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#403 : Jeter un froid

À Storybrooke, lorsqu'un sort glaçant est jeté sur Marianne, qui risque à terme de lui geler le cœur et de la tuer, les habitants en rejettent la faute sur Elsa. Mais à l'insu de tout le monde, une mystérieuse femme gérant le glacier de la ville possède les même pouvoirs et essaye de la piéger. 

Emma et David trouvent Will Scarlet, ancien membre des Joyeux Compagnons, fouiller dans la tente de Robin des Bois ; Regina fait équipe avec Henry pour tenter de découvrir l'identité de l'auteur du livre de contes ; Mary Margaret peine à trouver un équilibre entre ses devoirs en tant que nouveau maire et en tant que mère de son petit Prince Neal ; et Crochet commence à soupçonner M. Gold d'être toujours en possession de sa dague du Ténébreux.

À Arendelle, Elsa et Kristoff s’apprêtent à empêcher le prince Hans de prendre pouvoir sur le Royaume.


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Jeter un froid

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Plus de détails

Scénario : David H. Goodman et Jerome Schwart

Réalisation : Morgan Beggs

Guests :

Christie Laing Marian 
Elizabeth Mitchell La Reine des Neiges
Tyler Jacob Moore Hans
Rapahel Alejandro Roland
Niel Hognestad Franz
Marcus Rosner Jurgen

Centré sur : Elsa & La Reine des Neiges


Robin, Marian et Roland se promènent en ville. Robin présente la ville à Marian. Ils décident d’aller chez le marchand de glace car Roland les adore.

La marchande de glace se réjouit de voir une famille heureuse. Elle décide d’offrir une glace à Marian qu’elle ensorcelle.

Emma interroge Mr. Gold au sujet d’Elsa. Il lui répond qu’il ne la connait pas et qu’il ne sait rien à propos de l’urne dans laquelle se trouvait Elsa. Emma trouve ça dure à croire. Mr. Gold propose que Belle se serve de la dague sur lui pour voir s’il ment. Belle fait ce que son mari lui demande à contrecœur. Mr. Gold redit qu’il ne sait rien.

–[Arendelle – Passé]–

Dans son château, Elsa s’inquiète car personne ne sait où est Anna. Kristoff et Elsa commencent à sa disputer quand un homme entre. Les éclaireurs ont repéré Hans, ses frères et leur armée dans les montagnes. Kristoff souhaite les rejoindre pour glaner quelques informations mais Elsa lui interdit pour sa sécurité.


Mary Margaret se prépare pour son premier conseil municipal. Elle ne veut pas laisser Neal une seconde ce qui complique un peu la situation.

Mary Margaret propose un ordre du jour mais les habitants ne veulent pas le suivre, ils veulent uniquement discuter du mur de glace et d’Elsa. Mary Margaret tente de les rassurer mais Marian s’évanouit.

Régina rejoint Henry chez Granny avec des comics book. Elle amène la discussion sur le livre de contes et demande à son fils qui en est l’auteur. Henry lui répond que personne ne le sait. Régina ne le croit pas. Henry se demande pourquoi elle s’intéresse à l’auteur. Régina lui répond qu’elle est toujours présentée comme la méchante et qu’elle aimerait que l’auteur lui écrite une fin heureuse. Henry trouve que c’est une très bonne idée et veut aider sa mère, il appelle ça l’opération mangouste. Robin entre affolé dans le restaurant et demande l’aide de Régina.

Robin emmène Régina au bureau du maire. Elle regarde l’état de Marian qui est gelée. Elle ne peut pas arrêter le sort mais seulement le ralentir.

Hook, Emma et Elsa entrent dans le bureau. Régina accuse Elsa d’avoir provoqué l’état de Marian. Elsa lui assure qu’elle n’a rien fait et explique que la seule manière de stopper le sort est un acte d’amour véritable. Robin embrasse Marian mais elle ne se réveille pas. David émet l’hypothèse que la glace empêche le baiser de faire son effet. Régina décide d’étudier ses manuels pour trouver un remède et Emma de partir à la recherche du responsable du sort. Régina lui dit d’emmener des renforts car elle a souvent besoin d’être sauvée en ce moment. Hook veut l’accompagner mais Emma préfère qu’il aille avec Elsa l’attendre au bureau du shérif.

–[Arendelle – Passé]–

Kristoff est en chemin pour le camp de Hans. Il se fait gronder par Sven car il a désobéi à Elsa. Il finit par trouver le camp et commence à espionner Hans et ses frères.

Un des frères de Hans se plaint qu’il a froid et lui demande de mettre du bois au feu. Hans lui dit de le faire lui-même. Son frère lui dit qu’il ne devrait pas lui parler ainsi et le menace. Hans lui répond qu’il ne devrait pas parler de cette manière au futur roi d’Arendelle. Un autre de ses frères lui dit de ne pas vendre la peau de l’ours avant de l’avoir tué. Hans lui répond qu’il a un atout dans sa manche cette fois et qu’il est sûr de gagner.

Durant un conseil de guerre Elsa explique comment elle vaincra Hans. Un de ses conseillers n’est pas emballé. Kristoff entre et annonce qu’Hans sait comment la vaincre. Il explique à Elsa qu’il est allé espionner Hans et qu’il a appris qu’il y a une grotte cachée au nord de la vallée et qu’à l’intérieur il y a le moyen de la neutraliser. Elsa demande à Kristoff de la mener à la caverne.


Plusieurs habitants de Storybrooke se sont regroupés devant chez Granny. Leroy pense qu’ Elsa est responsable de tous leurs problèmes actuels. Archie pense qu’il ne faut pas la condamner sans preuve. Leroy répond que personne d’autre ne sait manipuler la neige et qu’il faut l’arrêter avant qu’elle ne blesse quelqu’un d’autre.

–[Arendelle – Passé]–

Elsa et Kristoff se dirigent vers la grotte. Elsa questionne Kristoff sur l’urne. Kristoff lui répond qu’il sait seulement qu’elle est vieille et qu’elle peut piéger une personne comme elle. Elsa pense qu’elle n’est pas la seule a avoir ce genre de pouvoirs. Kristoff lui dit qu’elle n’est pas seule qu’elle a une sœur. Elsa lui dit qu’Anna ne peut pas comprendre ce que c’est que d’être différent mais que lui il le devrait car il a été élevé par des trolls alors qu’il est humain. Kristoff lui répond que ce n’est pas grave, ils sont une famille et tout ce qu’ils veulent c’est qu’il soit heureux. Ils arrivent à une falaise. Elsa veut utiliser ses pouvoirs pour descendre mais Kristoff pense que Hans pourrait les repérer.


Hook emmène Elsa à travers les rue de Storybrooke. Il s’assure que la voie est libre pour passer. Elsa ne veut pas aller au bureau du shérif. Hook lui répond qu’ils ne s’y rendent pas.

Emma et David cherchent des indices sur la personne qui a jeter le sort à Marian au camp de Robin. Ils entendent un bruit. Will Scarlet sort d’une des tentes. Emma lui demande qui il est, il refuse de donner son nom et s’enfuit. Emma le poursuit, elle trébuche et tombe. David arrête Will. Emma lui redemande qui il est. Il réponds qu’il était un joyeux compagnon et qu’il était venu prendre des nouvelles de Marian. Il leur explique qu’il peut les aider. Il leur raconte que lors de la coupure de courant il a remarquer que la glace chez la marchande est restée gelée et que ceci est impossible.

Régina ne peut pas stopper le sort sur Marian, elle explique que s’il touche le cœur, Marian mourra. Robin lui demande s’il elle peut faire quelque chose. Régina lui répond par l’affirmative mais qu’il faut qu’il lui fasse confiance. Robin lui répond que oui.

Hook et Elsa entrent dans la boutique de Mr. Gold. Il n’est pas ravi de les voir et leur dit que s’ils ne sont pas là pour faire des affaires, il ne peut pas les aider. Hook lui dit qu’il peut lui offrir son silence s’il les aide parce qu’il sait que la dague que Belle a en sa possession n’est pas la vraie. Mr. Gold change d’avis. Il lance un sort de localisation pour retrouver la Reine des Neiges.

Mary Margaret a du mal à ouvrir le coffre de sa voiture et a porter Neal en même temps. Archie vient à sa rencontre. Elle lui assure que tout va bien. Archie n’en est pas sûr vu le nombre de nouvelles responsabilités qu’elle a. Elle lui dit qu’elle ne veut pas rater le moindre moment de la vie de Neal. Archie fait le rapprochement avec le fait qu’elle n’a pas vu grandir Emma. Il lui dit que si elle prend du recul, son fils ira bien et qu’elle ira encore mieux.

Emma, David et Will sont devant chez le glacier. Emma n’est pas convaincue que la marchande soit la responsable. Will lui dit qu’il va prouver ce qu’il avance. Ils entrent. Il n’y a aucun bruit dans le magasin, pas de congélateur. David et Emma vont voir dans l’arrière boutique, Will en profite pour s’enfuir. Emma veut le suivre mais David l’arrête. Elle confie à son père qu’elle a perdu confiance en elle après ce que Régina lui a dit. David lui fait comprendre que ça arrive à tout le monde de passer une mauvaise journée.

Hook et Elsa suivent les flocons de neige dans la forêt. Hook laisse des traces au cas où leur expédition se passerait mal. Elsa lui dit que la neige n’est pas mauvaise et la magie non plus. Hook lui répond qu’il fait tout pour fuir la magie. Elsa s’amuse du fait qu’il ne veut pas fuir Emma alors qu’elle a de la magie. Il pense que c’est elle qui le fuit. Elsa lui explique qu’Emma porte le poids du monde sur ses épaules et qu’il n’est pas facile de faire confiance aux gens même s’ils n’ont que de bonnes intentions.

–[Arendelle – Passé]–

Elsa et Kristoff sont dans la grotte. Ils trouvent l’urne. Kristoff veut la détruire mais Elsa découvre une inscription dessus et se demande ce que ça veut dire. Kristoff lui dit que ça n’a pas d’importance qu’il faut juste la détruire. Hans et ses frères entrent dans la caverne, il exige qu’Elsa lui remette l’urne. S’en suit une bataille, mais Elsa et Kristoff perdent.


Hook et Elsa arrivent tout prêt de la Reine des Neiges. Hook appelle Emma et lui laisse un message. Elsa est fascinée de voir quelqu’un comme elle.

–[Arendelle – Passé]–

Hans menace de tuer Kristoff. Elsa lui donne l’urne pour sauver le fiancé de sa sœur. Elsa s’excuse et demande à Kristoff de retrouver Anna et de sauver Arendelle. Hans ouvre l’urne, un liquide en sort. Il est trop heureux d’enfermer un monstre comme Elsa dans l’urne. Le liquide prend la forme de la Reine des Neiges. Hans lui demande qui elle est. Elle répond qu’elle est un monstre et le gèle.


Elsa et Hook espionnent la Reine des Neige. Hook pense qu’il doivent partir et retrouver Emma. Hook se retrouve piégé par la Reine, il ne peut plus bouger. La Reine révèle qu’elle connaît Elsa qui ne se souvient de rien. La Reine dit que les trolls ont fait en sorte qu’elle oublie tout. Elsa ne pense pas que les troll aient pu lui faire ça. La Reine lui répond qu’ils l’ont fait parce que certains souvenirs sont trop douloureux, exactement comme il l’ont fait pour Anna. Elsa demande ce qui est arrivé à sa sœur. La Reine lui raconte qu’elle s’est retourné contre elle, comme tous les être humain normaux et que c’est elle qui l’a enfermée dans l’urne. Elsa n’en croit pas un mot. La Reine lui dit que tous les habitants de la ville se sont retourné contre elle après ce qui est arrivé à Marian. Elsa lui répond que si les gens la blâment, c’est de sa faute à elle. La Reine menace de tuer Hook et explique que quand ses amis trouveront son cadavre, ils la traiteront tous comme un monstre et qu’elle saura qu’elle a raison. Emma arrive. La Reine la reconnaît mais nie la connaître. Emma repousse la Reine, pendant ce temps-là David tente de libérer David. La Reine fait tomber les stalactites de glace sur Hook et David. Emma les repousse pour les sauver. Le Reine en profite pour s’enfuir.

–[Arendelle – Passé]–

Elsa emmène la Reine des Neige au château. La Reine remarque le tableau de Gerda et du roi. Elsa lui dit qu’il s’agit de son tableau préféré parce qu’il retranscrit à la perfection le sourire de sa mère. La Reine est d’accord et révèle qu’elle est la sœur de Gerda. Elsa est sous le choque, elle ignorait que sa mère avait une sœur. Elsa révèle à son tour que sa mère est morte qu’il ne reste plus qu’elle et sa sœur mais que celle-ci a disparue. La Reine lui dit qu’elles vont la retrouver.


Emma est bouleversée, elle est sûre que la Reine la connaît. David lui dit que c’est normal puisqu’elle est le shérif, la sauveuse et une princesse. Emma est sûre qu’il y a plus que ça. David lui assure qu’ils vont trouver le fin mot de l’histoire. Hook assure qu’ils continueront à chercher. Emma est en colère après Hook parce qu’il ne l’a pas écoutée puis elle va parler à Elsa. Elsa ne croit pas un mot de ce qu’à dit la Reine des Neige. Emma la rassure, la vérité sortira d’elle-même, elle est aussi sûre que la Reine des Neige n’est pas arrivée à Storybrooke avec la malédiction.

Régina attend qu’Henry reviennent. Robin explique à Régina qu’il sait pourquoi, le baiser n’a pas marché, c’est parce qu’il en aime une autre mais il ne peut pas quitter sa femme. Henry arrive. Régina arrache le cœur de Marian et le dépose dans la boîte qu’Henry a rapportée. Elle est sauvée mais restera gelée.

Hook boit seul chez Granny. Emma sort du restaurant, elle est toujours en colère contre Hook. Il la rattrape et lui dit qu’il sait qu’elle a la sensation de porter le monde sur ses épaules mais qu’elle doit lui faire confiance. Elle lui répond qu’elle a confiance en lui. Il ne comprend pas pourquoi elle continue à le repousser. Elle lui dit que tous les hommes avec qui elle a été sont mort et qu’elle ne peut pas le perdre lui aussi. Hook lui répond qu’elle ne doit pas s’inquiéter, que c’est un survivant et l’embrasse.

La Reine des Neige retrouve Mr. Gold dans la forêt. Il lui assure être seul et se désole que les choses ne se passent pas comme prévues. Il lui demande si Emma se souvient d’elle. Elle répond que non. Mr. Gold souhaite savoir si elle veut son aide. Elle lui répond que quand elle voudra passer un marcher, elle saura le trouver.


Robin, Marian and Roland are walking in the street.

Robin: I know this town might seem strange at first, but you do get used to it. And Roland loves it here. He loves watching the boats at the harbour and eating at Granny's...

Roland: And ice cream.

Robin: Yes. How could we forget about ice cream?

Roland: Can we get some now, please?

Robin: Well, I think your mother's seen enough strange things for one day. We should get back to the camp.

Roland: Please, mom? Regina let me.

Marian: Sure.


Into the ice-cream shop.

The Snow Queen: Rocky road for the little man.

Roland: Thank you.

The Snow Queen: You're welcome. And his dashing father. And I don't believe that I've met the beautiful mother.

Robin: Uh, this is Marian.

The Snow Queen: It is lovely to finally meet you, Marian. Well, since you've been through such an ordeal, the least I can do is... Is get you something on the house. What flavour would you like?

Marian: I...Don't know.

Robin: Uh, in our world, the, uh, flavour choices of ice were dirt and mud.

The Snow Queen: In this world, we've made some improvements. Trust me, there is no problem that can't be solved with a bit of ice cream.

The ice-cream is enchanted by the Snow Queen.

Robin: Thank you. That's very kind.

The Snow Queen: No, thank you. Seeing a happy family like yours in here really warms my heart.


At Mr Gold’s shop.

Mr Gold: I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I've never seen her before in my life.

Emma: So how'd she end up inside your urn inside your secret vault of terror?

Mr Gold: Look, if you really want to know how she wound up there, she's standing right beside you, Miss Swan. Why don't you simply ask her?

Elsa: She did. But I can't remember. Something happened to my memories.

Mr Gold: Well, an all-too-common affliction 'round these parts. Pity. But as you can see, many objects fall into my possession... Urns, necklaces, all manner of things. I can't know the history behind all of them.

Hook: Only if there's something in it for you. Right, mate?

Mr Gold: Yeah, well, that may have been true once. But recently my life has been... Turned upside down. I've lost a son. I've gained a wife. So you might say... I've decided to turn over a new leaf.

Emma: Don't forget about my super power. I'll be able to tell if you're lying.

Mr Gold: How about I do you one better? Let's simply have Belle use the dagger on me.

Belle: No. No. Rumple, you don't... You don't have to do that.

Mr Gold: No, no, no. Miss Swan wants proof. And I'm happy to cooperate.

Belle: Fine. I command you, Dark One... To tell them the truth.

Mr Gold: The truth is... Just as I said. I had no idea there was someone inside there. I know nothing about Elsa. Or her sister. But I wish you best of luck finding her.

–[Arendelle – Past]–

At Elsa’s castle.

Elsa: So, no one has heard from Anna? There's been no sightings from any of the scouts?

Kristoff: Since you asked me 10 seconds ago? Nope. She's gonna be fine. I've seen Anna fight wolves and snow monsters and that idiot from the Southern Isles.

Elsa: Hans?

Kristoff: Whatever his name is. Look, the point is she can take care of herself, so stop worrying.

Elsa: Well, I can't just sit here. I'm going after her.

Kristoff: She told me you'd try that and she told me to stop you.

Elsa: Well, you can't. I'm the queen.

Kristoff: Which is exactly why you need to stay in Arendelle, as you told her? Yep. Anna was right. Logic and reason do work on you. Right now, your kingdom needs you more than Anna.

Elsa: She knows me too well.

Kristoff: It's not hard to see. You're a softy. Beneath that "oh, baby, I'm the queen" thing.

Elsa: Why is it your compliments are so aggravating?

Kristoff: Well, I start out that way, but you'll warm up to me.

Someone enters.

The man: Your majesty. I apologize for barging in like this, but we have news from one of our scouts.

Elsa: Have you found Anna?

The man: No. But they discovered something else in their search.

Kristoff: What does it say?

Elsa: There's an army massing in the Southern mountains. Heading for Arendelle, led by prince Hans.

Kristoff: Well, I know every inch of those mountains. Let me sneak up there and see what he's up to.

The man: I didn't realize the official Arendelle ice master and deliverer got a say in matters.

Elsa: He doesn't. You're not going anywhere. It's too dangerous.

Kristoff: Oh, there you go warming up to me. You do care.

Elsa: My sister wants a wedding. It's probably best the groom is alive.

Kristoff: So I'll be real careful.

Elsa: You're staying right here. As you said, I am the queen of Arendelle. So let me be the queen and handle it.


At the City Hall, people is coming for a meeting. Mary Margaret welcomes them. She carries Neal.

Mary Margaret: Hi.

David: Come on inside. Need a hand?

Mary Margaret: Oh, no. I got it.

David: You're planning to run your first fireside chat holding a newborn?

Mary Margaret: Yeah, I'm fine. Mothers are natural multi-taskers.

David: That may be, but you're juggling a lot right now.

Mary Margaret: Well, that's true. I have to say, I'm starting to have more and more respect for our court Jester every day.

David: Yeah. Rupert was special. But you're sure you can...

Mary Margaret: We took back a kingdom, remember? I can handle this.


In the Mayor’s office.

Mary Margaret: Hi, everyone. And welcome to the very first mayor's fireside chat. For too long, this office was a place to be feared. Well, I want every citizen to feel welcome and included here. So, if you could just refer to the meeting agenda I've printed, there are...

Archie: Uh, what's this about an ice wall?

Mary Margaret: Oh, that's, uh, item four. We'll get to that in a minute.

Leroy: I vote we skip items one, two, and three. Show of hands.

Mary Margaret: Yeah, that's... Oh, fine. No, I can... I can be flexible. The ice wall is nothing to worry about. For the time being, it does surround the entire town...

Everyone: What?!

Archie: The entire town?

Leroy: Are you serious?

Mary Margaret: So, no. Oh. Everyone calm down. The wall isn't hurting anyone.

Leroy: We've been through all this before. I ain't worried about the wall. I'm worried about who made it.

Mary Margaret: Item five. Her name is Elsa. She's a friend.

Leroy: Is she the one that froze my truck?

Granny: And made that snow monster that almost killed Marian?

Marian: Bu... I-I'm fine. Really.

David: I've spoken to Elsa, and I promise you we will have all of this under control very soon. And there will be no more danger of any kind.

Mary Margaret: So, if we could all just circle back around to item one, we can all discuss...

Marian faints.

Robin: Marian! Marian! Marian!


Henry is at Granny’s Diner. He drinks a cocoa. Regina joins him with comics.

Regina: I didn't know which ones you were reading these days.

Henry: These are awesome. Much better than algebra. Thanks. But you didn't have to do this.

Regina: Well, I wanted to. But don't get used to it. Isn't it funny how these are just ink and paper but everything in your storybook is real? Makes you wonder who wrote it, doesn't it?

Henry: The storybook?

Regina: Mm-hmm.

Henry: No one knows.

Regina: Oh, come on… You're such an expert on all this. You've read it cover to cover. There's nothing in the book that gives... Even a clue?

Henry: What are you up to?

Regina: These stories about me in the book, I was written as a villain. And things never work out for the villain, so I... Want to find who wrote this book and make them... Ask them... To write me a happy ending. Is that crazy?

Henry: This is the best idea you've ever had. We have to change the book because it's wrong about you. We just have to find the clues.

Regina: "We"? What? You'll help me?

Henry: It'll be our own secret mission.

Regina: Like that "operation viper" you had with Emma.

Henry: "Cobra," but yeah. This one we'll call "operation..."

Regina: "Mongoose."

Henry: Perfect. "Operation mongoose" it is.

Robin enters.

Robin: Oh, Regina. Can we talk?

Regina: What are you doing here?

Robin It's Marian. Something's happened to her. I'm sorry. I didn't know who else to turn to. I need your help.


Robin, Henry and Regina enter in her former office.

Robin: How is she?

David: Not good. She's getting colder.

Mary Margaret: Regina, thanks for coming.

Regina: Don't thank me till I've done something. Who's idea was that?

Mary Margaret: Oh, I thought I would put my own personal touch on the office.

Regina: Well, you've succeeded. Hideously.

Robin: Is there anything you can do?

Regina: This is strong magic. I-I can't stop it, but maybe I can slow it down.

Emma, Elsa and Hook enter.

Emma: What happened?

Regina: Perhaps you should ask your new friend. After all, it was her monster that attacked Marian.

Hook: Well, to be fair, we did provoke the beast.

Elsa: But this isn't my magic. Someone else did this.

Regina: Oh, and we're supposed to trust you?

Emma: You can trust me. If she says it was someone else, it was.

Henry: So, how do we break the spell?

Elsa: The only way to cure a freezing spell is an act of true love.

Regina: True love's kiss.

Robin: Well, then there's no time to lose.

Robin kisses Marian. She doesn’t wake up.

Robin: What's wrong? Why isn't it working?

David: I've seen this once before, when Frederick was turned to gold.

Emma: Who the hell's Frederick?

Henry: Long story.

Robin: So, the cold is acting as a barrier? Is there nothing we can do?

Regina: Well, every curse is different. I need more time to study this one.

Emma: I'm gonna go find who did this before it happens again.

Regina: Well, I hope you bring backup.

Emma: What the hell was that supposed to mean?

Regina: Well, between the snow monster and the cave-in... Seems like the saviour needs saving these days.

Emma: I think you're bitter and you're taking it out on the wrong person. I'll be fine.

Hook: Well, I like that battle plan, so I'm with you, Swan.

Emma: No. Take Elsa to the sheriff's station. Keep her out of sight. Once people get word of this, they're gonna be calling for her head.

Hook: I'd rather save yours than hers. There's someone dangerous out there.

Emma: I don't have time to argue with you about this. Can you for once just do what I say?

–[Arendelle – Past]–

Kristoff and Sven are walking on the mountain. They look for Hans’s camp.

Kristoff: I am doing what Elsa said. Well, the spirit of it, anyway. Fine. Okay. I'm disobeying her. But she'll be glad, Sven. You'll see. She just doesn't know it yet. Now, stay put, buddy.


Kristoff finds the camp. He spies on them.

Kristoff: Wow. He wasn't exaggerating. He really does have 12 brothers.


At the camp.

Brother 1: Hans. More wood on the fire. It's freezing.

Hans: I'm busy. Do it yourself.

Brother 1: Now, is that any way to treat your big brother? Maybe I'll throw you on instead.

Hans: You would be wise not to insult the future king of Arendelle.

His brothers laugh on him.

Brother 2: Don't you think it's a little early to be sizing the crown, Hans?

Brother 1: Remember what happened the last time.

Hans: Of course I remember. But last time, I didn't have this.


At Elsa’s castle.

Elsa: Even if they had enough men to storm the castle, I'd freeze them before they reached the gate.

The man: He's posturing. Prince Hans has seen what you can do.

Kristoff: And he knows how to defeat her.

Elsa: Kristoff. Shouldn't you be... Somewhere else?

Kristoff: I should be. I was. Uh... I mean... I went to spy on Hans, okay?

Elsa: You disobeyed me.

Kristoff: Punish me after I tell you what I found. There's an urn hidden in a cave in the north valley. It has the power to trap people like you.

Elsa: People... Like me?

Kristoff: With magic. Hans wants to use it against you and then invade Arendelle.

The man: Your majesty, if this is truly his plan, let us take the fight to him.

Elsa: No. I will not risk that many lives. There has to be a way to avoid war.

Kristoff: I know the valley, the cave, the shortcut that they don't. Let me bring a few soldiers, and I will destroy the urn.

Elsa: You can bring one. Me.


Leroy and some people of Storybrooke have a meeting before Granny’s Diner.

Leroy: Elsa's the problem. Today it's Marian. Tomorrow she could freeze the whole town.

Granny: Much as I like to move the hot cocoa, somebody's got to stop her.

Archie: Wait. You can't just condemn her without all the facts.

Leroy: Look around. Who else can turn people into popsicles? It's Elsa, and we all know it, so she's got to be stopped before she hurts someone else.

–[Arendelle – Past]–

Elsa and Kristoff are walking into the woods.

Elsa: Did Hans say anything else about the urn? Anything at all?

Kristoff: Just that it can trap people like you and it's really, really old.

Elsa: Do you understand what that means? There must have been others like me. I always thought I was alone.

Kristoff: You've never been alone. You have Anna.

Elsa: And I love her. But... We're not the same.

Kristoff: Yeah. No, I got that.

Elsa: You know what I mean. We're sisters, and I love her, but I have this... Magic. You should understand. I mean, you grew up with rock trolls.

Kristoff: So?

Elsa: So you're human and they're, you know, rocks.

Kristoff: They're family. They just wanted what was best for me. I guess I never really felt alone.

Elsa: Wish I could see it like that.

Kristoff: Whoa! Watch out! Welcome to the north valley. The cave is about 100 feet straight down.

Elsa: Not a problem. Would you prefer a slide or a spiral staircase?

Kristoff: Whoa, whoa, whoa. No, no, no. We can't use magic. Hans might see it and be right on top of us.

Elsa: Well, what would you suggest?

Kristoff: Well, something a bit more rustic.


Hook leads Elsa through Storybrooke’s streets.

Hook: Wait. All right. Coast is clear. That means go, love.

Elsa: I'm not coming with you. There's someone out there with powers like mine. I need to find out who. I...I can't just hide out in some sheriff's station.

Hook: Oh. Well, that works out quite nicely, then. 'Cause that's not where we're going.

Elsa: It's not?

Hook: With Emma running into danger? Not a chance in hell. And the sheriff's station's that way.

Elsa: And what's that way?

Hook: With any luck, danger.


At Robin’s camp.

David: Robin and Marian's tent's up ahead. So, what exactly are we looking for?

Emma: If whoever cursed Marian has the same powers as Elsa, maybe they left a trail.

David: So we split up and we look for anything... Cold.

Emma: Yeah.

David: Well, shout if you need help, and I'll...

Emma: Okay. Yeah. I got it.

Emma hears a noise. Someone searches in a tent.

Emma: Whoever's in there, come out.

A man gets out.

Emma: Who the hell are you? What are you doing in that tent?

Will: It depends who's asking.

Emma: The sheriff's asking.

Will: I never did like sheriffs very much. Though you do seem like the decent sort, so I'm guessing you're not gonna shoot a man in the back.

Will runs away. Emma follows him.

Emma: Hey, stop!

David stops Will.

David: Where were you going?

Emma: I almost had him, but I... Fell.

David: Don't worry about it. That's why we have two sheriffs.

Will: Two sheriffs? Bloody hell. That's not even fair, is it?

Emma: Who are you?

Will: All right. My name's will Scarlet. I used to be a merry man until me and Robin Hood had a bit of a falling out.

Emma: So what are you doing in his tent?

Will: Well, I heard what happened to Marian. Terrible thing. But I kind of know something that might help.

Emma: Well, he's not here right now, so tell us.

Will: Look, I'm a thief. Always been a thief, always gonna be a thief. And when there's a blackout like the other night, do you know what a thief does?

Emma: He goes to work.

Will: Exactly. So, I'm working me way down main street when I break into the ice-cream parlour and see the strangest thing. There'd been no electricity for hours, but still all the ice cream was frozen solid. How... How does something like that happen?


At the mayor’s office.

Regina: The curse is working its way towards her heart. Once it touches...That's it.

Robin: Is there nothing you can do?

Regina: There might be something. But only if you trust me completely.

Robin: I do.

Regina: Then I'll send Henry to my vault to get what I need.

Robin: Of course. What are you going to do?

Regina: Something drastic.


At Mr Gold’s shop.

Mr Gold: I must apologize, but I'm really rather busy today.

Hook: And here I was hoping for a warm hello from the newly-reformed Mr. Gold.

Mr Gold: This is still a place of business. So unless you have something to offer me, I'm afraid I can be of no further help.

Hook: Well, as it turns out, I do have something to offer you... My silence. See... I know that that dagger you gave Belle was a fake.

Mr Gold: Is that right?

Hook: Mm. I've hunted you a long time, my old crocodile, and I know you better than most. And I know that you would never let anyone have power over you. Not even Belle.

Mr Gold: And you expect her to believe you without a shred of proof?

Hook: Well, I could ask her to summon you with the dagger. And then, when it doesn't work... Proof.

Mr Gold: That's a very dangerous insinuation.

Hook: So we have a deal?

Mr Gold: I do hope Miss Swan's worth it.

Hook: Good news! He's agreed to help.

Elsa: This hair is from Marian. Someone cast a freezing curse on her. We need to know who it is.

Mr Gold: Well... You're in luck. Magic can change forms, but never be destroyed. We'll simply return it to its natural state.

Elsa: Snowflakes.

Mr Gold: Magic similar to yours, dearie, though not quite the same. Much like a snowflake, each person's magic is unique.

Hook: Poetic. How does that help us?

Mr Gold: Well, magic seeks out like-magic. So if I set this free... It should find its way home, back to the person who cast it.


Mary Margaret tries to open her car trunk.

Mary Margaret: Come on. Ah!

Archie: Got your hands full.

Mary Margaret: No, I'm fine. It's just a little trouble with the stroller. You know, they... They make these contraptions so complicated. Oh! See?

Archie: Ohh. I can't imagine how complicated things must be with all your new responsibilities as a mother and Storybrooke and this whole ice problem. It's a lot to take on, even for Snow White.

Mary Margaret: Oh, I can handle it. You know, 'cause... I mean, I want to. They say that they grow up so fast. And I don't want to miss a second.

Archie: Yeah. Because you missed it with Emma.

Mary Margaret: I don't remember scheduling a session.

Archie: I'm sorry. Um... I-I just can't help myself. But, you know, it... It's really okay. It's actually healthy to not be joined at the hip. And I can tell you, if you let it go, even just a little, the baby will be just fine. And you'll be even better. I promise.


Before the ice-cream shop’s.

Emma: I don't know. Looks pretty normal to me.

Will: It was bleeding cold in there, I'm telling you.

Emma: Because they sell ice cream.

Will: During the blackout.

Emma: Says the guy who's trying to avoid jail.

Will: I may be a thief, but I'm no liar and I can bloody well prove it.

David: Really? You think breaking in again is gonna help your case?

Will: Can you just be quiet a second, mate? I'm just trying to do this. Takes concentration. Bit tricky. It's all about... Yeah, the tumblers.

Emma: I got it.

David: You do?

Emma: Neal taught me a few things.

They enter.

David: Emma, it doesn't look like...

Emma : Wait. Shh. Listen.

Will: I don't hear nothing.

Emma: Exactly. No compressor hum means no cooling system. Smartass here was telling the truth. Something's not right here.

Will: Check the back. You'll see how right I am.

They enter in the back room.

Emma: Well, look at that.

David: Looks like we owe will an apology.

Will runs away.

Emma: Son of a... He's gone. And he didn't leave empty-handed.

David: Emma, stop. He's not the most important thing right now.

Emma: So I just let him go?

David: And then you'll find him.

Emma: Will I?

David: What's going on? Emma, I'm your father. Talk to me.

Emma: It's Regina. What she said, she was right. It's like I can't save a cat from a tree right now. It's like I'm the anti-saviour.

David: You're being a little hard on yourself. We all have bad days.

Emma: Well, I'm having a run of them.

David: I know. But you can't lose faith in yourself. Trust me.


Hook and Elsa are following the snowflakes into the wood.

Elsa: What are you doing?

Hook: Leaving a trail. I'm more accustomed to outrunning bad weather than following it.

Elsa: Snow isn't bad. And we're following magic.

Hook: Try to outrun that, too, when given the chance. What's so funny?

Elsa: It's just Emma has magic, and you clearly don't want to outrun her.

Hook: More like the other way around.

Elsa: Maybe she feels the same way about pirates as you do about magic.

Hook: I've worked to change. Though, in fairness, being a pirate is not necessarily a bad thing. Particularly a charming one like meself.

Elsa: I think your self-appreciation is blinding you to a simple fact... This isn't about you. It's about her.

Hook: Is that right? A few short days, and you know Emma so well?

Elsa: We're a lot alike. When you have the weight of the world on your shoulders, it can be hard to let people in, to trust them. Even when they want what's best for you.

–[Arendelle – Past]–

Elsa and Kristoff are in a cave.

Kristoff: There's the urn. See? I told you we could beat Hans the old-fashioned way. Now let's destroy it.

Elsa: Do you mind if I use my magic now? Or would you prefer to hack away at it with your ice-axe?

Kristoff: You know, my hacking arms a little tired. I think you should do the honours, your majesty.

Elsa: Why, thank you, ice master. Wait. There's something written here. I think these are ancient Futhark runes. I can't read it. What do you think it says?

Kristoff: Uh... "Dangerous urn! Keep away!" Just a guess. Does it matter? Let's destroy it and get out of here.

Elsa: What if it can tell me if there are others like me? I'm the only one in my family born with magic. I'd like to know why.

Kristoff: Elsa, I know you want answers. But right now we can get rid of that urn for your own good, and Arendelle's.

Elsa: I want to know what it says. I might not get another chance.

Kristoff: Please, Elsa, you have to trust me on this...

Elsa: No!

Kristoff: Someone's coming. Hans.

Hans and his brothers join Elsa and Kristoff.

Hans: And his brothers. Three of them, anyway. The urn. Get it.

Elsa uses her magic to block two brothers. The third tries to attack Elsa but Kristoff rescues her. He starts to fight but looses. Hans threatens Kristoff.

Hans: Enough, witch. Unless you want your sister to be left a widow.

Kristoff: You know, technically, she wouldn't be a widow. We're not married yet, so... Ow.

Hans: Hand it over. Now.


Hook and Elsa are following the snowflakes into the wood.

Hook: I'd say we're on the right track.

Elsa: Yes. There she is. Look.

Hook: Get down.

Elsa: What is that thing?

Hook: I don't know. It's a device for... Talking. I don't bloody know. I press the "Emma" button, and she answers usually.

Emma: Hey, this is Emma. Leave a message.

Hook: Why should I carry around this ridiculous thing if you're never there when I use it? We found the person who froze Marian. Get to the west edge of the woods right away. What the bloody hell are you doing?

Elsa: Sorry. I've never seen someone like me before. She doesn't look evil.

Hook: Yeah, well, looks can be deceiving, love. So let's just stay out of sight. I haven't a fondness of icebergs and I'd rather avoid being turned into one.

–[Arendelle – Past]–

In the cave.

Hans: This is the man she's to marry?

Kristoff: In fairness, I never tried to kill her.

Hans: I didn't try to kill her. I left her to die.

Kristoff: Important distinction.

Hans: But I'm happy to kill you.

Elsa: Please, no! Don't hurt him.

Hans: Then give me the urn.

Kristoff: Elsa, don't. It doesn't matter what happens to me. Just don't let him have it.

Elsa: Wait. You can take it. Just let him go.

Kristoff: Elsa!

Elsa: I'm sorry, Kristoff. I should have listened to you and destroyed it when I had the chance.

Kristoff: Don't you understand? If Hans has the urn and traps you, then Arendelle is doomed.

Elsa: No, it isn't. I didn't trust you before, which is why I have to trust you now. You have to find Anna and save Arendelle.

Hans takes the urn.

Hans: Huh? Oh, you want to make fun of me now? Showed them. Now I'll show you. You don't belong in this world. You don't belong anywhere. Which is why I'm gonna put you somewhere where it's like you don't even exist.

Hans opens the urn and pay a white liquid on the floor.

Hans: The citizens of Arendelle will cheer when I take their kingdom because they'll finally have a real ruler. Not a monster like you.

The white liquid turn into the Snow Queen.

Kristoff: No one thought to check if it was empty?

Hans: What's going on? Who are you?

Kristoff: Hmm, from what I just heard, I think you'd call me a monster.

The Snow Queen freezes Hans. His brothers run away.

Elsa: You... You saved me.

The Snow Queen: I know from experience. No one should be trapped in that urn. Especially someone as special as you. Who is this?

Elsa: It's okay. He's okay. His name's Kristoff. He's my friend.


Elsa and Hook spies on the Snow Queen.

Hook: We've waited long enough. We have to find Emma.

They are about to leave when the Snow Queen uses her power to trap Hook.

The Snow Queen: I'm sorry. I'm afraid I can't let you leave.

Hook: What?

Elsa: Let go of him now.

The Snow Queen: Not when you and I have so much catching up to do, my sweet Elsa.

Hook: Catching up? What? You know her?

Elsa: I've never seen her before.

The Snow Queen: You've simply forgotten.

Elsa: I wouldn't forget someone like you… Like me.

The Snow Queen: The magic of the rock trolls. They pull memories. They did quite a number on you, I'm afraid.

Elsa: The rock trolls? Why would they do that to me?

The Snow Queen: For the same reason they did it to your sister, Anna. Some memories are too painful.

Elsa: You know Anna? What happened to her?

The Snow Queen: The same things that happens to every ordinary person. Eventually... They grow to fear us. You wonder... How you ended up trapped in that urn. It was your sister. Anna put you there.

Elsa: You're lying.

The Snow Queen: Am I? Look at the people in this town. They're ready to burn you at the stake.

Elsa: Because of what you did. You hurt one of them.

The Snow Queen: You mean that woman... Marian. Well, that was an accident.

Elsa: No, it wasn't. You wanted them to think it was me. To blame me. Why?

The Snow Queen: I was trying to teach you a lesson. Eventually, everyone turns on people like us. Even friends. Even family. They're just waiting for a reason.

The Snow Queen creates stalactites over Hook.

Elsa: What are you doing?!

The Snow Queen: Don't bother. I've neutralized your magic. When your friend is found, you'll look responsible. Then they'll turn on you and they'll treat you as the monster that they truly see you as, and you'll know that I'm right.

Elsa: No!

Emma: Hey! Dairy queen!

The Snow Queen: Emma?

Emma: Do we know each other?

The Snow Queen: Of course not. Your reputation precedes you. You really think that your magic is a match for mine?

Emma: There's only one way to find out.

Emma pushes away the Snow Queen. David tries to free Hook.

Hook: No.

The Snow Queen makes the stalactites fall on Hook and David. Emma uses her magic to push them away.

Emma: You guys okay?

David: Yeah, we're fine. Where is she?

Emma: She's gone.

–[Arendelle – Past]–

At Elsa’s castle.

Elsa: Have you ever made a snowman come to life? That's the best.

The Snow Queen: Have you tried building an ice palace yet?

Elsa: Yes. You have to see it sometime.

The Snow Queen: Oh.

Elsa: That's my favourite painting of my parents. I feel like it gets my mother's smile just right.

The Snow Queen: I agree.

Elsa: You knew her?

The Snow Queen: Yes. She's my sister. I knew, when you told me you were queen, that I... I was waiting for the right moment. I-I-I didn't want to overwhelm you. Did... did I?

Elsa: No, I... Well, a bit, yes. Mother never told me she had a sister.

The Snow Queen: I'm sure she was trying to spare you a very painful history. Y-you see I was trapped in that urn by people who fear magic like ours. But that was a long time ago. And now I cannot wait to see my beloved sister again. Where is she?

Elsa: Lost at sea. I'm sorry.

The Snow Queen: My poor darling girl. You must have felt so lonely when she died.

Elsa: It was just me and my sister, Anna. But now she's missing and I fear something's happened to her, too.

The Snow Queen: We'll find her. Together. That's what family is for.


Into the woods.

Emma: No sign of her. Not even tracks.

David: What is it? You okay? Hey, we're gonna find her. Don't let Regina shake your confidence.

Emma: It's not that. It's this Snow Queen. It's like she didn't just know Elsa. She knew me, too.

David: Well, you are the sheriff and the saviour and royalty. I think pretty much everyone in Storybrooke knows who you are.

Emma: There's something more. It's like, when she said my name, I-I-I don't know. It sounded familiar.

Emma: Well, we'll figure it out. But today you did good. You stopped her. It was a pretty impressive show, sheriff.

Hook: That it was. But perhaps we should keep searching, find the villain's lair, as it were.

Emma: So you can almost get yourself killed again? That's exactly why I told you to go to the sheriff's station.

Emma goes to talk to Elsa.

Emma: How are you doing?

Elsa: That woman was lying about my sister. She would never trap me in that urn. She was lying about the past. I just wish I knew the truth.

Emma: I've learned the past has a way of revealing itself. Give it time. We're gonna find her, Elsa. Your sister, Anna, and this Snow Queen. My gut tells me that you two are just pawns. I think this is about something more.

Elsa: What makes you say that?

Emma: I brought you to this world, Elsa, but it was an accident. The Snow Queen, she was already here. I'm starting to think maybe it wasn't just some curse that brought her to Storybrooke.


Regina is waiting for Henry and Robin at the mayor’s office. Marian is frozen. Robin comes back.

Robin: Roland's with Little John now. I wish I could have told him I did everything I could.

Regina: Even true love's kiss can't solve every problem.

Robin: Well, there's a reason that kiss didn't work. And it's not what everyone thinks. I'm in love with someone else.

Regina: You are?

Robin: Yes. But...

Regina: I know. I know you... Have to go back to her. She's still your wife.

Robin: I'm sorry I dragged you into this.

Henry is back.

Henry: You really need to clean that vault out. But I found it.

Regina: You're sure you still want me to do this?

Robin: Yes.

Regina rips Marian’s heart.

Regina: Well, the ice hasn't touched her heart yet. We can keep her alive.

Robin: So, then, she'll simply stay like this? Alive but... Frozen?

Regina: Until we find a cure. And I will find one.


Hook is drinking alone. Emma gets out from Granny’s Diner.

Hook: Swan. Don't make a man drink alone.

Emma: Not in the mood for a drink or a man.

Hook: I'm sorry I didn't listen to you today. All right, I know you feel like you've got the weight of the world on your shoulders. But at some point, even though we're quite different, you've got to trust me.

Emma: That's what you think this is about? That I don't trust you?

Hook: Is that not what it's about?

Emma: Of course I trust you.

Hook: Then why do you keep pulling away from me?

Emma: Because everyone I've ever been with is dead. Neal and Graham. Even Walsh. I lost everyone. I... I can't lose you, too.

Hook: Well, love, you don't have to worry about me. If there's one thing I'm good at, it's surviving.

Hook kisses Emma.


The Snow Queen is walking into the woods.

Mr Gold: Don't worry, dearie. It's only me. Sorry things didn't work out the way you wanted.

The Snow Queen: They will.

Mr Gold: We shall see. And, uh... Did Miss Swan remember you?

The Snow Queen: No.

Mr Gold: That's good for you. Because it could happen. And you wouldn't want that, now, would you? Are you sure you don't want my help?

The Snow Queen: When I'm ready to make a deal, I'll come to you.

Mr Gold: A moment I eagerly await. Now, you should find some shelter. It's getting quite frosty.

Kikavu ?

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jptruelove  (12.12.2021 à 20:43)

Pauvre Marianne... Regina va-t-elle trouver quelque chose pour la sauver de ce sort ? Je suis vraiment curieuse...

Je ne sais pas pourquoi, mais ça ne m'inspire pas trop positivement, l'opération mangouste... Je comprends que REgina souhaite une fin heureuse mais j'ai peur des effets que cela aurait sur les histoires des autres personnages. 


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CastleBeck, Avant-hier à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

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