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#617 : L'effet d'une fleur

Toujours piégé au Pays Imaginaire, Crochet s'allie avec Lily la Tigresse, espérant trouver un moyen de retourner auprès d'Emma. À Storybrooke, Regina tente de briser le charme du Sommeil sous lequel sont David et Mary Margaret, et Gold ignore la Fée Noire, ce qui les amène dans une impasse redoutable.

Dans le passé, Blanche-Neige et le Prince Charmant font un sacrifice afin qu'Emma accomplisse son destin de Sauveuse.


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L'effet d'une fleur

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Plus de détails

Réalisation : Sharat Raju

Scénario : Andrew Chambliss, Leah Fong

Guests :

Sara Tomko Lily la Tigresse
Ayden Turpel-Stewart Enfant perdu
Mathew Bittroff Enfant perdu
Mckenna Grace Emma jeune

Once Upon A Time, Saison 6

Episode 617 : L’effet d’une fleur

Résumé :

Hook communique avec Emma à propos de Gideon.

Gideon commence à se retourner contre la Fée Noire qui lui vole alors son cœur.

Hook et Barbe Noire arrivent au Pays Imaginaire.

Scène 1 : Présent. Pays Imaginaire

Hook est poursuivi par des Enfants perdus et, au moment où il s’apprête à être capturé à cause de ce qu’il a fait à Pan, il est sauvé par Lily la Tigresse qui l’endort à son tour.


Scène 2 : Appartement des Charmant

Les symboles dessinés par Henry et traduits pas Isaac parlent de la Bataille Finale à laquelle Emma doit faire face. David et Regina espèrent briser la malédiction pour que ses deux parents soient aux côtés d’Emma pour la Bataille. Regina annonce avoir trouvé un remède.

Scène 3 : Flashback. Storybrooke au temps de la malédiction

Snow se promène en ville avec l’intention d’aller déposer des fleurs pour John Doe alias David lorsqu’elle tombe sur Regina qui lui apprend que l’inconnu ne se réveillera peut-être jamais. Elle découvre une fleur qui a poussé sur le trottoir et qui l’intrigue. Elle la coupe et l’amène auprès de David. La fleur diffuse alors son pouvoir, ce qui réveille David. Il embrasse alors sa femme qui recouvre également la mémoire.

Scène 4 : Présent. Storybrooke. Caveau de Regina

Zelena et Regina tentent de briser la malédiction mais cela ne marche pas et accélère même l’effet du sort : à la fin de la journée, les deux Charmant seront endormis en même temps.

Scène 5 : Flashback. Storybrooke. Hôpital

David et Snow essayent de quitter l’hôpital et de recruter des alliés pour chercher leur fille. Regina apprend que David est réveillé.

Scène 6 : Maison d’Emma

Tout le monde discute du nouvel effet du sort et découvre que seule la Fleur de Fée peut le briser puisqu’elle pousse partout dans Storybrooke et uniquement lorsque le Mal est à l’œuvre.

Scène 7 : Boutique de Gold

La Fée Noire prévient son fils qu’il finira par s’allier à elle de son plein gré.

Scène 8 : Flashback. Boutique de Gold

David et Gold discutent d’Emma et David se rend compte que Gold est éveillé en dépit de la malédiction. Le Ténébreux conseille à David de sa servir de la Fleur de Fée, celle-la même qui l’a réveillé, pour réunir sa famille.

Scène 9 : Présent. Appartement des Charmant

David réveille Snow car les talents de pisteuse de cette dernière seront utiles pour partir à la recherche de la Fleur. David remonte le moral de sa fille vis-à-vis de sa situation actuelle envers Killian.

Scène 10 : Pays Imaginaire

Lily la Tigresse veut que Killian apporte une arme, qui est un bout de baguette magique, dans le monde sans magie afin de venir en aide à la Sauveuse et vaincre la Fée Noire. Lily et Hook décident d’utiliser les pouvoirs magiques de Pan, enterrés sur l’île, pour qu’il puisse retourner à Storybrooke.

Scène 11 : Flashback. Storybrooke. Puits aux souhaits

Regina a ameuté la ville pour trouver David et se rend compte que Snow et David sont éveillés.

Scène 11 : Retour au présent. Forêt de Storybrooke

Emma et Snow trouvent un champ de Fleurs de Fée mais celui-ci est anéanti pat Gideon, manipulé par la Fée Noire.

Scène 12 : Pays Imaginaire

Lily et Hook parviennent à dérober la magie que Pan a cachée dans l’Arbre au Pendu pour détacher son ombre et lui confier le morceau de baguette qui permettra de défaire la Fée Noire.

Scène 13 : Flashback. Storybrooke

Emma et David décident d’utiliser la Fleur de Fée pour retrouver Emma mais Gold leur apprend que s’ils retrouvent Emma à ce moment-là, le Sort Noir ne sera jamais brisé car elle ne deviendra jamais la Sauveuse. Il leur remet également une potion d’amnésie.

Scène 14 : Présent. Forêt de Storybrooke

Emma et Snow découvrent qu’une Fleur de Fée a survécu et reprennent espoir.

Scène 15 : Flashback. Storybrooke

Snow et David se servent de la Fleur de Fée pour rejoindre Emma. Ils la voient à travers une porte magique et s’apprêtent à la rejoindre mais, au dernier moment, ils changent d’avis et décident de laisser vivre sa vie pour qu’elle devienne la Sauveuse et viennent tous les sauver. Ils boivent la potion d’amnésie et la vie maudite reprend son cours.

Scène 16 : Retour au présent. Appartement des Charmant

Regina a préparé un antidote, grâce à la Fleur de Fée, pour sauver Snow et David lorsque l’ombre d’Hook arrive avec le morceau de baguette et le crochet de Killian qu’il remet à Emma. Snow décide de sacrifier la potion pouvant rompre la malédiction pour sauver Killian et lui révèle qu’elle a laissé filer sa chance de s’occuper d’elle par le passé avant de sombrer dans le sommeil.

Scène 17 : Pays Imaginaire/ Appartement des Charmant

Les Enfants perdus veulent exécuter Hook pour ce qu’il a fait à Pan au moment où Emma ouvre une porte, grâce à la potion, pour le récupérer. Hook rentre auprès d’Emma et s’excuse de ne pas lui avoir fait confiance. Il la demande en mariage et elle accepte. Emma lui explique alors ce qui est arrivé en son absence.

Regina a une nouvelle idée pour réveiller les Charmant.

Scène 18 : Mairie

Regina réunit les proches de Snow et David et leur avoue qu’ils ont renoncé, lors de la malédiction, à être auprès de leur fille pour pouvoir les sauver. Elle explique que pour sauver les Charmant, il faut partager le charme entre eux : le plan fonctionne et David et Snow se réveillent grâce à la confiance que leurs proches ont en eux. David pardonne à Hook le fait d’avoir tué son père.

Scène 19 : Grand Rue

La Fée Noire et Gold discutent du fait qu’elle ait arraché le cœur de Gideon et lui apprend que ce dernier est parvenu à résister à l’emprise de sa mère d’adoption. En effet, c’est grâce à lui qu’une Fleur a pu échapper au massacre.


Rédigé par Sanct08


The Lost Boys are still chasing Hook.

Lost Boy: Get the pirate! Make him pay! Over there!

Hook tries to escape but he ends up prisoner.

Hook: Oh, bloody hell. Look, I've got... I've got treasure buried all over this island and, uh... And rum. Any of you lads old enough to drink rum?

Lost Boy: There's only one thing we want from you... To make you pay for what happened to Pan.

Hook: Aye? Well, let's get on with it then.

Hook draws his sword.

Hook: I've got somebody waiting for me at home. Now, look, I don't want to hurt any of you, so this is your last chance.

Tiger Lily attacks the Lost Boys.

Lost Boy: Ugh!

The Lost Boys are sleeping.

Tiger Lily: You should really be more careful, Captain… The Lost Boys have gotten nasty since Pan died.

Hook: Tiger Lily.

Tiger Lily: Didn't expect to ever see you back on this rock.

Hook: Neither did I. This isn't exactly what you call a planned excursion. I suppose thanks are in order for the daring rescue.

Tiger Lily: Right. About that... Who said this was a rescue?

Tiger Lily stabs Hook with an arrow. Hook falls asleep.


Emma, David, Regina and Henry are at the loft.

Emma: "The Final Battle"?

Regina: According to that weasel, Isaac, that's what these hieroglyphs mean.

Emma: We really are at the end of the book.

David: We should have seen this coming.

Emma: There's no way you could.

David: Yes. Back in the Enchanted Forest, when Rumplestiltskin told us you were destined to be the Saviour, he said you would have to fight the Final Battle. We thought that meant breaking the original curse. We... We never would have put you through that wardrobe if we knew it was gonna lead to this.

Emma: And it's fine. I'm not gonna lose. Come on, kid. Let's go to the library and see if we can find something to decipher exactly what this means.

Emma handshakes.

Henry: It's going to be okay, Mom.

Emma: I know.

Emma and Henry leave.

David: Her story can't end like this. Hook's trapped in another realm. Her parents are stuck apart. She can't go into the Final Battle without her family.

Regina: I agree. But unless you or Snow sleepwalk, Emma's going to have to settle for only one Charming.

David: Unless you break the curse you put us under.

Regina: I know, and I'm working on an antidote. This kind of magic takes time, testing, and experimenting to be sure.

David: Testing? You have something?

Regina: Okay, yes, I may have something, but it could be dangerous or life-threatening.

David: Our daughter is about to face the biggest fight of her life. We'll do whatever it takes to be with her. Now, whatever you have... It'll work… It has to. I mean, it's not like it's the first curse we've ever woken up from.

–[Storybrooke – Past]–

Mary Margaret is walking in the street.

Mary Margaret: Good afternoon, Granny.

Granny: It'd be a hell of a lot better if Ruby weren't still sleeping off last night's hangover. Now I'm putting out the open sign. These were supposed to be my golden years.

Mary Margaret: Hi, Marco!

Marco: Look at what you've made me do.

Marco lets his tools falls down.

Mary Margaret: I'm sorry. Oh, hi, Dr. Hopper.

Archie: Ah. Oh! Oh, sorry about Pongo. He... He's in a mood. He's off gluten.

Mary Margaret crashes into Regina.

Regina: Oh!

Mary Margaret: Ah! Ah! Oh, I'm so sorry, Madame Mayor.

Regina: What is so important that you can't pay attention to where you're walking?

Mary Margaret: Well, I was just headed to the hospital to deliver these.

Regina: Oh, let me guess. For John Doe?

Mary Margaret: I like to think it comforts him. I can get another bunch.

Regina: Well, don't waste your money. It's not like he can tell the difference.

Mary Margaret: Has there been any news? Has anyone figured out who he is or where his family might be?

Regina: I'm not sure it really matters.

Mary Margaret: Why's that? Dr. Whale said it's beginning to look like... He may never wake up.

Mary Margaret throws her flowers. She sees a flower growing on the pavement.


Mary Margaret enters in David’s hospital room.

Mary Margaret: Sorry I'm late… I almost didn't come, but... Then I saw this, and something in me told me I had to bring it to you.

The pixie dust spreads on David.

Mary Margaret: Oh, no. What's happening? What have I done?

David wakes up.

David: Snow.

Mary Margaret: Snow. Oh, no, I don't understand.

David: Where is she?

Mary Margaret: N-N-No! Oh!

David: Where is the Evil Queen?

Mary Margaret: No. Oh! No, no, no, no, no, no. You've... You're confused. You've been in a coma.

David: The Evil Queen's guards... They stabbed me. I-I passed out, and then... The curse must have brought us here, whatever this place is.

Mary Margaret: I'm gonna go get a doctor.

David: All right. Whatever she did to you, I know Snow White is in there somewhere. Trust me.

Mary Margaret: You are delusional and speaking gibberish. Why would I trust you?

David: Because you love me and I love you. Come on. Somewhere inside, you know that.

Mary Margaret takes David’s hand and it breaks the curse.

Mary Margaret: Charming.

David: There you are.

Mary Margaret: Oh!

They kiss.


Snow White, Regina, Zelena and David are in Regina’s vault.

Regina: Are you sure you don't want to tell Emma what you're doing?

Snow White: Well, we know what she would say. She wouldn't let us take the risk. I agree with David. We have to do this now… So, how does this work?

Regina: Sorry, but this is going to hurt.

Zelena and Regina rip out the heart of David and Snow White.

Regina: The curse's magic, split between both halves of your shared heart... It's what keeps you from being awake at the same time.

Regina and Zelena drown the heart in a potion.

Zelena: If this potion clears up the darkness, you and Charming will be able to make us all retch with your sweet nothings in no time.

Zelena and Regina takes back the heart. The potion is working.

Snow White: Regina, it's working.

They put the heart back in Snow White and David.

Snow White: Ohh!

Snow White and David are in pain.

Regina: What the hell?

Snow White: What happened?

Regina: The Evil Queen happened. She must have baked a failsafe in her curse.

Zelena: Our potion didn't weaken its magic. It... It weakened your heart.

Snow White: What does that mean?

Regina: It means by the end of the day, you'll both be asleep... With no way of waking up.

Snow White: So, Emma will fight the Final Battle... Without us.

–[Storybrooke – Past]–

David and Mary Margaret are walking in the hallway of the hospital.

David: Grumpy. We need your help.

Leroy: Who you calling grumpy?

David: No, we don't have time for this. Round up the other Dwarfs.

Leroy: Now you're making this about my height?

Mary Margaret: I'm sorry, Leroy. I accidentally let this patient out of the psych ward.

Leroy: What's wrong with him?

Mary Margaret: It's called a curse for a reason. I think we're the only ones awake. It happened the moment I put this by your bed. I think there's some kind of magic in it. Look. Hey. Put these on. You need to blend in.

David: You mean you've been living here since the Dark Curse struck?

Mary Margaret: Well, Mary Margaret has, but I remember every terrible minute of it.

David: Wait… Where is she? Where's Emma?

Mary Margaret: I don't know.

David: Well, I put her in the wardrobe. If we're here, she must be here, too.

Mary Margaret: Okay. Uh, Rumplestiltskin... If anyone knows how to find her, it's him.


Mary Margaret sees Regina in the hallway with Walter.

Regina: How long ago did he disappear? Do you even know what a coma is?


Mary Margaret: Get to Rumple. He's our best chance. If anyone else is awake, it's going to be him. He has a... A store on Main Street called Mr. Gold's Pawn Shop.

David: What are you gonna do?

Mary Margaret: Keep Regina from figuring out what's really going on. There's an abandoned farmhouse at the edge of town. Meet me there in an hour.


Regina: A coma patient doesn't get up and walk out of here without someone seeing something. Check the tapes again.

Mary Margaret: You don't need to check them again.

Regina: Excuse me, Miss Blanchard?

Mary Margaret: You don't have to check the tapes again, Reg... Uh, Mayor Mills. I saw what happened. John Doe was sleepwalking.

Regina: Is that so? Where exactly was he headed?

Mary Margaret: Into the woods, away from town.


Snow White lets a video at David.

Snow White: The antidote didn't work, David. It just made things worse. So, we're going to have to figure out a way to do this thing the way we do everything... Together.


David shows Emma the video.

Emma: You did what?

David: We're sorry, Emma. We were just trying to make things better.

Emma: You made it a hell of a lot worse. You keep blaming yourselves. It's not your fault. There's nothing you could have changed.

David: We know, but that doesn't mean we're gonna let you f-face it on your own…

David sees a flower on the video.

David: And you won't. I think your mother just found a way to break the sleeping curse. She just didn't realize it.

Regina: Flower petals?

David: Those aren't just any petals, Regina.

Zelena: Pretty boy is right. Those are Pixie petals.

David: Exactly. And Pixie Dust might just be strong enough to wake us up.

Zelena: Well, I know about magic, and Pixie flowers only grow for one reason... In reaction to the presence of great evil.

Emma: So, if these flowers just started sprouting up all over Storybrooke...

Zelena: I think the Author had the right idea skipping town. Whoever you're meant to face in this Final Battle... They're already here.


The Black Fairy enters in Mr. Gold's Pawn Shop.

Black Fairy: Hello, Rumple… I believe the greeting you're looking for is, "Hello, Mother."

Mr. Gold: How did you get here?

Gideon enters.

Black Fairy: I had a little help.

Gideon: Father.

Mr. Gold: Gideon. So, taking the Saviour’s power, becoming a hero... All a ruse in order to bring her here.

Gideon: I'm sorry, Father. She's my mother. Maybe one day you'll understand.

Belle enters.

Belle: Wh-What's going on?

Black Fairy: Belle. So lovely to make your acquaintance.

Belle: Gideon, no matter what you have done to help her, you can always come back to us.

Black Fairy: Oh, he's not going anywhere.

Mr. Gold: We'll soon see about that.

Mr. Gold wants to use magic on his mother but the Black Fairy has the Dagger.

Black Fairy: Put it down… There's a good boy. Don't look so surprised. I practically invented Dark Magic. But worry not. I won't force you to do anything. When you join me, it will be because you want to.

Mr. Gold: Is that why you're here? Because I will never join you.

Black Fairy: Oh, when the darkness comes, you'll change your mind. And then, Rumplestiltskin, we can finally be the family we were always meant to be.

The Black Fairy gives the Dagger back and Gideon and she leave.

–[Storybrooke – Past]–

David enters in Mr. Gold’s shop.

Mr. Gold: Can I help you with something?

David: I almost didn't recognize you without the scales.

Mr. Gold: Excuse me?

David: Oh, cut the act. There is no way you would let yourself fall under the power of Regina's curse when she's still awake.

Mr. Gold: You don't seem very well. If you're looking for Dr. Hopper, his office is just down the street.

David: All right. Enough games. I put my daughter through a wardrobe because you told me it would break the curse. Now, where is she?

Mr. Gold: I have no idea what you're talking about, and I don't appreciate your tone.

David draws a sword.

Mr. Gold: Intimidation won't make me remember something I don't know.

David: I guess Snow was wrong… Looks like we're gonna have to find Emma on our own.

Emma’s name breaks the curse on Mr. Gold.

Mr. Gold: Emma? What a lovely name. Perhaps I can help you.

David: You are awake.

Mr. Gold: Just needed a proper wake-up call, one that I knew one day would come.

David: Right. So where is she? Where's my daughter?

Mr. Gold: I know that Emma is destined to break the curse, but I don't know where she is and how she's meant to get back to us.

David: Think harder.

Mr. Gold: Tell me, dearie... What was it that woke you from your miserable little life in the first place?

David: It was a flower Snow found. Its magic woke us.

Mr. Gold: The Pixie. Dust from that flower has the ability to reunite anyone who shares true love.

David: Like Snow and me.

Mr. Gold: And your daughter.


Emma’s hand s shaking.

David: Emma? Everything okay?

Emma: Yeah, fine. You guys draw up the search grid?

David: Yeah, we did, but if we're gonna find that flower before we're both asleep for good, we're gonna need your mother's tracking skills, which means it's time for me to say good night.

Emma: How do you do it, Dad? You and Mom have been separated by the curse for weeks, and you still found a way to work together.

David: Well, even though I can't be with her, I know that she's fighting for me just as hard as I am for her… Emma, I know Hook is out there doing the same for you.

She hugs her father.

Emma: Thanks, Dad.


Hook is prisoner from Tiger Lily. She punches him to wake him up.

Hook: Aah! Bloody hell. Look, is this about what happened at Skull Rock?

Tiger Lily: If this were about Skull Rock, I would have left you to be gutted by those Lost Boys.

Hook: Look, untie me. There's someone out there whose life depends on it.

Tiger Lily: Afraid I can't let you go, not until you agree to do something for me.

Hook: Well, perhaps you'd have more luck if you just asked.

Tiger Lily: And risk getting no for an answer?

Tiger Lily takes a piece of wood.

Tiger Lily: I need you to deliver this to another realm. You're still captain of the fastest ship on the seas, aren't you?

Hook: I'm not your errand boy. The women I love is in danger, and every second I spend arguing with you should be spent finding a way back to her.

Tiger Lily: You expect for me to believe that Killian Jones fell in love? This isn't driftwood. It's a weapon. And it's the only chance we have of winning the coming war.

Hook: Whatever war there is, it isn't mine to fight.

Tiger Lily: There's a great darkness on the horizon, Hook… If you don't do what I'm asking, the Saviour will die.

Hook: The Saviour?

Tiger Lily: Yes. A great hero, unlike you.

Hook: Bloody hell, Tiger, we're talking about the same woman.

Tiger Lily: You fell in love with the Saviour?

Hook: Aye. Check my inside pocket.

Tiger Lily finds the ring.

Hook: That ring... It's for her.

Tiger Lily: You need to get this to her. The Black Fairy is in Storybrooke. This is the only hope the Saviour has of defeating her.

Hook: I wish it were that simple. There seems to be a curse keeping me from finding my way back home, unless you have some magic that can lift it.

Tiger Lily: I don't. But Pan might.

Hook: Where might that demon have kept this magic?

Tiger Lily: In his old camp. But, Hook, it's overrun by Lost Boys. They outnumber us 20 to 1.

Hook: Aye? Is that all? Then I feel sorry for those lads because they don't stand a chance.

–[Storybrooke – Past]–

Mary Margaret, Regina and Archie are looking for David into the woods.

Archie: No sign of him by the water.

Regina: They haven't found him in the South Woods, either. We should move the search party into town.

Mary Margaret: We can't go back into town.

Regina: And why not?

Mary Margaret: Because John Doe may still be in the woods somewhere. We haven't looked everywhere.

Regina: Miss Blanchard's right. We haven't checked the mines. Dr. Hopper, why don't you and Pongo go have a look?

Archie: Okay. All right. Come on, Pongo. Let's go look in the mines.

Archie leaves. Regina opens a box which can destroy the mine.

Mary Margaret: What are you doing?

Regina: This tunnel was rigged for demolition years ago. One push of this button, and it all comes down.

Mary Margaret: I don't understand. Why are you doing this?

Regina: To test a theory of mine. You and John Doe... You're both awake.

Mary Margaret: Uh, Madame Mayor, I don't know what you're talking about. I was just doing my normal rounds.

Regina: Well, you see, that's exactly what Snow White would say... Just so she and her Prince can stay awake. But Snow White's also a hero. She would never let that Cricket die just to protect herself. Mary Margaret, on the other hand... She's never stood up to me.

Mary Margaret takes a pair of scissors.

Regina: So... What's it going to be?

A group of citizens arrives.

Granny: Did you find something?

Regina: What now?

Marco: Oh, Madame Mayor, no, eh? Please don't touch that. It's very dangerous.

Mary Margaret leaves.

Regina: Get out of my way. Where is she? Where's Snow White?


Emma and Snow White are walking into the woods.

Snow White: The winds were blowing from the North. The petals had to have come from around here.

Emma: Look... Down there.

Emma and Snow White find a field of pixies.

Emma: Wait. Zelena said these flowers only grow in the presence of evil.

Snow White: So if there's a whole field of them...

Black Fairy: And here I was hoping to make an entrance.

Snow White: Stay away from my daughter.

Black Fairy: Emma, I've been waiting a very long time to meet you.

Emma: So I guess you're the one I fight in the Final Battle.

Black Fairy: I created the Dark Curse. You were born to break it. We've been destined to clash since the beginning of time. I never should have sent an emissary to do what only I can.

Emma: What the hell does that mean? How did you get here?

Gideon shows up.

Emma: Right. Never mind. So, is this it?

Black Fairy: Oh, no. You'll know when the Final Battle begins. Everyone will.

Snow White: We won't let you hurt our daughter.

Black Fairy: Is that so? Because it's going to be hard to stop me when both Mummy and Daddy are fast asleep… Gideon.

Gideon destroys the pixies.

Black Fairy: Ah, it's better this way. No mother should have to watch their child die.

Snow White shoots and arrow. The Black Fairy and Gideon leave.


The Lost Boys have a party at Pan’s camp. Hook and Tiger Lily are spying on them.

Hook: Why is it never past their bloody bedtime?

Tiger Lily: I'm afraid this is the only way you'll get this to the Saviour.

Hook: What kind of weapon is this?

Tiger Lily: A wand. Well, part of one… The most powerful ever made. It's what banished the Black Fairy to the realm she was trapped in.

Hook: Well, how did you get your hands on it?

Tiger Lily: You're not the only one with a past you'd rather forget… I used to be a Fairy.

Hook: What made you give up your wings?

Tiger Lily: I once was close to the Black Fairy… If anyone should have stopped her from walking down her dark path, it was me… But I failed… So after the Fairies banished her, I gave up my wings and sought refuge here.

Hook: Well, if a pirate like me can get a second chance, then so can you.

Tiger Lily: Neither one of us is gonna get a second anything if you don't get that to Emma… You see that tree in the camp? Its sap contains the magic you'll need to find your way home.

Hook: Aye. And how am I supposed to make it to the tree, let alone Storybrooke?

Tiger Lily: Leave that to me.


Tiger Lily disturbs the party.

Lost Boy: Get her!

The Lost Boys run after Tiger Lily. Hook takes the magic from the tree. He starts to cut his shadow from him. A Lost Boy comes back.

Hook: Ahoy, mate.

The Lost Boy blow in the shell to call the other.

Hook: Get me home now!

Hook catches his shadow but the Lost Boys grab him. They catch Tiger Lily too.

Tiger Lily: Get that wand to Emma!

Hook: You know what to do!

Hook’s shadow flies away with the wand. Hook falls on the ground.

–[Storybrooke – Past]–

David is in the farm. He waits for Mary Margaret.

Mary Margaret: Oh!

David: You're late. I was worried.

Mary Margaret: We have to hurry. Regina's onto us. It won't be long before she finds out.

David: Did you bring it? Rumple said its magic is strong enough to lead us to Emma.

Mary Margaret: Let's go find our daughter.

Mr. Gold: I'm afraid I can't let you do that. It appears we've only been cursed for 10 years. She's still 18 years shy of her 28th birthday, the day she's destined to become the Saviour.

Mary Margaret: No, she doesn't have to be the Saviour anymore. We're awake.

Mr. Gold: Well, Snow White and Prince Charming may be awake, but the rest of this town is very much asleep. Find Emma now, and she will never fulfill her destiny, the curse will never be broken, and everyone will be trapped here forever.

David: What do you expect us to do... Just leave her out there?

Mr. Gold: Drink this, like I'm going to. It'll put you back under, and then, when the time is right, Emma will find us.

David: That's easy for you to say. You don't have a child who's out there by herself.

Mr. Gold: You have no idea what's out there for me.

David: You can't stop us. You don't have magic in this world. Here, you're just a man.

Mr. Gold: I don't need magic to stop you.

Mr. Gold gives Mary Margaret the potion.

Mr. Gold: You see, this potion... Is the only way forward.


Snow White and Emma are talking into the woods.

Snow White: I swore I would never leave you alone again, and now the Final Battle is coming.

Emma: It is my destiny. There's nothing you can do to change it. I already told Dad... It's not your fault.

Snow White: Emma, that's not true. It is our fault. There's something you don't know.

Emma: Wait. Look.

Emma finds the last pixie.

Snow White: How did that survive?

Emma: Because it needed to.

–[Storybrooke – Past]–

Mary Margaret puts the pixie dust in her hand.

Mary Margaret: How exactly does this work?

David: I don't know. Just think about Emma and let the magic do the rest?

Mary Margaret cast the pixie dust and a portal appears. Davis opens it and Margaret touches the vortex. Emma appears.

David: Oh, she's beautiful… We can't waste another second. We can't miss another second.

Mary Margaret: Wait.

David: What? What's wrong?

Mary Margaret: We can't go through there.

David: Snow, we have to.

Mary Margaret: If we go through that door, Emma will never become the Saviour.

David: She'll have a new destiny with us. Don't listen to Rumple.

Mary Margaret: No. I'm not. It's not just Rumple. Regina tested me earlier today. She said Snow White is a hero who wouldn't let anyone suffer just to get what she wants… She's right. I was prepared to lose everything to save Archie in that mine shaft. How is this any different?

David: Because our daughter is right there. We... We can't ask her to sacrifice her happiness to ensure everyone else's.

Mary Margaret: But we have to. I have lived in this town with everyone we have ever known. And they're all separated from the people they love, too. We can't sentence them to this life forever just because we are unwilling to wait just a little bit longer.

David: But what about Emma?

Mary Margaret: We have to believe that she's strong enough to grow up without us.

David: Snow, I...

Mary Margaret: You know that I'm right.

David: How I wish you weren't.

Mary Margaret: Emma, we will see you again.

Mary Margaret closes the portal. They hear noises.

Mary Margaret: Oh, the search party. We don't have much time.

David: Okay.

Mary Margaret: I didn't think we'd be saying goodbye again so soon.

David: Hey, hey, I know. Remember... I will always find you.

Mary Margaret: And one day, Emma will find us.

They kiss. David drinks the potion. He falls asleep. Then Mary Margaret drinks. The searching group arrives.

Archie: Mary Margaret! You found him. Is he all right?


Snow White is going to bed.

Snow White: We don't have much time.

Regina pours pixie dust in a vial.

Emma: Regina, please tell me there's enough.

Regina: Barely, but it'll do. It'll break this sleeping curse once and for all.

Snow White takes the vial. Hook’s shadow enters by the window.

Regina: What now?

Emma: The Black Fairy. She wants to stop us.

Henry: That's not the Black Fairy. I-It's a shadow.

Emma: It's Hook's shadow.

Hook's shadow gives Emma the wand.

Emma: What is this? Where's Hook?

Hook’s hook falls from the shadow.

Emma: There's something wrong. He's in trouble. What's going on? Where is he?

The shadow caresses Emma’s cheek then disappears.

Emma: No. No.

Henry: Mom, it's gonna be okay. We'll find him.

Emma: We don't even know where he is.

Snow White: Yes, you do. This magic can reunite anyone who shares true love. It can open a door to Hook.

Emma: How do you know that?

Snow White: Because we once used Pixie Dust to find you when you were a little girl.

Emma: What?

Snow White: If we had gone through with it, Emma, you would have grown up with us. We would have been a family. You wouldn't have become the Saviour. You wouldn't be fighting the Final Battle now.

Emma: I get it. You had to do what was right for everyone else before yourselves.

Snow White: And today, I'm putting you first.

Snow White gives Emma the vial.

Snow White: You have a future, someone you love.

Emma: I can't. This is your one chance of breaking the curse.

Snow White: Hook needs it more than we do. Eventually you'll find a way to wake us. We took so much from you. We can't take him, too... Not before the Final Battle.

Snow White falls asleep.


The Lost Boys are about to burn Hook alive.

Lost Boy: For your crimes against Pan, the Lost Boys sentence you to death.

Tiger Lily: Sorry, Captain.

Hook: Don't be. All that matters is that Emma got the wand.

A portal is opened. Emma gets out from the vortex.

Emma: Killian!

Hook: Emma? What are you doing? Run now!

Emma fights the Lost Boys. Tiger Lily frees herself and escapes. Hook frees himself and runs to Emma.

Emma: We've got to go!

They pass the portal to Storybrooke.

Lost Boy: Where is she? Where's Tiger Lily? She got away!


Emma and Hook are at Storybrooke.

Emma: You all right?

Hook: How did you...

Emma: We got your message. Right here.

Emma gives Hook his hook back.

Hook: I'm sorry, Emma. I should have told you what I did to your grandfather all those years ago, and I should never, never have even considered running away.

Emma: It's okay. I didn't exactly make it easy for you to tell me the truth. Come on. Let's get you cleaned up.

Hook: No. No. There's something I have to do before I get pushed into another portal… And this time... I'm gonna do it the right way.

Hook takes the ring from his pocket.

Hook: Swan... And I know... That you face an uncertain future, but there's one thing that I want you to be certain of... That I will always, always be by your side… So... Emma Swan... What do you say? Will you marry me?

Emma: Yes.

They kiss. Hook puts the ring back on Emma’s finger.

Hook: Where are your parents? I feel like it's time I finally faced your father… Bloody hell. What happened?

Emma: They went into a sleeping curse so I could save you.

Regina: Emma... I was thinking. There might be another way to break it, but it's risky.


There is ma meeting in Regina’s office.

Regina: Thank you for coming. I know living in Storybrooke isn't easy. I certainly didn't always make it that way… But I learned something today... That, once, Snow and Charming had a chance to leave this town to find their own happiness. But they chose to stay for the good of everyone here… Now I'm going to ask you to do something for them.

Regina takes a cup.

Regina: This is a sleeping curse the Evil Queen placed on their shared heart… It was meant for one heart. But if we share the curse, we might dilute its power.

Leroy: Might?

Hook: I'd be ash right now if it weren't for them. Cheers, love.

Hook drinks, then Regina. Emma takes the cup.

Emma: Here goes.

She drinks, then Henry.

Leroy: What the hell? I could use a nap.

Leroy drinks.

Archie: I'm in.

Marco: Yes. Cent'anni.

Everybody drinks. The curse is break. Snow White and David are awakening.

Snow White: David.

David: Snow.

They kiss.

David: You did it.

Snow White: I didn't do anything.

Everybody is sleeping.

Snow White: No. No. No!

David: Emma. No.

Emma is waking up.

David: Emma.

Emma: Dad.

David: You woke us up. How?

Emma: It was easy. We just all shared a tiny bit of your curse.

Everybody wakes up.

Hook: I take it Emma hasn't told you my secret.

David: Oh, she did… And it was a long time ago… You're a changed man now, Hook. We've all seen it.

Snow White: You did it.

Regina: Well, it wouldn't have worked if you hadn't inspired all these people… You gave up your family for them.

Snow White: And got a bigger one in return. That's how I know that we'll defeat the Black Fairy, Emma… No matter what she does, you will not face her alone.


The Black Fairy is in the street. Mr. Gold joins her.

Black Fairy: There's never enough time, is there? Whether it's fast or slow or even if it doesn't move at all, but especially when the end is near.

Mr. Gold: You gave my Dagger back... Why?

Black Fairy: As I told you, you're going to choose to be part of this family.

Mr. Gold: Does it have to do with the fact that Gideon didn't choose you? You think I don't know? You have his heart.

Black Fairy: You were always such a clever boy. How did you figure it out?

Mr. Gold: You ordered him to destroy the Pixie flowers. It seems he kept one alive… A true believer wouldn't do that, now, would he?

Black Fairy: That's not possible. He wouldn't disobey me like that.

Mr. Gold: And yet he did. He found a way to resist your command because he has his mother in him, the one who truly loves him. But he won't have to resist anymore. I will get his heart back.

Black Fairy: Hmm… If you come at me, there may be nothing left of this town when we finish.

Mr. Gold: Hmm. Well, I suppose that's a price I'm willing to pay.

Mr. Gold walks away.

Kikavu ?

Au total, 138 membres ont visionné cet épisode ! Ci-dessous les derniers à l'avoir vu...

19.08.2023 vers 09h

26.06.2023 vers 08h

05.07.2022 vers 22h

17.06.2022 vers 13h

16.06.2022 vers 23h

16.02.2022 vers 20h

Derniers commentaires

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jptruelove  (28.01.2022 à 14:41)

Waw, quel épisode !!! Ca promet pour la suite...

J'aime beaucoup le pouvoir de la fleur et on a une preuve que Gédéon n'est pas mauvais, il est juste manipulé par la fée noire. 

Superbe, le retour de Crochet et la nouvelle demande en mariage.

J'adore l'idée de Regina pour rompre le sort de sommeil. Mais je me demande si cela implique qu'il faut tout le temps qu'un habitant de storybrooke dorme. 

On sent que le combat final arrive... J'avoue que je suis intriguée sur ce que pourrait contenir la saison 7 car on sent vraiment la fin de la série avec cette fin de saison. 

Sas1608  (17.04.2017 à 08:58)

Superbe épisode de Once Upon A Time ! La malédiction des charmings est enfin brisée ! 

Hook est rentré, et il re-demande Emma en mariage qui accepte ! 

Beaucoup de belles émotions, ce qui fait un très très bon épisode. 


Merci aux 7 rédacteurs qui ont contribué à la rédaction de cette fiche épisode

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