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#621 : La bataille finale, première partie

Henry se réveille dans une Storybrooke maudite et découvre qu'Emma a été enfermée à l'asile, tandis que la Fée Noire est devenue maire de la ville. Henry tente d'aider Emma à recouvrer lamémoire alors que Gold cherche à découvrir ce qui est réellement arrivé à Belle.

Pendant ce temps, Blanche-Neige, Charmant, Regina, Zelena etCrochet sont piégés dans un Royaume enchanté au bord de la destruction, essayant de trouver un moyen de rejoindre Emma et Henry.


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The Final Battle (Part 1)

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La bataille finale, première partie

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Episodes 6x21 & 6x22 The Final Battle Sneak Peek (VO)



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Plus de détails

Réalisation : Steve Pearlman

Scénario : Edward Kitsis, Adam Horowitz

Guests :

Peter Marcin Le chef
Ingrid Torrance L'infirmère Ratched

Once Upon A Time, Saison 6

Episode 621: La Bataille finale,

partie 1

Résumé des saisons et épisodes précédents

Scène 1 : Flashback. Forêt Enchantée

Un homme court à travers les bois et retrouve, dans une cabane, une fillette à qui il demande de protéger le Livre de Contes. Il la supplie de se mettre en lieu sûr et de raconter les histoires du Livre. La fillette s’enfuit au moment où la porte de la cabane vole en éclats.


Scène 2 : Présent. Storybrooke

La malédiction de la Fée Noire s’abat sur la ville. Henry se réveille sur le toit où s’est tenue la cérémonie de mariage d’Emma et Hook, seul. Il erre dans la ville et rencontre Archie dont les propos lui font comprendre que la malédiction a, une nouvelle fois, fait perdre la mémoire aux habitants.

Scène 3 : Hôpital de Storybrooke

Henry, en possession du Livre de Contes, rend visite à Emma qui est enfermée pour avoir cru aux histoires de contes de fées que lui a racontées son fils. Emma lui explique que toute l’Histoire qu’a connue Henry est fausse. Il découvre que, dans cette version de l’Histoire, Fiona est sa mère. Son fils la supplie de ne pas prendre de médicaments pour qu’elle garde l’esprit clair et lui demande de ne rien croire de ce qu’elle lui dira. Cette dernière lui confisque le Livre de Contes.

Scène 4 : Forêt Enchantée. Château de Snow et David

Hook, Snow, David et Regina reprennent confiance et décident que rien ne les arrêtera dans leur sauvetage d’Emma et d’Henry.

Scène 5 : Hôpital de Storybrooke

Emma et Fiona discutent d’Henry et la Fée Noire lui conseille, une fois qu’elle pourra quitter l’hôpital, de partir de Storybrooke pour qu’Henry grandisse et accepte que ce que raconte son Livre de Contes est faux. Elle demande à Emma de détruire le Livre et de le faire savoir à Henry afin que ces soi-disantes illusions soient détruites.

Scène 6 : Forêt Enchantée. Château de Snow et David

Ils se rendent compte qu’ils peuvent, grâce au miroir magique de la Reine, suivre ce qui se passe à Storybrooke. Zelena arrive alors et leur explique que tous les mondes s’écroulent. Regina et Snow comprennent alors que le but de la manœuvre de Fiona est de détruire tous les mondes via le manque de foi d’Emma.

Scène 7 : Storybrooke. Grand Rue

Fiona retrouve Gold et Gideon qui vivent heureux et ensemble. Gold pense que Belle les a abandonnés.

Scène 8 : Château de Regina

Hook et les autres rassemblent les habitants des Contes au château de la Reine. Regina décide que seule la magie peut les aider et elle jure de tous faire pour réunir les siens et sauver tout le monde.

Hook, qui a sa propre idée, quitte clandestinement le palais.


Scène 9 : Hôpital de Storybrooke

 Henry suggère à Emma de fuguer.

Scène 10 : Forêt Enchantée

Hook, rejoint par David, explique à ce dernier qu’il souhaite récupérer un haricot magique au Royaume du Ciel pour rentrer à Storybrooke.

Scène 11 : Storybrooke

Henry décide de rappeler à Emma tous ses bons souvenirs et de la convaincre que ses histoires sont vraies : pour ce faire il la ramène sur le lieu du mariage où Emma a quelques flashbacks auxquels elle refuse de croire. Elle avoue à Henry qu’elle souhaite rentrer à Boston. Son fils décide  alors, contre toute attente, de l’aider et lui promet de lui ramener ses clefs de voiture afin qu’elle ne soit plus enfermée et qu’elle ait la vie qu’elle a toujours voulu avoir.

Scène 12 : Boutique de Gold

Gideon est penché sur le livre de Belle et pense à sa mère. Gold essaie de le convaincre que sa mère ne l’a pas abandonné et qu’il doit y avoir plus que ce qu’il croit mais le jeune homme refuse de l’écouter.


Scène 13 : Forêt Enchantée. Château de Regina

Zelena et Regina tombent sur la Méchante Reine qui leur explique qu’elle a rejoint Robin des Bois dans sa Croisade. Elle propose alors aux deux femmes son aide pour sauver tout le monde.

Scène 14 : Storybrooke. Bureau d’Archie/Grand Rue

Henry vole le Livre de Contes que sa mère a caché chez le psychiatre. Fiona avoue à Henry qu’elle est éveillée et sait qu’Henry l’est également. Elle décide qu’Henry lui sera plus utile dehors pour convaincre Emma de renier ses convictions et pousse Henry dans les escaliers. Le jeune garçon est alors conduit à l’hôpital. Gold profite du soi-disant émoi de Fiona concernant la santé de son fils pour lui demander de rouvrir l’enquête concernant Belle.

Scène 15 : Royaume du Ciel. Château d’Anton

David et Hook trouvent et récupèrent le haricot magique mais sont attaqués par un dragon.

Scène 16 : Storybrooke. Voiture de Gold

Fiona avoue à Gold que Belle est partie visiter le monde et lui prouve ses dires via des photos la montrant dans tous les endroits connus de la planète.

Scène 17 : Hôpital de Storybrooke/Mondes magiques

Henry reprend conscience et découvre Emma et Fiona à son chevet. Emma, poussée par Fiona, décide qu’il est temps de détruire le Livre pour éviter qu’Henry ne soit encore blessé en croyant à ses histoires. Henry la prévient que la Bataille finale a commencé.

En parallèle, les mondes magiques s’écroulent les uns après les autres dès l’instant où Emma cesse de croire en la magie et brûle le Livre.


Fait par Sanct08

–[Enchanted Forest - Future]–

Henry is running into the wood. He enters in a cave to find his daughter.

Henry: Wake up. Wake up, honey. Wake up.

Lucy: What is it, Father?

Henry: It's time. They found us. Don't be frightened. It'll be all right. I'll stay behind, give you time to escape.

Lucy: No, I won't leave you. I'll help you fight.

Henry: No, no. You can't. You have to make sure it stays safe. You have it, don't you?

Lucy takes the storybook.

Lucy: Of course. It never leaves my side.

Henry: Oh, good. It may be the realm's only hope of defeating the darkness.

Lucy: I will guard it with my life.

Henry: It won't come to that. Now, come on… You need to get to safety… You need to share these stories.

Lucy: But who will believe them?

Henry: Someday... Someone will.

Someone hits the door.

Lucy: Daddy!

Henry: Don't worry about me. You need to go!

Lucy: I...

Henry: I know. I know. Me too. Go! Go!

Lucy runs away. Henry is preparing to fight. Something takes him.


The curse escapes from the clock tower.

Leroy: The Black Fairy's curse! It's here!

Hook: Where do you think it's taking us?

Emma: Doesn't matter. Wherever we end up, we're gonna win.

–[Storybrooke - Curse]–

Henry wakes up on Granny’s diner roof. He has the storybook with him.


Henry is walking in the street. He sees Archie.

Henry: Archie! Hey, Archie! What happened here?! What's going on? What did the Black Fairy's curse do?

Archie: Really, Henry? Black Fairy? Curse? Henry, I-I-I thought we were past all this.

Henry: She's done something to you, to... To everyone.

Archie: Henry, um... Do I need to schedule another appointment?

Henry: Where is she?

Archie: Who?

Henry: You know who. Where's my mom?

Archie: Henry... You know exactly where Emma is. She's in the same place that she's been for the last two years.


Emma is painting a swan.

Nurse Ratched: Emma? You have a visitor. Your son.


Nurse Ratched leads Emma to Henry.

Henry: Mom.

Emma: Henry.

Henry: Thank God you remember me.

Emma: Of course I remember you.

Henry: Good, 'cause I just looked all over town, and I couldn't find the rest of our family... Snow, David, Hook.

Emma: No, no. Stop.

Henry: What?

Emma: I'm not going down that road again. I've worked way too hard for you to undo my progress.

Henry: Progress?

Emma: You know what I mean… Those people... Snow White, Prince Charming, Captain Hook... None of them are real. My parents are not fairy-tale characters. No one in Storybrooke is. There's no curse. This is just a regular town.

Henry: Mom... What happened to you?

Emma: What happened to me is I'm getting better. I ended up in this nuthouse because I believed you back then, bought into all of it.

Henry: No, this is the Black Fairy. She said she would take away your family, and this is how. She cursed you.

Emma: No! No more curses. I just... Want to get well so that maybe... Maybe I can be your mother.

Henry: Okay. How long have you been a patient here?

Emma: You know how long I've been here.

Henry: Maybe it'll help if you relive it.

Emma: Ever since you tried to prove that fairy tales were real by eating a poisoned apple turnover. You ended up in the hospital for weeks. You barely made it through.

Henry: No, that's not how it happened. Don't you remember? I did eat the turnover, but you fought a dragon and woke me with true love's kiss.

Emma: Oh, my God. Henry, stop!

Henry: You woke me, a-and you...

Emma: This is crazy. You're the one who's supposed to be getting better. Don't go back.

Henry: But it's true.

Emma: Henry, you were not saved by a kiss. That's ridiculous. You were saved by medicine, by Dr. Whale and by... Hospital.

Nurse Ratched brings medication to Emma.

Nurse Ratched: It's time.

Henry: Stop it. You can't take that. You can't take anything. It might be how the Black Fairy is keeping you from remembering.

Emma: Henry, just let me...

Henry: Look.

Emma: Oh. Okay.

Henry: This page I wrote... It means that the Final Battle is coming. The key to winning it is in here. But we can't do that until you start believing.

Emma: Sorry about him… You have to stop doing that, or your mother's not gonna let you keep visiting me.

Henry: Regina. She's here?

Emma: Who's Regina?

Fiona: Henry. There's my boy. Hmm.

Emma: Madame Mayor, I'm sorry. I didn't know he was coming today.

Fiona: How many times have I told you? It's Fiona. No need for titles here… Now, Henry... Shouldn't you be at school?

Henry: Of course. I just wanted to see my... Other mom.

Fiona sees the storybook.

Fiona: What's that? Where did you find that? Oh, no. I think I'll hold onto this. Nothing but trouble seems to come from this book.

Emma: Hmm.

Fiona: Now, Henry, back to school. I'll see you at dinner… Emma and I have some business to discuss.

Henry: Okay, Mom… Whatever she wants you to do, don't do it.

Henry leaves.

Fiona: Now then... I think somebody needs to take their medicine.

Emma takes the pills.

–[Enchanted Forest]–

Snow White, David, Hook and Regina are waking up in the Enchanted Forest.

Snow White: David.

David: Yeah, I'm okay.

Hook: No. No. Emma? Emma?!

Regina: She's gone. The fairy... She's as good as her word. She ripped us apart.

Hook: Ripped us apart?! Where the blazes are we?!

David: This is... Our palace.

Hook: What now?

Snow White: We're in the Enchanted Forest.

Regina: Well, she has panache, I'll give her that. She took you from your wedding to theirs.

Snow White: This is where we got married.

David: Right before we were cursed.

Regina: Henry? Henry?! Henry?!

Snow White: Hey.

Regina: Where is he?

Snow White: We'll find him. If she thinks she can rip this family apart... Curses have never stopped us before. Today will be no different. We'll get Emma and Henry back. Wherever they may be.

–[Storybrooke - Curse]–

Emma, Archie and Fiona are walking in the sanatorium.

Emma: Hey, guys. I'm fine, really.

Archie: Uh, all due respect, Emma, but you do seem quite agitated.

Emma: Not at all.

Fiona: Are you sure, dear?

Emma: Yes, really. Everything is okay.

Fiona: Well, I just came to check on your progress. As mayor of Storybrooke, can you blame me for taking a keen interest in all of our residents?

Emma: All of your "troubled" residents. All due respect, Dr. Hopper and Madame Mayor, I know exactly what this is really about.

Fiona: Do you now?


They enter in Emma’s room.

Emma: Henry.

Fiona: Oh, yes. Well, you are his biological mother, and he is my son, so perhaps there is a bit more to my interest. I don't think that's any secret.

Emma: I feel so loved.

Archie: Uh, sarcasm aside, Emma has been doing quite well of late.

Fiona: Wonderful. Dr. Hopper's reports are very encouraging… I don't think I'm talking out of school to say you might be eligible for release soon. Wouldn't it be nice to paint a different view than these dreary, old hospital grounds?

Archie: We are working on the landscaping.

Fiona: Perhaps even the Boston skyline? As I recall, you had a lovely apartment overlooking it all. Wouldn't it be nice to go back?

Emma: Yeah. It would be nice.

Fiona: Good. Because it's not just your well-being that I'm concerned with. It's Henry's. He's clearly still clinging to the delusion that these stories are real. Now, I'd hoped we were past all that… But now, thanks to you, I have a 14-year-old boy who still believed in fairy tales.

Emma: Hey!

Archie: Madame Mayor, please. This is terribly delicate.

Fiona: Sorry. I just get so emotional when it comes to my son.

Emma: I never meant to do any harm.

Fiona: Of course you didn't. But as luck would have it, his book has given me an idea of how we could cure him of all of this nonsense.

Emma: What are you talking about? What do you want me to do?

Fiona: Burn it. Show him that you've truly embraced reality and then he will… Because belief in something, something that isn't real, can be dangerous.

Emma: No. I'm sorry.

Fiona: No?

Emma: Look, I know all these stories are fake, but I can't destroy this. It means so much to Henry. He'd be crushed.

Fiona: Well, that's the point... To crush his delusions... And yours.

Emma: I... I'm not ready for that.

Fiona: Really? You might not be ready now, but you will be. Of that, I am quite certain. Dr. Hopper will hold onto it until that day comes. And it will... Because, Miss Swan... Until you're ready to destroy the book and make a clean break from this fantasy world, you'll remain locked up.

–[Enchanted Forest]–

Hook, David, Snow White and Regina are looking what’s happen in Storybrooke through the mirror.

David: Emma!

Snow White: Emma!

Regina: Oh, that bitch.

Hook: She's taunting us.

Snow White: Get her back. It's your mirror.

Regina: Which she is controlling.

David: Why? What is she doing?

Regina: It's the Final Battle.

Hook: The Final Battle? In a nuthouse?

Regina: Well, clearly, it wasn't what we thought it was.

Hook: Clearly.

Snow White: Her soul. She's the Saviour. Of course the Final Battle isn't a war. It's a battle for her soul, for her belief, her hope.

David: I don't get it. What does she gain if Emma stops believing?

Zelena enters.

Zelena: I think I might know.

Regina: Zelena.

Hook: What is she doing here?

Zelena: Helping, thank you very much.

Regina: The Mad Hatter's hat. W-Wasn't it destroyed?

Zelena: Well, he was a hatter. He had multiples. Inside are portals to every realm. I used it to escape Oz.

David: Escape? Why did you need to escape your own realm?

Zelena: Look, there isn't much time. It's easier if I show you.

The hat start to turn and they enter in it.


They appear as they enter of all the realms.

Zelena: If you want to know what we were running from... Take a gander.

Zelena open the portal to Oz.

Regina: There's nothing there.

Zelena: I can see that. When I left Oz, it was falling apart... Apocalyptic, but now...

Snow White: It's erased.

David: Like it never existed.

Hook: What the bloody hell does this got to do with Emma?

Regina: This is what she's doing. It's why she wants Emma to destroy the book.

Realms are erasing.

Snow White: As the Saviour's belief fades... So do all the realms of story.

Regina: If we don't stop the Black Fairy... All the realms will be destroyed... And everyone in them.

–[Storybrooke - Curse]–

Fiona is parking her car near Mr. Gold’s shop.


Mr. Gold and Gideon are working. They hear a noise.

Gideon: Who's here, Papa?

Fiona: Just checking everything is as it should be… You know what they say... A mayor's work is never done.

Mr. Gold: Madame Mayor... An honour.

Fiona: I brought you lunch, and a little job if you'll take it. My wristwatch stopped. Guess I'm not good for timepieces.

Gideon: We'll figure out that clock tower one day. Don't worry. And I'll get working on the watch right away.

Fiona: Thank you.

Gideon: Thanks for lunch.

Fiona: Your favourite oatmeal raisin cookies are in there, too.

Gideon: Oh, thank you.

Gideon leaves.

Mr. Gold: You're very kind, always thinking of Gideon.

Fiona: Well, when someone's lost their mother... I feel a need to step into that void… And how are you doing? I know this time of year can be difficult.

Mr. Gold: Yes. It is hard, thinking of Belle on our anniversary... Given what happened.

Fiona: Yes, it's terribly sad. So sad.

Mr. Gold: Thank you.

Fiona: Well, I'll be back for the watch later. I always know I can count on you… And please... If there's anything I can do. After all, for my boys... I'm always here to help.


Lots of people come into the hat.

Regina: I saw someone from Arendelle just now. They still had snow on their shoulders.

Zelena: What? How far is this nightmare spreading?

Jasmine: Far.

Hook: Jasmine, Aladdin?

Aladdin: It hit Agrabah... Whatever it is.

Jasmine: We barely got our people out. What's going on?

Snow White: The Black Fairy's doing this all the way from Storybrooke.

David: She's attacking Emma's belief. The more she loses faith, the realms of story fade away.

Regina: We need to get back there and stop all this.

Aladdin: What about the portal we just came through, the hat?

Zelena: It can't make a passage to a land without magic. We need something else.

Hook: I have it. I mean, I think I have it. I might have a theory where to look.

Regina: We don't need theories.

Hook: So, you don't want my help?

Regina: Well, all due respect, Captain, but what we need right now is magic. And that's my area. It's time I get to work and do what I do best. We need to get out of this hat and back to my castle.

Regina teleports everybody.

–[Enchanted Forest]–

They all appear in Regina’s castle.

Regina: I don't care what kind of magic it takes, I'm getting Henry and Emma back.

Hook leaves.

–[Storybrooke - Curse]–

Emma does some gym. Henry enters in Emma’s room.

Emma: Henry? What the hell? How'd you get in here?

Henry: Dr. Hopper really needs to keep an eye on his wallet. Come on.

Emma: Whoa, whoa, whoa. You serious? A jailbreak, kid?

Henry: You don't belong here. And no matter what the mayor says, she's never letting you out. But I am. Welcome to Operation Cuckoo's Nest.

Emma: I haven't seen the movie in a long time, but didn't that end with a lobotomy?

Henry: Just... We have to get out of here before the nurse comes back. Come on. We have to go. Come on!

–[Enchanted Forest]–

Hook walks to the giant bean.

Hook: Bloody hell… It's taller than I remembered.

David follows him.

David: Hey! Next time you sneak off on a secret mission, you might want to make sure there's no Munchkins around. They're easily bought.

Hook: Honestly, stealth wasn't a priority... Speed was.

David: So this is your theory on how to get home, huh? Hoping there's a magic bean up there?

Hook: There's only one way to find out.

They walk to the tree.

David: Hook, that beanstalk's over 1,000 feet high. You really think you can climb that alone?

Hook: I think I want to get back to my wife.

David: But making her a widow is not what I'd call a good plan. You're gonna get yourself killed.

Hook: I'll have you know I've scaled this before.

David: Really? When?

Hook: With Emma. It was our first adventure together, though my motives were less than chivalrous then.

David: Yeah, I seem to recall you trying to kill her and Snow.

Hook: Granted, it was hardly love at first sight. But... Things changed. We changed.

David: I know, but...

Hook: Look, we made each other better! All right? Emma and I were never a predestined love story, guaranteed a happy ending… We fought for our love, and we won. And you... You of all people should understand that. But now... You saw into that mirror. She doesn't even remember who I am. So, yes, I'm gonna climb this beanstalk, and I am gonna find that bean... Because I'm not gonna lose everything I have just because some bitter fairy cast another bloody curse! Our story began on the beanstalk, and I'll be damned if it ends there, too.

David: All right. You're scared of losing Emma. I get that.

Hook: Just  take a deep breath. All right, calm down. Let's go get that bean together.

They start to climb.

–[Storybrooke - Curse]–

Henry leads Emma on Granny’s roof.

Henry: Come on. I've got to show you something.

Emma: Okay, well, unless we're waiting for a helicopter, I think we went the wrong way.

Henry: We're here because this is the last place you saw your family. The last place you remembered who you really are... The Saviour. Mom, it's true.

Emma: Henry, you have to accept these things are not real. And bringing me to some rooftop is not gonna convince me that my mother is Snow White.

Henry: But she is. And this isn't just some rooftop. This is where you married your true love yesterday.

Emma: My true love? Sorry, kid. That's not the way the world works.

Henry: It does, and it did for you. You married Captain Hook right here.

Emma: Captain Hook? Who officiated... Tinker Bell?

Henry: No. Jiminy Cricket. It was amazing! The aisle was right here... Where your parents gave you away.

Emma: The only time they gave me away was when I was a baby.

Henry: Mom, stop it. They walked you to the altar. That's where you exchanged vows, in front of all your friends and family who love you. This is it. Mom, come on!

Emma has some flashes.

Henry: What happened? Mom, did you see something?

Emma: I don't know.

Henry: That's a yes. It worked. I knew it.

Emma: Henry, I don't know what I saw. I've been in a mental hospital for years. It's not like my brain is really trustworthy right now.

Henry: This is the curse. She wants you to doubt yourself. But you can't give in. You have to fight.

Emma: I don't want to fight. I want to go home to Boston.

Henry: Storybrooke is your home.

Emma: But, Henry, you're right. If I stay here, Fiona's just gonna lock me up again. And that's not good for me or you.

Henry: Y-You can't leave.

Emma: It's not for forever. I'll come back, I promise. I just need to get out of here for a while and... Lay low.

Henry: Okay. Fine. But you got to wait. You'll be safer if you leave after dark. I know where Dr. Hopper keeps your car keys. I can get them for you.

Emma: Seriously? A few seconds ago, you were trying to keep me here. Now you're gonna help me leave?

Henry: You're my mom. I'll always want to help you. And you're right. You don't deserve to be locked up again.

Emma: Thanks, kid.

Henry: Meet me back in an hour, and after that, I promise you'll have the life you always wanted.


In his shop, Mr. Gold is looking for the book Belle gave to Gideon.

Belle: "To my son, Gideon. Remember to be strong and true. I will always love you. Mother."


Mr. Gold joins Gideon in the back room.

Mr. Gold: Gideon... I know it's not easy to talk about Belle. But this book... Meant the world to her, and she really wanted you to have it.

Gideon: I know. So I would always remember how much she loved me.

Mr. Gold: Yeah.

Gideon: Yeah, well... Fiona's been more of a mother to me than she ever was.

Mr. Gold: How much do you remember? A-About when she left?

Gideon: Only what you told me. I was just a baby. She said she was going to the store, and she never came back.

Mr. Gold: Yeah, well, you know, I-I-I've been thinking, and, um... Well, maybe we don't know the whole story… Your mother wouldn't just leave... Not without good reason.

Gideon: Will you stop with this? She walked out on us. Don't try to rationalize it away. She didn't love us.

Mr. Gold: No. No, I-I-I can't accept that. She would never do that.

Gideon: But she did. And you know what? We don't need her to have a happy life. We have everything we need right here in this shop. You just... You refuse to see it.

Mr. Gold: Your mother loved you, Gideon. And no matter what may have happened between us... She would always want to be a part of your life.

Gideon: Please, just... Leave it alone.

Mr. Gold: Gideon.

–[Enchanted Forest]–

Regina and Zelena are cooking a potion.

Regina: Lizard horn?

Zelena: Nope. All gone.

Regina: How is that possible? I had tons of it… It's all gone. All my things are gone! Somebody's stolen from me!

Zelena: Well, it can't be any of the new people. They just got here.

Regina: Well, then, who is it?

Someone enters in the castle.

Zelena: Oh, goody. I think we're about to find out.

Regina: I am so going to enjoy this.

The Evil Queen enters.

Evil Queen: Who the hell is in my house?! Regina? You're back.

Regina: I-I'm back? You're back.

Zelena: Well, this is disappointing.

Regina: So, you're the one who's been squatting in my castle?

Evil Queen: I'm not "squatting" anywhere. This is the Evil Queen's castle, after all. Nice outfit, by the way. We really do make it look good, don't we?

Regina: Thanks. I-I mean w-what are you doing here? I thought you were in that Wish Realm with Robin.

Evil Queen: Well, I was. But there was one little thing you neglected to mention before sending me off to my fabulous new home. Everyone there thinks I murdered Snow and Charming. And my own son was trying to kill me. So, after three days of angry villagers trying to burn my home, I decided to find a new place to live.

Zelena: What about Robin? Hmm? Did you murder him, too?

Evil Queen: Of course not. He's out with Friar Tuck. And I don't murder anymore, Zelena. Robin and I have turned over a new leaf. We now steal from the rich and give to the poor. Well, mostly anyway.

Zelena: Sounds delightful. Look, can we get back to saving the world now? You know, while there's still one to save.

Regina: Yes, um... W-we're having a bit of a... Fairy problem.

Evil Queen: Oh. Do tell.

–[Storybrooke - Curse]–

Fiona is in the street. A phone is ringing.

Fiona: Yes? She did what?


Henry enters in Archie’s practice. He is looking for his storybook.

Fiona: Henry.

Henry: Oh. Hey, Mom.

Fiona: There's no reason to pretend, Henry. We both know I'm not your mother.

Henry: So, you know I'm awake.

Fiona: I know everything.

Henry: What are you gonna do? Put me in the crazy house, too?

Fiona: Of course not. You're much more useful to me out here.

Henry: What's that mean... "Useful"?

Fiona: Turns out, getting a Saviour to give up her belief is much harder than I thought. Even if you take everything away from her, which I have, there's still that one last pesky speck of belief that just refuses to die out.

Henry: And it never will.


Henry runs away from Fiona.

Fiona: Henry...

Henry: Stay away from me.

Fiona: Come back.

Henry: No. My mom's strong. She'll fight it, and there's nothing you can do to stop that.

Fiona: You're right. There is nothing I can do to stop it. But there is something you can do.

Fiona pushes Henry in the stairs.


The paramedics take Henry to the hospital. Mr. Gold goes take to Fiona.

Mr. Gold: Madame Mayor, what happened?

Fiona: There was an accident. Henry broke into his doctor's office, had a nasty fall down the stairs.

Mr. Gold: Oh, I'm so sorry.

Fiona: I just don't know how this could be. They say that he's stable, but it was such a tumble. He has to be all right. He has to be.

Mr. Gold: He'll pull through. The boy is resilient.

Fiona: Thank you. But that's not the only reason for your visit, is it?

Mr. Gold: I know this is poor timing, but there's something I need to discuss with you.

Fiona: Yes, the timing is poor. Perhaps we can chat about it later over my infamous black pudding. Gideon, too, of course.

Mr. Gold: I need you to reopen the investigation into Belle's disappearance.

Fiona: Oh. You and Gideon lead such charmed lives. Why tear open old wounds?

Mr. Gold: Well, they never properly healed. Gideon may hide it well enough, but I know he's... He's hurting inside. He needs to know the truth. Belle wouldn't just abandon him for no reason.

Fiona: Come with me.

–[Enchanted Forest]–

David and Hook enter in the castle of the giants.

David: Well, it appears we have some ground to cover.

Hook: Well, it's got to be in here somewhere.

David: Maybe it's up there.

Hook: Well, that shouldn't be too difficult. Apart from the fact that that's way up there, and we're way down here.

David: Come on. You just climbed a beanstalk. What's some oversized furniture?

Hook: It's not the furniture I'm worried about. It's its oversized owners.

David: I thought the giants were gone.

Hook: It appears some have stayed. Let's not dawdle.

David: Yeah.

They walk to the table.

Hook: Oh, what are we doing?

David: You can't pull yourself up there. You only have one hand.

Hook: I'm a pirate. You don't think I've swung from masts before? I'm doing this. She's your daughter, but she's my wife. No arguments. It has to be me.

David: Okay, you're right.

Hook: I am?

David: Yeah.

Hook: So, you're gonna trust all of our fates to a pirate?

David: No. I'm gonna trust my son... In-law.

Hook: Thank you.

Hook climbs on the table.

David: Is everything all right up there?

Hook: This place is a bloody obstacle course… Hmm. Merlot.

David: You need help?

Hook: No, I'm fine. I think I just might have found something.

Hook hits the glass with a knife.

David: What was that?

Hook: Just, uh retrieving the… The bean!

Hook breaks the glass and takes the bean.

Hook: Bloody hell.

A giant hears the noise and runs to them.

Hook: I think I just woke up the giants!

Hook jumps from the table.

David: Hook, I think it's worse than giants.

Fire comes from the fireplace.

Hook: Don't tell me you're afraid of a little fire.

David: That's not fire.

Hook: Lovely.

David: Run!

They are chased by a dragon.

–[Storybrooke - Curse]–

Fiona and Mr. Gold are in a car.

Fiona: So, yes. I haven't been completely honest. The police did find evidence of what happened to Belle… I just wanted to save you and Gideon the heartbreak.

Fiona shows Mr. Gold pictures of travelling Belle.

Mr. Gold: Well... She wanted to see the world.

Fiona: Just not with you, it would appear. Look, I must be frank with you, for your sake as well as Gideon's. You're the one that caused him all this pain, not Belle. She left because you could never be the man she wanted you to be. But you can still be the man your son needs you to be... By accepting that and moving on.

Mr. Gold: Thank you… This was, uh... Illuminating.

Mr. Gold gets out the car. Fiona opens the storybook and find Henry’s note.

Fiona: Oh, Henry. What do you know?


Henry wakes up in the hospital. Emma visits him.

Announcer: Indistinct talking over P.A.

Emma: Henry! What happened? Are you okay?

Henry: Mom?

Fiona enters.

Fiona: He was trying to steal this… Then he tried to escape and had a nasty fall.

Emma: You lied to me. You said you were done with all this.

Henry: No. She's the one that's lying. I didn't fall. She pushed me. She wants to destroy your belief.

Fiona: He's confused... Concussed, according to Dr. Whale… Look, I pulled this from the security camera. Put aside the fact that he's my own son... How could I push him if I wasn't even touching him?

Henry: She used magic.

Emma: Kid, there's no such thing as magic.

Henry: True belief is believing even if you can't see. Here, just look at the book.

Emma: Henry.

Henry: Just touch it.

Emma: Henry, enough.

Henry: Touch it!

Emma: Okay, fine.

Emma takes the book.

Emma: All right, Henry. I'm... I'm touching the book.

Henry: It... It didn't work.

Emma: I'm sorry, but you're not a kid anymore. This isn't some daring rescue operation. It's real life.

Henry: Mom... Please.

Fiona: It was just his arm this time. Next time, what if it's his neck... Or worse? This is the apple turnover all over again. He's hurting himself to make you believe his delusions.

Emma: This is all my fault. It has to stop.

Fiona: Then you know what you have to do.

Henry: No. Mom, you can't destroy it. You just... Have to believe in me.

Emma: Kid, just 'cause you believe something doesn't make it true.

Henry: That's exactly what makes it true… Deep down, you know that.

Emma: What I know, Henry, is that I love you. And that's why I have to do this.

Henry: Mom. No. Don't go. This is it. This is the Final Battle.

Emma: Henry, I'm sorry.

Henry: Mom!

Emma and Fiona leave.

–[Enchanted Forest]–

Hook and David get down from the giant bean. There is an earthquake.

–[Storybrooke - Curse]–

Fiona leads Emma to the incinerator.

–[Enchanted Forest]–

Hook: What was that?! Was it the dragon?!

David: I don't think so. I think we got a bigger problem than a dragon!

–[Storybrooke - Curse]–

Emma is about to burn the storybook.

Fiona: Go on, dear. Only you can save our son now, Emma… Go on.

Emma puts the book into the fire. Emma sees Hook’s draw in the book.

–[Enchanted Forest]–

The Enchanted Forest starts to be erased.

Regna: I think we may be too late.


Hook: We better get a move on! Go!

Hooks and David jump from the giant bean.

Kikavu ?

Au total, 132 membres ont visionné cet épisode ! Ci-dessous les derniers à l'avoir vu...

19.08.2023 vers 09h

03.07.2023 vers 18h

07.07.2022 vers 22h

17.06.2022 vers 13h

16.06.2022 vers 23h

18.02.2022 vers 22h

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jptruelove  (31.01.2022 à 17:12)

Ils sont obligés de leur faire perdre aussi souvent la mémoire ??? Surtout que là, c'est comme si tout s'était arrêté à la fin de la première saison pour Emma...

La fée noire en maire et maman adoptive d'Henry, je n'aime pas du tout cela ! 

J'espère que les autres vont vite revenir du royaume enchanté. L'alliance entre Crochet et Charmant est belle à voir et cela fait plaisir de revoir la méchante reine mais j'avoue que j'ai vite envie de ramener tout le monde à Storybrooke. 


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choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

CastleBeck, Hier à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

Viens chatter !