anywhere is if I allow it. And that's not going to happen until I lure Regina here and destroy her.

Robin of Locksley: Do you really think killing Regina is gonna solve your problems? All it will do is make a martyr of her, and then nobody will be able to look at you without thinking of her. Believe me, that part is no fun at all.

Evil Queen: Oh, well, I suppose you have a better idea.

Robin of Locksley: As a matter of fact, I do. Release me.

Evil Queen: Why the hell would I do that?

Robin of Locksley: Because you were right... I don't belong here. And neither do you. Maybe Regina was right. Maybe there is a reason that I'm here, but it's not to save her. It's to save you.

Evil Queen: I don't know what you've heard about me, but I don't need saving.

Robin of Locksley: Don't you? 'Cause it looks to me as if you could really use a place to get a fresh start.

Evil Queen: A fresh start? Doing what?

Robin of Locksley: My land is rather big. I'm sure we could find something that'll pique your interest. I'd think about it if I was you. Because regardless of how things go down here today, you and I both know... In a town full of heroes, a villain like you doesn't stand a chance.

Evil Queen: The only one who doesn't stand a chance is my... Better half.

–[Enchanted Forest - Past]–

Henry and the Evil Queen are walking into the woods.

Evil Queen: As much as I enjoy our walks, Daddy, you can just give me the map and the spell book, and I can magic us there. It'll be much quicker.

Henry: There's no need. We're here.

Henry takes a flower and a portal is opened.

Evil Queen: What is this place? Mother's spell book never would have led us here. It's practically dripping with light magic.

Henry: You're right. That's because I never learned about this place from a spell book.

Evil Queen: Then what brought you here?

Henry: The fairy.

Evil Queen: Tinker Bell… So you lied to me. This was never about getting my revenge.

Henry: No, Regina. This is about getting something much better… Follow me.

They get through the portal.

Henry: That's what we're here for... Cupid's Arrow.

Evil Queen: You brought me here for a love spell?

Henry: It's not a love spell. I know they don't work. This arrow is a tool. It will lead you to gaze upon the person you love most. The fairy told me about the man with the lion tattoo. You could use it to find him.

Evil Queen: You betrayed me. I always thought you were the one person on my side.

Henry: Regina, don't you see that I am?

Evil Queen: Enough!

Henry: What are you doing?

Evil Queen: Getting what I came for.

Henry: My revenge.


Hook uses a dreamcatcher to forget that he kills David’s father.

Hook: Dead men tell no tales.

Emma surprises him.

Emma: That's David's father… It was you.

Hook: Emma, let me explain.

Emma: No, it seems very clear to me.

Hook: I swear to you... I wanted to tell you. I tried. But then you found that ring, and I just couldn't bear to ruin that happiness.

Emma: How could you do this?

Hook: I've been asking myself the same question, and all I can say is that I was a broken man for a very long time, and I did horrendous things.

Emma: I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about this… You were about to burn your own memories. Why would you do that?

Hook: Because I was ashamed, Emma, and scared of losing you and everything that matters to me.

Emma: And you really think that would happen after everything we've been through?

Hook: You tell me... How am I supposed to sit across from your mother and father at the table and look them in the eye after what I've done?

Emma: I'm not saying it would be easy. You know them. You know they would forgive you. That's who they are.

Hook: This isn't just about them. This is about me. I already destroyed my own family once, and that was hard enough, but knowing that I destroyed yours, too, I just... I didn't know how I could live with that.

Emma: You come to me, Hook, and you lean on me and you trust me! We have to stop hiding things from each other. The man I fell in love with would know that. You would know that we would do things together.

Hook: Emma...

Emma: That is what I agreed to marry. That is what I thought that we were together… Until you're ready for that... Then we can talk.

Emma gives Hook the ring back.


Hook walks to the docks. Nemo is getting prepare for the journey.

Nemo: Triple-check everything. I don't know when we'll see land again.

Hook: You never told me where you were heading off to.

Nemo: You know very well that destinations never matter. It's what we learn on the way… I didn't expect to see you, Killian, which has me wondering what happened.

Hook: You gave me two good pieces of advice, and I took neither.

Nemo: Can you fix it?

Hook: I don't think so. I'm not the man she needs me to be. And I need... I need to find that man again.

Nemo: And how are you gonna do that?

Hook: Do you remember what you told me the first time I was on this vessel? You said the Nautilus could help a man discover who he could be. And I was hoping... I was hoping you might have room for one more.

Nemo: Well, then. Captain Hook is always welcome on the Nautilus. We push off at nightfall.


Regina enters in her office.

Robin of Locksley: You shouldn't have come here.

Regina: I couldn't let anything happen to you.

The Evil Queen sends Robin away.

Evil Queen: He's not the one you should be worried about.

Regina: Oh. So that's your plan. You're going to separate us. Then what?

Evil Queen: Then I'm going to do what you tried to do to me... Destroy you.

–[Enchanted Forest - Past]–

The Evil Queen makes a spell.

Evil Queen: Now we're getting somewhere.

Henry: Why? What are you doing?

Evil Queen: Making good use of Mother's spell book, like you said we would... To find Snow White.

The Evil Queen takes Cupid’s arrow.

Henry: Regina, please. Not everyone gets a second chance at love. Put all this aside and go find that man.

Evil Queen: Remember how you said this arrow will lead me to gaze upon the person I love most? Well, there's a very thin line between love and hate.

The Evil Queen enchanted the arrow.

Evil Queen: There. That's much better. Now it will lead me to gaze upon the person I hate most. Snow White.

The Evil Queen shoots.


Regina: It's always about revenge with us, isn't it? You know what? Trim away. After all the damage you've done because of me, I'm ready. This town's just not big enough for the both of us.

Evil Queen: At last, we agree on something.

The Evil Queen uses the Sheers. A magic line appears between Regina and the Evil Queen.

Evil Queen: See you on the other side.

The Evil Queen cuts the destiny.

Evil Queen: Now... Let's finish this.

Regina: Gladly.

They start to fight.

–[Enchanted Forest - Past]–

The Evil Queen and Henry are following the arrow into the woods.

Henry: Why is it headed towards your castle?

Evil Queen: She must know I'm not there. So, she thinks she can steal from me. Well, she'll see.


The Evil Queen enters in her bedroom. The arrow pierces the wardrobe.

Evil Queen: Where is she? Hiding, are you?

She opens the wardrobe.

Evil Queen: No. No! The spell should have worked. It should have led me to gaze upon the person I hate most!

The Evil Queen sees herself in the mirror.

Henry: Oh, Regina.

Evil Queen: No. Aaaaah!

The Evil Queen breaks the mirror.


Regina and the Evil Queen are still fighting. The Evil Queen unarms Regina.

Evil Queen: You tried to destroy me because you couldn't stand looking at the darkness? Well, I can't stand looking at the light.

Regina: Well, you don't have to worry about that.

Regina takes the fruit basket on her desk and defends herself. She takes her sword back.

Evil Queen: You really believe you're better than me. Huh? Stronger than me?!

The Evil Queen pushes Regina against the mirror.

Evil Queen: Because you think you filled that nasty little hole inside you with love and friendship and hope? Well, you've been fooling yourself, because you haven't. I'm still what's inside of you. I am all that will ever be there.

Regina: You're wrong.

Regina ties up the Evil Queen against the wall.

Regina: All those things in my life you can't stand looking at... They're real. And now that I have them, you will never take them away from me.

Regina rips out the heart of the Evil Queen.

Evil Queen: I hate you.

Regina is about to crush the Evil Queen’s heart.

Regina: But I don't. Not anymore.

Regina frees the Evil Queen.

Evil Queen: What are you doing?

Regina: I'm going to do what we never could… I'm going to be brave for both of us and choose love over hate.

Regina rips her heart out. She mixes the darkness and the light of the two hearts then she puts them back in their chest.

Evil Queen: No. What's happening to me?

Regina: I gave you some of my love... Love from Henry and Robin and the people I care most about. And in return, I'm taking back some of your darkness. Our darkness.

Evil Queen: Why?

Regina: You are a part of me. And I'm a part of you whether you like it or not… And now I love myself… Which means so should you.

Regina hugs the Evil Queen.


Regina and the Evil Queen are tidying the office.

Evil Queen: Sorry about that.

Regina: It's just a lamp. I'm more worried about the things that really matter, like Robin. Please tell me he's okay.

Evil Queen: Oh, yes. He's... He's fine. I actually kept my word and sent him where he wanted to go… Home.

Regina: You mean... Back to his land, the realm you created with your wish? How?

Evil Queen: Gold was too busy worrying about his son to mind the shop.

The Evil Queen shows Regina the wand of the Sorcerer.

Evil Queen: Had a feeling I'd find a use for it.

Regina: So, he's gone, then.

Evil Queen: Oh, I'm sorry you didn't get to say goodbye.

Regina: It's probably better like this.

Evil Queen: Do you still regret it... Not walking through the door of that tavern all those years ago?

Regina: If I had, I wouldn't be here. I wouldn't have Henry or my family or this town. I can't imagine a life without all that.

Evil Queen: So, Tinker Bell was wrong, then. That isn't your happy ending.

Regina: No, it isn't. But it did give me hope when I needed it most, and that was just as important.

Evil Queen: I wouldn't mind a little bit of that right now.

Regina: What, you mean hope?

Evil Queen: Yes. Well... I'm not exactly sure what I'm supposed to do anymore… I need a place where I can get a fresh start. But where that is, I... Haven't a clue.

Regina: I think I know someone who can help.


Regina, Zelena, Snow White and Henry are at Granny’s.

Henry: You want me to use the pen to send her... Where?

Regina: Well, that's the thing... I don't know. I-It has to be someplace where... She can start over, have a chance at a new life.

Snow White: Isn't this against the rules?

Henry: Actually, the rules say I'm not supposed to affect the lives of people in my book. She's not... Not technically, at least.

Zelena: Hang on a minute. This is the Evil Queen we're talking about. Wasn't she just trying to murder us all?

Snow White: And Zelena makes a great point. This is the same exact person who put us under a sleeping curse like five minutes ago. Maybe she can start by undoing it before we trust her.

Regina: Well, she... She told me everything she knows about that. It won't be easy, but at least now we know where to start. As for her...

Snow White: Regina, I know you want to believe in her, but not everyone is redeemable.

Regina: But I was. And that means she is. And I've given her what she needs now to make the right choices. We just have to give her that chance, like you all gave me.

Zelena: Heroes are so gullible. When you wake up a few months from now to find her crushing your heart, don't blame me.

Evil Queen: That won't happen. Well, I... hope it won't… All I can say is, I'm truly sorry for everything. And I promise to do the right thing now. And, Snow, I am... So sorry for what I put you through... Again.

Henry: I knew you could be good, Mom.

Evil Queen: Henry. You've never called me that before. "Mom."

Henry: It's who you are.

Henry hugs the Evil Queen.

Henry: You still have my pen.

Evil Queen: Oh.

Henry: You ready, Mom?

Evil Queen: Thank you.

Regina: Just promise me... You won't waste a single minute.

Henry writes on the book “The Evil Queen went to the place where she could get a fresh start.” The Evil Queen disappears.

Henry: Where do you think she went?

Evil Queen: There's no way to know for sure, but... I have my ideas.

–[Wish World]–

The Evil Queen appears in a street.

Evil Queen: Where am I? Excuse me.

The Evil Queen is near the tavern where Robin is. She decides to enter. She goes to sit to Robin’s table.

Robin of Locksley: If you're gonna kidnap me again, may I humbly request I'm allowed to finish my ale first?

Evil Queen: I'm not here to kidnap you. And I'm... I'm sorry about that.

Robin of Locksley: So, if you're standing here, can I assume that the villain plan didn't work out so well?

Evil Queen: It didn't. But, for the first time in... Well, forever... I'm okay with that.

Robin of Locksley: You are? And why is that?

Evil Queen: Let's just say... I've had a change of heart.

Robin of Locksley: Have you, now?

Evil Queen: I have. And I was wondering if... Maybe... I might buy you a drink?

Robin of Locksley: Well, seeing as this is my realm, how 'bout I buy you one?


Hook is on the docks. He prepared his stuff for his journey. Snow White sees him and goes to talk with him.

Snow White: Hook! Are you going somewhere? I've been looking everywhere for you and Emma.

Hook: No, I was just, uh, grabbing some stuff from the Jolly Roger. Is... Is everything okay?

Snow White: Oh, more than okay. I can hardly believe I'm about to say this. Regina did it. She actually did it.

Hook: Did what?

Snow White: Vanquished the Evil Queen... Redeemed her, even, gave her a happy ending, even if she doesn't realize it yet.

Hook: The... The Evil Queen got a happy ending?

Snow White: I know. I honestly didn't think it was possible for someone like her... Not after all of these years. But it was. And tonight reminded me of something that I hope I never forget again... Love can save even the darkest souls. You just have to believe in it. Speaking of love... Emma told me. Killian, I couldn't be happier for you... Both of you. She has waited a long time to find the right person with whom to share her life… I'm so happy it's you.

She kisses and hugs Hook.

Snow White: You'll let her know?

Hook: Uh, know... Know what?

Snow White: Oh, that Regina's okay.

Hook: Yeah, yeah. Of course... Course I will.

Snow White: Okay. Um... It's so cold out here. Go home.


Emma comes home.


Hook gets in-board on the Nautilus.

Nemo: Are you ready for adventure, Captain?

Hook: No. I'm done running. I'm going back to Emma. Even villains get second chances... And, hopefully, even third ones.

Nemo: I couldn't be happier to hear that. I wish you all the happiness.

Hook: And I, you.

The Nautilus is moving.

Nemo: What happened?

Officer: I-I don't know. We're... Submerging, Captain.

Nemo: I didn't give that order.

Gideon: But I did.

Nemo: Who are you?

Hook: What do you want?

Gideon: Sorry to commandeer your vessel, Captain, but I'm afraid for what I have planned, you can't be in Storybrooke.

Gideon leaves.


Gideon appears on the docks. The Nautilus is leaving Storybrooke.


Emma is waiting for Hook at home.

Kikavu ?

Au total, 145 membres ont visionné cet épisode ! Ci-dessous les derniers à l'avoir vu...

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Derniers commentaires

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jptruelove  (28.01.2022 à 10:34)

Tout à fait d'accord avec vous, une fin parfaite pour la méchante reine et Robin ! Cela me convient, surtout que j'aimais moins cette version de Robin. Contente qu'ils trouvent tous les deux le bonheur ailleurs qu'à Storybrooke. 

Crochet et Emma, trop triste pour la fin... Je sais qu'il y a beaucoup de chances que Crochet arrive à revenir, mais c'est ralant de voir ça. Ils peuvent pas être simplement heureux ensemble ???

Très beau le moment avec Blanche neige, effectivement. Tout comme les discussions de Crochet avec Némo, j'ai beaucoup aimé. 

Hâte de voir comment Crochet va s'en sortir. 

natas  (05.11.2020 à 19:08)

La fin heureuse pour la méchante Reine avec Robin m'a vraiment mis en joie !

Ces quelques épisodes avec Robin était génial. Je dois refaire mon deuil. snif, snif

Sas1608  (27.03.2017 à 09:06)

Bon épisode émouvant. Nottament la partie avec Regina et Evil Queen. Je ne m'attendais pas à cette fin, mais elle est parfaite. Evil Queen et Robin vont vivre heureux. C'était inattendue ! 

Très belle scène avec Regina et EQ dans le bureau du maire. Regina a pris la bonne décisions.

Quant à Emma et Hook, grrrr ! On se croirait dans une série pour ado ! Affreux la fin, c'était sur que ça se passerai comme ça. C'était déchirant de voir Emma éteindre les lumières de chez elle.

La scène avec Snow et Hook était trop mignonne. Il est parfait, il prend toujours les bonnes décisions, mais là, malgrès lui, il est obligé de quitter Storybrooke. 

J'ai hâte de voir la suite ! 


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CastleBeck, Avant-hier à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

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